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जज्ञाते 3Ad-लिँट्

Today we will look at the form जज्ञाते 3Ad-लिँट् from श्रीमद्भागवतम् 5.15.15

तत उत्कलायां मरीचिर्मरीचेर्बिन्दुमत्यां बिन्दुमानुदपद्यत तस्मात्सरघायां मधुर्नामाभवन्मधोः सुमनसि वीरव्रतस्ततो भोजायां मन्थुप्रमन्थू जज्ञाते मन्थोः सत्यायां भौवनस्ततो दूषणायां त्वष्टाजनिष्ट त्वष्टुर्विरोचनायां विरजो विरजस्य शतजित्प्रवरं पुत्रशतं कन्या च विषूच्यां किल जातम् ।। ५-१५-१५ ।।

सुमनसि स्त्रियाम् ।

Gita Press translation “From Samrāṭ, through Utkalā, sprang up Marīci and from (the loins of ) Marīci, through Bindumatī, Bindumān was born. From Bindumān through Saraghā appeared (a son) Madhu by name; from Madhu through Sumanā, sprang up Vīravrata and from Vīravrata, through Bhojā, Manthu and Pramanthu were born; from Manthu, through Satyā, appeared Bhauvana; from Bhauvana, through Dūṣaṇā, Twaṣṭā was born; from Twaṣṭā, through Virocanā, came Viraja; (and) from the loins of Viraja, through Viṣūcī, were born a hundred sons, the eldest of whom was Śatajit, and a daughter (too).”

जज्ञाते is derived from the धातुः √जन् (दिवादि-गणः, जनीँ प्रादुर्भावे, धातु-पाठः # ४. ४४)

In the धातु-पाठः, the √जन्-धातुः has one इत् letter which is the ईकार: following the नकार:। This इत् letter has a अनुदात्त-स्वर:। Thus by 1-3-12 अनुदात्तङित आत्मनेपदम्, √जन्-धातुः takes आत्मनेपद-प्रत्ययाः। As per 1-4-100 तङानावात्मनेपदम्, the nine प्रत्यया: from “त” to “महिङ्” get the आत्मनेपद-सञ्ज्ञा। So √जन्-धातुः can take only one of these nine प्रत्यया: in कर्तरि प्रयोग:।

The विवक्षा is लिँट्, कर्तरि प्रयोग:, प्रथम-पुरुषः, द्विवचनम्, hence the प्रत्ययः is “आताम्”।

(1) जन् + लिँट् । By 3-2-115 परोक्षे लिँट्, the affix लिँट् (Perfect Tense) comes after a verbal root in the sense of the past not of today, provided that the action is unperceived by the narrator.

(2) जन् + ल् । अनुबन्ध-लोपः by 1-3-2 उपदेशेऽजनुनासिक इत्, 1-3-3 हलन्त्यम्, 1-3-9 तस्य लोपः

(3) जन् + आताम् । 3-4-78 तिप्तस्झिसिप्थस्थमिब्वस्मस्तातांझथासाथांध्वमिड्वहिमहिङ् mandates the प्रत्ययः “आताम्” as the substitute for the लकारः। By 3-4-115 लिट् च, a तिङ्-प्रत्यय: which comes in place of लिँट् gets the आर्धधातुक-सञ्ज्ञा। Therefore “आताम्” gets the आर्धधातुक-सञ्ज्ञा। This prevents 3-1-68 कर्तरि शप्‌ (which requires a सार्वधातुक-प्रत्यय: to follow) from applying.

(4) जन् + आते । By 3-4-79 टित आत्मनेपदानां टेरे, The टि-भागः of a आत्मनेपद-प्रत्ययः which substitutes a टित्-लकारः (a लकार: which has टकार: as a इत्), gets एकारः as the replacement.

(5) जन् जन् + आते । By 6-1-8 लिटि धातोरनभ्यासस्य, when लिँट् follows a verbal root, there is reduplication of the first portion – containing a single vowel – of the verbal root which is not already reduplicated. But if the verbal root (that has more than one vowel) begins with a vowel, then the reduplication is of the second portion – containing a single vowel.

Note: As per 1-1-59 द्विर्वचनेऽचि, while reduplication is yet to be done, a substitution (in this case लोप: of the अकार: by 6-4-98 गमहनजनखनघसां लोपः क्ङित्यनङि) shall not be made in the place of a vowel on the basis of a vowel (in this case “आ” of “आते”) that is the cause for reduplication. (If we were to apply 6-4-98 first, there would be no vowel left in the अङगम् to do अभ्यास:।)
Note: This rule only temporarily stops the substitution until reduplication is done. Once reduplication is done, the substitution does takes place (in step 7 below.)

Therefore we apply 6-1-8 लिटि धातोरनभ्यासस्य before applying 6-4-98 गमहनजनखनघसां लोपः क्ङित्यनङि

(6) ज जन् + आते । By 7-4-60 हलादिः शेषः, of the consonants of a reduplicate (अभ्यासः – ref. 6-1-4 पूर्वोऽभ्यासः), only the one (if any) at the beginning is retained, the rest are elided.

(7) ज ज्न् + आते । By 6-4-98 गमहनजनखनघसां लोपः क्ङित्यनङि, the उपधा (penultimate letter – ref. 1-1-65) of the verbal roots √गम् (गमॢँ गतौ १. ११३७), √हन् (हनँ हिंसागत्योः २. २), √जन् ([जनीँ प्रादुर्भावे ४. ४४], [जनँ जनने ३. २५]), √खन् (खनुँ अवदारणे १. १०२०) and √घस् (घसॢँ अदने १. ८१२) is elided, when followed by an अजादि-प्रत्ययः which is a कित् or a ङित् with the exclusion of the अङ्-प्रत्ययः।
Note: “आते” is a कित्-प्रत्यय: as per 1-2-5 असंयोगाल्लिट् कित्। This allows 6-4-98 to apply.

(8) ज ज् ञ् + आते = जज्ञाते । By 8-4-40 स्तोः श्चुना श्चुः


1. How many times in the गीता has a आत्मनेपद-प्रत्यय: been used in लिँट्-प्रयोग:?
i. Only one time
ii. Only two times
iii. More than five times
iv. Never

2. Can you spot a “श्यन्”-प्रत्यय: been used in the verse?

3. Can you spot a “शप्”-प्रत्यय: in the verse?

4. The अनुवृत्ति: of “अचि” comes in to the सूत्रम् 6-4-98 गमहनजनखनघसां लोपः क्ङित्यनङि from a सूत्रम् which we have studied. Which one is it?

5. How would you say this in Sanskrit?
“Two sons were born to Sri Rama through Sita.” Use षष्ठी विभक्ति: with Sri Rama and सप्तमी with Sita.

6. How would you say this in Sanskrit?
“In Sri Rama’s kingdom all people were happy. Even today, if there were to be a king like Sri Rama, all people would be happy.” Use the neuter प्रातिपदिकम् “राज्य” for “kingdom”, use the adjective प्रातिपदिकम् “सुखिन्” for “happy”, use the अव्ययम् “अद्य” for “today”, use the अव्ययम् “यदि” for “if”, use the adjective प्रातिपदिकम् “सदृश” for “like” and use √भू (भू सत्तायाम् १. १) for “to be.” Use तृतीया विभक्ति: with Sri Rama in the second sentence.

Easy questions:

1. Where has 6-1-102 प्रथमयोः पूर्वसवर्णः been used in the verse?

2. Which सूत्रम् is used for the “इयँङ्”-आदेश: in the form स्त्रियाम् (प्रातिपदिकम् “स्त्री”, सप्तमी-एकवचनम्) used in the commentary?

जगृहे 3As-लिँट्

Today we will look at the form जगृहे 3As-लिँट् from श्रीमद्भागवतम् 5.15.15

तस्यै स्त्रियस्ताः प्रददुः शेषां युयुजुराशिषः ।
ताभ्यो देव्यै नमश्चक्रे शेषां च जगृहे वधूः ।। १०-५३-४९ ।।

शेषां निर्माल्यम्।

Gita Press translation “The aforesaid (Brāhmaṇa) ladies gave her a part of the offerings made to the Goddess (as a token of Her grace) and added their own blessings. The bride (for her part) bowed to them as well as to the Goddess and accepted the offerings made.”

जगृहे is derived from the धातुः √ग्रह् (क्र्यादि-गणः, ग्रहँ उपादाने, धातु-पाठः # ९.७१)

The अकारः at the end of “ग्रहँ” gets इत्-सञ्ज्ञा by 1-3-2 उपदेशेऽजनुनासिक इत् and takes लोप: by 1-3-9 तस्य लोपः। This इत् letter has स्वरित-स्वरः and hence this धातु: is उभयपदी। Here it has taken a आत्मनेपद-प्रत्यय:।

The विवक्षा is लिँट्, कर्तरि प्रयोग:, प्रथम-पुरुषः, एकवचनम्, hence the प्रत्ययः is “त”।

(1) ग्रह् + लिँट् । By 3-2-115 परोक्षे लिँट्, the affix लिँट् (Perfect Tense) comes after a verbal root in the sense of the past not of today, provided that the action is unperceived by the narrator.

(2) ग्रह् + ल् । अनुबन्ध-लोपः by 1-3-2 उपदेशेऽजनुनासिक इत्, 1-3-3 हलन्त्यम्, 1-3-9 तस्य लोपः

(3) ग्रह् + त । 3-4-78 तिप्तस्झिसिप्थस्थमिब्वस्मस्तातांझथासाथांध्वमिड्वहिमहिङ् mandates the प्रत्ययः “त” as the substitute for the लकारः। By 3-4-115 लिट् च, a तिङ्-प्रत्यय: which comes in place of लिँट् gets the आर्धधातुक-सञ्ज्ञा। Therefore “त” gets the आर्धधातुक-सञ्ज्ञा। This prevents 3-1-68 कर्तरि शप्‌ (which requires a सार्वधातुक-प्रत्यय: to follow) from applying.

(4) ग्रह् + एश् । By 3-4-81 लिटस्तझयोरेशिरेच्, when they come in place of लिँट्, the affixes “त” and “झ” take the substitutions “एश्” and “इरेच्” respectively.
As per 1-3-10 यथासंख्यमनुदेशः समानाम्, 1-1-55 अनेकाल् शित् सर्वस्य, “एश्” comes as a substitute for “त”।

(5) ग्रह् + ए । अनुबन्ध-लोपः by 1-3-3 हलन्त्यम्, 1-3-9 तस्य लोपः

(6) गृ अ ह् + ए । By 6-1-16 ग्रहिज्यावयिव्यधिवष्टिविचतिवृश्चतिपृच्छतिभृज्जतीनां ङिति च, The verbal roots √ग्रह (ग्रहँ उपादाने ९. ७१), √ज्या (ज्या वयोहानौ ९. ३४), √वय् (वयँ गतौ १. ५४७), √व्यध् (व्यधँ ताडने ४. ७८), √वश् (वशँ कान्तौ २. ७५), √व्यच् (व्यचँ व्याजीकरणे ६. १३), √व्रश्च् (ओँव्रश्चूँ छेदने ६. १२), √प्रच्छ् (प्रच्छँ ज्ञीप्सायाम् ६.१४९) and √भ्रस्ज् (भ्रस्जँ पाके ६. ४) take सम्प्रसारणम् (ref. 1-1-45) when followed by an affix which is a कित् or a ङित्।

Note: 6-1-16 applies before 6-1-8 as per the following परिभाषा – “सम्प्रसारणं तदाश्रितं च कार्यं बलवत्” – A सम्प्रसारणम् (ref. 1-1-45) operation, as well as an operation (6-1-108) which is dependent on it, possesses greater force (takes precedence over other operations which are simultaneously applicable.)
As per 1-2-5 असंयोगाल्लिट् कित्, the “ए”-प्रत्यय: is कित्। This allows 6-1-16 to apply.

(7) गृह् + ए । By 6-1-108 सम्प्रसारणाच्च, when a सम्प्रसारणम् is followed by a अच् (vowel), there is a single replacement (in place of both the सम्प्रसारणम् and the following अच्) of the prior letter (the सम्प्रसारणम्)।

(8) गृह् गृह् + ए । By 6-1-8 लिटि धातोरनभ्यासस्य , when लिँट् follows a verbal root, there is reduplication of the first portion – containing a single vowel – of the verbal root which is not already reduplicated. But if the verbal root (that has more than one vowel) begins with a vowel, then the reduplication is of the second portion – containing a single vowel.

(9) गर्ह् गृह् + ए । By 7-4-66 उरत्‌, a ऋवर्ण: of the अभ्यास: (reduplicate) takes the अकारादेश: when a प्रत्यय: follows. By 1-1-51 उरण् रपरः, in the place of ऋवर्ण: if an अण् letter (“अ”, “इ”, “उ”) comes as a substitute, it is always followed by a रँ (“र्”, “ल्”) letter.

(10) ग गृह् + ए । By 7-4-60 हलादिः शेषः, of the consonants of a reduplicate (अभ्यासः – ref. 6-1-4 पूर्वोऽभ्यासः), only the one (if any) at the beginning is retained, the rest are elided.

(11) जगृहे । By 7-4-62 कुहोश्चुः, in a reduplicate (अभ्यासः – ref. 6-1-4 पूर्वोऽभ्यासः), a letter of the कवर्गः or हकारः is replaced by a letter of the चवर्गः । The substitutions take place as per 1-1-50 स्थानेऽन्तरतमः


1. Where has 6-1-16 ग्रहिज्यावयिव्यधिवष्टिविचतिवृश्चतिपृच्छतिभृज्जतीनां ङिति च (used in step 6 of the example) been used in the first ten verses of Chapter Two of the गीता?

2. Where else (besides in जगृहे) has the “त”-प्रत्यय: been used in the verse?

3. Where has 6-4-64 आतो लोप इटि च been used in the verse?

4. The word युयुजु: used in the verse is derived from the धातु: √युज् (युजिँर् योगे ७. ७). The विवक्षा is लिँट्, कर्तरि प्रयोग:, प्रथम-पुरुषः, बहुवचनम्। Why doesn’t the उकार: of the धातु: take the गुणादेश: by 7-3-86 पुगन्तलघूपधस्य च?

5. How would you say this in Sanskrit?
“Arjuna accepted Sri Krishna’s command.” Use the masculine प्रातिपदिकम् “आदेश” for “command” and use the same verbal root as in the example for “to accept.”

6. How would you say this in Sanskrit?
“In order to uplift the earth, Lord Vishnu took on the form of a boar.” Use the अव्ययम् “उद्धर्तुम्” for “in order to uplift”, the masculine प्रातिपदिकम् “वराह” for “boar”, the neuter प्रातिपदिकम् “रूप” for “form” and use the same verbal root as in the example for “to take on.”

Easy questions:

1. Which सूत्रम् is used for the “स्याट्”-आगम: in the form तस्यै (सर्वनाम-प्रातिपदिकम् “तद्”, स्त्रीलिङ्गे चतुर्थी-एकवचनम्)?

2. The word आशिष: used in the verse is द्वितीया-बहुवचनम् of the स्त्रीलिङ्ग-प्रातिपदिकम् “आशिस्”। What would be the form in प्रथमा-एकवचनम्?

आददे 3As-लिँट्

Today we will look at the form आददे 3As-लिँट् from श्रीमद्भागवतम् 1.8.31

गोप्याददे त्वयि कृतागसि दाम तावद्या ते दशाश्रुकलिलाञ्जनसम्भ्रमाक्षम् ।
वक्त्रं निनीय भयभावनया स्थितस्य सा मां विमोहयति भीरपि यद्बिभेति ।। १-८-३१ ।।

नरविडम्बनमत्याश्चर्यमित्याह – गोपीति । गोपी यशोदा त्वयि कृतागसि दधिभाण्डस्फोटनं कृतवति यावद्दाम रज्जुमाददे जग्राह तावत्तत्क्षणमेव या ते दशावस्था सा मां विमोहयति। किंभूतस्य । अश्रुभिः कलिलं व्यामिश्रमञ्जनं ययोस्ते च ते संभ्रमेण व्याकुले अक्षिणी यस्मिंस्तद्वक्त्रं निनीयाधः कृत्वा ताडयिष्यतीति भयस्य भावनया स्थितस्ययद्यतस्त्वत्तो भीरपि स्वयं बिभेति तस्य ते दशा ।।

Gita Press translation “When you offended (Your foster-mother) Yaśodā (by smashing the pot of curds) and she took a cord to bind You, the way in which You stood full of fear, with Your face cast down, Your eyes rolling about in confusion and their collyrium dissolved in tears, fills me with bewilderment. To think that even He whom Fear itself is afraid should appear so stricken with fear!”

आददे is derived from the धातुः √दा (जुहोत्यादि-गणः, डुदाञ् दाने, धातु-पाठः #३. १०)

The “डु” at the beginning of this धातुः gets इत्-सञ्ज्ञा by 1-3-5 आदिर्ञिटुडवः। The ञकारः at the end gets इत्-सञ्ज्ञा by 1-3-3 हलन्त्यम्। Both take लोप: by 1-3-9 तस्य लोपः

The √दा-धातुः has ञकारः as इत् in the धातु-पाठः। Hence by 1-3-72 स्वरितञितः कर्त्रभिप्राये क्रियाफले, the √दा-धातुः is normally उभयपदी। In this verse, it has taken a आत्मनेपद-प्रत्यय:। See advanced question.

The विवक्षा is लिँट्, कर्तरि प्रयोग:, प्रथम-पुरुषः, एकवचनम्, hence the प्रत्ययः is “त”।

(1) दा + लिँट् । By 3-2-115 परोक्षे लिँट्, the affix लिँट् (Perfect Tense) comes after a verbal root in the sense of the past not of today, provided that the action is unperceived by the narrator.

(2) दा + ल् । अनुबन्ध-लोपः by 1-3-2 उपदेशेऽजनुनासिक इत्, 1-3-3 हलन्त्यम्, 1-3-9 तस्य लोपः

(3) दा + त । 3-4-78 तिप्तस्झिसिप्थस्थमिब्वस्मस्तातांझथासाथांध्वमिड्वहिमहिङ् mandates the प्रत्ययः “त” as the substitute for the लकारः। By 3-4-115 लिट् च, a तिङ्-प्रत्यय: which comes in place of लिँट् gets the आर्धधातुक-सञ्ज्ञा। Therefore “त” gets the आर्धधातुक-सञ्ज्ञा। This prevents 3-1-68 कर्तरि शप्‌ (which requires a सार्वधातुक-प्रत्यय: to follow) from applying.

(4) दा + एश् । By 3-4-81 लिटस्तझयोरेशिरेच्, when they come in place of लिँट्, the affixes “त” and “झ” take the substitutions “एश्” and “इरेच्” respectively.
As per 1-3-10 यथासंख्यमनुदेशः समानाम्, 1-1-55 अनेकाल् शित् सर्वस्य, “एश्” comes as a substitute for “त”।

(5) दा + ए । अनुबन्ध-लोपः by 1-3-3 हलन्त्यम्, 1-3-9 तस्य लोपः

(6) दा दा + ए । By 6-1-8 लिटि धातोरनभ्यासस्य , when लिँट् follows a verbal root, there is reduplication of the first portion – containing a single vowel – of the verbal root which is not already reduplicated. But if the verbal root (that has more than one vowel) begins with a vowel, then the reduplication is of the second portion – containing a single vowel.

Note: As per 1-1-59 द्विर्वचनेऽचि, while reduplication is yet to be done, a substitution (in this case लोप: of the आकार: by 6-4-64 आतो लोप इटि च) shall not be made in the place of a vowel on the basis of a vowel (in this case “ए”) that is the cause for reduplication.
Note: This rule only temporarily stops the substitution until reduplication is done. Once reduplication is done, the substitution does takes place (in step 8 below.)

Therefore we apply 6-1-8 लिटि धातोरनभ्यासस्य before applying 6-4-64 आतो लोप इटि च

(7) द दा + ए । By 7-4-59 ह्रस्वः, the अच् (vowel) of a reduplicate (अभ्यासः – ref. 6-1-4 पूर्वोऽभ्यासः) is substituted by a short vowel.

(8) ददे । By 6-4-64 आतो लोप इटि च – The ending आकार: of an अङ्गम् takes लोप: when followed by a vowel-beginning आर्धधातुक-प्रत्यय: that has either:
(i) a “इट्”-आगम: or
(ii) a ककार: or ङकार: as an इत्।

Note: As per 1-2-5 असंयोगाल्लिट् कित्, the “ए”-प्रत्यय: is कित्। This allows 6-4-64 to apply.

“आङ्” is the उपसर्गः (ref. 1-4-59 उपसर्गाः क्रियायोगे।)
आङ् + ददे = आददे । अनुबन्ध-लोपः by 1-3-3 हलन्त्यम् and 1-3-9 तस्य लोपः


1. Where in Chapter Five of the गीता has √दा (जुहोत्यादि-गणः, डुदाञ् दाने, धातु-पाठः #३. १०) been used with the उपसर्गः “आङ्”?

2. Where has 3-1-26 हेतुमति च been used in the verse?

3. Can you spot a “णल्”-प्रत्यय: in the commentary?

4. In which word in the verse has the “शप्”-प्रत्यय: taken the “श्लु” elision?

5. How would you say this in Sanskrit?
“Lord Vamana took away the earth from Bali.” Use (a लिँट् form of) √दा (जुहोत्यादि-गणः, डुदाञ् दाने, धातु-पाठः #३. १०) with the उपसर्ग: “आङ्” for “to take away.”

Advanced question:

1. पाणिनि: has composed a specific सूत्रम् by which √दा (जुहोत्यादि-गणः, डुदाञ् दाने, धातु-पाठः #३. १०) when preceded by the उपसर्गः “आङ्”, can take only आत्मनेपद-प्रत्यया:, unless the meaning is “to open/expand one’s mouth.” (Hence in the example above, there is no possibility of using a परस्मैपद-प्रत्यय:।) Can you try to find this सूत्रम् in the third quarter of Chapter One of the अष्टाध्यायी?

Easy questions:

1. Consider the two words गोपी (स्त्रीलिङ्ग-प्रातिपदिकम् “गोपी”) and भी: (स्त्रीलिङ्ग-प्रातिपदिकम् “भी”) used in the verse. They are both declined as प्रथमा-एकवचनम्। What is the reason that there is a विसर्ग: at the end of one (भी:) and not the other (गोपी)?

2. In the verse, can you spot a प्रातिपदिकम् that ends in a नकार:?

बभाषे 3As-लिँट्

Today we will look at the form बभाषे 3As-लिँट् from श्रीमद्भागवतम् 8.9.12

ततो गृहीत्वामृतभाजनं हरिर्बभाष ईषत्स्मितशोभया गिरा ।
यद्यभ्युपेत क्व च साध्वसाधु वा कृतं मया वो विभजे सुधामिमाम् ।। ८-९-१२ ।।

ईषत्स्मितेन शोभा यस्यास्तया । मया कृतं साधु वा असाधु यद्यभ्युपेताङ्गीकुरुत तर्हि विभजे

Gita Press translation – Having taken possession of the jar of nectar, Lord Śrī Hari then said in a voice brightened with a gentle smile, “If you accept whatever is done by me, whether right or wrong, in any wise, I am prepared to divide this nectar among you (but not otherwise).”

बभाषे is derived from the धातुः √भाष् (भाषँ व्यक्तायां वाचि १. ६९६)

In the धातु-पाठः, the धातुः √भाष् has one इत् letter – the अकार: following the षकार:। This इत् letter has a अनुदात्त-स्वर:। Thus by 1-3-12 अनुदात्तङित आत्मनेपदम् √भाष् will get आत्मनेपद-प्रत्ययाः। As per 1-4-100 तङानावात्मनेपदम्, the nine प्रत्यया: from “त” to “महिङ्” get the आत्मनेपद-सञ्ज्ञा। So √भाष् can take only one of these nine प्रत्यया: in कर्तरि प्रयोग:।

The विवक्षा is लिँट्, कर्तरि प्रयोग:, प्रथम-पुरुषः, एकवचनम्, hence the प्रत्ययः is “त”।

(1) भाष् + लिँट् । By 3-2-115 परोक्षे लिँट्, the affix लिँट् (Perfect Tense) comes after a verbal root in the sense of the past not of today, provided that the action is unperceived by the narrator.

(2) भाष् + ल् । अनुबन्ध-लोपः by 1-3-2 उपदेशेऽजनुनासिक इत्, 1-3-3 हलन्त्यम्, 1-3-9 तस्य लोपः

(3) भाष् + त । 3-4-78 तिप्तस्झिसिप्थस्थमिब्वस्मस्तातांझथासाथांध्वमिड्वहिमहिङ् mandates the प्रत्ययः “त” as the substitute for the लकारः। By 3-4-115 लिट् च, a तिङ्-प्रत्यय: which comes in place of लिँट् gets the आर्धधातुक-सञ्ज्ञा। Therefore “त” gets the आर्धधातुक-सञ्ज्ञा। This prevents 3-1-68 कर्तरि शप्‌ (which requires a सार्वधातुक-प्रत्यय: to follow) from applying.

(3) भाष् + एश् । By 3-4-81 लिटस्तझयोरेशिरेच्, when they come in place of लिँट्, the affixes “त” and “झ” take the substitutions “एश्” and “इरेच्” respectively.
As per 1-3-10 यथासंख्यमनुदेशः समानाम्, 1-1-55 अनेकाल् शित् सर्वस्य, “एश्” comes as a substitute for “त”।

(4) भाष् + ए । अनुबन्ध-लोपः by 1-3-3 हलन्त्यम्, 1-3-9 तस्य लोपः

(5) भाष् भाष् + ए । By 6-1-8 लिटि धातोरनभ्यासस्य , when लिँट् follows a verbal root, there is reduplication of the first portion – containing a single vowel – of the verbal root which is not already reduplicated. But if the verbal root (that has more than one vowel) begins with a vowel, then the reduplication is of the second portion – containing a single vowel.

(6) भा भाष् + ए । By 7-4-60 हलादिः शेषः, of the consonants of a reduplicate (अभ्यासः – ref. 6-1-4 पूर्वोऽभ्यासः), only the one (if any) at the beginning is retained, the rest are elided.

(7) भ भाष् + ए । By 7-4-59 ह्रस्वः, the अच् (vowel) of a reduplicate (अभ्यासः – ref. 6-1-4 पूर्वोऽभ्यासः) is substituted by a short vowel.

(8) बभाषे । By 8-4-54 अभ्यासे चर्च, in a reduplicate (अभ्यासः – ref. 6-1-4 पूर्वोऽभ्यासः), a letter of the झल्-प्रत्याहारः is substituted by a letter of the चर्-प्रत्याहारः or जश्-प्रत्याहारः। The substitutions take place as per 1-1-50 स्थानेऽन्तरतमः


1. Where in the गीता is √भाष् (भाषँ व्यक्तायां वाचि १. ६९६) used with the प्रत्यय: “त” (as in this example)?

2. In the verse, can you spot a word wherein the शप्-प्रत्यय: has taken लुक् elision?

3. In the form कुरुत (used in the commentary), there are two letters “उ”। Which one is a प्रत्यय: (affix) and which one is a आदेश: (substitute)?

4. Where has 3-4-79 टित आत्मनेपदानां टेरे been used in the verse?

5. How would you say this in Sanskrit?
“Ravana said to Sita – ‘You ought to be my wife.'” Use the अव्ययम् “भवितुम्” for “to be” and use √अर्ह् (अर्हँ पूजायाम् १. ८४१) for “ought.” Use the same धातु: as in the example for “to say.” Use the अव्ययम् “इति” as a end-quote.

6. How would you say this in Sanskrit?
“All the gopis said to Sri Krishna – ‘We are not able to live without you.'” Use the अव्ययम् “जीवितुम्” for “to live” and use √शक् (शकॢँ शक्तौ ५. १७) for “to be able.” Use the अव्ययम् “विना” for “without.” Use द्वितीया विभक्ति: with “you.”

Easy questions:

1. Which सूत्रम् is used for the मकारादेश: in the form इमाम् (सर्वनाम-प्रातिपदिकम् “इदम्”, स्त्रीलिङ्गे द्वितीया-एकवचनम्)?

2. The word गिरा (तृतीया-एकवचनम्) used in the verse is derived from the feminine प्रातिपदिकम् “गिर्”। What would be the form in सप्तमी-बहुवचनम्?
i. गिर्षु
ii. गि:सु
iii. गीर्षु
iv. गिरेषु

चिच्छेद 3As-लिँट्

Today we will look at the form चिच्छेद 3As-लिँट् from श्रीमद्भागवतम् 10.54.28

तैस्ताडितः शरौघैस्तु चिच्छेद धनुरच्युतः ।
पुनरन्यदुपादत्त तदप्यच्छिनदव्ययः ।। १०-५४-२८ ।।

No commentary on this verse.

Gita Press translation “Struck with those volleys of arrows, however, Śrī Kṛṣṇa (the immortal Lord) rent his bow asunder. He snatched yet another and the imperishable Lord cleft that too.”

चिच्छेद is derived from the धातुः √छिद् (रुधादि-गणः, छिदिँर् द्वैधीकरणे, धातु-पाठः # ७. ३)

By the वार्तिकम् – इर इत्सञ्ज्ञा वाच्या, “इर्” of “छिदिँर्” gets the इत्-सञ्ज्ञा। The इकारः of “इर्” has a स्वरित-स्वर: here. Therefore, as per the सूत्रम् 1-3-72 स्वरितञितः कर्त्रभिप्राये क्रियाफले, the √छिद्-धातुः will take आत्मनेपद-प्रत्ययाः when the fruit of the action (क्रियाफलम्) accrues to the doer (कर्त्रभिप्रायम् = कर्तृ-अभिप्रायम्)। In the remaining case – when the fruit of the action does not accrue to the doer – by 1-3-78 शेषात् कर्तरि परस्मैपदम् – the √छिद्-धातुः will take परस्मैपद-प्रत्ययाः।
In reality though, this distinction of the fruit of the action accruing to the doer or not, is rarely honored in the language. So as a practical matter, a verbal root such as √छिद् will take either आत्मनेपद-प्रत्ययाः or परस्मैपद-प्रत्ययाः regardless of whether the fruit of the action accrues to the doer or not. In short, √छिद्-धातुः will be उभयपदी। In this verse it has taken a परस्मैपद-प्रत्यय:।

The विवक्षा is लिँट्, कर्तरि प्रयोग:, प्रथम-पुरुषः, एकवचनम्, hence the प्रत्ययः is तिप्।

(1) छिद् + लिँट् । By 3-2-115 परोक्षे लिँट्, the affix लिँट् (Perfect Tense) comes after a verbal root in the sense of the past not of today, provided that the action is unperceived by the narrator.

(2) छिद् + ल् । अनुबन्ध-लोपः by 1-3-2 उपदेशेऽजनुनासिक इत्, 1-3-3 हलन्त्यम्, 1-3-9 तस्य लोपः

(3) छिद् + तिप् । 3-4-78 तिप्तस्झिसिप्थस्थमिब्वस्मस्तातांझथासाथांध्वमिड्वहिमहिङ् mandates the प्रत्ययः “तिप्” as the substitute for the लकारः। By 3-4-115 लिट् च, a तिङ्-प्रत्यय: which comes in place of लिँट् gets the आर्धधातुक-सञ्ज्ञा। Therefore “तिप्” gets the आर्धधातुक-सञ्ज्ञा। This prevents 3-1-68 कर्तरि शप्‌ (which requires a सार्वधातुक-प्रत्यय: to follow) from applying.

(4) छिद् + णल् । By 3-4-82 परस्मैपदानां णलतुसुस्थलथुसणल्वमाः, when they come in place of लिँट्, the nine परस्मैपद-प्रत्यया: – “तिप्”, “तस्”, “झि”, “सिप्”, “थस्”, “थ”, “मिप्”, “वस्” and “मस्” – are substituted by “णल्”, “अतुस्”, “उस्”, “थल्”, “अथुस्”, “अ”, “णल्”, “व” and “म” respectively.

(5) छिद् + अ । अनुबन्ध-लोपः by 1-3-3 हलन्त्यम्, 1-3-7 चुटू, 1-3-9 तस्य लोपः

(6) छिद् छिद् + अ । By 6-1-8 लिटि धातोरनभ्यासस्य, when लिँट् follows a verbal root, there is reduplication of the first portion – containing a single vowel – of the verbal root which is not already reduplicated. But if the verbal root (that has more than one vowel) begins with a vowel, then the reduplication is of the second portion – containing a single vowel.

Note: As per 1-1-59 द्विर्वचनेऽचि, while reduplication is yet to be done, a substitution (in this case गुण: of the इकार: by 7-3-86 पुगन्‍तलघूपधस्‍य च) shall not be made in the place of a vowel on the basis of a vowel (in this case the अकार: of “णल्”) that is the cause for reduplication.
Note: This rule only temporarily stops the substitution until reduplication is done. Once reduplication is done, the substitution does takes place (in step 8 below.)

Therefore we apply 6-1-8 लिटि धातोरनभ्यासस्य before applying 7-3-86 पुगन्‍तलघूपधस्‍य च

(7) छि छिद् + अ । By 7-4-60 हलादिः शेषः, of the consonants of a reduplicate (अभ्यासः – ref. 6-1-4 पूर्वोऽभ्यासः), only the one (if any) at the beginning is retained, the rest are elided.

(8) छि छेद् + अ । By 7-3-86 पुगन्‍तलघूपधस्‍य च, when a अङ्गम् is followed by a सार्वधातुक-प्रत्ययः or an आर्धधातुक-प्रत्ययः, then its इक्-letter takes गुण-आदेशः in the following two cases: i) The अङ्गम् ends in a पुक्-आगमः
or ii) The penultimate letter of the अङ्गम् has the लघु-सञ्ज्ञा।

(9) छि तुँक् छेद । By 6-1-73 छे च, a short vowel (ह्रस्वः) gets the तुँक्-आगमः when a छकारः follows in संहितायाम्। By 1-1-46 आद्यन्तौ टकितौ, an augment which is marked with the letter “क्” as an इत् attaches to the end of the term in the genitive case. In the present example, the term in the genitive case in the सूत्रम् is “ह्रस्वस्य” which is coming as अनुवृत्ति: from 6-1-71. Therefore the तुँक्-आगम: comes after the ह्रस्व: (इकार:)।

(10) छि त् छेद । अनुबन्ध-लोपः by 1-3-2 उपदेशेऽजनुनासिक इत्, 1-3-3 हलन्त्यम्, 1-3-9 तस्य लोपः

(11) छि च् छेद । तकारः gets चकार-आदेशः by 8-4-40 स्तोः श्चुना श्चुः

(12) चिच्छेद । By 8-4-54 अभ्यासे चर्च, in a reduplicate (अभ्यासः – ref. 6-1-4 पूर्वोऽभ्यासः), a letter of the झल्-प्रत्याहारः is substituted by a letter of the चर्-प्रत्याहारः or जश्-प्रत्याहारः। The substitutions take place as per 1-1-50 स्थानेऽन्तरतमः


1. Where is 6-1-73 छे च (used in step 9 of the example) used in the last five verses of Chapter Nine of the गीता?

2. Can you spot a “श्नम्”-प्रत्यय: in the verse?

3. Where has 6-1-10 श्लौ been used in the verse?

4. 6-1-73 छे च is the first सूत्रम् in the अधिकार: of 6-1-72 संहितायाम्। Can you recall a अधिकार: which is a subset of (contained in) the अधिकार: of 6-1-72 संहितायाम्?

5. How would you say this in Sanskrit?
“Sri Krishna removed (cut) all of Arjuna’s doubts.” Use the masculine प्रातिपदिकम् “संशय” for “doubt.”

6. How would you say this in Sanskrit?
“Sri Rama made friendship with Sugriva.” Use the neuter प्रातिपदिकम् “सख्य” for “friendship” and use (a लिँट् form of) √कृ (डुकृञ् करणे ८. १०) for “to make.”

Easy questions:

1. Where has 7-1-25 अद्ड् डतरादिभ्यः पञ्चभ्यः been used in the verse?

2. Why didn’t 7-2-102 त्यदादीनामः apply in the form “तद्” (सर्वनाम-प्रातिपदिकम् “तद्”, नपुंसकलिङ्गे द्वितीया-एकवचनम्)?

विव्याध 3As-लिँट्

Today we will look at the form विव्याध 3As-लिँट् from श्रीमद्भागवतम् 10.54.26

यावन्न मे हतो बाणैः शयीथा मुञ्च दारिकाम् ।
स्मयन्कृष्णो धनुश्छित्त्वा षड्भिर्विव्याध रुक्मिणम् ।। १०-५४-२६ ।।

No commentary on this verse.

Gita Press translation – “Leave my sister before you bite the dust when struck with my arrows.” Smilingly tearing his bow Śrī Kṛṣṇa pierced Rukmī with six arrows.

विव्याध is derived from the धातुः √व्यध् (दिवादि-गणः, व्यधँ ताडने, धातु-पाठः # ४. ७८)

The ending अकारः (which is an इत् by 1-3-2 उपदेशेऽजनुनासिक इत्) of “व्यधँ” has a उदात्त-स्वरः। Thus the √व्यध्-धातुः is devoid of any indications for bringing in आत्मनेपद-प्रत्यया:। (Neither 1-3-12 अनुदात्तङित आत्मनेपदम् nor 1-3-72 स्वरितञितः कर्त्रभिप्राये क्रियाफले applies.) Therefore, as per 1-3-78 शेषात् कर्तरि परस्मैपदम्, the √व्यध्-धातुः, in कर्तरि प्रयोग:, will take the परस्मैपद-प्रत्यया: by default. As per 1-4-99 लः परस्मैपदम्, 1-4-100 तङानावात्मनेपदम्, the nine प्रत्यया: from “तिप्” to “मस्” get the परस्मैपद-सञ्ज्ञा। So √व्यध्-धातुः can take only one of these nine प्रत्यया: in कर्तरि प्रयोग:।

The विवक्षा is लिँट्, कर्तरि प्रयोग:, प्रथम-पुरुषः, एकवचनम्, hence the प्रत्ययः is “तिप्”।

(1) व्यध् + लिँट् । By 3-2-115 परोक्षे लिँट्, the affix लिँट् (Perfect Tense) comes after a verbal root in the sense of the past not of today, provided that the action is unperceived by the narrator.

(2) व्यध् + ल् । अनुबन्ध-लोपः by 1-3-2 उपदेशेऽजनुनासिक इत्, 1-3-3 हलन्त्यम्, 1-3-9 तस्य लोपः

(3) व्यध् + तिप् । 3-4-78 तिप्तस्झिसिप्थस्थमिब्वस्मस्तातांझथासाथांध्वमिड्वहिमहिङ् mandates the प्रत्ययः “तिप्” as the substitute for the लकारः। By 3-4-115 लिट् च, a तिङ्-प्रत्यय: which comes in place of लिँट् gets the आर्धधातुक-सञ्ज्ञा। Therefore “तिप्” gets the आर्धधातुक-सञ्ज्ञा। This prevents 3-1-68 कर्तरि शप्‌ (which requires a सार्वधातुक-प्रत्यय: to follow) from applying.

(4) व्यध् + णल् । By 3-4-82 परस्मैपदानां णलतुसुस्थलथुसणल्वमाः, when they come in place of लिँट्, the nine परस्मैपद-प्रत्यया: – “तिप्”, “तस्”, “झि”, “सिप्”, “थस्”, “थ”, “मिप्”, “वस्” and “मस्” – are substituted by “णल्”, “अतुस्”, “उस्”, “थल्”, “अथुस्”, “अ”, “णल्”, “व” and “म” respectively.

(5) व्यध् + अ । अनुबन्ध-लोपः by 1-3-3 हलन्त्यम्, 1-3-7 चुटू, 1-3-9 तस्य लोपः

(6) व्यध् व्यध् + अ । By 6-1-8 लिटि धातोरनभ्यासस्य , when लिँट् follows a verbal root, there is reduplication of the first portion – containing a single vowel – of the verbal root which is not already reduplicated. But if the verbal root (that has more than one vowel) begins with a vowel, then the reduplication is of the second portion – containing a single vowel.

Note: As per 1-1-59 द्विर्वचनेऽचि, while reduplication is yet to be done, a substitution (in this case वृद्धि: of the अकार: by 7-2-116 अत उपधायाः) shall not be made in the place of a vowel on the basis of a vowel (in this case the अकार: of “णल्”) that is the cause for reduplication.
Note: This rule only temporarily stops the substitution until reduplication is done. Once reduplication is done, the substitution does takes place (in step 9 below.)

Therefore we apply 6-1-8 लिटि धातोरनभ्यासस्य before applying 7-2-116 अत उपधायाः

(7) व् इ अध् व्यध् + अ । By 6-1-17 लिट्यभ्यासस्योभयेषाम्, when a लिँट् affix follows, सम्प्रसारणम् (ref. 1-1-45 इग्यणः सम्प्रसारणम्) is done in the अभ्यास: (reduplicate) of the verbal roots (वचँ परिभाषणे २. ५८ etc.) referred to in 6-1-15 वचिस्वपियजादीनां किति as well as in that of the verbal roots (ग्रहँ उपादाने ९. ७१ etc.) referred to in 6-1-16 ग्रहिज्यावयिव्यधिवष्टिविचतिवृश्चतिपृच्छतिभृज्जतीनां ङिति च
See question 2.

Note: As per the परिभाषा “सम्प्रसारणं तदाश्रितं च कार्यं बलवत्”, 6-1-17 (which is an earlier rule in the अष्टाध्यायी compared to 7-4-60) applies before 7-4-60. Note: If 7-4-60 had applied first, the यकार: (in the अभ्यास:) would have taken लोप: and we would have ended up with an undesirable form.
परिभाषा – “सम्प्रसारणं तदाश्रितं च कार्यं बलवत्” – A सम्प्रसारणम् (ref. 1-1-45) operation, as well as an operation (6-1-108) which is dependent on it, possesses greater force (takes precedence over other operations which are simultaneously applicable.)

(8) व् इ ध् व्यध् + अ । By 6-1-108 सम्प्रसारणाच्च – When a सम्प्रसारणम् is followed by a अच् (vowel), there is a single replacement (in place of both the सम्प्रसारणम् and the following अच्) of the prior letter (the सम्प्रसारणम्)।

(9) वि व्यध् + अ । By 7-4-60 हलादिः शेषः, of the consonants of a reduplicate (अभ्यासः – ref. 6-1-4 पूर्वोऽभ्यासः), only the one (if any) at the beginning is retained, the rest are elided.

(10) विव्याध । By 7-2-116 अत उपधायाः , a penultimate (उपधा) अकार: of a अङ्गम् gets वृद्धिः as the substitute when followed by a प्रत्ययः which is a ञित् or a णित्।


1. The सूत्रम् 6-1-17 लिट्यभ्यासस्योभयेषाम् (used in step 7 of the example) is used in only one word (which occurs many times) in the गीता। Which word is it?

2. Why didn’t the वकार: (which is a यण् letter) in the अभ्यास: take सम्प्रसारणम् in step 7?

3. Can you spot a “सीयुट्”-आगम: in the verse?

4. Which सूत्रम् is used for the “नुँम्”-आगम: in the form मुञ्च?

5. How would you say this in Sanskrit?
“Sri Rama pierced the demons with sharp arrows.” Use the masculine प्रातिपदिकम् “राक्षस” for “demon” and the adjective प्रातिपदिकम् “निशित” for “sharp.”

6. How would you say this in Sanskrit?
“Sita said to Ravana – ‘How indeed doesn’t shame tear up your heart?'” Use the combination of अव्यये “कथम् + नु = कथं नु” for “how indeed”, use the feminine प्रातिपदिकम् “लज्जा” for “shame”, use a causative form of √दॄ (दॄ विदारणे ९. २६) with the उपसर्ग: “वि” for “to tear up” and use (a लिँट् form of) √वच् (वचँ परिभाषणे २. ५८) for “to say.” Use the अव्ययम् “इति” as an end-quote.

Easy questions:

1. Where has 8-4-45 यरोऽनुनासिकेऽनुनासिको वा been used in the verse?

2. Which प्रातिपदिकम् used in the verse has the षट्-सञ्ज्ञा?

जगुः 3Ap-लिँट्

Today we will look at the form जगुः 3Ap-लिँट् from श्रीमद्भागवतम् 4.15.7

मैत्रेय उवाच
प्रशंसन्ति स्म तं विप्रा गन्धर्वप्रवरा जगुः।
मुमुचुः सुमनोधाराः सिद्धा नृत्यन्ति स्वःस्त्रियः ।। ४-१५-७ ।।

स्वःस्त्रियः अप्सरसो नृत्यन्ति स्म ।।

Gita Press translation – Maitreya went on : The Brāhmaṇas extolled Pṛthu, while the demigods known as Gandharvas were singing songs, the chief of them, the Siddhas were releasing showers of (Elysian) flowers, the heavenly damsels were dancing (all for joy at the advent of Pṛthu).”

जगुः is derived from the धातुः √गै (गै शब्दे १. १०६५)

In the धातु-पाठः, the √गै-धातुः has no इत् letters. It is devoid of any indications for bringing in आत्मनेपद-प्रत्यया:। (Neither 1-3-12 अनुदात्तङित आत्मनेपदम् nor 1-3-72 स्वरितञितः कर्त्रभिप्राये क्रियाफले applies.) Therefore, as per 1-3-78 शेषात् कर्तरि परस्मैपदम्, the √गै-धातुः, in कर्तरि प्रयोग:, will take the परस्मैपद-प्रत्यया: by default. As per 1-4-99 लः परस्मैपदम्, 1-4-100 तङानावात्मनेपदम्, the nine प्रत्यया: from “तिप्” to “मस्” get the परस्मैपद-सञ्ज्ञा। So √गै-धातुः can take only one of these nine प्रत्यया: in कर्तरि प्रयोग:।

The विवक्षा is लिँट्, कर्तरि प्रयोग:, प्रथम-पुरुषः, बहुवचनम्, hence the प्रत्ययः is “झि”।

(1) गा + लिँट् । By 3-2-115 परोक्षे लिँट् , the affix लिँट् (Perfect Tense) comes after a verbal root in the sense of the past not of today, provided that the action is unperceived by the narrator.

Note: By 6-1-45 आदेच उपदेशेऽशिति, the ending एच् (“ए”, “ओ”, “ऐ”, “औ”) letter of a धातु: in the धातु-पाठ: is replaced by a आकार:, but not in the context where a शकार: which is a इत् follows.
Since there is going to be no शित् (शकार: as a इत्) following, the धातु: “गै” becomes “गा”।

(2) गा + ल् । अनुबन्ध-लोपः by 1-3-2 उपदेशेऽजनुनासिक इत्, 1-3-3 हलन्त्यम्, 1-3-9 तस्य लोपः

(3) गा + झि । 3-4-78 तिप्तस्झिसिप्थस्थमिब्वस्मस्तातांझथासाथांध्वमिड्वहिमहिङ् mandates the प्रत्ययः “झि” as the substitute for the लकारः। By 3-4-115 लिट् च, a तिङ्-प्रत्यय: which comes in place of लिँट् gets the आर्धधातुक-सञ्ज्ञा। Therefore “झि” gets the आर्धधातुक-सञ्ज्ञा। This prevents 3-1-68 कर्तरि शप्‌ (which requires a सार्वधातुक-प्रत्यय: to follow) from applying.

(4) गा + उस् । By 3-4-82 परस्मैपदानां णलतुसुस्थलथुसणल्वमाः, when they come in place of लिँट्, the nine परस्मैपद-प्रत्यया: – “तिप्”, “तस्”, “झि”, “सिप्”, “थस्”, “थ”, “मिप्”, “वस्” and “मस्” – are substituted by “णल्”, “अतुस्”, “उस्”, “थल्”, “अथुस्”, “अ”, “णल्”, “व” and “म” respectively.
1-3-4 न विभक्तौ तुस्माः prevents the ending सकार: of “उस्” from getting the इत्-सञ्ज्ञा।

(5) गा गा + उस् । By 6-1-8 लिटि धातोरनभ्यासस्य , when लिँट् follows a verbal root, there is reduplication of the first portion – containing a single vowel – of the verbal root which is not already reduplicated. But if the verbal root (that has more than one vowel) begins with a vowel, then the reduplication is of the second portion – containing a single vowel.

Note: As per 1-1-59 द्विर्वचनेऽचि, while reduplication is yet to be done, a substitution (in this case लोप: of the आकार: by 6-4-64 आतो लोप इटि च) shall not be made in the place of a vowel on the basis of a vowel (in this case the उकार: of “उस्”) that is the cause for reduplication.
Note: This rule only temporarily stops the substitution until reduplication is done. Once reduplication is done, the substitution does takes place (in step 8 below.)

Therefore we apply 6-1-8 लिटि धातोरनभ्यासस्य before applying 6-4-64 आतो लोप इटि च

(6) जा गा + उस् । By 7-4-62 कुहोश्चुः, in a reduplicate (अभ्यासः – ref. 6-1-4 पूर्वोऽभ्यासः), a letter of the कवर्गः or हकारः is replaced by a letter of the चवर्गः । The substitutions take place as per 1-1-50 स्थानेऽन्तरतमः

(7) ज गा + उस् । By 7-4-59 ह्रस्वः, the अच् (vowel) of a reduplicate (अभ्यासः – ref. 6-1-4 पूर्वोऽभ्यासः) is substituted by a short vowel.

(8) ज ग् उस् । By 6-4-64 आतो लोप इटि च – The ending आकार: of an अङ्गम् takes लोप: when followed by a vowel-beginning आर्धधातुक-प्रत्यय: that has either:
(i) a “इट्”-आगम: or
(ii) a ककार: or ङकार: as an इत्।
Note: As per 1-2-5 असंयोगाल्लिट् कित्, the “उस्”-प्रत्यय: is कित्। This allows 6-4-64 to apply.

(9) जगुः । रुँत्व-विसर्गौ – 8-2-66 ससजुषो रुः and 8-3-15 खरवसानयोर्विसर्जनीयः


1. In the last ten verses of Chapter Nine of the गीता where has the सूत्रम् 7-4-59 ह्रस्वः (used in step 7 of the example) been used?

2. Where else (besides in जगु:) has लिँट् been used in the verse?

3. Why doesn’t the ऋकार: in नृत्यन्ति take the गुणादेश: by 7-3-86 पुगन्तलघूपधस्य च?

4. Can you spot a शप्-प्रत्यय: in the verse?

5. Commenting on the सूत्रम् 6-4-64 आतो लोप इटि च (used in step 8 of the example) the काशिका says अचि इत्येव, ग्लायते। Please explain.

6. How would you say this in Sanskrit?
“All the gopis, dancing around Sri Krishna, sang melodiously.” Use the अव्ययम् “परित:” for “around”, use द्वितीया विभक्ति: with “Sri Krishna”, use the प्रातिपदिकम् “नृत्यन्ती” (feminine) for “dancing” and use “सुस्वरम्” as an adverb for “melodiously.”

Easy questions:

1. Which सूत्रम् is used for the “इयँङ्”-आदेश: in the form स्व:स्त्रिय: (प्रातिपदिकम् “स्व:स्त्री”, प्रथमा-बहुवचनम्)? Is there an alternate form?

2. In how many places has 8-3-22 हलि सर्वेषाम् been used in the verse?

ददौ 3As-लिँट्

Today we will look at the form ददौ 3As-लिँट् from श्रीमद्भागवतम् 6.9.3

स एव हि ददौ भागं परोक्षमसुरान्प्रति ।
यजमानोऽवहद्भागं मातृस्नेहवशानुगः ।। ६-९-३ ।।

असुरेभ्यस्तु परोक्षं गुप्तं भागं ददौ । तदेवाह – देवान्यजमानोऽसावसुरान्प्रति भागमवहत्, केनाप्युपायेन प्रापयामास । यतो मातृस्नेहवशेनासुराननुगच्छति ।।

Gita Press translation “But he secretly offered a share (of the sacrificial oblations) to the demons (as well), as he (somehow) managed to convey the same to them even while pouring oblations into the sacred fire; for he had his sympathies with the Asuras because of the affection his mother (Racanā) bore to them.”

ददौ is derived from the धातुः √दा (जुहोत्यादि-गणः डुदाञ् दाने,धातु-पाठः #३. १०)

The “डु” at the beginning of this धातुः gets इत्-सञ्ज्ञा by 1-3-5 आदिर्ञिटुडवः। The ञकारः at the end gets इत्-सञ्ज्ञा by 1-3-3 हलन्त्यम्। Both take लोप: by 1-3-9 तस्य लोपः

Since the √दा-धातुः has ञकारः as इत् in the धातु-पाठः by 1-3-72 स्वरितञितः कर्त्रभिप्राये क्रियाफले, the √दा-धातुः will take आत्मनेपद-प्रत्ययाः when the fruit of the action (क्रियाफलम्) accrues to the doer (कर्त्रभिप्रायम् = कर्तृ-अभिप्रायम्)। In the remaining case – when the fruit of the action does not accrue to the doer – by 1-3-78 शेषात् कर्तरि परस्मैपदम् – the √दा-धातुः will take परस्मैपद-प्रत्ययाः। In reality though, this distinction of the fruit of the action accruing to the doer or not, is rarely honored in the language. So as a practical matter, a verbal root such as √दा will take either आत्मनेपद-प्रत्ययाः or परस्मैपद-प्रत्ययाः regardless of whether the fruit of the action accrues to the doer or not. In short, √दा will be उभयपदी। In this verse, it has taken a परस्मैपद-प्रत्यय:।

The विवक्षा is लिँट्, कर्तरि प्रयोग:, प्रथम-पुरुषः, एकवचनम्, therefore the प्रत्यय: is “तिप्”।

(1) दा + लिँट् । By 3-2-115 परोक्षे लिँट्, the affix लिँट् (Perfect Tense) comes after a verbal root in the sense of the past not of today, provided that the action is unperceived by the narrator.

(2) दा + ल् । अनुबन्ध-लोपः by 1-3-2 उपदेशेऽजनुनासिक इत्, 1-3-3 हलन्त्यम्, 1-3-9 तस्य लोपः

(3) दा + तिप् । 3-4-78 तिप्तस्झिसिप्थस्थमिब्वस्मस्तातांझथासाथांध्वमिड्वहिमहिङ् mandates the प्रत्ययः “तिप्” as the substitute for the लकारः। By 3-4-115 लिट् च, a तिङ्-प्रत्यय: which comes in place of लिँट् gets the आर्धधातुक-सञ्ज्ञा। Therefore “तिप्” gets the आर्धधातुक-सञ्ज्ञा। This prevents 3-1-68 कर्तरि शप्‌ (which requires a सार्वधातुक-प्रत्यय: to follow) from applying.

(4) दा + णल् । By 3-4-82 परस्मैपदानां णलतुसुस्थलथुसणल्वमाः, when they come in place of लिँट्, the nine परस्मैपद-प्रत्यया: – “तिप्”, “तस्”, “झि”, “सिप्”, “थस्”, “थ”, “मिप्”, “वस्” and “मस्” – are substituted by “णल्”, “अतुस्”, “उस्”, “थल्”, “अथुस्”, “अ”, “णल्”, “व” and “म” respectively.

(5) दा + औ । By 7-1-34 आत औ णलः, the “णल्”-प्रत्यय: is substituted by a औकार:, when it follows a धातु: that ends in a आकार:।

(6) दा दा + औ । By 6-1-8 लिटि धातोरनभ्यासस्य, when लिँट् follows a verbal root, there is reduplication of the first portion – containing a single vowel – of the verbal root which is not already reduplicated. But if the verbal root (that has more than one vowel) begins with a vowel, then the reduplication is of the second portion – containing a single vowel.

Note: As per 1-1-59 द्विर्वचनेऽचि, while reduplication is yet to be done, a substitution (in this case वृद्धि: by 6-1-88 वृद्धिरेचि) shall not be made in the place of a vowel on the basis of a vowel (in this case “औ”) that is the cause for reduplication.
Note: This rule only temporarily stops the substitution until reduplication is done. Once reduplication is done, the substitution does takes place (in step 8 below.)

Therefore we apply 6-1-8 लिटि धातोरनभ्यासस्य before applying 6-1-88 वृद्धिरेचि

(7) द दा + औ । By 7-4-59 ह्रस्वः, the अच् (vowel) of a reduplicate (अभ्यासः – ref. 6-1-4 पूर्वोऽभ्यासः) is substituted by a short vowel.

(8) ददौ । By 6-1-88 वृद्धिरेचि


1. In Chapter One of the गीता, can you spot a word wherein the णल्-प्रत्यय: has been used, but 6-1-8 लिटि धातोरनभ्यासस्य has not applied?

2. Where has 3-4-100 इतश्च been used in the verse?

3. What would have been the final form in the example if a आत्मनेपद-प्रत्यय: had been used?

4. Which सूत्रम् is used for the छकारादेश: in the form अनुगच्छति in the commentary?

5. In the सिद्धान्तकौमुदी, the वृत्ति: of the सूत्रम् 7-1-34 (used in step 5 of the example) says – आदन्ताद्धातोर्णल औकारादेशः स्यात्। Commenting on this, the तत्त्वबोधिनी says – इह अङ्गस्येत्यनुवर्तते। धातोरिति तु फलितार्थकथनम्। What does this mean?

6. How would you say this in Sanskrit?
“Lord Vishnu, in the form of Mohini, gave the nectar only to the gods.” Use the (compound) adjective प्रातिपदिकम् “मोहिनी-रूप-धारिन्” for “in the form of Mohini” and use चतुर्थी विभक्ति: with “gods.”

Easy questions:

1. Can you spot the “अदस्”-प्रातिपदिकम् in the commentary?

2. Which सूत्रम् is used for the “क”-आदेश: in the form केन (सर्वनाम-प्रातिपदिकम् “किम्”, पुंलिङ्गे तृतीया-एकवचनम्)?

ऊचुः 3Ap-लिँट्

Today we will look at the form ऊचुः 3Ap-लिँट् from श्रीमद्भागवतम् 10.29.31

श्रीगोप्य ऊचुः
मैवं विभोऽर्हति भवान्गदितुं नृशंसं सन्त्यज्य सर्वविषयांस्तव पादमूलम् ।
भक्ता भजस्व दुरवग्रह मा त्यजास्मान् देवो यथादिपुरुषो भजते मुमुक्षून् ।। १०-२९-३१ ।।

नृशंसं क्रूरम् । हे दुरवग्रह स्वछन्द, तव पादमूलं भक्ताः सेवितवतीरस्मान्भजस्व मा त्यजेति ।

Gita Press translation – The Gopīs said : “You ought not to speak so cruelly to us. Kindly take in Your service us, that have sought the soles of Your feet renouncing all (other) objects, (even) as Lord Nārāyaṇa (the most ancient Person) accepts (the worship of) those that seek Liberation. (Pray,) do not abandon us, O Lord who are (so) hard to win over!”

ऊचुः is derived from the धातुः √वच् (अदादि-गणः, वचँ परिभाषणे, धातु-पाठः # २. ५८)

In the धातु-पाठः, the धातुः √वच् has one इत् letter – the अकार: following the चकार:। This इत् letter has a उदात्त-स्वर:। Thus the धातुः √वच् is devoid of any indications for bringing in आत्मनेपद-प्रत्यया:। (Neither 1-3-12 अनुदात्तङित आत्मनेपदम् nor 1-3-72 स्वरितञितः कर्त्रभिप्राये क्रियाफले applies.) Therefore, as per 1-3-78 शेषात् कर्तरि परस्मैपदम्, the वच्-धातुः, in कर्तरि प्रयोग:, will take the परस्मैपद-प्रत्यया: by default. As per 1-4-99 लः परस्मैपदम्, 1-4-100 तङानावात्मनेपदम्, the nine प्रत्यया: from “तिप्” to “मस्” get the परस्मैपद-सञ्ज्ञा। So वच्-धातुः can take only one of these nine प्रत्यया: in कर्तरि प्रयोग:।

The विवक्षा is लिँट्, कर्तरि प्रयोग:, प्रथम-पुरुषः, बहुवचनम्, hence the प्रत्ययः is “झि”।

(1) वच् + लिँट् । By 3-2-115 परोक्षे लिँट्, the affix लिँट् (Perfect Tense) comes after a verbal root in the sense of the past not of today, provided that the action is unperceived by the narrator.

(2) वच् + ल् । अनुबन्ध-लोपः by 1-3-2 उपदेशेऽजनुनासिक इत्, 1-3-3 हलन्त्यम्, 1-3-9 तस्य लोपः

(3) वच् + झि । 3-4-78 तिप्तस्झिसिप्थस्थमिब्वस्मस्तातांझथासाथांध्वमिड्वहिमहिङ् mandates the प्रत्ययः “झि” as the substitute for the लकारः। By 3-4-115 लिट् च, a तिङ्-प्रत्यय: which comes in place of लिँट् gets the आर्धधातुक-सञ्ज्ञा। Therefore “झि” gets the आर्धधातुक-सञ्ज्ञा। This prevents 3-1-68 कर्तरि शप्‌ (which requires a सार्वधातुक-प्रत्यय: to follow) from applying.

(4) वच् + उस् । By 3-4-82 परस्मैपदानां णलतुसुस्थलथुसणल्वमाः, when they come in place of लिँट्, the nine परस्मैपद-प्रत्यया: – “तिप्”, “तस्”, “झि”, “सिप्”, “थस्”, “थ”, “मिप्”, “वस्” and “मस्” – are substituted by “णल्”, “अतुस्”, “उस्”, “थल्”, “अथुस्”, “अ”, “णल्”, “व” and “म” respectively.
1-3-4 न विभक्तौ तुस्माः prevents the ending सकार: of “उस्” from getting the इत्-सञ्ज्ञा। As per 1-2-5 असंयोगाल्लिट् कित्, the “उस्”-प्रत्यय: is कित्।

(5) उ अ च् + उस् । By 6-1-15 वचिस्वपियजादीनां किति, the verbal roots √वच् (वचँ परिभाषणे २. ५८), √स्वप् (ञिष्वपँ शये २. ६३) and also the nine verbal roots beginning with √यज् (यजँ देवपूजासङ्गतिकरणदानेषु १. ११५७) take सम्प्रसारणम् (ref. 1-1-45) when followed by an affix which is a कित्।
Note: 6-1-15 applies before 6-1-8 as per the following परिभाषा – “सम्प्रसारणं तदाश्रितं च कार्यं बलवत्” – A सम्प्रसारणम् (ref. 1-1-45) operation, as well as an operation (6-1-108) which is dependent on it, possesses greater force (takes precedence over other operations which are simultaneously applicable.)

(6) उच् + उस् । By 6-1-108 सम्प्रसारणाच्च, when a सम्प्रसारणम् is followed by a अच् (vowel), there is a single replacement (in place of both the सम्प्रसारणम् and the following अच्) of the prior letter (the सम्प्रसारणम्)।

(7) उच् उच् + उस् । By 6-1-8 लिटि धातोरनभ्यासस्य , when लिँट् follows a verbal root, there is reduplication of the first portion – containing a single vowel – of the verbal root which is not already reduplicated. But if the verbal root (that has more than one vowel) begins with a vowel, then the reduplication is of the second portion – containing a single vowel.

(8) उ उच् + उस् । By 7-4-60 हलादिः शेषः, of the consonants of a reduplicate (अभ्यासः – ref. 6-1-4 पूर्वोऽभ्यासः), only the one (if any) at the beginning is retained, the rest are elided.

(9) ऊचुस् । By 6-1-101 अकः सवर्णे दीर्घः। See question 5.

(10) ऊचुः । रुँत्व-विसर्गौ – 8-2-66 ससजुषो रुः and 8-3-15 खरवसानयोर्विसर्जनीयः


1. In the first verse of which chapter of the गीता has √वच् (अदादि-गणः, वचँ परिभाषणे, धातु-पाठः # २. ५८) been used with लिँट्?

2. Which सूत्रम् has been used for the “व”-आदेश: in भजस्व?

3. In the verse, can you spot a word in which the “हि”-प्रत्यय: has taken the लुक् elision?

4. Where has 3-1-68 कर्तरि शप्‌ been used for the first time in the verse? Where has it been used for the last time?

5. Why didn’t 6-4-77 अचि श्नुधातुभ्रुवां य्वोरियङुवङौ apply (instead of 6-1-101 अकः सवर्णे दीर्घः) in step 9? (Which condition was not satisfied?)

6. With the help of some words from the verse, construct the following sentence in Sanskrit:
All the cowherds said to Sri Krishna – “O Lord, you ought to protect us.”
Use the अव्ययम् “रक्षितुम्” for “to protect.”

Easy questions:

1. Where has 8-3-7 नश्छव्यप्रशान् been used in the verse?

2. Which सूत्रम् is used for मा + एवम् = मैवम्? Which one for विभो + अर्हति = विभोऽर्हति? Which one for the नकारादेश: in मुमुक्षून् (प्रातिपदिकम् “मुमुक्षु”, पुंलिङ्गे द्वितीया-बहुवचनम्)?

चक्रुः 3Ap-लिँट्

Today we will look at the form चक्रुः 3Ap-लिँट् from श्रीमद्भागवतम् 12.8.24

ननृतुस्तस्य पुरतः स्त्रियोऽथो गायका जगुः ।
मृदङ्गवीणापणवैर्वाद्यं चक्रुर्मनोरमम् ।। १२-८-२४ ।।

श्रीधर-स्वामि-टीका – No commentary on this verse.

Gita Press translation “The damsels danced and the songsters sang, while other Gandharvas played charmingly on clay tomtoms, lutes and small drums before him.”

Note: “played” is the translation for “वाद्यं चक्रु:”।

चक्रुः is derived from the धातुः √कृ (तनादि-गणः, डुकृञ् करणे, धातु-पाठः # ८. १०)

The “डु” at the beginning of this धातुः gets इत्-सञ्ज्ञा by 1-3-5 आदिर्ञिटुडवः। The ञकारः at the end gets इत्-सञ्ज्ञा by 1-3-3 हलन्त्यम्। Both take लोप: by 1-3-9 तस्य लोपः

Since the √कृ-धातुः has ञकारः as इत् in the धातु-पाठः, by 1-3-72 स्वरितञितः कर्त्रभिप्राये क्रियाफले the √कृ-धातुः will take आत्मनेपद-प्रत्ययाः when the fruit of the action (क्रियाफलम्) accrues to the doer (कर्त्रभिप्रायम् = कर्तृ-अभिप्रायम्)। In the remaining case – when the fruit of the action does not accrue to the doer – by 1-3-78 शेषात् कर्तरि परस्मैपदम् – the √कृ-धातुः will take परस्मैपद-प्रत्ययाः।

In reality though, this distinction of the fruit of the action accruing to the doer or not, is rarely honored in the language. So as a practical matter, a verbal root such as “√कृ” will take either आत्मनेपद-प्रत्ययाः or परस्मैपद-प्रत्ययाः regardless of whether the fruit of the action accrues to the doer or not. In short, √कृ-धातुः will be उभयपदी। In this verse, it has taken a परस्मैपद-प्रत्यय:।

The विवक्षा is लिँट्, कर्तरि प्रयोग:, प्रथम-पुरुषः, बहुवचनम्, hence the प्रत्ययः is झि।

(1) कृ + लिँट् । By 3-2-115 परोक्षे लिँट् , the affix लिँट् (Perfect Tense) comes after a verbal root in the sense of the past not of today, provided that the action is unperceived by the narrator.

(2) कृ + ल् । अनुबन्ध-लोपः by 1-3-2 उपदेशेऽजनुनासिक इत्, 1-3-3 हलन्त्यम्, 1-3-9 तस्य लोपः

(3) कृ + झि । 3-4-78 तिप्तस्झिसिप्थस्थमिब्वस्मस्तातांझथासाथांध्वमिड्वहिमहिङ् mandates the प्रत्ययः “झि” as the substitute for the लकारः। By 3-4-115 लिट् च, a तिङ्-प्रत्यय: which comes in place of लिँट् gets the आर्धधातुक-सञ्ज्ञा। Therefore “झि” gets the आर्धधातुक-सञ्ज्ञा।

(4) कृ + उस् । By 3-4-82 परस्मैपदानां णलतुसुस्थलथुसणल्वमाः, when they come in place of लिँट्, the nine परस्मैपद-प्रत्यया: – “तिप्”, “तस्”, “झि”, “सिप्”, “थस्”, “थ”, “मिप्”, “वस्” and “मस्” – are substituted by “णल्”, “अतुस्”, “उस्”, “थल्”, “अथुस्”, “अ”, “णल्”, “व” and “म” respectively.
1-3-4 न विभक्तौ तुस्माः prevents the ending सकार: of “उस्” from getting the इत्-सञ्ज्ञा।

Note: “उस्” is a कित्-प्रत्यय: as per 1-2-5 असंयोगाल्लिट् कित्। Hence 1-1-5 ग्क्ङिति च prevents 7-3-84 सार्वधातुकार्धधातुकयोः from applying.

Note: If 6-1-77 इको यणचि (which is a later rule in the अष्टाध्यायी compared to 6-1-8 लिटि धातोरनभ्यासस्य ) would apply here (before 6-1-8) there would be no अच् (vowel) left in the धातु: and 6-1-8 would become inapplicable.

By 1-1-59 द्विर्वचनेऽचि, while reduplication is yet to be done, a substitution shall not be made in the place of a vowel on the basis of a vowel that is the cause for reduplication. (Hence 6-1-8 applies first.)
Note: This rule only temporarily stops the substitution (in this case रेफ: in place of ऋकार:) until reduplication is done. Once reduplication is done, the substitution (in this example in step 9) does takes place.

(5) कृ कृ + उस् । By 6-1-8 लिटि धातोरनभ्यासस्य , when लिँट् follows a verbal root, there is reduplication of the first portion – containing a single vowel – of the verbal root which is not already reduplicated. But if the verbal root (that has more than one vowel) begins with a vowel, then the reduplication is of the second portion – containing a single vowel.

(6) कर् कृ + उस् । By 7-4-66 उरत्‌, a ऋवर्ण: of the अभ्यास: (reduplicate) takes the अकारादेश: when a प्रत्यय: follows.
By 1-1-51 उरण् रपरः, in the place of ऋवर्ण: if an अण् letter (“अ”, “इ”, “उ”) comes as a substitute, it is always followed by a रँ (“र्”, “ल्”) letter.

(7) चर् कृ + उस् । By 7-4-62 कुहोश्चुः, in a reduplicate (अभ्यासः – ref. 6-1-4 पूर्वोऽभ्यासः), a letter of the कवर्गः or हकारः is replaced by a letter of the चवर्गः । The substitutions take place as per 1-1-50 स्थानेऽन्तरतमः

(8) च कृ + उस् । By 7-4-60 हलादिः शेषः, of the consonants of a reduplicate (अभ्यासः – ref. 6-1-4 पूर्वोऽभ्यासः), only the one (if any) at the beginning is retained, the rest are elided.

(9) चक्रुस् । By 6-1-77 इको यणचि

(10) चक्रुः । रुँत्व-विसर्गौ – 8-2-66 ससजुषो रुः and 8-3-15 खरवसानयोर्विसर्जनीयः


1. Can you spot a word in Chapter One of the गीता wherein the विवक्षा (as in this example) is लिँट्, कर्तरि प्रयोग:, प्रथम-पुरुषः, बहुवचनम्?

2. Where else (besides in चक्रु:) has 7-4-66 उरत्‌ been used in the verse?

3. Which सूत्रम् is used for the “इयँङ्”-आदेश: in the form स्त्रिय: (प्रातिपदिकम् “स्त्री”, प्रथमा-बहुवचनम्)?

4. Where has 6-1-45 आदेच उपदेशेऽशिति been used in the verse?

5. How would you say this in Sanskrit?
“Sita saw an amazing deer sporting in the forest.” Use the adjective प्रातिपदिकम् “अद्भुत” for “amazing”, the masculine प्रातिपदिकम् “मृग” for “deer”, the adjective प्रातिपदिकम् “क्रीडत्” (ending in the शतृँ-प्रत्यय:) for “sporting” and (a लिँट् form of) √दृश् (दृशिँर् प्रेक्षणे १. ११४३) for “to see.”

6. How would you say this in Sanskrit?
“In order to deceive Sita, the deer imitated Sri Rama’s voice.” Use the अव्ययम् “वञ्चयितुम्” for “in order to deceive” and the masculine प्रातिपदिकम् “स्वर” for “voice.” Use (a लिँट् form) of √कृ (तनादि-गणः, डुकृञ् करणे, धातु-पाठः # ८. १०) with the उपसर्ग: “अनु” for “to imitate.”

Easy questions:

1. Which सूत्रम् is used for the “स्य”-आदेश: in the form तस्य (सर्वनाम-प्रातिपदिकम् “तद्”, पुंलिङ्गे षष्ठी-एकवचनम्)?

2. Where has 8-3-22 हलि सर्वेषाम् been used in the verse?

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