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निवारयामासुः 3Ap-लिँट्

Today we will look at the form निवारयामासुः 3Ap-लिँट् from श्रीमद्भागवतम् 4.19.27

तमृत्विजः शक्रवधाभिसन्धितं विचक्ष्य दुष्प्रेक्ष्यमसह्यरंहसम् ।
निवारयामासुरहो महामते न युज्यतेऽत्रान्यवधः प्रचोदितात् ।। ४-१९-२७ ।।
वयं मरुत्वन्तमिहार्थनाशनं ह्वयामहे त्वच्छ्रवसा हतत्विषम् ।
अयातयामोपहवैरनन्तरं प्रसह्य राजन्जुहवाम तेऽहितम् ।। ४-१९-२८ ।।

शक्रवधेऽभिसन्धितं कृताभिप्रायम् । प्रचोदितात्पशोर्वधादन्यस्य वधस्तव न युज्यते ।। तद्वधं तु वयं करिष्याम इत्याहुः । वयमिह यज्ञनाशकं त्वत्कीर्त्यैव हतप्रभमिन्द्रमाह्वयामहे । कैः । अयातयामैरगतवीर्यैराह्वानमन्त्रै: । अनन्तरं च ते वाहितं जुहवाम होष्यामः ।।

Gita Press translation “Pṛthu’s might and rapidity of movement were irresistible; he was terrible to look at (on account of his great fury). When the priests officiating at the sacrifice saw that he had made up his mind to kill Indra, they prevented him, saying, O king of great wisdom, it is not worthy of you to kill anyone other than the beast approved of (by the scriptures) on this (sacred) occasion. We will invoke to this very place through powerful spells Indra, who has thwarted your purpose and has been eclipsed by your glory, and will without delay forcibly throw your enemy, O king, (as an oblation) into the fire.”

वारयामासुः is derived from the धातुः √वृ (स्वादि-गणः, वृञ् वरणे, धातु-पाठः # ५. ८) or √वृ (क्र्यादि-गणः, वृङ् सम्भक्तौ, धातु-पाठः # ९. ४५)

वृ + णिच् । 3-1-26 हेतुमति च, the affix “णिच्” is used after a root, when the operation of a causer – such as the operation of directing – is to be expressed.
= वृ + इ । अनुबन्ध-लोपः by 1-3-3 हलन्त्यम्, 1-3-7 चुटू, 1-3-9 तस्य लोपः
= वार् + इ । By 7-2-115 अचो ञ्णिति, a vowel ending अङ्गम् gets a वृद्धिः substitute, when followed by a प्रत्ययः that has ञकारः or a णकारः as an indicatory letter. By 1-1-51 उरण् रपरः, in the place of ऋवर्ण: if an अण् letter (“अ”, “इ”, “उ”) comes as a substitute, it is always followed by a रँ (“र्”, “ल्”) letter.
= वारि । By 6-1-78 एचो ऽयवायावः
“वारि” gets the धातु-सञ्ज्ञा by 3-1-32 सनाद्यन्ता धातवः

(1) वारि + लिँट् । By 3-2-115 परोक्षे लिँट्, the affix लिँट् (Perfect Tense) comes after a verbal root in the sense of the past not of today, provided that the action is unperceived by the narrator.

(2) वारि + आम् + लिँट् । By वार्त्तिकम् (under 3-1-35) कास्यनेकाच आम् वक्तव्यो लिँटि, when लिँट् follows, the affix आम् is prescribed after the धातु: √कास् (कासृँ शब्दकुत्सायाम् १. ७१०) as also after any धातु: that is अनेकाच् (has more than one vowel.)

(3) वारय् + आम् + लिँट् । By 6-4-55 अयामन्ताल्वाय्येत्न्विष्णुषु, the affix “णि” is substituted by “अय्” when followed by any one of the following affixes – “आम्”, “अन्त”, “आलु”, “आय्य”, “इत्नु” or “इष्णु”।

(4) वारयाम् । By 2-4-81 आमः, an affix which follows the affix “आम्” takes the लुक् elision. Now “वारयाम्” gets the प्रातिपदिक-सञ्ज्ञा by 1-2-46 कृत्तद्धितसमासाश्च with the help of 1-1-62 प्रत्ययलोपे प्रत्ययलक्षणम्
Note: लिँट् has the कृत्-सञ्ज्ञा by 3-1-93 कृदतिङ्

(5) वारयाम् + सुँ । By 4-1-2 स्वौजसमौट्छष्टा…..

(6) वारयाम् । By 2-4-81 आमः, an affix which follows the affix “आम्” takes the लुक् elision.

(7) वारयाम् + अस् + लिँट् । By 3-1-40 कृञ् चानुप्रयुज्यते लिटि, following a term ending in the affix “आम्”, one of the following is annexed:
i. √कृ (डुकृञ् करणे ८. १०) followed by लिँट्
ii. √भू (भू सत्तायाम् १. १) followed by लिँट् or
iii. √अस् (असँ भुवि २. ६०) followed by लिँट्

Note: In this सूत्रम्, “कृञ्” is a प्रत्याहार: formed starting from “कृ” in 5-4-50 and ending with “ञ्” in 5-4-58.

(8) वारयाम् + अस् + ल् । अनुबन्ध-लोपः by 1-3-2 उपदेशेऽजनुनासिक इत्, 1-3-3 हलन्त्यम्, 1-3-9 तस्य लोपः

The ending अकार: (which is a इत् by 1-3-2 उपदेशेऽजनुनासिक इत्) of (असँ भुवि २. ६०) has a उदात्त-स्वर:। Hence as per 1-3-78 शेषात् कर्तरि परस्मैपदम्, √अस् takes परस्मैपद-प्रत्यया: in कर्तरि प्रयोग:। The विवक्षा is प्रथम-पुरुषः, बहुवचनम्, hence the प्रत्ययः is “झि”।

(9) वारयाम् + अस् + झि । 3-4-78 तिप्तस्झिसिप्थस्थमिब्वस्मस्तातांझथासाथांध्वमिड्वहिमहिङ् mandates the प्रत्ययः “झि” as the substitute for the लकारः। By 3-4-115 लिट् च, a तिङ्-प्रत्यय: which comes in place of लिँट् gets the आर्धधातुक-सञ्ज्ञा। Therefore “झि” gets the आर्धधातुक-सञ्ज्ञा। This prevents 3-1-68 कर्तरि शप्‌ (which requires a सार्वधातुक-प्रत्यय: to follow) from applying.

(10) वारयाम् + अस् + उस् । By 3-4-82 परस्मैपदानां णलतुसुस्थलथुसणल्वमाः, when they come in place of लिँट्, the nine परस्मैपद-प्रत्यया: – “तिप्”, “तस्”, “झि”, “सिप्”, “थस्”, “थ”, “मिप्”, “वस्” and “मस्” – are substituted by “णल्”, “अतुस्”, “उस्”, “थल्”, “अथुस्”, “अ”, “णल्”, “व” and “म” respectively.
1-3-4 न विभक्तौ तुस्माः prevents the ending सकार: of “उस्” from getting the इत्-सञ्ज्ञा।

(11) वारयाम् अस् अस् + उस् । By 6-1-8 लिटि धातोरनभ्यासस्य , when लिँट् follows a verbal root, there is reduplication of the first portion – containing a single vowel – of the verbal root which is not already reduplicated. But if the verbal root (that has more than one vowel) begins with a vowel, then the reduplication is of the second portion – containing a single vowel.

(12) वारयाम् आस् अस् + उस् । By 7-4-70 अत आदेः, a beginning अकारः of a अभ्यास: (reduplicate) takes the दीर्घादेश: (आकार:) when लिँट् follows.

(13) वारयाम् + आ अस् + उस् । By 7-4-60 हलादिः शेषः, of the consonants of a reduplicate (अभ्यासः – ref. 6-1-4 पूर्वोऽभ्यासः), only the one (if any) at the beginning is retained, the rest are elided.

(14) वारयामासुस् । By 6-1-101 अकः सवर्णे दीर्घः

(15) वारयामासुः । रुँत्व-विसर्गौ – 8-2-66 ससजुषो रुः and 8-3-15 खरवसानयोर्विसर्जनीयः

“नि” is the उपसर्गः (ref. 1-4-59 उपसर्गाः क्रियायोगे।)
नि + वारयामासुः = निवारयामासुः।


1. Where has 3-1-26 हेतुमति च been used (as in this example) in a तिङन्तं पदम् in Chapter Five of the गीता?

2. Can you spot a “यक्”-प्रत्यय: in the verses?

3. Can you spot a “आट्”-आगम: in the verses?

4. Where has 7-3-101 अतो दीर्घो यञि been used in the verses?

5. In the verses, can you spot a प्रातिपदिकम् which ends in the प्रत्यय: “क्विन्”?

6. How would you say this in Sanskrit?
“Sri Rama warded off those demons who tried to hinder Vishwamitra’s sacrifice.” Use the अव्ययम् “उपरोद्धुम्” for “to hinder” and use (a लिँट् form of) √यत् (यतीँ प्रयत्ने १. ३०) with the उपसर्ग: “प्र” for “to try.” Use appropriate forms of the pronouns “यद्” and “तद्”।

Easy questions:

1. Why doesn’t the ending नकार: in (हे) राजन् take लोप: by 8-2-7 नलोपः प्रातिपदिकान्तस्य?

2. Which सूत्रम् is used for the “नुँम्”-आगम: in the form मरुत्वन्तम् (प्रातिपदिकम् “मरुत्वत्”, पुंलिङ्गे द्वितीया-एकवचनम्)? Note: The प्रातिपदिकम् “मरुत्वत्” ends in the प्रत्यय: “वतुँप्”।

भावयाम्बभूव 3As-लिँट्

Today we will look at the form भावयाम्बभूव 3As-लिँट् from श्रीमद्भागवतम् 5.1.24

अथ च दुहितरं प्रजापतेर्विश्वकर्मण उपयेमे बर्हिष्मतीं नाम तस्यामु ह वाव आत्मजानात्मसमानशीलगुणकर्मरूपवीर्योदारान्दश भावयाम्बभूव कन्यां च यवीयसीमूर्जस्वतीं नाम ।। ५-१-२४ ।।

इति विस्मये । इति प्रसिद्धौ । वावेति निश्चये । आत्मनः समानैः शीलादिभिरुदारान्महतो दश पुत्रान् जनयामास ।।

Gita Press translation “He then married a daughter, named Barhiṣmatī, of Viśwakarmā (the architect of gods), a lord of created beings; and how wonderful that through her he actually begot ten sons – who were evidently as great as he in amiability, virtues, actions, comeliness of form and prowess – as well as daughter, Ūrjawatī by name, who was younger than all of them.”

भावयाम्बभूव is derived from the धातुः √भू (भू सत्तायाम्, भ्वादि-गणः, धातु-पाठः #१. १)

The विवक्षा is लिँट्, कर्तरि प्रयोग: (हेतुमति), प्रथम-पुरुषः, एकवचनम्

भू + णिच् । 3-1-26 हेतुमति च, the affix “णिच्” is used after a root, when the operation of a causer – such as the operation of directing – is to be expressed.
= भू + इ । अनुबन्ध-लोपः by 1-3-3 हलन्त्यम्, 1-3-7 चुटू, 1-3-9 तस्य लोपः
= भौ + इ । By 7-2-115 अचो ञ्णिति, a vowel ending अङ्गम् gets a वृद्धिः substitute, when followed by a प्रत्ययः that has ञकारः or a णकारः as an indicatory letter.
= भावि । By 6-1-78 एचो ऽयवायावः
“भावि” gets the धातु-सञ्ज्ञा by 3-1-32 सनाद्यन्ता धातवः

(1) भावि + लिँट् । By 3-2-115 परोक्षे लिँट्, the affix लिँट् (Perfect Tense) comes after a verbal root in the sense of the past not of today, provided that the action is unperceived by the narrator.

(2) भावि + आम् + लिँट् । By वार्त्तिकम् (under 3-1-35) कास्यनेकाच आम् वक्तव्यो लिँटि, when लिँट् follows, the affix आम् is prescribed after the धातु: √कास् (कासृँ शब्दकुत्सायाम् १. ७१०) as also after any धातु: that is अनेकाच् (has more than one vowel.)

(3) भावि + आम् + लिँट् । By 6-4-55 अयामन्ताल्वाय्येत्न्विष्णुषु, the affix “णि” is substituted by “अय्” when followed by any one of the following affixes – “आम्”, “अन्त”, “आलु”, “आय्य”, “इत्नु” or “इष्णु”।

(4) भावयाम् । By 2-4-81 आमः, an affix which follows the affix “आम्” takes the लुक् elision. Now “भावयाम्” gets the प्रातिपदिक-सञ्ज्ञा by 1-2-46 कृत्तद्धितसमासाश्च with the help of 1-1-62 प्रत्ययलोपे प्रत्ययलक्षणम्
Note: लिँट् has the कृत्-सञ्ज्ञा by 3-1-93 कृदतिङ्

(5) भावयाम् + सुँ । By 4-1-2 स्वौजसमौट्छष्टा…..

(6) भावयाम् । By 2-4-81 आमः, an affix which follows the affix “आम्” takes the लुक् elision.

(7) भावयाम् + भू + लिँट् । By 3-1-40 कृञ् चानुप्रयुज्यते लिटि, following a term ending in the affix “आम्”, one of the following is annexed:
i. √कृ (डुकृञ् करणे ८. १०) followed by लिँट्
ii. √भू (भू सत्तायाम् १. १) followed by लिँट् or
iii. √अस् (असँ भुवि २. ६०) followed by लिँट्

Note: In this सूत्रम्, “कृञ्” is a प्रत्याहार: formed starting from “कृ” in 5-4-50 and ending with “ञ्” in 5-4-58.

(8) भावयाम् + भू + ल् । अनुबन्ध-लोपः by 1-3-2 उपदेशेऽजनुनासिक इत्, 1-3-3 हलन्त्यम्, 1-3-9 तस्य लोपः

(9) भावयाम् + भू + तिप् । 3-4-78 तिप्तस्झिसिप्थस्थमिब्वस्मस्तातांझथासाथांध्वमिड्वहिमहिङ् mandates the प्रत्ययः “तिप्” as the substitute for the लकारः। By 3-4-115 लिट् च, a तिङ्-प्रत्यय: which comes in place of लिँट् gets the आर्धधातुक-सञ्ज्ञा। Therefore “तिप्” gets the आर्धधातुक-सञ्ज्ञा। This prevents 3-1-68 कर्तरि शप्‌ (which requires a सार्वधातुक-प्रत्यय: to follow) from applying.

(10) भावयाम् + भू + णल् । By 3-4-82 परस्मैपदानां णलतुसुस्थलथुसणल्वमाः, when they come in place of लिँट्, the nine परस्मैपद-प्रत्यया: – “तिप्”, “तस्”, “झि”, “सिप्”, “थस्”, “थ”, “मिप्”, “वस्” and “मस्” – are substituted by “णल्”, “अतुस्”, “उस्”, “थल्”, “अथुस्”, “अ”, “णल्”, “व” and “म” respectively.

(11) भावयाम् + भू + अ । अनुबन्ध-लोपः by 1-3-3 हलन्त्यम्, 1-3-7 चुटू, 1-3-9 तस्य लोपः

(12) भावयाम् + भू वुक् + अ । By 6-4-88 भुवो वुग्लुङ्लिटोः, “भू” gets the augment “वुक्” when a vowel-beginning affix of लुँङ् or लिँट् follows.

(13) भावयाम् भू व् + अ । अनुबन्ध-लोपः by 1-3-3 हलन्त्यम्, 1-3-9 तस्य लोपः
Note: The उकार: in “वुक्” is उच्चारणार्थ: (for pronunciation only.)

(14) भावयाम् भूव् भूव् + अ । By 6-1-8 लिटि धातोरनभ्यासस्य, when लिँट् follows a verbal root, there is reduplication of the first portion – containing a single vowel – of the verbal root which is not already reduplicated. But if the verbal root (that has more than one vowel) begins with a vowel, then the reduplication is of the second portion – containing a single vowel.

(15) भावयाम् भू भूव् + अ । By 7-4-60 हलादिः शेषः, of the consonants of a reduplicate (अभ्यासः – ref. 6-1-4 पूर्वोऽभ्यासः), only the one (if any) at the beginning is retained, the rest are elided.

(16) भावयाम् भु भूव् + अ । By 7-4-59 ह्रस्वः, the अच् (vowel) of a reduplicate (अभ्यासः – ref. 6-1-4 पूर्वोऽभ्यासः) is substituted by a short vowel.

(17) भावयाम् भ भूव् + अ । By 7-4-73 भवतेरः, अकारः is substituted for the उकारः of the अभ्यास: (reduplicate) of the verbal root √भू (भू सत्तायाम् १. १) when लिँट् follows.

(18) भावयाम्बभूव । By 8-4-54 अभ्यासे चर्च, in a reduplicate (अभ्यासः – ref. 6-1-4 पूर्वोऽभ्यासः), a letter of the झल्-प्रत्याहारः is substituted by a letter of the चर्-प्रत्याहारः or जश्-प्रत्याहारः। The substitutions take place as per 1-1-50 स्थानेऽन्तरतमः
See question 2.


1. Where is Chapter Three of the गीता has √भू (भू सत्तायाम्, भ्वादि-गणः, धातु-पाठः #१. १) been used in a causative form (as in this example) in a तिङन्तं पदम्?

2. What would be an alternate final form (in addition to भावयाम्बभूव) in this example?

3. In the form उपयेमे in the verse, a आत्मनेपद-प्रत्यय: has been used even though the धातु: √यम् (यमँ उपरमे १. ११३९) is परस्मैपदी। Can you try to find a सूत्रम् in 1-3 (third quarter of the first chapter) of the अष्टाध्यायी by which पाणिनि: prescribes आत्मनेपदम् in this situation?

4. The वार्त्तिकम् (under 3-1-35) कास्यनेकाच आम् वक्तव्यो लिँटि prescribes “आम्” as a प्रत्यय:। Can you recall two सूत्रे by which पाणिनि: prescribes “आम्” as a आदेश: (substitute)?

5. Where has 6-4-92 मितां ह्रस्वः been used in the commentary?

6. Use some words from the verse to construct the following sentence in Sanskrit:
“Sri Rama married the daughter of King Janaka.”

Easy questions:

1. Where has 7-3-110 ऋतो ङिसर्वनामस्थानयोः been used in the verse?

2. Which term used in the verse has the “षट्”-सञ्ज्ञा?

विज्ञापयामासु: 3Ap-लिँट्

Today we will look at the form विज्ञापयामासु: 3Ap-लिँट् from श्रीमद्भागवतम् 7.3.6

तेन तप्ता दिवं त्यक्त्वा ब्रह्मलोकं ययुः सुराः ।
धात्रे विज्ञापयामासुर्देवदेव जगत्पते ।। ७-३-६ ।।
दैत्येन्द्रतपसा तप्ता दिवि स्थातुं न शक्नुमः ।
तस्य चोपशमं भूमन्विधेहि यदि मन्यसे ।
लोका न यावन्नङ्क्ष्यन्ति बलिहारास्तवाभिभूः ।। ७-३-७ ।।

तव बलिहाराः करप्रदाः पूजाकारिण इति वा । अभितो भवतीत्यभिभूः । हे अभिभूः हे सर्वाधिपते । पाठान्तरे भो इति सम्बोधनम् । अभितो यावन्न नङ्क्ष्यन्तीति सम्बन्धः ।।

Gita Press translation – Scorched by that fire, the gods left heaven and went to the realm of Brahmā and submitted to the creator (as follows) : – “Tormented by the asceticism of Hiraṇyakaśipu (the chief of the demons), O god of gods, O lord of the universe, we can no longer stay in heaven. (Pray,) devise some remedy against it, O perfect one, if you think fit, before the worlds that bear tributes to you perish, O universal lord!”

विज्ञापयामासु: is derived from the धातुः √ज्ञा (क्र्यादि-गणः, ज्ञा अवबोधने, धातु-पाठः # ९. ४३)

The विवक्षा is लिँट्, कर्तरि प्रयोग: (हेतुमति), प्रथम-पुरुषः, बहुवचनम्

ज्ञा + णिच् । 3-1-26 हेतुमति च, the affix “णिच्” is used after a root, when the operation of a causer – such as the operation of directing – is to be expressed.
= ज्ञा + इ । अनुबन्ध-लोपः by 1-3-3 हलन्त्यम्, 1-3-7 चुटू, 1-3-9 तस्य लोपः
= ज्ञा पुक् + इ By 7-3-36 अर्त्तिह्रीव्लीरीक्नूयीक्ष्माय्यातां पुङ्णौ, the augment पुक् is added to the roots √ऋ (ऋ गतिप्रापणयोः १. १०८६, ऋ गतौ ३. १७), √ह्री (ह्री लज्जायाम् ३. ३), √व्ली (व्ली वरणे ९. ३७), √री (रीङ् श्रवणे ४. ३३, री गतिरेषणयोः ९. ३५), √क्नूय् (क्नूयीँ शब्द उन्दने च १. ५५८), √क्ष्माय् (क्ष्मायीँ विधूनने १. ५५९) and to a root ending in a आकार: when the causative affix “णि” follows. As per 1-1-46 आद्यन्तौ टकितौ, the “पुक्”-आगम: joins at the end of the अङ्गम् “ज्ञा”।
= ज्ञाप् + इ । अनुबन्ध-लोपः by 1-3-3 हलन्त्यम्, 1-3-9 तस्य लोपः। Note: The उकार: in “पुक्” is उच्चारणार्थ: (for pronunciation only.)
= ज्ञापि । “ज्ञापि” gets the धातु-सञ्ज्ञा by 3-1-32 सनाद्यन्ता धातवः

(1) ज्ञापि + लिँट् । By 3-2-115 परोक्षे लिँट्, the affix लिँट् (Perfect Tense) comes after a verbal root in the sense of the past not of today, provided that the action is unperceived by the narrator.

(2) ज्ञापि + आम् + लिँट् । By वार्त्तिकम् (under 3-1-35) कास्यनेकाच आम् वक्तव्यो लिँटि, when लिँट् follows, the affix आम् is prescribed after the धातु: √कास् (कासृँ शब्दकुत्सायाम् १. ७१०) as also after any धातु: that is अनेकाच् (has more than one vowel.)

(3) ज्ञापि + आम् + लिँट् । By 6-4-55 अयामन्ताल्वाय्येत्न्विष्णुषु, the affix “णि” is substituted by “अय्” when followed by any one of the following affixes – “आम्”, “अन्त”, “आलु”, “आय्य”, “इत्नु” or “इष्णु”।

(4) ज्ञापयाम् । By 2-4-81 आमः, an affix which follows the affix “आम्” takes the लुक् elision. Now “ज्ञापयाम्” gets the प्रातिपदिक-सञ्ज्ञा by 1-2-46 कृत्तद्धितसमासाश्च with the help of 1-1-62 प्रत्ययलोपे प्रत्ययलक्षणम्
Note: लिँट् has the कृत्-सञ्ज्ञा by 3-1-93 कृदतिङ्

(5) ज्ञापयाम् + सुँ । By 4-1-2 स्वौजसमौट्छष्टा…..

(6) ज्ञापयाम् । By 2-4-81 आमः, an affix which follows the affix “आम्” takes the लुक् elision.

(7) ज्ञापयाम् + अस् + लिँट् । By 3-1-40 कृञ् चानुप्रयुज्यते लिटि, following a term ending in the affix “आम्”, one of the following is annexed:
i. √कृ (डुकृञ् करणे ८. १०) followed by लिँट्
ii. √भू (भू सत्तायाम् १. १) followed by लिँट् or
iii. √अस् (असँ भुवि २. ६०) followed by लिँट्

Note: In this सूत्रम्, “कृञ्” is a प्रत्याहार: formed starting from “कृ” in 5-4-50 and ending with “ञ्” in 5-4-58.

(8) ज्ञापयाम् + अस् + ल् । अनुबन्ध-लोपः by 1-3-2 उपदेशेऽजनुनासिक इत्, 1-3-3 हलन्त्यम्, 1-3-9 तस्य लोपः

The ending अकार: (which is a इत् by 1-3-2 उपदेशेऽजनुनासिक इत्) of (असँ भुवि २. ६०) has a उदात्त-स्वर:। Hence as per 1-3-78 शेषात् कर्तरि परस्मैपदम्, √अस् takes परस्मैपद-प्रत्यया: in कर्तरि प्रयोग:। The विवक्षा is प्रथम-पुरुषः, बहुवचनम्, hence the प्रत्ययः is “झि”।

(9) ज्ञापयाम् + अस् + झि । 3-4-78 तिप्तस्झिसिप्थस्थमिब्वस्मस्तातांझथासाथांध्वमिड्वहिमहिङ् mandates the प्रत्ययः “झि” as the substitute for the लकारः। By 3-4-115 लिट् च, a तिङ्-प्रत्यय: which comes in place of लिँट् gets the आर्धधातुक-सञ्ज्ञा। Therefore “झि” gets the आर्धधातुक-सञ्ज्ञा। This prevents 3-1-68 कर्तरि शप्‌ (which requires a सार्वधातुक-प्रत्यय: to follow) from applying.

(10) ज्ञापयाम् + अस् + उस् । By 3-4-82 परस्मैपदानां णलतुसुस्थलथुसणल्वमाः, when they come in place of लिँट्, the nine परस्मैपद-प्रत्यया: – “तिप्”, “तस्”, “झि”, “सिप्”, “थस्”, “थ”, “मिप्”, “वस्” and “मस्” – are substituted by “णल्”, “अतुस्”, “उस्”, “थल्”, “अथुस्”, “अ”, “णल्”, “व” and “म” respectively.
1-3-4 न विभक्तौ तुस्माः prevents the ending सकार: of “उस्” from getting the इत्-सञ्ज्ञा।

(11) ज्ञापयाम् अस् अस् + उस् । By 6-1-8 लिटि धातोरनभ्यासस्य , when लिँट् follows a verbal root, there is reduplication of the first portion – containing a single vowel – of the verbal root which is not already reduplicated. But if the verbal root (that has more than one vowel) begins with a vowel, then the reduplication is of the second portion – containing a single vowel.

(12) ज्ञापयाम् आस् अस् + उस् । By 7-4-70 अत आदेः, a beginning अकारः of a अभ्यास: (reduplicate) takes the दीर्घादेश: (आकार:) when लिँट् follows.

(13) ज्ञापयाम् + आ अस् + उस् । By 7-4-60 हलादिः शेषः, of the consonants of a reduplicate (अभ्यासः – ref. 6-1-4 पूर्वोऽभ्यासः), only the one (if any) at the beginning is retained, the rest are elided.

(14) ज्ञापयामासुस् । By 6-1-101 अकः सवर्णे दीर्घः

(15) ज्ञापयामासुः । रुँत्व-विसर्गौ – 8-2-66 ससजुषो रुः and 8-3-15 खरवसानयोर्विसर्जनीयः

“वि” is the उपसर्गः (ref. 1-4-59 उपसर्गाः क्रियायोगे।)
वि + ज्ञापयामासुः = विज्ञापयामासु:।


1. Where has √ज्ञा (क्र्यादि-गणः, ज्ञा अवबोधने, धातु-पाठः # ९. ४३) been used with the उपसर्ग: “वि” in the first five verses of Chapter Four of the गीता?

2. Could we have derived the same final form (विज्ञापयामासु:) in this example without the use of 7-4-70 अत आदेः (step 12)?

3. Where has 6-4-64 आतो लोप इटि च been used in the verses?

4. Can 6-4-107 लोपश्चास्यान्यतरस्यां म्वोः be used to get an alternate form for शक्नुम:?

5. Which सूत्रम् is used for the एकारादेश: in विधेहि?

6. How would you say this in Sanskrit?
“Sri Hanuman informed Sri Rama that ‘I saw Sita in Lanka.'” Use चतुर्थी विभक्ति: with “श्रीराम”, use the अव्ययम् “इति” as an end-quote and use √दृश् (दृशिँर् प्रेक्षणे १. ११४३) for “to see.”

Easy questions:

1. Does “पति” have the घि-सञ्ज्ञा in the (compound) form जगत्पते?

2. Can you spot a ऋकारान्तं प्रातिपदिकम् (a प्रातिपदिकम् ending in a ऋकार:) in the verses?

भेजु: 3Ap-लिँट्

Today we will look at the form भेजु: 3Ap-लिँट् from श्रीमद्भागवतम् 10.47.13

आसामहो चरणरेणुजुषामहं स्यां वृन्दावने किमपि गुल्मलतौषधीनाम् ।
या दुस्त्यजं स्वजनमार्यपथं च हित्वा भेजुर्मुकुन्दपदवीं श्रुतिभिर्विमृग्याम् ।। १०-४७-६१ ।।

किंच आस्तां तावद्गोपीनां भाग्यं, मम त्वेतावत्प्रार्थ्यमित्याह – आसामिति । गोपीनां चरणरेणुभाजां गुल्मादीनां मध्ये यत्किमप्यहं स्यामित्याशंसा । कथंभूतानाम् । या इत्यादि । आर्याणां मार्गं धर्मं च हित्वा ।।

Gita Press translation “Oh, let me be (incarnated as) anyone of the shrubs, creepers or herbs in (the woodlands of) Vṛndāvana, catching the dust of feet of these (blessed ladies), who (successfully) trod the path (of Devotion) leading to Śrī Kṛṣṇa – (the path) which is (still) to be strenuously sought for (even) by the Upaniṣads – neglecting their own people as well as the path trodden by the virtuous, (both of) which are (so) difficult to abandon (for a chaste woman).”

भेजु: is derived from the धातुः √भज् (भ्वादि-गणः, भजँ सेवायाम्, धातु-पाठः #१.११५३)

In the धातु-पाठः, “भजँ” has one इत् letter which is the अकार: following the जकार:। This इत् letter has a स्वरित-स्वर:। Therefore, as per the सूत्रम् 1-3-72 स्वरितञितः कर्त्रभिप्राये क्रियाफले, √भज् is उभयपदी। In this verse, it has taken a परस्मैपद-प्रत्यय:।

The विवक्षा is लिँट्, कर्तरि प्रयोग:, प्रथम-पुरुषः, बहुवचनम्, hence the प्रत्ययः is “झि”।

(1) भज् + लिँट् । By 3-2-115 परोक्षे लिँट् , the affix लिँट् (Perfect Tense) comes after a verbal root in the sense of the past not of today, provided that the action is unperceived by the narrator.

(2) भज् + ल् । अनुबन्ध-लोपः by 1-3-2 उपदेशेऽजनुनासिक इत्, 1-3-3 हलन्त्यम्, 1-3-9 तस्य लोपः

(3) भज् + झि । 3-4-78 तिप्तस्झिसिप्थस्थमिब्वस्मस्तातांझथासाथांध्वमिड्वहिमहिङ् mandates the प्रत्ययः “झि” as the substitute for the लकारः। By 3-4-115 लिट् च, a तिङ्-प्रत्यय: which comes in place of लिँट् gets the आर्धधातुक-सञ्ज्ञा। Therefore “झि” gets the आर्धधातुक-सञ्ज्ञा। This prevents 3-1-68 कर्तरि शप्‌ (which requires a सार्वधातुक-प्रत्यय: to follow) from applying.

(4) भज् + उस् । By 3-4-82 परस्मैपदानां णलतुसुस्थलथुसणल्वमाः, when they come in place of लिँट्, the nine परस्मैपद-प्रत्यया: – “तिप्”, “तस्”, “झि”, “सिप्”, “थस्”, “थ”, “मिप्”, “वस्” and “मस्” – are substituted by “णल्”, “अतुस्”, “उस्”, “थल्”, “अथुस्”, “अ”, “णल्”, “व” and “म” respectively.
1-3-4 न विभक्तौ तुस्माः prevents the ending सकार: of “उस्” from getting the इत्-सञ्ज्ञा।

(5) भज् भज् + उस् । By 6-1-8 लिटि धातोरनभ्यासस्य , when लिँट् follows a verbal root, there is reduplication of the first portion – containing a single vowel – of the verbal root which is not already reduplicated. But if the verbal root (that has more than one vowel) begins with a vowel, then the reduplication is of the second portion – containing a single vowel.

(6) भ भज् + उस् । By 7-4-60 हलादिः शेषः, of the consonants of a reduplicate (अभ्यासः – ref. 6-1-4 पूर्वोऽभ्यासः), only the one (if any) at the beginning is retained, the rest are elided.

(7) ब भज् + उस् । By 8-4-54 अभ्यासे चर्च, in a reduplicate (अभ्यासः – ref. 6-1-4 पूर्वोऽभ्यासः), a letter of the झल्-प्रत्याहारः is substituted by a letter of the चर्-प्रत्याहारः or जश्-प्रत्याहारः। The substitutions take place as per 1-1-50 स्थानेऽन्तरतमः

(8) भेज् + उस् । By 6-4-122 तॄफलभजत्रपश्च, the अकार: of the four verbal roots √तॄ (तॄ प्लवनतरणयोः १. ११२४), √फल् (ञिफलाँ विशरणे १. ५९४, फलँ निष्पत्तौ १. ६०८), √भज् (भजँ सेवायाम् १. ११५३) and √त्रप् (त्रपूँष् लज्जायाम्) takes एकार: as the substitute and simultaneously there is लोप: (elision) of the अभ्यास:, when the प्रत्यय: following is either a –
(i) लिँट् affix which is कित्, or
(ii) “थल्” (मध्यम-पुरुष-एकवचनम्) affix which has a “इट्”-आगम:।

Note : By 1-2-5 असंयोगाल्लिट् कित्, a लिँट् affix which is not a पित् – does not have पकार: as a इत् – shall be considered to be a कित् (as having ककार: as a इत्), as long as there is no संयोग: (conjunction consonant) prior to the affix. Hence, “उस्” is a कित्-प्रत्यय: here. This allows 6-4-122 to apply.

See question 2.

(9) भेजुः । रुँत्व-विसर्गौ – 8-2-66 ससजुषो रुः and 8-3-15 खरवसानयोर्विसर्जनीयः


1. In which chapter of the गीता has √भज् (भ्वादि-गणः, भजँ सेवायाम्, धातु-पाठः #१.११५३) been used in a तिङन्तं पदम् in the last verse?

2. Why couldn’t 6-4-120 अत एकहल्मध्येऽनादेशादेर्लिटि be used in step 8? (Why is 6-4-122 तॄफलभजत्रपश्च required?)

3. Which सूत्रम् is used for the “आम्”-आदेश: in the form “आस्ताम्” used in the commentary?

4. Where has 6-4-111 श्नसोरल्लोपः been used in the verse?

5. The अनुवृत्ति: of अभ्यासलोप: comes in to the सूत्रम् 6-4-122 तॄफलभजत्रपश्च from a सूत्रम् we have studied. Which one is it?

6. How would you say this in Sanskrit?
“When Ravana fell on the ground, all the scared demons fled in all directions.” Paraphrase to “When Ravana fell on the ground, all the scared demons took to the directions.” Use the adjective प्रातिपदिकम् “भीत” for “scared”, the feminine प्रातिपदिकम् “दिश्” for “direction” and use √भज् (भ्वादि-गणः, भजँ सेवायाम्, धातु-पाठः #१.११५३) for “to take to.”

Easy questions:

1. Where has 7-2-113 हलि लोपः been used in the verse?

2. Which सूत्रम् is used for the “नुँट्”-आगम: in the form गोपीनाम् (स्त्रीलिङ्ग-प्रातिपदिकम् “गोपी”, षष्ठी-बहुवचनम्)?

शुश्रुम 1Ap-लिँट्

Today we will look at the form शुश्रुम 1Ap-लिँट् from श्रीमद्भागवतम् 6.1.40

यमदूता ऊचुः
वेदप्रणिहितो धर्मो ह्यधर्मस्तद्विपर्ययः ।
वेदो नारायणः साक्षात्स्वयम्भूरिति शुश्रुम ।। ६-१-४० ।।

वेदेन प्रणिहितो विहितो धर्मः, वेदप्रमाणक इत्यर्थः । अनेन यो वेदप्रमाणकः स धर्मो यो धर्मः स वेदप्रमाणक इति स्वरूपं प्रमाणं चोक्तम् । यथाह जैमिनिः ‘चोदनालक्षणोऽर्थो धर्मः’ इति । व्याख्यातं च भट्टैः ‘द्वयमेकेन सूत्रेण श्रुत्यर्थाभ्यां निरूप्यते’ इति । अपृष्टस्याप्यधर्मस्य स्वरूपं लक्षणं च दण्डस्थानकथनायाहुः । तद्विपर्ययो यो वेदनिषिद्धः सोऽधर्मः । निषेधश्च तस्मिन्प्रमाणमित्यर्थः । वेदस्य प्रामाण्ये हेतुः – वेदो नारायणादुद्भूतः स एव साक्षादित्युपचारः । स्वयंभूरिति च निःश्वासमात्रेण स्वयमेव भवतीति । तथाच श्रुतिः – ‘अस्य महतो भूतस्य निःश्वसितमेतद्यदृग्वेदः’ इति ।

Gita Press translation – The messengers of Yama replied : “Dharma (righteousness) is (that which is) enjoined by the Veda and the reverse of it (that which is forbidden by the Veda) is Adharma (unrighteousness). And we have heard (from Yama and others) that the Veda is Bhagavān Nārāyaṇa Himself (from whom it has emanated) and self-born (in the sense that it flows from His nostrils by way of respiration without any conscious effort on His part).”

शुश्रुम is derived from the धातुः √श्रु (भ्वादि-गणः, श्रु श्रवणे, धातु-पाठः #१. १०९२)

In the धातु-पाठः, “श्रु” has no इत् letters. It is devoid of any indications for bringing in आत्मनेपद-प्रत्यया:। Therefore, as per 1-3-78 शेषात् कर्तरि परस्मैपदम्, in कर्तरि प्रयोग: √श्रु takes परस्मैपद-प्रत्यया: by default. As per 1-4-99 लः परस्मैपदम्, 1-4-100 तङानावात्मनेपदम्, the nine प्रत्यया: from “तिप्” to “मस्” get the परस्मैपद-सञ्ज्ञा। So √श्रु takes only one of these nine प्रत्यया: in कर्तरि प्रयोग:।

The विवक्षा is लिँट्, कर्तरि प्रयोग:, उत्तम-पुरुषः, बहुवचनम्, hence the प्रत्ययः is “मस्”।

(1) श्रु + लिँट् । By 3-2-115 परोक्षे लिँट्, the affix लिँट् (Perfect Tense) comes after a verbal root in the sense of the past not of today, provided that the action is unperceived by the narrator.

(2) श्रु + ल् । अनुबन्ध-लोपः by 1-3-2 उपदेशेऽजनुनासिक इत्, 1-3-3 हलन्त्यम्, 1-3-9 तस्य लोपः

(3) श्रु + मस् । 3-4-78 तिप्तस्झिसिप्थस्थमिब्वस्मस्तातांझथासाथांध्वमिड्वहिमहिङ् mandates the प्रत्ययः “मस्” as the substitute for the लकारः। By 3-4-115 लिट् च, a तिङ्-प्रत्यय: which comes in place of लिँट् gets the आर्धधातुक-सञ्ज्ञा। Therefore “मस्” gets the आर्धधातुक-सञ्ज्ञा।

See question 2.

(4) श्रु + म । By 3-4-82 परस्मैपदानां णलतुसुस्थलथुसणल्वमाः, when they come in place of लिँट्, the nine परस्मैपद-प्रत्यया: – “तिप्”, “तस्”, “झि”, “सिप्”, “थस्”, “थ”, “मिप्”, “वस्” and “मस्” – are substituted by “णल्”, “अतुस्”, “उस्”, “थल्”, “अथुस्”, “अ”, “णल्”, “व” and “म” respectively.

Note: “म” is a कित्-प्रत्यय: here as per 1-2-5 असंयोगाल्लिट् कित् – A लिँट् affix which is not a पित् – does not have पकार: as a इत् – shall be considered to be a कित् (as having ककार: as a इत्), as long as there is no संयोग: (conjunction consonant) prior to the affix. Hence 1-1-5 ग्क्ङिति च prevents 7-3-84 सार्वधातुकार्धधातुकयोः from applying.

See question 3.

(5) श्रु श्रु + म । By 6-1-8 लिटि धातोरनभ्यासस्य, when लिँट् follows a verbal root, there is reduplication of the first portion – containing a single vowel – of the verbal root which is not already reduplicated. But if the verbal root (that has more than one vowel) begins with a vowel, then the reduplication is of the second portion – containing a single vowel.

(6) शुश्रुम । By 7-4-60 हलादिः शेषः, of the consonants of a reduplicate (अभ्यासः – ref. 6-1-4 पूर्वोऽभ्यासः), only the one (if any) at the beginning is retained, the rest are elided.


1. Where is शुश्रुम used in the गीता?

2. Why doesn’t 3-1-74 श्रुवः शृ च apply in this example? (Which condition is not satisfied?)

3. Why doesn’t the प्रत्यय: “म” take a “इट्”-आगम: (as per 7-2-35 आर्धधातुकस्येड् वलादेः) in this example?

4. Where has 6-4-51 णेरनिटि been used in the commentary?

5. Which सूत्रम् is used for the सम्प्रसारणम् in the form ऊचुः?

6. How would you say this in Sanskrit?
“Sri Rama heard many wonderful stories explained by the sage Vishwamitra.” Use the adjective प्रातिपदिकम् “बहु” (feminine “बह्वी”) for “many”, “अद्भुत” for “wonderful” and “वर्णित” for “explained.”

Easy questions:

1. Which सूत्रम् is used for the “इन”-आदेश: in the form वेदेन used in the commentary?

2. Which लकार: is used in the form भवति used in the commentary?

निष्पीडयामास 3As-लिँट्

Today we will look at the form निष्पीडयामास 3As-लिँट् from श्रीमद्भागवतम् 10.36.13

तमापतन्तं स निगृह्य शृङ्गयोः पदा समाक्रम्य निपात्य भूतले ।
निष्पीडयामास यथार्द्रमम्बरं कृत्वा विषाणेन जघान सोऽपतत् ।। १०-३६-१३ ।।

कृत्वा विषाणमुत्पाट्य तेनैव जघान स चापतत् ।।

Gita Press translation “Seizing tightly the demon by the horns, even as he came rushing, and throwing him to the ground, the Lord set His foot on him and (pressing him at one end with His feet) wrung him even as a drenched cloth; and (then) pulling his horn struck him with it till he fell prostrate.”

पीडयामास is derived from the धातुः √पीड् (चुरादि-गणः, पीडँ अवगाहने, धातु-पाठः #१०. १७)

The विवक्षा is लिँट्, कर्तरि प्रयोग:, प्रथम-पुरुषः, एकवचनम्

पीड् + णिच् । 3-1-25 सत्यापपाशरूपवीणातूलश्लोकसेनालोमत्वचवर्मवर्णचूर्णचुरादिभ्यो णिच्, the affix “णिच्” is used after these words – “सत्य” ‘truth’ (which then takes the form of “सत्याप्” as exhibited in the सूत्रम्), “पाश” ‘fetter’, “रूप” ‘form’, “वीणा” ‘lute’, “तूल” ‘cotton’, “श्लोक” ‘celebration’, “सेना” ‘army’, “लोमन्” ‘hair of the body’, “त्वच” ‘skin’, “वर्मन्” ‘mail’, “वर्ण” ‘color’, “चूर्ण” ‘powder’ and the verbal roots belonging to the चुरादि-गणः
= पीड् + इ । अनुबन्ध-लोपः by 1-3-3 हलन्त्यम्, 1-3-7 चुटू, 1-3-9 तस्य लोपः
= पीडि । “पीडि” gets the धातु-सञ्ज्ञा by 3-1-32 सनाद्यन्ता धातवः

(1) पीडि + लिँट् । By 3-2-115 परोक्षे लिँट्, the affix लिँट् (Perfect Tense) comes after a verbal root in the sense of the past not of today, provided that the action is unperceived by the narrator.

(2) पीडि + आम् + लिँट् । By वार्त्तिकम् (under 3-1-35) कास्यनेकाच आम् वक्तव्यो लिँटि, when लिँट् follows, the affix आम् is prescribed after the धातु: √कास् (कासृँ शब्दकुत्सायाम् १. ७१०) as also after any धातु: that is अनेकाच् (has more than one vowel.)

(3) पीडय् + आम् + लिँट् । By 6-4-55 अयामन्ताल्वाय्येत्न्विष्णुषु, the affix “णि” is substituted by “अय्” when followed by any one of the following affixes – “आम्”, “अन्त”, “आलु”, “आय्य”, “इत्नु” or “इष्णु”।

(4) पीडयाम् । By 2-4-81 आमः, an affix which follows the affix “आम्” takes the लुक् elision. Now “पीडयाम्” gets the प्रातिपदिक-सञ्ज्ञा by 1-2-46 कृत्तद्धितसमासाश्च with the help of 1-1-62 प्रत्ययलोपे प्रत्ययलक्षणम्
Note: लिँट् has the कृत्-सञ्ज्ञा by 3-1-93 कृदतिङ्

(5) पीडयाम् + सुँ । By 4-1-2 स्वौजसमौट्छष्टा…..

(6) पीडयाम् । By 2-4-81 आमः, an affix which follows the affix “आम्” takes the लुक् elision.

(7) पीडयाम् + अस् + लिँट् । By 3-1-40 कृञ् चानुप्रयुज्यते लिटि, following a term ending in the affix “आम्”, one of the following is annexed:
i. √कृ (डुकृञ् करणे ८. १०) followed by लिँट्
ii. √भू (भू सत्तायाम् १. १) followed by लिँट् or
iii. √अस् (असँ भुवि २. ६०) followed by लिँट्

Note: In this सूत्रम्, “कृञ्” is a प्रत्याहार: formed starting from “कृ” in 5-4-50 and ending with “ञ्” in 5-4-58.

(8) पीडयाम् + अस् + ल् । अनुबन्ध-लोपः by 1-3-2 उपदेशेऽजनुनासिक इत्, 1-3-3 हलन्त्यम्, 1-3-9 तस्य लोपः

The ending अकार: (which is a इत् by 1-3-2 उपदेशेऽजनुनासिक इत्) of (असँ भुवि २. ६०) has a उदात्त-स्वर:। Hence as per 1-3-78 शेषात् कर्तरि परस्मैपदम्, √अस् takes परस्मैपद-प्रत्यया: in कर्तरि प्रयोग:। The विवक्षा is प्रथम-पुरुषः, एकवचनम्, hence the प्रत्ययः is तिप्।

(9) पीडयाम् + अस् + तिप् । 3-4-78 तिप्तस्झिसिप्थस्थमिब्वस्मस्तातांझथासाथांध्वमिड्वहिमहिङ् mandates the प्रत्ययः “तिप्” as the substitute for the लकारः। By 3-4-115 लिट् च, a तिङ्-प्रत्यय: which comes in place of लिँट् gets the आर्धधातुक-सञ्ज्ञा। Therefore “तिप्” gets the आर्धधातुक-सञ्ज्ञा। This prevents 3-1-68 कर्तरि शप्‌ (which requires a सार्वधातुक-प्रत्यय: to follow) from applying.

(10) पीडयाम् + अस् + णल् । By 3-4-82 परस्मैपदानां णलतुसुस्थलथुसणल्वमाः, when they come in place of लिँट्, the nine परस्मैपद-प्रत्यया: – “तिप्”, “तस्”, “झि”, “सिप्”, “थस्”, “थ”, “मिप्”, “वस्” and “मस्” – are substituted by “णल्”, “अतुस्”, “उस्”, “थल्”, “अथुस्”, “अ”, “णल्”, “व” and “म” respectively.

(11) पीडयाम् + अस् + अ । अनुबन्ध-लोपः by 1-3-3 हलन्त्यम्, 1-3-7 चुटू, 1-3-9 तस्य लोपः

(12) पीडयाम् + अस् अस् + अ । By 6-1-8 लिटि धातोरनभ्यासस्य, when लिँट् follows a verbal root, there is reduplication of the first portion – containing a single vowel – of the verbal root which is not already reduplicated. But if the verbal root (that has more than one vowel) begins with a vowel, then the reduplication is of the second portion – containing a single vowel.

Note: As per 1-1-59 द्विर्वचनेऽचि, we apply 6-1-8 लिटि धातोरनभ्यासस्य before applying 7-2-116 अत उपधायाः

(13) पीडयाम् + आस् अस् + अ । By 7-4-70 अत आदेः, a beginning अकारः of a अभ्यास: (reduplicate) takes the दीर्घादेश: (आकार:) when लिँट् follows.

(14) पीडयाम् + आ अस् + अ । By 7-4-60 हलादिः शेषः, of the consonants of a reduplicate (अभ्यासः – ref. 6-1-4 पूर्वोऽभ्यासः), only the one (if any) at the beginning is retained, the rest are elided.

(15) पीडयाम् + आ आस् + अ । By 7-2-116 अत उपधायाः , a penultimate (उपधा) अकार: of a अङ्गम् gets वृद्धिः as the substitute when followed by a प्रत्ययः which is a ञित् or a णित्।

(16) पीडयामास । By 6-1-101 अकः सवर्णे दीर्घः

“निस्” is the उपसर्गः (ref. 1-4-59 उपसर्गाः क्रियायोगे।)
निस् + पीडयामास
= निःपीडयामास । रुँत्व-विसर्गौ – 8-2-66 ससजुषो रुः and 8-3-15 खरवसानयोर्विसर्जनीयः
= निष्पीडयामास । By 8-3-41 इदुदुपधस्य चाप्रत्ययस्य, a विसर्गः, which is not part of a प्रत्यय:, is replaced by षकारः if it is preceded by an इकारः or उकारः and is followed by a consonant belonging to क-वर्गः or प-वर्गः (the अनुवृत्तिः of कुप्वोः comes in from 8-3-37 कुप्वोः ≍क≍पौ च)।


1. Where has 3-1-40 कृञ् चानुप्रयुज्यते लिटि been used for the last time in the गीता?

2. At the end of step 4, does “पीडयाम्” get the अव्यय-सञ्ज्ञा by 1-1-39 कृन्मेजन्तः?

3. In this example we would have got the same final form even without the सूत्रम् 7-4-70 अत आदेः (step 13.) Then why has पाणिनि: composed 7-4-70 अत आदेः?

4. Where has 7-3-54 हो हन्तेर्ञ्णिन्नेषु been used in the verse?

5. Can you spot a इकार-लोप: (elision of the letter “इ”) in the verse?

6. How would you say this in Sanskrit?
“The mighty Kumbhakarna squeezed many monkeys with his (two) stout arms.” Use the adjective प्रातिपदिकम् “बलवत्” for “mighty” and the adjective प्रातिपदिकम् “आपीन” for “stout.”

Easy questions:

1. Where has 7-1-12 टाङसिङसामिनात्स्याः been used in the verse?

2. Which सूत्रम् is used for the “नुँम्”-आगम: in the form आपतन्तम् (प्रातिपदिकम् “आपतत्”, पुंलिङ्गे द्वितीया-एकवचनम्)? Note: The प्रातिपदिकम् “आपतत्” ends in the “शतृँ”-प्रत्यय:।

दर्शयामास 3As-लिँट्

Today we will look at the form दर्शयामास 3As-लिँट् from श्रीमद्भागवतम् 9.9.3

दर्शयामास तं देवी प्रसन्ना वरदास्मि ते ।
इत्युक्तः स्वमभिप्रायं शशंसावनतो नृपः ।। ९-९-३ ।।

तं प्रत्यात्मानं दर्शयामासते वरदास्मीति गङ्गयोक्तःन्स्वमभिप्रायं पूर्वजोद्धरणं शशंस कथयामास ।।

Gita Press translation “The goddess (presiding over the holy river) got pleased (with his devotion) and revealed herself (in person) to him, saying; “I am prepared to confer a boon on you.” Thus spoken to (by the goddess), the king Bhagīratha), bent low (with humility) and submitted (to her) his object (in carrying on his austerities).”

दर्शयामास is derived from the धातुः √दृश् (भ्वादि-गणः, दृशिँर् प्रेक्षणे , धातु-पाठः #१. ११४३)

The विवक्षा is लिँट्, कर्तरि प्रयोग: (हेतुमति), प्रथम-पुरुषः, एकवचनम्

दृश् + णिच् । 3-1-26 हेतुमति च, the affix “णिच्” is used after a root, when the operation of a causer – such as the operation of directing – is to be expressed.
= दृश् + इ । अनुबन्ध-लोपः by 1-3-3 हलन्त्यम्, 1-3-7 चुटू, 1-3-9 तस्य लोपः
= दर्श् + इ । By 7-3-86 पुगन्‍तलघूपधस्‍य च, when a अङ्गम् is followed by a सार्वधातुक-प्रत्ययः or an आर्धधातुक-प्रत्ययः, then its इक्-letter takes गुण-आदेशः in the following two cases: i) The अङ्गम् ends in a पुक्-आगमः
or ii) The penultimate letter of the अङ्गम् has the लघु-सञ्ज्ञा। By 1-1-51 उरण् रपरः, in the place of ऋवर्ण: if an अण् letter (“अ”, “इ”, “उ”) comes as a substitute, it is always followed by a रँ (“र्”, “ल्”) letter.
= दर्शि । “दर्शि” gets the धातु-सञ्ज्ञा by 3-1-32 सनाद्यन्ता धातवः

(1) दर्शि + लिँट् । By 3-2-115 परोक्षे लिँट्, the affix लिँट् (Perfect Tense) comes after a verbal root in the sense of the past not of today, provided that the action is unperceived by the narrator.

(2) दर्शि + आम् + लिँट् । By वार्त्तिकम् (under 3-1-35) कास्यनेकाच आम् वक्तव्यो लिँटि, when लिँट् follows, the affix आम् is prescribed after the धातु: √कास् (कासृँ शब्दकुत्सायाम् १. ७१०) as also after any धातु: that is अनेकाच् (has more than one vowel.)
See question 2.

(3) दर्शय् + आम् + लिँट् । By 6-4-55 अयामन्ताल्वाय्येत्न्विष्णुषु, the affix “णि” is substituted by “अय्” when followed by any one of the following affixes – “आम्”, “अन्त”, “आलु”, “आय्य”, “इत्नु” or “इष्णु”।
See question 3.

(4) दर्शयाम् । By 2-4-81 आमः, an affix which follows the affix “आम्” takes the लुक् elision. Now “दर्शयाम्” gets the प्रातिपदिक-सञ्ज्ञा by 1-2-46 कृत्तद्धितसमासाश्च with the help of 1-1-62 प्रत्ययलोपे प्रत्ययलक्षणम्
Note: लिँट् has the कृत्-सञ्ज्ञा by 3-1-93 कृदतिङ्

(5) दर्शयाम् + सुँ । By 4-1-2 स्वौजसमौट्छष्टा…..

(6) दर्शयाम् । By 2-4-81 आमः, an affix which follows the affix “आम्” takes the लुक् elision.

(7) दर्शयाम् + अस् + लिँट् । By 3-1-40 कृञ् चानुप्रयुज्यते लिटि, following a term ending in the affix “आम्”, one of the following is annexed:
i. √कृ (डुकृञ् करणे ८. १०) followed by लिँट्
ii. √भू (भू सत्तायाम् १. १) followed by लिँट् or
iii. √अस् (असँ भुवि २. ६०) followed by लिँट्

Note: In this सूत्रम्, “कृञ्” is a प्रत्याहार:। See question 4.

(8) दर्शयाम् + अस् + ल् । अनुबन्ध-लोपः by 1-3-2 उपदेशेऽजनुनासिक इत्, 1-3-3 हलन्त्यम्, 1-3-9 तस्य लोपः

The ending अकार: (which is a इत् by 1-3-2 उपदेशेऽजनुनासिक इत्) of (असँ भुवि २. ६०) has a उदात्त-स्वर:। Hence as per 1-3-78 शेषात् कर्तरि परस्मैपदम्, √अस् takes परस्मैपद-प्रत्यया: in कर्तरि प्रयोग:। The विवक्षा is प्रथम-पुरुषः, एकवचनम्, hence the प्रत्ययः is तिप्।

(9) दर्शयाम् + अस् + तिप् । 3-4-78 तिप्तस्झिसिप्थस्थमिब्वस्मस्तातांझथासाथांध्वमिड्वहिमहिङ् mandates the प्रत्ययः “तिप्” as the substitute for the लकारः। By 3-4-115 लिट् च, a तिङ्-प्रत्यय: which comes in place of लिँट् gets the आर्धधातुक-सञ्ज्ञा। Therefore “तिप्” gets the आर्धधातुक-सञ्ज्ञा। This prevents 3-1-68 कर्तरि शप्‌ (which requires a सार्वधातुक-प्रत्यय: to follow) from applying.

(10) दर्शयाम् + अस् + णल् । By 3-4-82 परस्मैपदानां णलतुसुस्थलथुसणल्वमाः, when they come in place of लिँट्, the nine परस्मैपद-प्रत्यया: – “तिप्”, “तस्”, “झि”, “सिप्”, “थस्”, “थ”, “मिप्”, “वस्” and “मस्” – are substituted by “णल्”, “अतुस्”, “उस्”, “थल्”, “अथुस्”, “अ”, “णल्”, “व” and “म” respectively.

(11) दर्शयाम् + अस् + अ । अनुबन्ध-लोपः by 1-3-3 हलन्त्यम्, 1-3-7 चुटू, 1-3-9 तस्य लोपः

(12) दर्शयाम् + अस् अस् + अ । By 6-1-8 लिटि धातोरनभ्यासस्य, when लिँट् follows a verbal root, there is reduplication of the first portion – containing a single vowel – of the verbal root which is not already reduplicated. But if the verbal root (that has more than one vowel) begins with a vowel, then the reduplication is of the second portion – containing a single vowel.

Note: As per 1-1-59 द्विर्वचनेऽचि, we apply 6-1-8 लिटि धातोरनभ्यासस्य before applying 7-2-116 अत उपधायाः

(13) दर्शयाम् + आस् अस् + अ । By 7-4-70 अत आदेः, a beginning अकारः of a अभ्यास: (reduplicate) takes the दीर्घादेश: (आकार:) when लिँट् follows.

(14) दर्शयाम् + आ अस् + अ । By 7-4-60 हलादिः शेषः, of the consonants of a reduplicate (अभ्यासः – ref. 6-1-4 पूर्वोऽभ्यासः), only the one (if any) at the beginning is retained, the rest are elided.

(15) दर्शयाम् + आ आस् + अ । By 7-2-116 अत उपधायाः , a penultimate (उपधा) अकार: of a अङ्गम् gets वृद्धिः as the substitute when followed by a प्रत्ययः which is a ञित् or a णित्।

(16) दर्शयामास । By 6-1-101 अकः सवर्णे दीर्घः


1. Where has दर्शयामास been used in the गीता?

2. Why doesn’t the ending मकार: of the प्रत्यय: “आम्” get the इत्-सञ्ज्ञा by 1-3-3 हलन्त्यम् (and take लोप: by 1-3-9 तस्य लोपः)? Is it because of 1-3-4 न विभक्तौ तुस्माः?

3. In the absence of 6-4-55 अयामन्ताल्वाय्येत्न्विष्णुषु, which सूत्रम् would have applied in step 3?

4. The प्रत्याहार: “कृञ्” (used in 3-1-40 कृञ् चानुप्रयुज्यते लिटि) is formed using which two सूत्रे in the अष्टाध्यायी?

5. Where has 6-4-48 अतो लोपः been used in the commentary?

6. How would you say this in Sanskrit?
“Sri Krishna showed his (own) universal form to Arjuna.” Use a सर्वनाम-प्रातिपदिकम् from the verse for “his (own)” and use the (compound) neuter प्रातिपदिकम् “विश्वरूप” for “universal form.” Use चतुर्थी विभक्ति: with “Arjuna.”

Easy questions:

1. Where else (besides in दर्शयामास) has √अस् (असँ भुवि २. ६०) been used in a तिङन्तं पदम् in the verse?

2. Which सूत्रम् is used to get गङ्गया + उक्तः = गङ्गयोक्तः?

प्रपेदे 3As-लिँट्

Today we will look at the form प्रपेदे 3As-लिँट् from श्रीमद्भागवतम् 2.7.3

जज्ञे च कर्दमगृहे द्विज देवहूत्यां स्त्रीभिः समं नवभिरात्मगतिं स्वमात्रे ।
ऊचे ययाऽऽत्मशमलं गुणसङ्गपङ्कमस्मिन्विधूय कपिलस्य गतिं प्रपेदे ।। २-७-३ ।।

कपिलावतारमाह । कर्दमस्य प्रजापतेर्गृहे च तद्भार्यायां देवहूत्यां जज्ञेनवभिः स्त्रीभिर्भगिनीभिः सह । स च स्वमात्रे आत्मगतिं ब्रह्मविद्यामुक्तवान् । यया आत्मगत्या सा आत्मनः शमलं मलिनीकरणं गुणसङ्गरूपं पङ्कमस्मिन्नेव जन्मनि विधूय कपिलस्य गतिं मुक्तिं प्राप्तवती ।।

Gita Press translation “Again He was born, O Nārada, as the son of Kardama (another Prajāpati) and his wife Devahūti (under the name of Kapila) with nine sisters, and imparted to His mother the Knowledge of the spirit, by means of which she wiped off in the course of that very life the dirt of attachement to the world of matter, which had polluted her heart, and attained to the state of Kapila (i.e, final beatitude).”

प्रपेदे is derived from the धातुः √पद् (दिवादि-गणः, पदँ गतौ, धातु-पाठः # ४. ६५)

The ending vowel, अकार: of “पदँ” gets the इत्-सञ्ज्ञा by 1-3-2 उपदेशेऽजनुनासिक इत् and takes लोप: by 1-3-9 तस्य लोपः। This vowel has a अनुदात्त-स्वर:। Thus by 1-3-12 अनुदात्तङित आत्मनेपदम्, √पद् takes आत्मनेपद-प्रत्ययाः। As per 1-4-100 तङानावात्मनेपदम्, the nine प्रत्यया: from “त” to “महिङ्” get the आत्मनेपद-सञ्ज्ञा। So √पद् can take only one of these nine प्रत्यया: in कर्तरि प्रयोग:।

The विवक्षा is लिँट्, कर्तरि प्रयोग:, प्रथम-पुरुषः, एकवचनम्, hence the प्रत्ययः is “त”।

(1) पद् + लिँट् । By 3-2-115 परोक्षे लिँट्, the affix लिँट् (Perfect Tense) comes after a verbal root in the sense of the past not of today, provided that the action is unperceived by the narrator.

(2) पद् + ल् । अनुबन्ध-लोपः by 1-3-2 उपदेशेऽजनुनासिक इत्, 1-3-3 हलन्त्यम्, 1-3-9 तस्य लोपः

(3) पद् + त । 3-4-78 तिप्तस्झिसिप्थस्थमिब्वस्मस्तातांझथासाथांध्वमिड्वहिमहिङ् mandates the प्रत्ययः “त” as the substitute for the लकारः। By 3-4-115 लिट् च, a तिङ्-प्रत्यय: which comes in place of लिँट् gets the आर्धधातुक-सञ्ज्ञा। Therefore “त” gets the आर्धधातुक-सञ्ज्ञा। This prevents 3-1-68 कर्तरि शप्‌ (which requires a सार्वधातुक-प्रत्यय: to follow) from applying.

(4) पद् + एश् । By 3-4-81 लिटस्तझयोरेशिरेच्, when they come in place of लिँट्, the affixes “त” and “झ” take the substitutions “एश्” and “इरेच्” respectively.
As per 1-3-10 यथासंख्यमनुदेशः समानाम्, 1-1-55 अनेकाल् शित् सर्वस्य, “एश्” comes as a substitute for “त”।

(5) पद् + ए । अनुबन्ध-लोपः by 1-3-3 हलन्त्यम्, 1-3-9 तस्य लोपः

(6) पद् पद् + ए । By 6-1-8 लिटि धातोरनभ्यासस्य, when लिँट् follows a verbal root, there is reduplication of the first portion – containing a single vowel – of the verbal root which is not already reduplicated. But if the verbal root (that has more than one vowel) begins with a vowel, then the reduplication is of the second portion – containing a single vowel.

(7) प पद् + ए । By 7-4-60 हलादिः शेषः, of the consonants of a reduplicate (अभ्यासः – ref. 6-1-4 पूर्वोऽभ्यासः), only the one (if any) at the beginning is retained, the rest are elided.
See advanced question.

(8) पेदे । By 6-4-120 अत एकहल्मध्येऽनादेशादेर्लिटि, the अकार: of a अङ्गम् takes एकार: as the substitute and simultaneously there is लोप: (elision) of the अभ्यास:, when all the following conditions are satisfied:
(i) the अकार: is preceded and followed by a single (non-conjunct) consonant
(ii) the अङ्गम् is followed by a लिँट् affix which is कित्
(iii) in place of the first letter of the अङ्गम् there is no आदेश: (substitution) that is based on the लिँट् affix.

Note : By 1-2-5 असंयोगाल्लिट् कित्, a लिँट् affix which is not a पित् – does not have पकार: as a इत् – shall be considered to be a कित् (as having ककार: as a इत्), as long as there is no संयोग: (conjunction consonant) prior to the affix. Hence “एश्” is a कित्-प्रत्यय: here. This allows 6-4-120 to apply.

“प्र” is the उपसर्गः (ref. 1-4-59 उपसर्गाः क्रियायोगे।)
प्र + पेदे = प्रपेदे ।


1. Where has √पद् (दिवादि-गणः, पदँ गतौ, धातु-पाठः # ४. ६५) been used in a तिङन्तं पदम् in the first five verses of Chapter Two of the गीता?

2. Commenting on the सूत्रम् 6-4-120 अत एकहल्मध्येऽनादेशादेर्लिटि (used in step 8), the सिद्धान्तकौमुदी says – अनादेशादे: किम्? चकणतु:। Please explain.

3. The form ऊचे used in the verse is derived from which verbal root?

4. Where has 6-4-98 गमहनजनखनघसां लोपः क्ङित्यनङि been used in the verse?

5. How would you say this in Sanskrit?
“Leaving (having left) his own brother, Vibhishana took shelter with Sri Rama.” Use the अव्ययम् “त्यक्त्वा” for “having left”, use the सर्वनाम-प्रातिपदिकम् “स्व” for “his own” and use √पद् (दिवादि-गणः, पदँ गतौ, धातु-पाठः # ४. ६५) with the उपसर्ग: “प्र” for “to take shelter with.”

Advanced question:

1. After step 7 in the example we could apply 8-4-54 अभ्यासे चर्च and replace the पकार: in the अभ्यास: by the same letter पकार:। Will that prevent 6-4-120 from applying? (Remember that one of the conditions mentioned in 6-4-120 is अनादेशादे:।) The सिद्धान्त-कौमुदी says that a same letter substitution (for the beginning letter of the अभ्यास:) does not prevent 6-4-120 from applying. आदेशश्चेह वैरूप्यसम्पादक एवाश्रीयते। The reason for this is given as शसिदद्यो: प्रतिषेधवचनाज्ज्ञापकात्। Please explain. (Hint: शसिदद्यो: is a reference to 6-4-126 न शसददवादिगुणानाम्।)

Easy questions:

1. Where has 7-2-113 हलि लोपः been used in the verse?

2. Which प्रातिपदिकम् used in the verse has the षट्-सञ्ज्ञा?

पेतु: 3Ap-लिँट्

Today we will look at the form पेतु: 3Ap-लिँट् from श्रीमद्भागवतम् 3.17.13

गावोऽत्रसन्नसृग्दोहास्तोयदाः पूयवर्षिणः ।
व्यरुदन्देवलिङ्गानि द्रुमाः पेतुर्विनानिलम् ।। ३-१७-१३ ।।

गावोऽत्रसन् त्रस्ताः । असृग्दोहाश्च बभूवुः । देवलिङ्गानि व्यरुदन्, प्रतिमानामश्रुस्राव आसीदित्यर्थः ।।

Gita Press translation “Cows yielded blood in place of milk from terror, clouds rained pus, the images of gods shed tears and trees fell down without a blast.”

पेतुः is derived from the धातुः √पत् (भ्वादि-गणः, पतॢँ गतौ, धातु-पाठः #१.९७९)

In the धातु-पाठः, √पत् has one इत् letter – the ऌकार: following the तकार:। This इत् letter has a उदात्त-स्वर:। Thus √पत् is devoid of any indications for bringing in आत्मनेपद-प्रत्यया:। (Neither 1-3-12 अनुदात्तङित आत्मनेपदम् nor 1-3-72 स्वरितञितः कर्त्रभिप्राये क्रियाफले applies.) Therefore, as per 1-3-78 शेषात् कर्तरि परस्मैपदम्, in कर्तरि प्रयोग: √पत् takes परस्मैपद-प्रत्यया: by default. As per 1-4-99 लः परस्मैपदम्, 1-4-100 तङानावात्मनेपदम्, the nine प्रत्यया: from “तिप्” to “मस्” get the परस्मैपद-सञ्ज्ञा। So √पत् can take only one of these nine प्रत्यया: in कर्तरि प्रयोग:।

The विवक्षा is लिँट्, कर्तरि प्रयोग:, प्रथम-पुरुषः, बहुवचनम्, hence the प्रत्ययः is “झि”।

(1) पत् + लिँट् । By 3-2-115 परोक्षे लिँट् , the affix लिँट् (Perfect Tense) comes after a verbal root in the sense of the past not of today, provided that the action is unperceived by the narrator.

(2) पत् + ल् । अनुबन्ध-लोपः by 1-3-2 उपदेशेऽजनुनासिक इत्, 1-3-3 हलन्त्यम्, 1-3-9 तस्य लोपः

(3) पत् + झि । 3-4-78 तिप्तस्झिसिप्थस्थमिब्वस्मस्तातांझथासाथांध्वमिड्वहिमहिङ् mandates the प्रत्ययः “झि” as the substitute for the लकारः। By 3-4-115 लिट् च, a तिङ्-प्रत्यय: which comes in place of लिँट् gets the आर्धधातुक-सञ्ज्ञा। Therefore “झि” gets the आर्धधातुक-सञ्ज्ञा। This prevents 3-1-68 कर्तरि शप्‌ (which requires a सार्वधातुक-प्रत्यय: to follow) from applying.

(4) पत् + उस् । By 3-4-82 परस्मैपदानां णलतुसुस्थलथुसणल्वमाः, when they come in place of लिँट्, the nine परस्मैपद-प्रत्यया: – “तिप्”, “तस्”, “झि”, “सिप्”, “थस्”, “थ”, “मिप्”, “वस्” and “मस्” – are substituted by “णल्”, “अतुस्”, “उस्”, “थल्”, “अथुस्”, “अ”, “णल्”, “व” and “म” respectively.
1-3-4 न विभक्तौ तुस्माः prevents the ending सकार: of “उस्” from getting the इत्-सञ्ज्ञा।

(5) पत् पत् + उस् । By 6-1-8 लिटि धातोरनभ्यासस्य , when लिँट् follows a verbal root, there is reduplication of the first portion – containing a single vowel – of the verbal root which is not already reduplicated. But if the verbal root (that has more than one vowel) begins with a vowel, then the reduplication is of the second portion – containing a single vowel.

(6) प पत् + उस् । By 7-4-60 हलादिः शेषः, of the consonants of a reduplicate (अभ्यासः – ref. 6-1-4 पूर्वोऽभ्यासः), only the one (if any) at the beginning is retained, the rest are elided.

(7) पेत् + उस् । By 6-4-120 अत एकहल्मध्येऽनादेशादेर्लिटि, the अकार: of a अङ्गम् takes एकार: as the substitute and simultaneously there is लोप: (elision) of the अभ्यास:, when all the following conditions are satisfied:
(i) the अकार: is preceded and followed by a single (non-conjunct) consonant
(ii) the अङ्गम् is followed by a लिँट् affix which is कित्
(iii) in place of the first letter of the अङ्गम् there is no आदेश: (substitution) that is based on the लिँट् affix.

Note : By 1-2-5 असंयोगाल्लिट् कित्, a लिँट् affix which is not a पित् – does not have पकार: as a इत् – shall be considered to be a कित् (as having ककार: as a इत्), as long as there is no संयोग: (conjunction consonant) prior to the affix. Hence, “उस्” is a कित्-प्रत्यय: here. This allows 6-4-120 to apply.

(8) पेतुः । रुँत्व-विसर्गौ – 8-2-66 ससजुषो रुः and 8-3-15 खरवसानयोर्विसर्जनीयः


1. Where has √पत् (भ्वादि-गणः, पतॢँ गतौ, धातु-पाठः #१.९७९) been used in a तिङन्तं पदम् in Chapter Sixteen of the गीता?

2. The पदच्छेद: of the सूत्रम् 6-4-120 अत एकहल्मध्येऽनादेशादेर्लिटि is अत:, एकहल्मध्ये, अनादेशादे:, लिटि। Which विभक्ति:/वचनम् has been used in अत:?
i. प्रथमा-बहुवचनम्
ii. द्वितीया-बहुवचनम्
iii. पञ्चमी-एकवचनम्
iv. षष्ठी-एकवचनम्

3. What would be an alternate form for the word अत्रसन् used in the verse?

4. In which word in the verse has the शप्-प्रत्यय: taken the लुक् elision?

5. Which सूत्रम् is used for the “ईट्”-आगम: in the form आसीत्?

6. How would you say this in Sanskrit?
“Hearing (having heard) that Sita is alive, tears of joy fell from Sri Rama’s (two) eyes.” Use the अव्ययम् “श्रुत्वा” for “having heard”, use √जीव् (जीवँ प्राणधारणे १. ६४३) for “to live (to be alive)” and use the neuter प्रातिपदिकम् “अश्रु” for “tear.”

Easy questions:

1. Can you spot a “णित्”-प्रत्यय: (an affix which has णकार: as a marker) in the verse?

2. Where has 7-1-72 नपुंसकस्य झलचः been used in the verse?

पप्रच्छ 3As-लिँट्

Today we will look at the form पप्रच्छ 3As-लिँट् from श्रीमद्भागवतम् 1.18.40

विसृज्य पुत्रं पप्रच्छ वत्स कस्माद्धि रोदिषि ।
केन वा तेऽपकृतमित्युक्तः स न्यवेदयत् ।। १-१८-४० ।।

तं सर्पं विसृज्यकेनापकारः कृतः ।।

Gita Press translation – (Sage Śamīka) throwing off (the dead serpent), enquired: “Child, wherefore do you weep? Who has wronged you?” Thus asked, the boy told him (all that had happened).

पप्रच्छ is derived from the धातुः √प्रच्छ् (तुदादि-गणः, प्रच्छँ ज्ञीप्सायाम्, धातु-पाठः # ६. १४९)

In the धातु-पाठः, the ending अकार: (which is a इत् by 1-3-2 उपदेशेऽजनुनासिक इत्) of “प्रच्छँ” has a उदात्त-स्वर:। Thus √प्रच्छ् is devoid of any indications for bringing in आत्मनेपद-प्रत्यया:। (Neither 1-3-12 अनुदात्तङित आत्मनेपदम् nor 1-3-72 स्वरितञितः कर्त्रभिप्राये क्रियाफले applies.) Therefore, as per 1-3-78 शेषात् कर्तरि परस्मैपदम्, in कर्तरि प्रयोग: √प्रच्छ् takes the परस्मैपद-प्रत्यया: by default.

The विवक्षा is लिँट्, कर्तरि प्रयोग:, प्रथम-पुरुषः, एकवचनम्, hence the प्रत्ययः is तिप्।

(1) प्रच्छ् + लिँट् । By 3-2-115 परोक्षे लिँट्, the affix लिँट् (Perfect Tense) comes after a verbal root in the sense of the past not of today, provided that the action is unperceived by the narrator.

(2) प्रच्छ् + ल् । अनुबन्ध-लोपः by 1-3-2 उपदेशेऽजनुनासिक इत्, 1-3-3 हलन्त्यम्, 1-3-9 तस्य लोपः

(3) प्रच्छ् + तिप् । 3-4-78 तिप्तस्झिसिप्थस्थमिब्वस्मस्तातांझथासाथांध्वमिड्वहिमहिङ् mandates the प्रत्ययः “तिप्” as the substitute for the लकारः। By 3-4-115 लिट् च, a तिङ्-प्रत्यय: which comes in place of लिँट् gets the आर्धधातुक-सञ्ज्ञा। Therefore “तिप्” gets the आर्धधातुक-सञ्ज्ञा। This prevents 3-1-68 कर्तरि शप्‌ (which requires a सार्वधातुक-प्रत्यय: to follow) from applying.

(4) प्रच्छ् + णल् । By 3-4-82 परस्मैपदानां णलतुसुस्थलथुसणल्वमाः, when they come in place of लिँट्, the nine परस्मैपद-प्रत्यया: – “तिप्”, “तस्”, “झि”, “सिप्”, “थस्”, “थ”, “मिप्”, “वस्” and “मस्” – are substituted by “णल्”, “अतुस्”, “उस्”, “थल्”, “अथुस्”, “अ”, “णल्”, “व” and “म” respectively.

(5) प्रच्छ् + अ । अनुबन्ध-लोपः by 1-3-3 हलन्त्यम्, 1-3-7 चुटू, 1-3-9 तस्य लोपः
See question 2.

(6) प्रच्छ् प्रच्छ् + अ । By 6-1-8 लिटि धातोरनभ्यासस्य, when लिँट् follows a verbal root, there is reduplication of the first portion – containing a single vowel – of the verbal root which is not already reduplicated. But if the verbal root (that has more than one vowel) begins with a vowel, then the reduplication is of the second portion – containing a single vowel.

(7) प् र् अ च्छ् प्रच्छ् + अ = प् ऋ अ च्छ् प्रच्छ् + अ । By 6-1-17 लिट्यभ्यासस्योभयेषाम्, when a लिँट् affix follows, सम्प्रसारणम् (ref. 1-1-45 इग्यणः सम्प्रसारणम्) is done in the अभ्यास: (reduplicate) of the verbal roots (वचँ परिभाषणे २. ५८ etc.) referred to in 6-1-15 as well as in that of the verbal roots (ग्रहँ उपादाने ९. ७१ etc.) referred to in 6-1-16.

(8) पृच्छ् प्रच्छ् + अ । By 6-1-108 सम्प्रसारणाच्च, when a सम्प्रसारणम् is followed by a अच् (vowel), there is a single replacement (in place of both the सम्प्रसारणम् and the following अच्) of the prior letter (the सम्प्रसारणम्)।

(9) पर् च्छ् प्रच्छ् + अ । By 7-4-66 उरत्‌, a ऋवर्ण: of the अभ्यास: (reduplicate) takes the अकारादेश: when a प्रत्यय: follows. As per 1-1-51 उरण् रपरः, in the place of ऋवर्ण: if an अण् letter (“अ”, “इ”, “उ”) comes as a substitute, it is always followed by a रँ (“र्”, “ल्”) letter.

(10) पप्रच्छ । By 7-4-60 हलादिः शेषः, of the consonants of a reduplicate (अभ्यासः – ref. 6-1-4 पूर्वोऽभ्यासः), only the one (if any) at the beginning is retained, the rest are elided.


1. Where has √प्रच्छ् (तुदादि-गणः, प्रच्छँ ज्ञीप्सायाम्, धातु-पाठः # ६. १४९) been used in a तिङन्तं पदम् for the first time in the गीता?

2. Why doesn’t the रेफ: in “प्रच्छ्” take सम्प्रसारणम् (by 6-1-16 ग्रहिज्यावयिव्यधिवष्टिविचतिवृश्चतिपृच्छतिभृज्जतीनां ङिति च) in this example? (Which condition is not satisfied?)

3. Can you spot a “णिच्”-प्रत्यय: in the verse?

4. Can you recall a अपवाद-सूत्रम् (exception rule) to 7-4-60 हलादिः शेषः (used in step 7)?

5. How would you say this in Sanskrit?
“Sri Krishna asked Arjuna – ‘Why do you grieve over those who should not be grieved for?'” Use √शुच् (शुचँ शोके १. २१०) with the उपसर्ग: “अनु” for “to grieve over” and use the adjective प्रातिपदिकम् “अशोच्य” for “one who should not be grieved for.” Use the अव्ययम् “कस्मात्” for “why” and the अव्ययम् “इति” as an end-quote.

Advanced question:

1. Rules prescribing (and prohibiting) a “इट्”-आगम: are presented by पाणिनि: in 7-2 (second quarter of the seventh chapter) of the अष्टाध्यायी। The topic goes from 7-2-8 to 7-2-78. The rules from 7-2-8 to 7-2-34 are all prohibition rules. Can you try to find a सूत्रम् in the remaining section (from 7-2-35 to 7-2-78) which is responsible for the “इट्”-आगम: in रोदिषि? (We have not studied this सूत्रम् in the class.) Hint: पाणिनि: specifically mentions the धातु: “रुद्” in this सूत्रम्।

Easy questions:

1. Where has 6-1-69 एङ्ह्रस्वात्‌ सम्बुद्धेः been used in the verse?

2. Which सूत्रम् is used for the धकारादेश: in कस्माद्धि?

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