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भारत mVs

Today we will look at the form भारत mVs from श्रीमद्भागवतम् 6.17.16

अतः पापीयसीं योनिमासुरीं याहि दुर्मते । यथेह भूयो महतां न कर्ता पुत्र किल्बिषम् ॥ ६-१७-१५ ॥
श्रीशुक उवाच
एवं शप्तश्चित्रकेतुर्विमानादवरुह्य सः । प्रसादयामास सतीं मूर्ध्ना नम्रेण भारत ॥ ६-१७-१६ ॥

तदेवं स्वयं दण्ड्यत्वं निश्चित्य तं प्राह – अत इति । हे पुत्र, यथा भूयो महतां किल्बिषमपराधं न कर्ता न करिष्यसि तथा याहीत्यर्थः ।। १५ ।। १६ ।।

Gita Press translation “Hence be reborn in the demoniac species – a most wicked species – O evil-minded one, so that you may not perpetrate again in this world, such offense against the exalted souls my son.” Śrī Śuka resumed : “Thus subjected to an execration, the said Citraketu alighted from his aerial car and propitiated the noble lady (Goddess Pārvatī) with his head bent low (in the following words), O Parīkṣit (a scion of Bharata).”

The above verses have previously appeared in the following post – कर्ता 3As-लुँट्

भरतस्यापत्यम् (पुमान्) = भारतः – a (male) descendant of Bharata – here it refers to Parīkṣit
In the verses the विवक्षा is सम्बुद्धिः, hence the form used is भारत।

(1) भरत ङस् + अञ् । By 4-1-86 उत्सादिभ्योऽञ् – The तद्धित: affix ‘अञ्’ is authorized for all rules down prior to the सूत्रम् 4-4-2 तेन दीव्यति खनति जयति जितम्, provided it is applied to a पदम् which has ‘उत्स’ etc (listed in the उत्सादि-गण:) as its base.
Note: The affix ‘अञ्’ prescribed by 4-1-86 is a अपवादः to the default affix ‘अण्’ (prescribed by the सूत्रम् 4-1-83 प्राग्दीव्यतोऽण्) as well as the affixes (‘इञ्’ etc.) which are अपवादाः to the affix ‘अण्’।
Note: The final form is the same regardless of whether the affix ‘अञ्’ (prescribed by the सूत्रम् 4-1-86) or the default affix ‘अण्’ (prescribed by 4-1-83 प्राग्दीव्यतोऽण्) is used. The only difference is in the स्वरः (intonation) in the Vedas.
As per the सूत्रम् 4-1-92 तस्यापत्यम् – Following a syntactically related पदम् in which the सन्धिः operations have been performed and which ends in a sixth case affix the तद्धिता: affixes already prescribed (by the prior rules 4-1-83 प्राग्दीव्यतोऽण् etc), as well as those that are going to be prescribed (by the following rules 4-1-95 अत इञ् etc), may be optionally applied to denote the sense of अपत्यम् (descendant.)

Note: In the present example, first the सूत्रम् 4-1-83 प्राग्दीव्यतोऽण् prescribes the default affix ‘अण्’ which is over-ruled by the affix ‘इञ्’ (prescribed by the सूत्रम् 4-1-95 अत इञ्)। This in turn is over-ruled by the affix ‘अञ्’ (prescribed by the सूत्रम् 4-1-86 उत्सादिभ्योऽञ्) since ‘भरत’ is listed in the उत्सादि-गण:।

(2) भरत ङस् + अ । अनुबन्ध-लोपः by 1-3-3 हलन्त्यम्, 1-3-9 तस्य लोपः

Note: ‘भरत ङस् + अ’ gets the designation प्रातिपदिकम्‌ by 1-2-46 कृत्तद्धितसमासाश्च। This allows 2-4-71 सुपो धातुप्रातिपदिकयोः to apply in the next step.

(3) भरत + अ । By 2-4-71 सुपो धातुप्रातिपदिकयोः – A सुँप् affix takes a लुक् elision when it is a part of a धातुः or a प्रातिपदिकम्।

Note: The affix ‘अञ्’ is a ञित् (has the letter ‘ञ्’ as इत्)। This allows 7-2-117 तद्धितेष्वचामादेः to apply in the next step.

(4) भारत + अ । By 7-2-117 तद्धितेष्वचामादेः – The first vowel among the vowels of a अङ्गम् which is followed by a तद्धित: affix (ref. 4-1-76 तद्धिताः) which is either a ञित् (has the letter ‘ञ्’ as a इत्) or a णित् (has the letter ‘ण्’ as a इत्) takes the वृद्धि: (ref. 1-1-1 वृद्धिरादैच्) substitute.
Note: The अङ्गम् ‘भारत’ gets the भ-सञ्ज्ञा by 1-4-18 यचि भम् which allows 6-4-148 यस्येति च to apply in the next step.

(5) भारत् + अ । By 6-4-148 यस्येति च – When the letter ‘ई’ or a ‘तद्धित’ affix follows, the (ending) इ-वर्ण: (letter ‘इ’ or ‘ई’) or the (ending) अवर्ण: (letter ‘अ’ or ‘आ’) of the अङ्गम् with the भ-सञ्ज्ञा takes elision (लोपः)।

= भारत । The प्रातिपदिकम् ‘भारत’ declines like राम-शब्दः।

The विवक्षा is सम्बुद्धिः। By 2-3-49 एकवचनं सम्बुद्धि: – The nominative singular affix (‘सुँ’) when used in a vocative form gets the designation सम्बुद्धि:।

(6) (हे) भारत + सुँ । By 4-1-2 स्वौजसमौट्छष्टाभ्याम्भिस्ङेभ्याम्भ्यस्ङसिभ्याम्भ्यस्ङसोसाम्ङ्योस्सुप्‌। By 2-3-47 सम्बोधने च – A first case affix (‘सुँ’, ‘औ’, ‘जस्’) is used to denote ‘address’ (in addition to the meaning of the nominal stem) also. Note: सम् (सम्मुखीकृत्य) बोधनम् (ज्ञापनम्) = सम्बोधनम्। सम्बोधनम् means drawing someone’s attention (to inform him/her of something.)

(7) (हे) भारत + स् । अनुबन्ध-लोप: by 1-3-2 उपदेशेऽजनुनासिक इत् and 1-3-9 तस्य लोपः

(8) (हे) भारत । By 6-1-69 एङ्ह्रस्वात्‌ सम्बुद्धेः – Following a अङ्गम् ending in ‘एङ्’ (letter ‘ए’ or ‘ओ’) or a short vowel, a consonant is dropped if it belongs to a सम्बुद्धि: affix.

बार्हस्पत्यस्य mGs

Today we will look at the form बार्हस्पत्यस्य mGs from श्रीमद्भागवतम् 9.18.22.

न ब्राह्मणो मे भविता हस्तग्राहो महाभुज । कचस्य बार्हस्पत्यस्य शापाद्यमशपं पुरा ॥ ९-१८-२२ ॥
ययातिरनभिप्रेतं दैवोपहृतमात्मनः । मनस्तु तद्गतं बुद्ध्वा प्रतिजग्राह तद्वचः ॥ ९-१८-२३ ॥

ब्राह्मणमेव त्वं वृणीहि किमनेनाग्रहेणेति चेत्तत्राह – न ब्राह्मण इति । बृहस्पतेः सुतः कचः शुक्रान्मृतसंजीवनीं विद्यामध्यगात्, तदा च देवयानी तं पतिं चकमे, स च गुरुपुत्री मम पूज्येति न तामुदवहत्, ततश्च कुपिता सती तवेयं विद्या निष्फला भवत्विति तं शशाप, स च तव ब्राह्मणः पतिर्न भवेदिति तां शशाप । तदेतदाह – यममशपं तस्य शापात् ॥ २२ ॥ अशास्त्रीयत्वादनभिप्रेतमपि दैवेनोपहृतं प्रापितं बुद्ध्वा तद्गतं तस्यां सकामं स्वं मनश्च बुद्ध्वा नह्यधर्मे मदीयं मनः प्रविशेदिति तस्या वचः प्रतिजग्राहाङ्गीकृतवान् ॥ २३ ॥

Gita Press translation “A Brāhmaṇa is not destined to be my husband, thanks to the imprecation of Kaca (the son of sage Bṛhaspati) – Kaca, whom I had cursed on a former occasion, O long-armed one!”(22) Recognizing the connection as having been pre-ordained by fate, even though it was not (at all) acceptable to him (inasmuch as it was against the recognized code of ethics), and perceiving his mind too (which could not lean towards unrighteousness) drawn towards her, Yayāti agreed to her proposal (23).”

The above verses have previously appeared in the following post – भविता-3as-लुँट्

बृहस्पतेरपत्यम् (पुमान्) = बार्हस्पत्यः – a (male) descendant of Bṛhaspati
In the verses the विवक्षा is षष्ठी-एकवचनम्, hence the form used is बार्हस्पत्यस्य।

(1) बृहस्पति ङस् + ण्य । By 4-1-85 दित्यदित्यादित्यपत्युत्तरपदाण्ण्यः – The affix ‘ण्य’ is authorized for all rules down prior to the सूत्रम् 4-4-2 तेन दीव्यति खनति जयति जितम्, provided it is applied to a पदम् derived from a प्रातिपदिकम् which is either ‘दिति’, ’अदिति’, ’आदित्य’ or a compound which has ‘पति’ as its latter member.
Note: The affix ‘ण्य’ prescribed by this सूत्रम् is a अपवादः to the affix ‘अण्’ prescribed by the सूत्रम् 4-1-83 प्राग्दीव्यतोऽण्।
As per the सूत्रम् 4-1-92 तस्यापत्यम् – Following a syntactically related पदम् in which the सन्धिः operations have been performed and which ends in a sixth case affix the तद्धिता: affixes already prescribed (by the prior rules 4-1-83 प्राग्दीव्यतोऽण् etc), as well as those that are going to be prescribed (by the following rules 4-1-95 अत इञ् etc), may be optionally applied to denote the sense of अपत्यम् (descendant.)

(2) बृहस्पति ङस् + य । अनुबन्ध-लोपः by 1-3-7 चुटू, 1-3-9 तस्य लोपः

Note: ‘बृहस्पति ङस् + य’ gets the designation प्रातिपदिकम्‌ by 1-2-46 कृत्तद्धितसमासाश्च। This allows 2-4-71 सुपो धातुप्रातिपदिकयोः to apply in the next step.

(3) बृहस्पति + य । By 2-4-71 सुपो धातुप्रातिपदिकयोः – A सुँप् affix takes a लुक् elision when it is a part of a धातुः or a प्रातिपदिकम्।

Note: The affix ‘ण्य’ is a णित् (has the letter ‘ण्’ as इत्)। This allows 7-2-117 तद्धितेष्वचामादेः to apply in the next step.

(4) बार् हस्पति + य । By 7-2-117 तद्धितेष्वचामादेः – The first vowel among the vowels of a अङ्गम् which is followed by a तद्धित: affix (ref. 4-1-76 तद्धिताः) which is either a ञित् (has the letter ‘ञ्’ as a इत्) or a णित् (has the letter ‘ण्’ as a इत्) takes the वृद्धि: (ref. 1-1-1 वृद्धिरादैच्) substitute. By 1-1-51 उरण् रपरः, in the place of ऋवर्ण: if an अण् letter (‘अ’, ‘इ’, ‘उ’) comes as a substitute, it is always followed by a ‘रँ’ (‘र्’, ‘ल्’) letter.

Note: The अङ्गम् ‘बार्हस्पति’ gets the भ-सञ्ज्ञा by 1-4-18 यचि भम् which allows 6-4-148 यस्येति च to apply in the next step.

(5) बार्हस्पत् + य । By 6-4-148 यस्येति च – When the letter ‘ई’ or a ‘तद्धित’ affix follows, the (ending) इ-वर्ण: (letter ‘इ’ or ‘ई’) or the (ending) अवर्ण: (letter ‘अ’ or ‘आ’) of the अङ्गम् with the भ-सञ्ज्ञा takes elision (लोपः)।

= बार्हस्पत्य । The प्रातिपदिकम् ‘बार्हस्पत्य’ declines like राम-शब्दः।

(6) बार्हस्पत्य + ङस् । By 4-1-2 स्वौजसमौट्छष्टाभ्याम्भिस्ङेभ्याम्भ्यस्ङसिभ्याम्भ्यस्ङसोसाम्ङ्योस्सुप्‌

(7) बार्हस्पत्यस्य । By 7-1-12 टाङसिङसामिनात्स्याः – Following a अङ्गम् ending in the letter ‘अ’, the affixes ‘टा’, ‘ङसिँ’ and ‘ङस्’ are replaced respectively by ‘इन’, ‘आत्’ and ‘स्य’। As per 1-1-55 अनेकाल्शित्सर्वस्य the entire affix ‘ङस्’ is replaced.

We can similarly derive the following –
१) प्रजापतेरपत्यम् (पुमान्) = प्राजापत्यः – a (male) descendant of a Prajāpati
२) सेनापतेरपत्यम् (पुमान्) = सैनापत्यः – a (male) descendant of an army-general

दैत्यान् mAp, आदित्याः mNp

Today we will look at the forms दैत्यान् mAp, आदित्याः mNp from श्रीमद्-वाल्मीकि-रामायणम् 3.14.15.

पुत्रांस्त्रैलोक्यभर्तॄन्वै जनयिष्यथ मत्समान् । अदितिस्तन्मना राम दितिश्च दनुरेव च ।। ३-१४-१३ ।।
कालका च महाबाहो शेषास्त्वमनसोऽभवन् । अदित्यां जज्ञिरे देवास्त्रयस्त्रिंशदरिन्दम ।। ३-१४-१४ ।।
आदित्या वसवो रुद्रा अश्विनौ च परन्तप । दितिस्त्वजनयत्पुत्रान्दैत्यांस्तात यशस्विनः ।। ३-१४-१५ ।।

Gita Press translation – ‘You will give birth to sons like me, masters of the three worlds.’ O Rāma of mighty arms – Aditi, Diti, Danu and Kālakā were attentive, the rest were indifferent. “Of Aditi thirty-three gods were born, O vanquisher of foes – the (twelve) Ādityas, the (eight) Vasus, the (eleven) Rudras and the two Aświns, O tormentor of foes! Diti for her part gave birth to the famous Daityas (demons), O dear one! (13-15).”

The above verses have previously appeared in the following post – जनयिष्यथ 2Ap-लृँट्

दितेरपत्यम् (पुमान्) = दैत्यः – a (male) descendant of Diti
In the verses the विवक्षा is द्वितीया-बहुवचनम्, hence the form used is दैत्यान्।

(1) दिति ङस् + ण्य । By 4-1-85 दित्यदित्यादित्यपत्युत्तरपदाण्ण्यः – The affix ‘ण्य’ is authorized for all rules down prior to the सूत्रम् 4-4-2 तेन दीव्यति खनति जयति जितम्, provided it is applied to a पदम् derived from a प्रातिपदिकम् which is either ‘दिति’, ’अदिति’, ’आदित्य’ or a compound which has ‘पति’ as its latter member.
Note: The affix ‘ण्य’ prescribed by this सूत्रम् is a अपवादः to the affix ‘अण्’ prescribed by the सूत्रम् 4-1-83 प्राग्दीव्यतोऽण्।
As per the सूत्रम् 4-1-92 तस्यापत्यम् – Following a syntactically related पदम् in which the सन्धिः operations have been performed and which ends in a sixth case affix the तद्धिता: affixes already prescribed (by the prior rules 4-1-83 प्राग्दीव्यतोऽण् etc), as well as those that are going to be prescribed (by the following rules 4-1-95 अत इञ् etc), may be optionally applied to denote the sense of अपत्यम् (descendant.)

(2) दिति ङस् + य । अनुबन्ध-लोपः by 1-3-7 चुटू, 1-3-9 तस्य लोपः

Note: ‘दिति ङस् + य’ gets the designation प्रातिपदिकम्‌ by 1-2-46 कृत्तद्धितसमासाश्च। This allows 2-4-71 सुपो धातुप्रातिपदिकयोः to apply in the next step.

(3) दिति + य । By 2-4-71 सुपो धातुप्रातिपदिकयोः – A सुँप् affix takes a लुक् elision when it is a part of a धातुः or a प्रातिपदिकम्।

Note: The affix ‘ण्य’ is a णित् (has the letter ‘ण्’ as इत्)। This allows 7-2-117 तद्धितेष्वचामादेः to apply in the next step.

(4) दैति + य । By 7-2-117 तद्धितेष्वचामादेः – The first vowel among the vowels of a अङ्गम् which is followed by a तद्धित: affix (ref. 4-1-76 तद्धिताः) which is either a ञित् (has the letter ‘ञ्’ as a इत्) or a णित् (has the letter ‘ण्’ as a इत्) takes the वृद्धि: (ref. 1-1-1 वृद्धिरादैच्) substitute.

Note: The अङ्गम् ‘दैति’ gets the भ-सञ्ज्ञा by 1-4-18 यचि भम् which allows 6-4-148 यस्येति च to apply in the next step.

(5) दैत् + य । By 6-4-148 यस्येति च – When the letter ‘ई’ or a ‘तद्धित’ affix follows, the (ending) इ-वर्ण: (letter ‘इ’ or ‘ई’) or the (ending) अवर्ण: (letter ‘अ’ or ‘आ’) of the अङ्गम् with the भ-सञ्ज्ञा takes elision (लोपः)।

= दैत्य । The प्रातिपदिकम् ‘दैत्य’ declines like राम-शब्दः।

(6) दैत्य + शस् । By 4-1-2 स्वौजसमौट्छष्टाभ्याम्भिस्ङेभ्याम्भ्यस्ङसिभ्याम्भ्यस्ङसोसाम्ङ्योस्सुप्‌

(7) दैत्य + अस् । अनुबन्ध-लोपः by 1-3-8 लशक्वतद्धिते and 1-3-9 तस्य लोपः1-3-4 न विभक्तौ तुस्माः prevents the ending letter ‘स्’ of ‘शस्’ from getting the इत्-सञ्ज्ञा ।

(8) दैत्यास् । By 6-1-102 प्रथमयोः पूर्वसवर्णः – When a अक् letter is followed by a vowel (अच्) of the first (nominative) or second (accusative) case then for the two of them (अक् + अच्) there is a single substitute which is the elongated form of the first member (the अक् letter.)

(9) दैत्यान् । By 6-1-103 तस्माच्छसो नः पुंसि – In the masculine gender, when the letter ‘स्’ of the affix ‘शस्’ follows a vowel which has been elongated by 6-1-102 then it is replaced by the letter ‘न्’।

Similarly, we can derive the form आदित्याः used in the verses.
अदितेरपत्यम् (पुमान्) = आदित्यः – a (male) descendant of Aditi
In the verses the विवक्षा is प्रथमा-बहुवचनम्, hence the form used is आदित्याः।

The derivation of the प्रातिपदिकम्‌ ‘आदित्य’ is similar to the derivation of the प्रातिपदिकम्‌ ’दैत्य’ as shown above. The प्रातिपदिकम् ‘आदित्य’ declines like राम-शब्दः।

राघवम् mAs

Today we will look at the form राघवम् mAs from श्रीमद्-वाल्मीकि-रामायणम् 4.16.4.

सोढुं न च समर्थोऽहं युद्धकामस्य संयुगे । सुग्रीवस्य च संरम्भं हीनग्रीवस्य गर्जितम् ।। ४-१६-४ ।।
न च कार्यो विषादस्ते राघवं प्रति मत्कृते । धर्मज्ञश्च कृतज्ञश्च कथं पापं करिष्यति ।। ४-१६-५ ।।
निवर्तस्व सह स्त्रीभिः कथं भूयोऽनुगच्छसि । सौहृदं दर्शितं तारे मयि भक्तिः कृता त्वया ।। ४-१६-६ ।।
प्रतियोत्स्याम्यहं गत्वा सुग्रीवं जहि सम्भ्रमम् । दर्पं चास्य विनेष्यामि न च प्राणैर्वियोक्ष्यते ।। ४-१६-७ ।।

Gita Press translation – Nay, I am not able to tolerate the arrogance, much less the roar, of the weak-necked Sugrīva, who seeks an encounter on the battlefield (with me) (4). Nor should any anxiety be entertained by you from the side of Śrī Rāma on my account. How can Śrī Rāma – who knows what is right and cognizes his duty – perpetrate sin (in the form of killing one who is innocent)? (5) (Please) return with the (other) ladies. Why do you still follow me? Affection has been shown to such an extent and service rendered to me by you (6). Going out I shall give battle to Sugrīva; (pray) give up (all) perplexity. Nay, I shall take away his pride, yet he will not be rid of his life (7).

The above verses have previously appeared in the following post – सोढुम्-ind

रघोरपत्यम् (पुमान्) = राघवः – a (male) descendant of (the king) Raghu. Refers to Śrī Rāma.
In the verses the विवक्षा is द्वितीया-एकवचनम्, hence the form used is राघवम्।

(1) रघु ङस् + अण् । By 4-1-83 प्राग्दीव्यतोऽण् – The affix ‘अण्’ is hereby authorized as the default affix for all rules from here (4-1-83) down prior to the सूत्रम् 4-4-2 तेन दीव्यति खनति जयति जितम्। Note: The affix ‘अण्’ comes in by default in the section starting from 4-1-83 prior to 4-4-2.
As per the सूत्रम् 4-1-92 तस्यापत्यम् – Following a syntactically related पदम् in which the सन्धिः operations have been performed and which ends in a sixth case affix the तद्धिता: affixes already prescribed (by the prior rules 4-1-83 प्राग्दीव्यतोऽण् etc), as well as those that are going to be prescribed (by the following rules 4-1-95 अत इञ् etc), may be optionally applied to denote the sense of अपत्यम् (descendant.)
Note: The use of a तद्धित: affix is optional because a sentence or a compound may also be constructed to convey the same meaning. So for example – the तद्धित: form राघवः and the sentence रघोरपत्यम् and the compound रघ्वपत्यम् all convey the same meaning – a descendant of (the king) Raghu.

(2) रघु ङस् + अ । अनुबन्ध-लोपः by 1-3-3 हलन्त्यम्, 1-3-9 तस्य लोपः

Note: ‘रघु ङस् + अ’ gets the designation प्रातिपदिकम्‌ by 1-2-46 कृत्तद्धितसमासाश्च। This allows 2-4-71 सुपो धातुप्रातिपदिकयोः to apply in the next step.

(3) रघु + अ । By 2-4-71 सुपो धातुप्रातिपदिकयोः – A सुँप् affix takes a लुक् elision when it is a part of a धातुः or a प्रातिपदिकम्।

Note: The affix ‘अण्’ is a णित् (has the letter ‘ण्’ as इत्)। This allows 7-2-117 तद्धितेष्वचामादेः to apply in the next step.

(4) राघु + अ । By 7-2-117 तद्धितेष्वचामादेः – The first vowel among the vowels of a अङ्गम् which is followed by a तद्धित: affix (ref. 4-1-76 तद्धिताः) which is either a ञित् (has the letter ‘ञ्’ as a इत्) or a णित् (has the letter ‘ण्’ as a इत्) takes the वृद्धि: (ref. 1-1-1 वृद्धिरादैच्) substitute.

Note: The अङ्गम् ‘राघु’ gets the भ-सञ्ज्ञा by 1-4-18 यचि भम्

(5) राघो + अ । By 6-4-146 ओर्गुणः – When followed by a तद्धितः affix, the ending letter ‘उ’/’ऊ’ of a अङ्गम् which has the भ-सञ्ज्ञा (ref. 1-4-18 यचि भम्) takes the गुण: substitution (‘ओ’)।

(6) राघव । By 6-1-78 एचोऽयवायावः

The प्रातिपदिकम् ‘राघव’ declines like राम-शब्दः।

(7) राघव + अम् । By 4-1-2 स्वौजसमौट्छष्टाभ्याम्भिस्ङेभ्याम्भ्यस्ङसिभ्याम्भ्यस्ङसोसाम्ङ्योस्सुप्‌
Note: 1-3-4 न विभक्तौ तुस्माः prevents the ending letter ‘म्’ of the affix ‘अम्’ from getting इत्-सञ्ज्ञा।

(8) राघवम् । By 6-1-107 अमि पूर्वः – In place of a preceding अक् letter and the following vowel (अच्) belonging to the affix ‘अम्’ there is a single substitute of that preceding अक् letter.

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