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गाम् fAs

Today we will look at the form गाम्-fAs from श्रीमद्भागवतम् Sb11-23-59.

निर्विद्य नष्टद्रविणे गतक्लमः प्रव्रज्य गां पर्यटमान इत्थम् ।
निराकृतोऽसद्भिरपि स्वधर्मादकम्पितोऽमूं मुनिराह गाथाम् ।। ११-२३-५९ ।।

Gita Press translation “The glorious Lord went on: Getting disgusted with the pleasures of sense and leaving his home and wandering over the earth, the ascetic – whose depression of spirits was gone even though he had lost his fortune, and who did not budge from his righteous course of conduct though ill-treated as aforesaid by the wicked – chanted the foregoing song.”

‘गो’ gets प्रातिपदिकसंज्ञा by 1-2-45 अर्थवदधातुरप्रत्ययः प्रातिपदिकम्। The विवक्षा here is द्वितीया-एकवचनम्4-1-2 स्वौजसमौट्छष्टा… mandates the प्रत्ययाः सुँ, औ, जस् etc. after the प्रातिपदिकम् “गो” ।

(1) गो + अम् ।

(2) गाम् । By 6-1-93 औतोऽम्शसोः, आकारः shall be the single substitute in the place of an ओकारः and the following अकारः of affixes अम् and शस्।


1. Where is the word “गाम्” found in the गीता?

2. Please do पदच्छेद: of the सूत्रम् 6-1-93 औतोऽम्शसोः and indicate the विभक्ति:/वचनम् of each term.

3. Derive the form “अमूम्” (स्त्रीलिङ्गे द्वितीया-एकवचनम्) from the सर्वनाम-प्रातिपदिकम् “अदस्”।

4. Which terms from the प्रादिगण: (reference 1-4-58 प्रादयः) have been used in this verse?

5. Which of these (answer to question 4) have the उपसर्ग-सञ्ज्ञा? (reference 1-4-59 उपसर्गाः क्रियायोगे)

6. Why did we not consider the सूत्रम् 6-1-107 अमि पूर्वः in this example?

7. How would you say this in Sanskrit?
“This (is) an appropriate example.” Use the adjective प्रातिपदिकम् “उचित” for “appropriate.”

8. Please state the one synonym for the word “क्लम:” (प्रातिपदिकम् “क्लम” masculine, meaning “fatigue”) as given in the अमरकोश:।
क्लमथः क्लमे ॥३-२-१०॥
(इति द्वे “ग्लाने:” नामनी)

Easy questions:

1. Derive the form “स्वधर्मात्” (पञ्चमी-एकवचनम्) from the प्रातिपदिकम् “स्वधर्म” (declined like राम-शब्द:)।

2. Which term used in the verse has the घि-सञ्ज्ञा (reference 1-4-7 शेषो घ्यसखि)?

स्वसः fVs

Today we will look at the form स्वसः-fVs from श्रीमद्भागवतम् Sb10-82-21

कंसप्रतापिताः सर्वे वयं याता दिशं दिशम् ।
एतर्ह्येव पुनः स्थानं दैवेनासादिताः स्वसः ।। १०-८२-२१ ।।

Gita Press translation “Sister, you are aware how harassed by Kaṁsa, we had to flee from one quarter to another. It is only now that we have been restored to a secure position by Providence.”

‘स्वसृ’ gets प्रातिपदिकसंज्ञा by 1-2-45 अर्थवदधातुरप्रत्ययः प्रातिपदिकम्। The विवक्षा here is सम्बुद्धिः4-1-2 स्वौजसमौट्छष्टा… mandates the प्रत्ययाः सुँ, औ, जस् etc. after the प्रातिपदिकम् “स्वसृ” ।

(1) स्वसृ + सुँ ।

(2) स्वसर् । By 7-3-110 ऋतो ङिसर्वनामस्थानयोः, ऋत् (short ऋ) ending अङ्गम् gets a गुणः replacement, when followed by the affix ङि or an affix with the designation सर्वनामस्थानम्। By 1-1-51 उरण् रपरः, in the place of ऋवर्ण: if an अण् letter (अ, इ, उ) comes as a substitute, it is always followed by a रँ letter. See easy questions 1, 2 and 3.

(3) स्वसर् + स् । अनुबन्ध-लोपः by 1-3-2 उपदेशेऽजनुनासिक इत् and 1-3-9 तस्य लोपः।

(4) स्वसर् । By 6-1-68 हल्ङ्याब्भ्यो दीर्घात्‌ सुतिस्यपृक्तं हल्, a single letter affix सुँ, ति or सि is dropped following a base ending in a consonant or in the long feminine affix ङी or आप्। Now “स्वसर्” gets the पद-सञ्ज्ञा by 1-1-62 प्रत्ययलोपे प्रत्ययलक्षणम्, 1-4-14 सुप्तिङन्तं पदम्

(5) स्वसः । विसर्ग-आदेशः by 8-3-15 खरवसानयोर्विसर्जनीयः


1. We have studied one सूत्रम् in which पाणिनि: specifically mentions the प्रातिपदिकम् “स्वसृ”। Which one is it and why did it not apply in this example?

2. The अव्ययम् “एतर्हि” (meaning “अस्मिन् काले”) is formed using the तद्धित-प्रत्यय: “र्हिल्” as per the सूत्रम् 5-3-16 इदमो र्हिल्। By which सूत्रम् does it get the अव्यय-सञ्ज्ञा?

3. By which सूत्रम् does “पुनर्” get the अव्यय-सञ्ज्ञा?

4. Can you spot a प्रातिपदिकम् ending in the क्विन्-प्रत्यय: in the verse?

5. Where has the सूत्रम् 7-1-17 जसः शी been used?

6. Where is 7-3-110 ऋतो ङिसर्वनामस्थानयोः used for the first time in the गीता?

7. How would you say this in Sanskrit?
“Just now I saw your brother.” Use words from the verse for “just now” and use the adjective प्रातिपदिकम् “दृष्टवत् (feminine दृष्टवती)” to convey the meaning “saw.”

8. Please state the one synonym for the word “स्वसा” (प्रातिपदिकम् “स्वसृ” feminine, meaning “sister”) as given in the अमरकोश:।
भगिनी स्वसा ।।२-६-२९।।
(इति द्वे “स्वसु:” नामनी)

Easy questions:

1. Which letters are contained in the रँ-प्रत्याहार:?

2. By which सूत्रम् does पाणिनि: define the गुण-सञ्ज्ञा?

3. By which सूत्रम् does the सुँ-प्रत्यय: get the सर्वनामस्थान-सञ्ज्ञा which is required to apply 7-3-110 ऋतो ङिसर्वनामस्थानयोः in step 2?

4. Where has the सूत्रम् 6-1-77 इको यणचि been used in the verse?

अस्य mGs

Today we will look at the form अस्य-mGs from श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता Bg11-43.

पितासि लोकस्य चराचरस्य त्वमस्य पूज्यश्च गुरुर्गरीयान्‌ |
न त्वत्समोऽस्त्यभ्यधिकः कुतोऽन्यो लोकत्रयेऽप्यप्रतिमप्रभाव || ११-४३||

Gita Press translation “You are the father, nay, the greatest teacher of this moving and unmoving creation, and worthy of adoration. O Lord of incomparable might, in all the three worlds there is none else even equal to You; how, then, can anyone be superior to You?”

‘इदम्’ gets प्रातिपदिकसंज्ञा by 1-2-45 अर्थवदधातुरप्रत्ययः प्रातिपदिकम् and सर्वनाम-सञ्ज्ञा by 1-1-27 सर्वादीनि सर्वनामानि । The विवक्षा here is पुंलिङ्गे षष्ठी-एकवचनम्4-1-2 स्वौजसमौट्छष्टाभ्याम्भिस्ङेभ्याम्भ्यस्ङसिँभ्याम्भ्यस्ङसोसाम्ङ्योस्सुप् mandates the प्रत्ययाः सुँ, औ, जस् etc. after the प्रातिपदिकम् ‘इदम्’

(1) इदम् + ङस् ।

(2) इद अ + ङस् । By 7-2-102 त्यदादीनामः, इदम् gets the अकारादेशः। As per 1-1-52 अलोऽन्त्यस्य , only the ending मकार: gets replaced.

(3) इद् अ + ङस् । By 6-1-97 अतो गुणे, the अकारः at the end of ‘इद’ and the following अकारादेशः is replaced by अकारः (पररूपम्) as एकादेशः ।

(4) इद् अ + स्य । By 7-1-12 टाङसिङसामिनात्स्याः, since the ङस्-प्रत्यय: is following an अङ्गम् ending in an अकार:, it is replaced by “स्य”। As per 1-1-55 अनेकाल्शित्सर्वस्य the entire ङस्-प्रत्यय: is replaced.

(5) अस्य । By 7-2-113 हलि लोपः, The “इद्” of इदम् that is without the ककारः takes लोपः, when the विभक्तिः affixes of the आप्-प्रत्याहारः, which begin with a consonant, follow. This rule is an अपवाद: (exception) to the prior rule 7-2-112 अनाप्यकः
Only the दकारः of “इद्” would take लोपः by 1-1-52 अलोऽन्त्यस्य। But the following परिभाषा takes effect: नानर्थकेऽलोन्त्यविधिरनभ्यासविकारे।
This means that the rule 1-1-52 अलोऽन्त्यस्य does not apply in the case of a term that is devoid of meaning, except in the case which involves modification of an अभ्यास:।
In this example, the entire term इदम् has meaning but the “इद्” part doesn’t. So 1-1-52 will not apply when it comes to operating on the “इद्” part. Therefore, the “इद्” part completely takes लोपः by 7-2-113.


1. The आप्-प्रत्याहारः referred to in the सूत्रम् 7-2-112 अनाप्यकः contains which प्रत्यया:?

2. Which noun in the verse is being qualified by the pronoun अस्य? (Since अस्य is declined पुंलिङ्गे षष्ठी-एकवचनम्, the noun that it is qualifying will also be masculine and declined षष्ठी-एकवचनम्)।

3. Can you spot an अनङ्-आदेश: in the verse?

4. Which terms from the प्रादि-गण: (reference 1-4-58 प्रादयः) have been used in this verse?

5. Where has the सूत्रम् 6-4-10 सान्तमहतः संयोगस्य been used?

6. The word कुत: is formed by using the तसिँल्-प्रत्यय: using the सूत्रम् 5-3-7 पञ्चम्यास्तसिल्। By which सूत्रम् does it get the अव्यय-सञ्ज्ञा?

7. How would you say the following in Sanskrit?
“The coming Monday is the first day of the New Year.” Use a verb from the verse for “is”, use the adjective प्रातिपदिकम् “आगामिन्” for “coming.”

8. Please state the one synonym for the word “पूज्य:” (प्रातिपदिकम् “पूज्य” adjective, meaning “worthy of honor”) as given in the अमरकोश:।
पूज्यः प्रतीक्ष्यः ।।३-१-५।।
(इति द्वे “पूज्यस्य” नामनी)

Easy questions:

1. Where has the सूत्रम् 6-1-109 एङः पदान्तादति been used in the verse? How about 8-4-40 स्तोः श्चुना श्चुः?

2. Derive the form लोकस्य (षष्ठी-एकवचनम्) from the प्रातिपदिकम् “लोक” (declined like राम-शब्द:)।

अमी mNp

Today we will look at the form अमी-mNp from श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता Bg11-28.

यथा नदीनां बहवोऽम्बुवेगाः समुद्रमेवाभिमुखा द्रवन्ति |
तथा तवामी नरलोकवीरा विशन्ति वक्त्राण्यभिविज्वलन्ति || ११-२८||

Gita Press translation “As the myriad streams of rivers rush towards the sea alone, so do those warriors of the mortal world enter Your flaming mouths.”

‘अदस्’ gets प्रातिपदिक-सञ्ज्ञा by 1-2-45 अर्थवदधातुरप्रत्ययः प्रातिपदिकम् and सर्वनाम-सञ्ज्ञा by 1-1-27 सर्वादीनि सर्वनामानि । The विवक्षा here is पुंलिङ्गे प्रथमा-बहुवचनम्4-1-2 स्वौजसमौट्छष्टा… mandates the प्रत्ययाः सुँ, औ, जस् etc. after the प्रातिपदिकम् ‘अदस्’

(1) अदस् + जस् ।

(2) अद अ + जस् । By 7-2-102 त्यदादीनामः, अदस् gets the अकारादेशः । As per 1-1-52 अलोऽन्त्यस्य, only the ending सकार: gets replaced.

(3) अद + जस् । By 6-1-97 अतो गुणे, the अकारः at the end of “अद” and the following अकारादेशः is replaced by अकारः (पररूपम्) as एकादेशः ।

(4) अद + शी । By 7-1-17 जसः शी, following a pronoun ending in short अ the nominative plural ending जस् is replaced by शी।

(5) अद + ई । अनुबन्ध-लोपः by 1-3-8 लशक्वतद्धिते and 1-3-9 तस्य लोपः

(6) अदे । गुणादेशः by 6-1-87 आद्गुणः

(7) अमी । By 8-2-81 एत ईद्बहुवचने, in the plural, the ईकार: is substituted in place of the एकार: that follows the दकार: of “अदस्” and the दकार: gets substituted by a मकार:।


1. The words यथा and तथा are formed using the तद्धित-प्रत्यय: “थाल्” using the सूत्रम् 5-3-23 प्रकारवचने थाल्। By which सूत्रम् do they get the अव्यय-सञ्ज्ञा?

2. Why didn’t 6-1-102 प्रथमयोः पूर्वसवर्णः apply (instead of 6-1-87 आद्गुणः) in step 6?

3. What would have been the final form in this example if the gender had been neuter?

4. In which verse of the गीता has the अदस्-प्रातिपदिकम् been used twice?

5. पाणिनि: defines the प्रगृह्य-सञ्ज्ञा in the अष्टाध्यायी by the rules 1-1-11 to 1-1-19. Can you find a सूत्रम् there by which the ending ईकार: of “अमी” gets the प्रगृह्य-सञ्ज्ञा?

6. Can you spot a प्रातिपदिकम् ending in the शतृँ-प्रत्यय: in the verse?

7. How would you say this in Sanskrit?
“In the morning, all the cows enter the forest, with the cowherds.” Use a verb from the verse for “enter” and use the अव्ययम् “प्रातर्” for “in the morning.”

8. The अमरकोश: gives two meanings for the word “वेग:”। Which one has been used in this verse?
वेगः प्रवाहजवयोरपि ॥३-३-२०॥

Easy questions:

1. Can you spot a नुँट्-आगम: in the verse?

2. Where has the सूत्रम् 8-3-22 हलि सर्वेषाम् been used? How about 6-1-113 अतो रोरप्लुतादप्लुते?

3. Derive the form वक्त्राणि (द्वितीया-बहुवचनम्) from the नपुंसकलिङ्ग-प्रातिपदिकम् “वक्त्र” (declined like ज्ञान/वन-शब्द:)। Use 8-4-2 अट्कुप्वाङ्नुम्व्यवायेऽपि for the णकारादेश:।

पुम्भिः mIp

Today we will look at the form पुम्भिः-mIp from श्रीमद्वाल्मीकि-रामायणम् ।

माहेश्वरे प्रवृत्ते तु यज्ञे पुम्भिः सुदुर्लभे |
वरांस्ते लब्धवान्पुत्रः साक्षात् पशुपतेरिह || ७-२५-९||

“And when the sacrifice intended to propitiate Lord Maheśwara, which is exceedingly difficult for the mortals to accomplish, commenced, your son received boons personally from Lord Śiva (the ruler of embodied souls in bondage, who are no better than beasts) here (on this very ground).”

The प्रातिपदिकम् “पुम्स्” is formed using the उणादि-प्रत्यय: “डुम्सुँन्”।

‘पुम्स्’ gets प्रातिपदिकसंज्ञा by 1-2-46 कृत्तद्धितसमासाश्च। The विवक्षा here is तृतीया-बहुवचनम्4-1-2 स्वौजसमौट्छष्टा… mandates the प्रत्ययाः सुँ, औ, जस् etc. after the प्रातिपदिकम् ‘पुम्स्’

(1) पुम्स् + भिस् । अङ्गम् has पद-सञ्ज्ञा by 1-4-17 स्वादिष्वसर्वनामस्थाने

(2) पुम् + भिस् । By 8-2-23 संयोगान्तस्य लोपः, the संयोगान्तपदम् “पुम्स्” takes लोपः। As per 1-1-52 अलोऽन्त्यस्य, only the ending letter (सकार:) of the पदम् will take लोपः।

(3) पुम्भिः । रुँत्व-विसर्गौ by 8-2-66 ससजुषो रुः and 8-3-15 खरवसानयोर्विसर्जनीयः
See question 1.


1. Which two rules should be applied after step 3? (They will give an alternate form.)

2. In which सूत्रम् does पाणिनि: specifically mention the प्रातिपदिकम् “पुम्स्”? Why didn’t that सूत्रम् apply in this example? (Which condition was not satisfied?)

3. By which सूत्रम् does “साक्षात्” get the अव्यय-सञ्ज्ञा?

4. By which सूत्रम् does “तु” get the अव्यय-सञ्ज्ञा?

5. The अव्ययम् “इह” is formed by using the सूत्रम् 5-3-11 इदमो हः। It gets the अव्यय-सञ्ज्ञा by –
a) 1-1-37 स्वरादिनिपातमव्ययम्।
b) 1-1-38 तद्धितश्चासर्वविभक्तिः।
c) 1-1-39 कृन्मेजन्तः।
d) 1-1-40 क्त्वातोसुन्कसुनः।

6. Where is the प्रातिपदिकम् “पुम्स्” used in Chapter 2 of the गीता?

7. How would you say this in Sanskrit?
“A man who has conquered passion (is) very difficult to find.” Use the masculine प्रातिपदिकम् “पुम्स्” for “man”, the masculine प्रातिपदिकम् “काम” for “passion” and the adjective प्रातिपदिकम् “सुदुर्लभ” for “very difficult to find.” Use the pronouns “यद्” and “तद्”।

8. Please list the four synonyms for the word “पुमान्” (प्रातिपदिकम् “पुम्स्” masculine, meaning “man”) as given in the अमरकोश:।
स्युः पुमांसः पञ्चजनाः पुरुषाः पूरुषा नरः ।।२-६-१।।
(इति पञ्च “मनुष्यजातौ पुरुषस्य” नामानि)

Easy questions:

1. Please do पदच्छेद: of वरांस्ते and mention the relevant rules.

2. We have studied one नियम-सूत्रम् (a rule which limits the application of another rule) for 1-4-7 शेषो घ्यसखि। Which one is it and where has it been used in the verse?

मरुताम् mGp

Today we will look at the form मरुताम्-mGp from श्रीमद्भागवतम् Sb6-18-78

एवं ते सर्वमाख्यातं यन्मां त्वं परिपृच्छसि ।
मङ्गलं मरुतां जन्म किं भूयः कथयामि ते ।। ६-१८-७८ ।।

Gita Press translation “In this way I have told you all that you enquired of me, viz., the story of the auspicious birth of the Maruts. What more shall I speak to you about?”

‘मरुत्’ gets प्रातिपदिकसञ्ज्ञा by 1-2-45 अर्थवदधातुरप्रत्ययः प्रातिपदिकम्. The विवक्षा here is षष्ठी-विभक्तिः बहुवचनम्4-1-2 स्वौजसमौट्छष्टा… mandates the प्रत्ययाः सुँ, औ, जस् etc. after the प्रातिपदिकम् ‘ मरुत्’

(1) मरुत् + आम् ।

(2) मरुताम्


1. Where is the word “मरुताम्” used in the गीता?

2. By which सूत्रम् does “एवम्” get the अव्यय-सञ्ज्ञा?

3. Which five rules in the अष्टाध्यायी give the अव्यय-सञ्ज्ञा?

4. Which terms from the प्रादि-गण: (reference – 1-4-58 प्रादयः) have been used in this verse? Do they have the उपसर्ग-सञ्ज्ञा here?

5. In how many places has the युष्मद्-प्रातिपदिकम् been used? In each instance, please state if it is an optional form.

6. In this example, the अङ्गम् “ मरुत्” has:
a) पद-सञ्ज्ञा
b) भ-सञ्ज्ञा
c) Neither पद-सञ्ज्ञा nor भ-सञ्ज्ञा
d) Both पद-सञ्ज्ञा and भ-सञ्ज्ञा

7. How would you say this in Sanskrit?
“I shall tell you my opinion.” Use a verb from the verse and use the neuter प्रातिपदिकम् “मत” for “opinion.”

8. Please give the five synonyms of the word “जन्म” (प्रातिपदिकम् “जन्मन्” neuter, meaning “birth”) as given in the अमरकोश:।
जनुर्जननजन्मानि जनिरुत्पत्तिरुद्भवः ।।१-४-३०।।
(इति षट् “जननस्य” नामानि)

Easy questions:

1. Please do पदच्छेद: of “यन्माम्” and mention the relevant rules.

2. Derive the form “जन्म” (प्रथमा/द्वितीया-एकवचनम्) from the नपुंसकलिङ्ग-प्रातिपदिकम् “जन्मन्”।

भ्राता mNs

Today we will look at the form भ्राता-mNs from श्रीमद्भागवतम् Sb8-19-7

निशम्य तद्वधं भ्राता हिरण्यकशिपुः पुरा ।
हन्तुं भ्रातृहणं क्रुद्धो जगाम निलयं हरेः ।। ८-१९-७ ।।

Gita Press translation “Hearing of his death, his (elder) brother, Hiraṇyakaśipu (Prahrāda’s father), full of rage, went of yore to the abode of Hari in order to kill the slayer of his brother.”

‘भ्रातृ’ gets प्रातिपदिकसञ्ज्ञा by 1-2-45 अर्थवदधातुरप्रत्ययः प्रातिपदिकम्. The विवक्षा here is प्रथमा-विभक्तिः एकवचनम्4-1-2 स्वौजसमौट्छष्टा… mandates the प्रत्ययाः सुँ, औ, जस् etc. after the प्रातिपदिकम् ‘भ्रातृ’

(1) भ्रातृ + सुँ ।

(2) भ्रात् अनँङ् + सुँ । By 7-1-94 ऋदुशनस्पुरुदंसोऽनेहसां च, ऋत् (short ऋ) ending words, as well as the words उशनस्, पुरुदंसस् and अनेहस् get the अनँङ् replacement when the सुँ suffix, that is not सम्बुद्धिः, follows. By 1-1-53 ङिच्च, a ङित् substitute (substitute which has the letter ङ् as a marker), even if it is अनेकाल् (having more than one letter), takes place of only the last letter of the term being substituted.

(3) भ्रातन् + स् । अनुबन्ध-लोप: by 1-3-2 उपदेशेऽजनुनासिक इत् , 1-3-3 हलन्त्यम् and 1-3-9 तस्य लोपः।

(4) भ्रातान् + स् । By 6-4-8 सर्वनामस्थाने चासम्बुद्धौ, the penultimate letter of the अङ्गम् (base) ending in a नकार: gets elongated if it is followed by a non-vocative affix having the designation सर्वनामस्थानम्।

(5) भ्रातान् । सकार-लोपः by 6-1-68 हल्ङ्याब्भ्यो दीर्घात्‌ सुतिस्यपृक्तं हल्। Using 1-1-62 प्रत्ययलोपे प्रत्ययलक्षणम् भ्रातान् gets पद-सञ्ज्ञा by 1-4-14 सुप्तिङन्तं पदम्

(6) भ्राता । By 8-2-7 नलोपः प्रातिपदिकान्तस्य, the ending letter न् of a पदम् is dropped when the पदम् also has the designation प्रातिपदिकम् ।

Questions :

1. Which सूत्रम् is used to do the णकारादेश: in the form भ्रातृहणम्? (The प्रातिपदिकम् “भ्रातृहन्” is similar to the प्रातिपदिकम् “वृत्रहन्” which we have studied in the class.)

2. 1-1-53 ङिच्च (used in step 2) is an अपवाद: for which सूत्रम्?

3. By which सूत्रम् does “पुरा” get the अव्यय-सञ्ज्ञा?

4. Where has this अव्ययम् “पुरा” been used in the गीता?

5. Which term from the प्रादि-गण: (reference – 1-4-58 प्रादयः) is used in this verse?

6. In commenting on the सूत्रम् 7-1-94 ऋदुशनस्पुरुदंसोऽनेहसां च, the काशिका says “असम्बुद्धौ इत्येव – हे मातः।” Please explain what this means.

7. Use some words from the verse to construct the following sentence in Sanskrit:
“Hearing the command of his father, Sri Rama went to the forest with Sita and Lakshmana.” Use the masculine प्रातिपदिकम् “आदेश” for “command.”

8. Please list the fifteen synonyms for the word “निलय:” (प्रातिपदिकम् “निलय” masculine, meaning “abode/residence”) as given in the अमरकोश:। We’ve already seen these in a previous example. (Search this website for “निलय”)।

Easy questions:

1. Derive the form “हरे:” (षष्ठी-एकवचनम्) from the प्रातिपदिकम् “हरि”। (Use 1-4-7 शेषो घ्यसखि, 7-3-111 घेर्ङिति and 6-1-110 ङसिङसोश्च)।

2. Where has the सूत्रम् 6-1-114 हशि च been used in the verse?

शतधन्वा mNs

Today we will look at the form शतधन्वा-mNs from श्रीमद्भागवतम् Sb10-57-18

प्रत्याख्यातः स तेनापि शतधन्वा महामणिम् ।
तस्मिन्न्यस्याश्वमारुह्य शतयोजनगं ययौ ।। १०-५७-१८ ।।

Gita Press translation “Refused help even by Akrūra, Śatadhanvā deposited the valuable gem with him and, riding a horse capable of traversing (in a single journey) one hundred Yojanas (eight hundred miles), left (Dwārakā).”

‘शतधन्वन्’ gets प्रातिपदिकसंज्ञा by 1-2-46 कृत्तद्धितसमासाश्च

The विवक्षा here is पुंलिङ्गे प्रथमा-एकवचनम्

(1) शतधन्वन् + सुँ । By 4-1-2 स्वौजसमौट्छष्टा…

(2) शतधन्वान् + सुँ । By 6-4-8 सर्वनामस्थाने चासम्बुद्धौ, the penultimate letter of the अङ्गम् (base) ending in a नकार: gets elongated if it is followed by a non-vocative affix having the designation सर्वनामस्थानम्। See easy question 3.

(3) शतधन्वान् + स् । अनुबन्ध-लोपः by 1-3-2 उपदेशेऽजनुनासिक इत् and 1-3-9 तस्य लोपः

(4) शतधन्वान् । सकार-लोपः by 6-1-68 हल्ङ्याब्भ्यो दीर्घात्‌ सुतिस्यपृक्तं हल्। Using 1-1-62 प्रत्ययलोपे प्रत्ययलक्षणम् शतधन्वान् gets पद-सञ्ज्ञा by 1-4-14 सुप्तिङन्तं पदम्

(5) शतधन्वा । By 8-2-7 नलोपः प्रातिपदिकान्तस्य, the ending letter न् of a पदम् is dropped when the पदम् also has the designation प्रातिपदिकम् ।


1. Which of the terms listed in the प्रादि-गण: (reference 1-4-58 प्रादयः) have been used in this verse?

2. Out of these (from question 1) which have the उपसर्ग-सञ्ज्ञा (reference 1-4-59 उपसर्गाः क्रियायोगे)?

3. By which सूत्रम् do the प्रादय: get the अव्यय-सञ्ज्ञा?

4. Which of the following is true?
a) All the terms which have the निपात-सञ्ज्ञा get the अव्यय-सञ्ज्ञा, but not vice-versa.
b) All the terms which have the अव्यय-सञ्ज्ञा get the निपात-सञ्ज्ञा, but not vice-versa.
c) The निपात-सञ्ज्ञा is just another name for the अव्यय-सञ्ज्ञा।
d) There is no relationship between the निपात-सञ्ज्ञा and the अव्यय-सञ्ज्ञा। (They are disjoint sets.)

5. Can you spot a word in the first ten verses of Chapter 5 of the गीता which will follow the same steps as those used in this example? (Look for a प्रातिपदिकम् ending in “अन्” which is declined पुंलिङ्गे प्रथमा-एकवचनम्)।

6. As we have seen in previous examples, the क्त्वा-प्रत्यय: is used when we have the same doer doing two actions. The verbal root in the earlier action takes the क्त्वा-प्रत्यय:| (The सूत्रम् is 3-4-21 समानकर्तृकयोः पूर्वकाले । If there is a compound formation then the क्त्वा-प्रत्यय: is replaced by ल्यप् as per 7-1-37 समासेऽनञ्पूर्वे क्त्वो ल्यप्)। Which are the two words in this verse that end in the ल्यप्-प्रत्यय:? Who is the common doer? Which is the later action of the common doer?

7. How would you say this in Sanskrit?
“The boy’s request was refused by his mother.” Use a प्रातिपदिकम् from the verse for “was refused” and use the feminine noun प्रार्थना for “request.”

Similarly, how would you say this in Sanskrit?
“This वार्त्तिकम् has been refuted in the महाभाष्यम्।” Use the same प्रातिपदिकम् from the verse for “has been refuted.”

8. The अमरकोश: gives thirteen words that mean “horse.” One of them is अश्व: (प्रातिपदिकम् “अश्व” masculine) used in this verse. Please list the remaining twelve.
घोटके वीति (पीति) तुरगतुरङ्गाश्वतुरङ्गमाः ।।२-८-४३।।
(इति त्रयोदश “घोटकस्य” नामानि)

Easy questions:

1. Derive the form “तेन” (पुंलिङ्गे तृतीया-एकवचनम्) from the सर्वनाम-प्रातिपदिकम् “तद्”। (Use 7-2-102 त्यदादीनामः and 7-1-12 टाङसिङसामिनात्स्याः)।

2. Similarly, derive the form “तस्मिन्” (पुंलिङ्गे सप्तमी-एकवचनम्) from the सर्वनाम-प्रातिपदिकम् “तद्”। (Use 7-2-102 त्यदादीनामः and 7-1-15 ङसिङ्योः स्मात्स्मिनौ)।

3. By which सूत्रम् did the सुँ-प्रत्यय: get the सर्वनामस्थान-सञ्ज्ञा (required to apply 6-4-8 सर्वनामस्थाने चासम्बुद्धौ) in step 2?

तपस्वी mNs

Today we will look at the form तपस्वी -mNs from श्रीमद्वाल्मीकि-रामायणम् ।

तपःस्वाध्यायनिरतं तपस्वी वाग्विदां वरम् |
नारदं परिपप्रच्छ वाल्मीकिर्मुनिपुङ्गवम् || १-१-१||

Gita Press translation “The ascetic Vālmīki put the following question direct to Nārada, the chief of hermits, (nay) the foremost of those skilled in expression, who remains (ever) engaged in askesis and self-study (the study of the Vedas):-“

‘तपस्विन्’ gets प्रातिपदिकसञ्ज्ञा by 1-2-46 कृत्तद्धितसमासाश्च । The विवक्षा here is प्रथमा-एकवचनम्4-1-2 स्वौजसमौट्छष्टाभ्याम्भिस्ङेभ्याम्भ्यस्ङसिँभ्याम्भ्यस्ङसोसाम्ङ्योस्सुप् mandates the प्रत्ययाः सुँ, औ, जस् etc. after the प्रातिपदिकम् ‘तपस्विन्’

(1) तपस्विन् + सुँ ।

(2) तपस्वीन् + सुँ । By 6-4-13 सौ च, the penultimate letter of words ending in इन्, हन्, पूषन् and अर्यमन् is lengthened when the सुँ affix – which is not सम्बुद्धि: – follows.

(3) तपस्वीन् + स् । अनुबन्ध-लोपः by 1-3-2 उपदेशेऽजनुनासिक इत् and 1-3-9 तस्य लोपः।

(4) तपस्वीन् । By 6-1-68 हल्ङ्याब्भ्यो दीर्घात्‌ सुतिस्यपृक्तं हल्, a single letter affix सुँ, ति or सि is dropped following a base ending in a consonant or in the long feminine affix ङी or आप्। तपस्वीन् gets the पद-सञ्ज्ञा by 1-1-62 प्रत्ययलोपे प्रत्ययलक्षणम्, 1-4-14 सुप्तिङन्तं पदम्

(5) तपस्वी । By 8-2-7 नलोपः प्रातिपदिकान्तस्य, the ending letter न् of a पदम् is dropped when the पदम् also has the designation प्रातिपदिकम्।


1. Where is the प्रातिपदिकम् “तपस्विन्” used in Chapter 6 of the गीता?

2. Which प्रातिपदिकम् used in the verse has the घि-सञ्ज्ञा?

3. Where has the आम्-प्रत्यय: been used?

4. In commenting on the सूत्रम् 6-4-13 सौ च, the काशिका says “असम्बुद्धौ इति किम्? हे दण्डिन्।” Please explain.

5. Why is the सूत्रम् 6-4-13 सौ च required? Why not just use 6-4-8 सर्वनामस्थाने चासम्बुद्धौ?

6. Which term from the प्रादि-गण: (ref. 1-4-58 प्रादयः) has been used in this verse? Does it have the उपसर्ग-सञ्ज्ञा?

7. How would you say this in Sanskrit?
“What (is) the purpose of this सूत्रम्?” Use the neuter प्रातिपदिकम् “प्रयोजन” for “purpose.”

8. Please state the one synonym for the word “स्वाध्याय:” (प्रातिपदिकम् “स्वाध्याय” masculine, meaning “self-study (the study of the Vedas)”) as given in the अमरकोश:।
स्वाध्यायः स्याज्जपः ।।२-७-४७।।
(इति द्वे “वेदाध्ययनस्य” नामनी)

Easy questions:

1. Derive the form “नारदम्” (द्वितीया-एकवचनम्) from the प्रातिपदिकम् “नारद”। (Declined like राम-शब्द:)।

2. Why didn’t the ending मकार: of “वरम्” change to an अनुस्वार: by 8-3-23 मोऽनुस्वारः? Which condition was not satisfied?

चर्म nAs

Today we will look at the form चर्म-nAs from श्रीमद्भागवतम् SB 9-15-28

घोरमादाय परशुं सतूणं चर्म कार्मुकम् ।
अन्वधावत दुर्धर्षो मृगेन्द्र इव यूथपम् ।। ९-१५-२८ ।।

Gita Press translation “Taking his terrible axe, shield and bow with a quiver, the formidable hero pursued the king like a lion (the king of beasts) chasing the leader of a herd of elephants.”

The नपुंसकलिङ्ग-प्रातिपदिकम् ‘चर्मन्’ gets प्रातिपदिक-सञ्ज्ञा by 1-2-45 अर्थवदधातुरप्रत्ययः प्रातिपदिकम्। The विवक्षा here is द्वितीया-एकवचनम्4-1-2 स्वौजसमौट्छष्टा… mandates the प्रत्ययाः सुँ, औ, जस् etc. after the प्रातिपदिकम् ‘चर्मन्’

(1) चर्मन् + अम् ।

(2) चर्मन् । By 7-1-23 स्वमोर्नपुंसकात्‌, the affixes सुँ and अम् that follow a neuter अङ्गम् take the लुक् elision. “चर्मन्” gets the पद-सञ्ज्ञा by 1-1-62 प्रत्ययलोपे प्रत्ययलक्षणम्, 1-4-14 सुप्तिङन्तं पदम्

(3) चर्म । By 8-2-7 नलोपः प्रातिपदिकान्तस्य, the ending letter न् of a पदम् is dropped when the पदम् also has the designation प्रातिपदिकम्।


1. As we have seen in previous examples, the क्त्वा-प्रत्यय: is used when we have the same doer doing two actions. The verbal root in the earlier action takes the क्त्वा-प्रत्यय:| (The सूत्रम् is 3-4-21 समानकर्तृकयोः पूर्वकाले । If there is a compound formation then the क्त्वा-प्रत्यय: is replaced by ल्यप् as per 7-1-37 समासेऽनञ्पूर्वे क्त्वो ल्यप्)। In this verse the word “आदाय” ends in ल्यप्-प्रत्यय:। Which is the later action of the common doer?

2. Which term used in the verse has the घि-सञ्ज्ञा?

3. Where has the सूत्रम् 8-3-17 भोभगोअघोअपूर्वस्य योऽशि been used?

4. In a prior example we looked at a प्रातिपदिकम् ending in “अन्” which is used both in the masculine and the neuter (in different meanings.) Can you recall which one it is?

5. Can you spot where an अपवाद: for 7-1-23 स्वमोर्नपुंसकात्‌ has been used in this verse?

6. Where has the सूत्रम् 8-2-7 नलोपः प्रातिपदिकान्तस्य been used in the first two verses of the गीता?

7. How would you say this in Sanskrit?
“A guard chased the thief who had stolen many very valuable things.” Use the verb from the verse. Use the प्रतिपदिकम् “रक्षक” (in the masculine) for “guard” and the adjective प्रातिपदिकम् “महार्ह” for “very valuable”, and “चोरित” for “stolen.” Make the second part of the sentence passive – “by whom many very valuable things had been stolen.”

8. Please list the two synonyms for the word “चर्म” (प्रातिपदिकम् “चर्मन्” neuter, meaning “shield”) as given in the अमरकोश:।
फलकोऽस्त्री फलं चर्म ।।२-८-९०।।
(इति त्रीणि “चर्मण:” नामानि)

Easy questions:

1. Can you spot where the सूत्रम् 6-1-114 हशि च has been used?

2. Derive the form “परशुम्” (द्वितीया-एकवचनम्) from the पुंलिङ्ग-प्रातिपदिकम् “परशु”।

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