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द्विपदः mAp

Today we will look at the form द्विपदः  mAp from श्रीमद्भागवतम् 5.18.27.

अन्तर्बहिश्चाखिललोकपालकैरदृष्टरूपो विचरस्युरुस्वनः । स ईश्वरस्त्वं य इदं वशेऽनयन्नाम्ना यथा दारुमयीं नरः स्त्रियम् ।। ५-१८-२६ ।।
यं लोकपालाः किल मत्सरज्वरा हित्वा यतन्तोऽपि पृथक्समेत्य च । पातुं न शेकुर्द्विपदश्चतुष्पदः सरीसृपं स्थाणु यदत्र दृश्यते ॥ ५-१८-२७ ॥

उरुः स्वनो वेदात्मको नादो यस्य । य इदं विश्वं ब्राह्मणादिनाम्ना विधिनिषेधालम्बनभूतेन वशेऽनयन्नियमितवान्स त्वमीश्वरः । तथाच श्रुतिः ‘तस्य वाक्तन्तिर्नामानि दामानि’ इति ।। २६ ।। नन्विन्द्रादयो वशं नयन्ति लोकपालत्वात्कुतोऽहं तत्राह – यमिति । मत्सर एव ज्वरो येषां ते यं हित्वा द्विपदश्चतुष्पदः सरीसृपं जङ्गमं स्थाणु स्थावरं च यदत्र दृश्यते तत्किंचिदपि पातुं न शक्ताः । स त्वमेव प्राणरूपेण पालक ईश्वरश्चेत्यर्थः । तथाच श्रुतिः ‘ता अहिंसन्ताहमुकमस्म्यहमुकमस्मि’ इत्यादि ॥ २७ ॥

Gita Press translation – Though Your form is unseen by (remains hidden from the view of) all the guardians of the spheres (Brahmā and others), You move about (in the form of the vital airs) within and (as the atmospheric air) without (all living beings), making a loud noise (in the form of the Vedas and thereby proclaiming Your existence). You are that (Supreme) Ruler who has brought this universe under control by means of (various) denominations (such as the Brāhmaṇa, which serve as a basis for the varied injunctions and interdictions of the scriptures), even as a showman controls a wooden puppet (by a wire) (26). Suffering from the fever of jealousy, the guardians of the (different) spheres (Indra and others) were unable without You (the life-giving principle) to protect the bipeds or quadrupeds, the mobile or the immobile creatures – (in short,) whatever is seen in this world – in spite of their striving severally as well as unitedly (27).

The verse 5.18.27 has appeared previously in the following post – http://avg-sanskrit.org/2012/08/03/सरीसृपम्-nns/

(1) द्वौ पादौ यस्य स: = द्विपात् – He (a man) who has two feet.

(2) द्वि औ + पाद औ । By 2-2-24 अनेकमन्यपदार्थे – Two or more terms having the designation पदम् and ending in the nominative case may optionally compound to yield a बहुव्रीहि: compound provided the terms are employed to denote the sense of another पदम् (which is not part of the compound.)

(3) The adjective ‘द्वि औ’ is placed in the prior position in the compound as per the सूत्रम् 2-2-35 सप्तमीविशेषणे बहुव्रीहौ – In a बहुव्रीहि: compound the पदम् which ends in a seventh case affix or is an adjective takes the prior position.

Note: ‘द्वि औ + पाद औ’ gets the designation प्रातिपदिकम्‌ by 1-2-46 कृत्तद्धितसमासाश्च। This allows 2-4-71 to apply in the next step.

(4) द्विपाद । By 2-4-71 सुपो धातुप्रातिपदिकयोः – A सुँप् affix takes a लुक् elision when it is a part of a धातुः or a प्रातिपदिकम्।

(5) द्विपाद् । By 5-4-140 संख्यासुपूर्वस्य – The ending letter of a बहुव्रीहिः compound in which the prior member either denotes a number or is the term ‘सु’ and the final member is ‘पाद’ is elided and this elision becomes the ending member of the compound.
Note: As per the परिभाषा-सूत्रम् 1-1-52 अलोऽन्त्यस्य only the ending letter of the compound – and not the entire compound – is elided.
Note: The purpose of specifying the elision as being the ending member of the compound is to prevent the application of 5-4-154 शेषाद्विभाषा which only applies if no other समासान्त: operation has been prescribed.

The gender of a बहुव्रीहि: compound matches that of which it qualifies. In the present example even though the qualified word is not specifically mentioned, from the context it can be taken to be the masculine noun ‘जन्तु’। Hence we assign the masculine gender to the compound प्रातिपदिकम् ‘द्विपाद्’।

The विवक्षा is द्वितीया-बहुवचनम् ।

(6) द्विपाद् + शस् । By 4-1-2 स्वौजसमौट्छष्टाभ्याम्भिस्ङेभ्याम्भ्यस्ङसिँभ्याम्भ्यस्ङसोसाम्ङ्योस्सुप्

(7) द्विपाद् + अस् । अनुबन्ध-लोपः by 1-3-8 लशक्वतद्धिते and 1-3-9 तस्य लोपः। 1-3-4 न विभक्तौ तुस्माः prevents the ending letter ‘स्’ of शस् from getting इत्-सञ्ज्ञा । Note: The अङ्गम् ‘द्विपाद्’ has the designation ‘भ’ here as per the सूत्रम् 1-4-18 यचि भम्। This allows 6-4-130 to apply below.

(8) द्विपद् + अस् । By 6-4-130 पादः पत् – The term ‘पद्’ is substituted in place of the term ‘पाद्’ which is part of a अङ्गम् (base) that i) has the designation ‘भ’ and ii) ends in the term ‘पाद्’।
Note: पादः is qualifying अङ्गस्य (which is coming down from 6-4-1 अङ्गस्य) and hence as per 1-1-72 येन विधिस्तदन्तस्य this सूत्रम् applies to a अङ्गम् ending in the term ‘पाद्’।
Note: The परिभाषा ‘निर्दिश्यमानस्यादेशा भवन्ति‘ states that ‘substitutes take the place of that (or part of that) which (in a rule) is actually enunciated.’ Hence it is the term ‘पाद्’ (which is actually enunciated in the सूत्रम् 6-4-130) and not the entire अङ्गम् which gets replaced. And since the substitute ‘पद्’ has more than one letter, as per the परिभाषा-सूत्रम् 1-1-55 अनेकाल्शित्सर्वस्य the entire term ‘पाद्’ is replaced by ‘पद्’।

(9) द्विपदः । रुँत्व-विसर्गौ 8-2-66 ससजुषो रुः and 8-3-15 खरवसानयोर्विसर्जनीयः


1. In the verses can you spot another word (besides द्विपदः) in which the सूत्रम् 6-4-130 पादः पत् (used in step 8) has been used?

2. What type of compound is उरुस्वनः as used in the verses?
i. बहुव्रीहि:
ii. कर्मधारय:
iii. अव्ययीभाव:
iv. षष्ठी-तत्पुरुष:

3. Which सूत्रम् justifies the use of a third case affix in the form नाम्ना (नपुंसकलिङ्ग-प्रातिपदिकम् ‘नामन्’, तृतीया-एकवचनम्)?

4. Where has the सूत्रम् 7-4-85 नुगतोऽनुनासिकान्तस्य been used in the commentary?

5. Which कृत् affix is used to derive the form पालक: (used in the commentary)?

6. How would you say this in Sanskrit?
“The lion is the king of four-legged creatures.” Use the masculine प्रातिपदिकम् ‘जन्तु’ for ‘creature.’

Easy questions:

1. In which word in the verses, has the सूत्रम् 3-4-100 इतश्च been used?

2. Which सूत्रम् prescribes the substitution ‘ए’ in the form शेकु:?

1 Comment

  1. 1. In the verses can you spot another word (besides द्विपदः) in which the सूत्रम् 6-4-130 पादः पत् (used in step 8) has been used?
    Answer: The सूत्रम् 6-4-130 पादः पत् has also been used in the form चतुष्पदः (प्रातिपदिकम् ‘चतुष्पाद्’, पुंलिङ्गे द्वितीया-बहुवचनम्)।

    चत्वार: पादा यस्य स: = चतुष्पात् – one who has four feet.

    The derivation of the compound प्रातिपदिकम् ‘चतुष्पाद्’ is similar to the derivation of the compound प्रातिपदिकम् ‘द्विपाद्’ as shown in the post. Except that after step 5, we perform the सन्धिः operation between चतुर् + पाद् as follows –
    चतुर् + पाद् = चतुः + पाद् । By 8-3-15 खरवसानयोर्विसर्जनीयः।
    = चतुष्पाद् । By 8-3-41 इदुदुपधस्य चाप्रत्ययस्य।

    2. What type of compound is उरुस्वनः as used in the verses?
    i. बहुव्रीहि:
    ii. कर्मधारय:
    iii. अव्ययीभाव:
    iv. षष्ठी-तत्पुरुष:
    Answer: The compound उरुस्वनः (प्रातिपदिकम् ‘उरुस्वन’, पुंलिङ्गे प्रथमा-एकवचनम्) is a बहुव्रीहि:।

    The लौकिक-विग्रहः is –
    उरुः स्वनो यस्य सः = उरुस्वनः – one who has (makes) a loud noise.

    The derivation of the compound प्रातिपदिकम् ‘उरुस्वन’ is similar to the derivation of the compound प्रातिपदिकम् ‘चतुर्भुज’ as shown in the following post – https://avg-sanskrit.org/2015/10/22/चतुर्भुजः-mns

    The gender of a बहुव्रीहि: compound matches that of which it qualifies. In the present example, ईश्वरः is being qualified. Hence we assign the masculine gender to the compound प्रातिपदिकम् ‘उरुस्वन’। It declines like राम-शब्द:। प्रथमा-एकवचनम् is उरुस्वनः।

    3. Which सूत्रम् justifies the use of a third case affix in the form नाम्ना (नपुंसकलिङ्ग-प्रातिपदिकम् ‘नामन्’, तृतीया-एकवचनम्)?
    Answer: The use of a third case affix in the form नाम्ना is justified by the सूत्रम् 2-3-18 कर्तृकरणयोस्तृतीया – A third case affix (‘टा’, ‘भ्याम्’, ‘भिस्’) is used to denote कर्ता (the doer of the action) as well as करणम् (the instrument of the action) provided the doer/instrument has not been expressed otherwise.
    Note: In the present example ‘नामन्’ (denomination) is the instrument of the action (वशे) अनयत् – brought (under control).

    4. Where has the सूत्रम् 7-4-85 नुगतोऽनुनासिकान्तस्य been used in the commentary?
    Answer: The सूत्रम् 7-4-85 नुगतोऽनुनासिकान्तस्य has been used in the derivation of the form जङ्गमम् (प्रातिपदिकम् ‘जङ्गम’, नपुंसकलिङ्गे प्रथमा-एकवचनम्)।

    The derivation of the form जङ्गमम् is shown in the following post –

    5. Which कृत् affix is used to derive the form पालक: (used in the commentary)?
    Answer: The कृत् affix ‘ण्वुल्’ is used to derive the form पालक: (प्रातिपदिकम् ‘पालक’, पुंलिङ्गे प्रथमा-एकवचनम्) – derived from the verbal root √पाल् (पालँ रक्षणे १०.९८) or from the causative form of the verbal root √पा (पा रक्षणे २. ५१).

    पालयतीति पालकः – One who protects – derived from the verbal root √पाल् (पालँ रक्षणे १०.९८)
    पाल् + णिच् । By 3-1-25 सत्यापपाशरूपवीणातूलश्लोकसेनालोमत्वचवर्मवर्णचूर्णचुरादिभ्यो णिच्।
    = पाल् + इ । अनुबन्ध-लोपः by 1-3-3 हलन्त्यम्, 1-3-7 चुटू, 1-3-9 तस्य लोपः।
    = पालि । ‘पालि’ gets धातु-सञ्ज्ञा by 3-1-32 सनाद्यन्ता धातवः।

    Alternatively, पालयतीति पालकः – One who causes to protect – derived from the causative form of the verbal root √पा (पा रक्षणे २. ५१).
    पा + णिच् । By 3-1-26 हेतुमति च।
    = पा + इ । अनुबन्ध-लोपः by 1-3-3 हलन्त्यम्, 1-3-7 चुटू, 1-3-9 तस्य लोपः।
    = पालुक् + इ । By the वार्तिकम् (under 7-3-36 अर्तिह्रीव्लीरीक्नूयीक्ष्माय्यातां पुङ्णौ) पातेर्णौ लुग्वक्तव्यः – the augment लुक् is added to the verbal root √पा (पा रक्षणे २. ५१) when the causative affix ‘णि’ follows.
    As per 1-1-46 आद्यन्तौ टकितौ, the augment लुक् joins at the end of the अङ्गम्।
    = पाल् + इ । अनुबन्ध-लोपः by 1-3-3 हलन्त्यम्, 1-3-9 तस्य लोपः। Note: The letter ‘उ’ in the augment लुक् is उच्चारणार्थ: (for pronunciation only.)
    = पालि । ‘पालि’ gets धातु-सञ्ज्ञा by 3-1-32 सनाद्यन्ता धातवः।

    पालि + ण्वुल् । By 3-1-133 ण्वुल्तृचौ – The affixes ‘ण्वुल्’ and ‘तृच्’ may be used after a verbal root. Note: As per 3-4-67 कर्तरि कृत्‌, the affixes ‘ण्वुल्’ and ‘तृच्’ are used in the sense of the agent of the action.
    = पालि + वु । अनुबन्ध-लोपः by 1-3-3 हलन्त्यम्, 1-3-7 चुटू, 1-3-9 तस्य लोपः।
    = पालि + अक । By 7-1-1 युवोरनाकौ, 1-1-55 अनेकाल्शित्सर्वस्य।
    = पाल् + अक । By 6-4-51 णेरनिटि।
    = पालक । ‘पालक’ gets the प्रातिपदिक-सञ्ज्ञा by 1-2-46 कृत्तद्धितसमासाश्च।

    6. How would you say this in Sanskrit?
    “The lion is the king of four-legged creatures.” Use the masculine प्रातिपदिकम् ‘जन्तु’ for ‘creature.’
    Answer: सिंहः चतुष्पदाम् जन्तूनाम् राजा अस्ति = सिंहश्चतुष्पदां जन्तूनां राजास्ति।

    Easy questions:
    1. In which word in the verses, has the सूत्रम् 3-4-100 इतश्च been used?
    Answer: The सूत्रम् 3-4-100 इतश्च has been used in the form अनयत् – derived from the verbal root √नी (णीञ् प्रापणे १. १०४९).

    The विवक्षा is लँङ्, कर्तरि प्रयोग:, प्रथम-पुरुषः, एकवचनम्।
    नी + लँङ् । By 3-2-111 अनद्यतने लङ्।
    = नी + ल् । अनुबन्ध-लोपः by 1-3-2 उपदेशेऽजनुनासिक इत्, 1-3-3 हलन्त्यम्, 1-3-9 तस्य लोपः।
    = नी + तिप् । By 3-4-78 तिप्तस्झिसिप्थस्थमिब्वस्मस्तातांझथासाथांध्वमिड्वहिमहिङ्, 1-3-78 शेषात् कर्तरि परस्मैपदम्।
    = नी + ति । अनुबन्ध-लोपः by 1-3-3 हलन्त्यम्, 1-3-9 तस्य लोपः।
    = नी + त् । By 3-4-100 इतश्च – The ending letter ‘इ’ of a इकारान्तः (ending in letter ‘इ’) परस्मैपदम् affix which came in the place of a लकारः which is a ङित् (has the letter ‘ङ्’ as a इत्), is elided.
    = नी + शप् + त् । By 3-1-68 कर्तरि शप्‌।
    = नी + अ + त् । अनुबन्ध-लोपः by 1-3-8 लशक्वतद्धिते, 1-3-3 हलन्त्यम्, 1-3-9 तस्य लोपः।
    = ने + अ + त् । By 7-3-84 सार्वधातुकार्धधातुकयोः।
    = नयत् । By 6-1-78 एचोऽयवायावः।
    = अट् नयत् । By 6-4-71 लुङ्लङ्लृङ्क्ष्वडुदात्तः, 1-1-46 आद्यन्तौ टकितौ।
    = अनयत् । अनुबन्ध-लोपः by 1-3-3 हलन्त्यम्, 1-3-9 तस्य लोपः।

    2. Which सूत्रम् prescribes the substitution ‘ए’ in the form शेकु:?
    Answer: The सूत्रम् 6-4-120 अत एकहल्मध्येऽनादेशादेर्लिटि prescribes the substitution ‘ए’ in the form शेकुः – derived from the verbal root √शक् (शकॢँ शक्तौ ५. १७).

    The विवक्षा is लिँट्, कर्तरि प्रयोगः, प्रथम-पुरुषः, बहुवचनम्।
    शक् + लिँट् । By 3-2-115 परोक्षे लिँट्।
    = शक् + ल् । अनुबन्ध-लोपः by 1-3-2 उपदेशेऽजनुनासिक इत्, 1-3-3 हलन्त्यम्, 1-3-9 तस्य लोपः।
    = शक् + झि । By 3-4-78 तिप्तस्झिसिप्थस्थमिब्वस्मस्तातांझथासाथांध्वमिड्वहिमहिङ्, 1-3-78 शेषात् कर्तरि परस्मैपदम्।
    = शक् + उस् । By 3-4-82 परस्मैपदानां णलतुसुस्थलथुसणल्वमाः। 1-3-4 न विभक्तौ तुस्माः prevents the ending letter ‘स्’ of ‘उस्’ from getting the इत्-सञ्ज्ञा।
    = शक् शक् + उस् । By 6-1-8 लिटि धातोरनभ्यासस्य।
    = श शक् + उस् । By 7-4-60 हलादिः शेषः।
    = शेक् + उस् । By 6-4-120 अत एकहल्मध्येऽनादेशादेर्लिटि – The letter ‘अ’ of a अङ्गम् takes the letter ‘ए’ as the substitute and simultaneously there is लोप: (elision) of the अभ्यास:, when all the following conditions are satisfied:
    (i) the letter ‘अ’ is preceded and followed by a single (non-conjunct) consonant
    (ii) the अङ्गम् is followed by a लिँट् affix which is कित् (has the letter ‘क्’ as a इत्)
    (iii) in place of the first letter of the अङ्गम् there is no आदेश: (substitution) that is based on the लिँट् affix.
    Note : By 1-2-5 असंयोगाल्लिट् कित्, a लिँट् affix which is not a पित् – does not have the letter ‘प्’ as a इत् – is considered to be a कित् (as having the letter ‘क्’ as a इत्), as long as there is no संयोग: (conjunction consonant) prior to the affix. Hence ‘उस्’ is a कित् affix here. This allows 6-4-120 to apply.
    = शेकुः । रुँत्व-विसर्गौ by 8-2-66 ससजुषो रुः and 8-3-15 खरवसानयोर्विसर्जनीयः ।

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