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देहबद्धम् mAs

Today we will look at the form देहबद्धम् mAs from रघुवंशम् 5.26.

राघवान्वितमुपस्थितं मुनिं तं निशम्य जनको जनेश्वरः ।
अर्थकामसहितं सपर्यया देहबद्धमिव धर्ममभ्यगात् ॥ 11-35॥

टीका –
[राघवान्वितम्] राघवाभ्यामन्वितम् युक्तम् उपस्थितम् आगतं तं मुनिं जनको जनेश्वरो निशम्य । अर्थकामाभ्यां सहितं [अर्थकामसहितं] देहबद्धं बद्धदेहम् । मूर्तिमन्तमित्यर्थः । वाहिताग्न्यादिवात् (२-२-३७) साधुः । धर्ममिव । सपर्ययाभ्यगात् प्रत्युद्गतवान् ।।

Translation – When king Janaka heard of the sage’s coming along with the princes of the Raghu family, he went forth to welcome him with worship as if the sage was embodied virtue, attended by wealth and pleasure (35).

(1) बद्धो देहो येन सः = देहबद्ध: (धर्म:) – One (virtue) who has fastened a body. Hence it means one (virtue) who is embodied.

(2) बद्ध सुँ + देह सुँ । By 2-2-24 अनेकमन्यपदार्थे – Two or more terms having the designation पदम् and ending in the nominative case may optionally compound to yield a बहुव्रीहि: compound provided the terms are employed to denote the sense of another पदम् (which is not part of the compound.)

(3) By 1-2-43 प्रथमानिर्दिष्टं समास उपसर्जनम् – the term ‘बद्ध सुँ’ as well as ‘देह सुँ’ gets the designation उपसर्जनम् because in the सूत्रम् 2-2-24 अनेकमन्यपदार्थे (which prescribes the compounding) the term अनेकम् ends in the nominative case. And hence 2-2-30 cannot help us in deciding which term to place in the prior position in the compound.

(4) देह सुँ + बद्ध सुँ । By 2-2-37 वाहिताग्न्यादिषु – In the बहुव्रीहि: compounds ‘आहिताग्नि’ etc. a term which ends in a निष्ठा affix (prescribed by the सूत्रम् 3-2-102 निष्ठा) optionally takes the prior position.
Note: For a term which ends in a निष्ठा affix the पूर्वनिपात: (placement in the prior position) which would have been obligatory in all बहुव्रीहि: compounds as per the prior सूत्रम् 2-2-36 निष्ठा is now made optional (by the present सूत्रम् 2-2-37) in certain बहुव्रीहि: compounds ‘आहिताग्नि’ etc.
Note: The आहिताग्न्यादि-गण: is a आकृति-गण: – which is a class or group of words in which some words are actually mentioned and room is left to include others which are found undergoing the same operations. Hence when we see an accepted usage – such as ‘बद्धदेह’ – in which a term which should have been placed in the prior position (as per the सूत्रम् 2-2-35 सप्तमीविशेषणे बहुव्रीहौ or 2-2-36 निष्ठा) is actually found to be in the latter position in a बहुव्रीहि: compound we can justify the usage by considering the compound to be included in the आहिताग्न्यादि-गण:।

See question 2.

Note: ‘देह सुँ + बद्ध सुँ’ gets the designation प्रातिपदिकम्‌ by 1-2-46 कृत्तद्धितसमासाश्च। This allows 2-4-71 to apply in the next step.

(5) देह + बद्ध । By 2-4-71 सुपो धातुप्रातिपदिकयोः – A सुँप् affix takes a लुक् elision when it is a part of a धातुः or a प्रातिपदिकम्।

= देहबद्ध ।

The gender of a बहुव्रीहि: compound matches that of which it qualifies. In the present example ‘धर्म’ is being qualified. Hence we assign the masculine gender to the compound प्रातिपदिकम् ‘देहबद्ध’। It declines like राम-शब्द:।
Note: ‘धर्म’ may also be used in the neuter gender, but such usage is rare.

The विवक्षा is द्वितीया-एकवचनम्।

(6) देहबद्ध + अम् । By 4-1-2 स्वौजसमौट्छष्टाभ्याम्भिस्ङेभ्याम्भ्यस्ङसिभ्याम्भ्यस्ङसोसाम्ङ्योस्सुप्‌।
Note: 1-3-4 न विभक्तौ तुस्माः prevents the ending letter ‘म्’ of the affix ‘अम्’ from getting इत्-सञ्ज्ञा।

(7) देहबद्धम् । By 6-1-107 अमि पूर्वः – In place of a preceding अक् letter and the following vowel (अच्) belonging to the affix ‘अम्’ there is a single substitute of that preceding अक् letter.


1. In verses 18-23 of Chapter One of the गीता can you spot a बहुव्रीहि: compound in which the पूर्वनिपात: (placement in the prior position) may be justified using the सूत्रम् 2-2-37 वाहिताग्न्यादिषु?

2. What is the alternate form for the compound ‘देहबद्ध’?

3. Why type of compound is ‘राघवान्वित’ used in the verses?
i. तृतीया-तत्पुरुष:
ii. षष्ठी-तत्पुरुष:
iii. बहुव्रीहि:
iv. कर्मधारय:

4. In which word in the verses has the सूत्रम् 3-3-102 अ प्रत्ययात्‌ been used?

5. Which कृत् affix is used to form the प्रातिपदिकम् ‘जनक’?

6. How would you say this in Sanskrit?
“Today, even in India, it is difficult to find a man who has consecrated/installed the sacrificial fires.” Use the affix ‘खल्’ (prescribed by the सूत्रम् 3-3-126 ईषद्दुःसुषु कृच्छ्राकृच्छ्रार्थेषु खल्) to form a उपपद-तत्पुरुष: compound for ‘difficult to find’ = ‘found with difficulty’ = दु:खेन लभ्यते। Form a बहुव्रीहि: compound for ‘a man who has consecrated/installed the sacrificial fires’ = आहिता अग्नयो येन स: (नर:)।

Easy questions:

1. From which verbal root is the form अभ्यगात् derived?

2. Which term used in the verses has the designation ‘घि’?

अग्रजन्मा mNs

Today we will look at the form अग्रजन्मा mNs from रघुवंशम् 5.26.

तथेति तस्यावितथं प्रतीतः प्रत्यग्रहीत्संगरमग्रजन्मा ।
गामात्तसारां रघुरप्यवेक्ष्य निष्क्रष्टुमर्थं चकमे कुबेरात् ॥ 5-26॥

अग्रजन्मा ब्राह्मणः प्रतीतः प्रीतः सन् तस्य रघोः अवितथम् अमोघं संगरं प्रतिज्ञाम् । ‘अथ प्रतिज्ञाजिसंविदापत्सु संगरः’ इत्यमरः । ‘तां गिरम्’ इति केचित्पठन्ति । तथेति प्रत्यग्रहीत्रघुः अपि गां भूमिम् आत्तसारां गृहीतधनां अवेक्ष्य कुबेरात् अर्थं निष्क्रष्टुम् आहर्तुं चकमे इयेष ।।

Translation – With the words ‘Be it so’ the Brāhmaṇa, being delighted, accepted his unfailing promise. Raghu, on his part, seeing that the earth was drained of all its wealth, wished to wrench (thought of procuring by force) money from Kubera (26).

(1) अग्रे जन्म यस्य स: = अग्रजन्मा – He (Brāhmaṇa) who is born first.

अलौकिक-विग्रह: –
(2) अग्र ङि + जन्मन् सुँ । The पदम् ‘अग्र ङि’ which ends in the seventh case is placed in the prior position in the compound as per the सूत्रम् 2-2-35 सप्तमीविशेषणे बहुव्रीहौ – In a बहुव्रीहि: compound the पदम् which ends in a seventh case affix or is an adjective takes the prior position.
But which सूत्रम् justifies the formation of a बहुव्रीहि: compound using a पदम् ending in a seventh case affix? We cannot use 2-2-24 अनेकमन्यपदार्थे because that सूत्रम् only prescribes compounding of terms (having the designation पदम् and) ending in the nominative case. Hence अत एव ज्ञापकाद्व्यधिकरणपदो बहुव्रीहिः – The सूत्रम् 2-2-35 itself serves as an indication (ज्ञापकम्) that a बहुव्रीहिः compound may be formed using terms that do not have समानाधिकरणम् (same locus) and hence do not all end in the nominative case. Otherwise – if व्यधिकरणपदो बहुव्रीहिः were not allowed – there would be no point in mentioning ‘सप्तमी’ in the सूत्रम् 2-2-35 सप्तमीविशेषणे बहुव्रीहौ।
Note: ‘अग्र ङि + जन्मन् सुँ’ gets the designation प्रातिपदिकम्‌ by 1-2-46 कृत्तद्धितसमासाश्च। This allows 2-4-71 to apply in the next step.

(3) अग्रजन्मन् । By 2-4-71 सुपो धातुप्रातिपदिकयोः – A सुँप् affix takes a लुक् elision when it is a part of a धातुः or a प्रातिपदिकम्।

The gender of a बहुव्रीहि: compound matches that of which it qualifies. In the present example ब्राह्मण: is being qualified. Hence we assign the masculine gender to the compound प्रातिपदिकम् ‘अग्रजन्मन्’। It declines like आत्मन्-शब्द:।

The विवक्षा is प्रथमा-एकवचनम्।

(4) अग्रजन्मन् + सुँ । By 4-1-2 स्वौजसमौट्छष्टाभ्याम्भिस्ङेभ्याम्भ्यस्ङसिँभ्याम्भ्यस्ङसोसाम्ङ्योस्सुप्। Note: As per 1-1-43 सुडनपुंसकस्य, the affix ‘सुँ ‘ has the designation सर्वनामस्थानम् here. This allows 6-4-8 to apply in the next step.

(5) अग्रजन्मान् + सुँ । By 6-4-8 सर्वनामस्थाने चासम्बुद्धौ, the penultimate letter of the अङ्गम् (base) ending in the letter ‘न्’ gets elongated if it is followed by a non-vocative affix having the designation सर्वनामस्थानम्।

(6) अग्रजन्मान् + स् । अनुबन्ध-लोपः by 1-3-2 उपदेशेऽजनुनासिक इत् and 1-3-9 तस्य लोपः

(7) अग्रजन्मान् । By 6-1-68 हल्ङ्याब्भ्यो दीर्घात्‌ सुतिस्यपृक्तं हल्। Now ‘अग्रजन्मान्’ gets पद-सञ्ज्ञा by 1-4-14 सुप्तिङन्तं पदम् with the help of 1-1-62 प्रत्ययलोपे प्रत्ययलक्षणम्। This allows 8-2-7 to apply in the next step.

(8) अग्रजन्मा । By 8-2-7 नलोपः प्रातिपदिकान्तस्य, the ending letter ‘न्’ of a पदम् is dropped when the पदम् also has the designation प्रातिपदिकम् ।


1. Which other compound (besides अग्रजन्मा) used in the verses is a बहुव्रीहि: compound?

2. Can you spot a व्यधिकरणपदो बहुव्रीहिः compound in verse 26-31 of Chapter Nine of the गीता?

3. In which word in the verses has the particle नञ् been used?

4. What is an alternate form for निष्क्रष्टुम्?

5. Which सूत्रम् justifies the use of a fifth case affix in the form कुबेरात् used in the verses?

6. How would you say this in Sanskrit?
“All of Kubera’s wealth has been obtained only by the grace of Lord Śiva (the God who has the moon on his forehead.)” Construct a बहुव्रीहि: compound for ‘He (the God) who has the moon on his forehead’ = भाले चन्द्रो यस्य स: (देव:)। Use the masculine प्रातिपदिकम् ‘अनुग्रह’ for ‘grace.’

Easy questions:

1. Can you spot the augment ईट् in the verses?

2. Where has the सूत्रम् 6-4-78 अभ्यासस्यासवर्णे been used in the commentary?

कवोष्णम् nNs

Today we will look at the form कवोष्णम् nNs from रघुवंशम् 1.67.

मत्परं दुर्लभं मत्वा नूनमावर्जितं मया । पयः पूर्वैः स्वनिःश्वासैः कवोष्णमुपभुज्यते ॥ 1-67॥
सोऽहमिज्याविशुद्धात्मा प्रजालोपनिमीलितः । प्रकाशश्चाप्रकाशश्च लोकालोक इवाचलः ॥ 1-68॥

मत्परं मदनन्तरम् । ‘अन्यारात् -‘ इत्यादिना पञ्चमी । दुर्लभं दुर्लभ्यं मत्वा मया आवर्जितं दत्तं पयः पूर्वेः पितृभिः स्वनिःश्वासैः दु:खजैः कवोष्णम् ईषदुष्णं यथा तथा उपभुज्यतेनूनम् इति वितर्के । कवोष्णमिति कुशब्दस्य कवादेशः । ‘कोष्णं कवोष्णं मन्दोष्णं कदुष्णं त्रिषु तद्वति’ इत्यमरः ।। ६७ ।। इज्या यागः । ‘व्रजयजोर्भावे क्यप्’ इति क्यप्प्रत्ययः । तया विशुद्धात्मा विशुद्धचेतनः [इज्याविशुद्धात्मा]। प्रजालोपेन संतत्यभावेन निमीलितः कृतनिमीलनः । [प्रजालोपनिमीलितः] सोऽहम् । लोक्यत इति लोकः न लोक्यत इत्यलोकः। लोकश्चालोकश्चात्र स्त इति, लोकश्चासावलोकश्चेति वा लोकालोकः चक्रवालः अचलः इव। ‘लोकालोकश्चक्रवालः’ इत्यमरः । प्रकाशत इति प्रकाशश्च देवर्णविमोचनात् । न प्रकाशत इति अप्रकाशश्च पितॄणामृणाविमोचनात् । पचाद्यच् । अस्मीति शेषः । लोकालोकोऽप्यन्तःसूर्यसंपर्काद्बहिस्तमोव्याप्त्या च प्रकाशश्चाप्रकाशश्चेति मन्तव्यम् ।। ६८ ।।

Translation – Verily the libation of water, offered by me, is drunk, rendered lukewarm with their sighs, by my forefathers, thinking that it would be difficult to be obtained after my death (67). I, therefore, with my soul purified by the performance of sacrifices, but obscured by want of issue, am both shining and not shining like the mountain Lokāloka (which is lighted on one side and dark on the other) (68).

(1) ईषदुष्णम्‌ = कवोष्णम्‌ – lukewarm (slightly warm.)

(2) अलौकिक-विग्रह: –
कु + उष्ण सुँ । By 2-2-18 कुगतिप्रादयः – The indeclinable ‘कु’, terms having the designation ‘गति’ (ref. 1-4-60 गतिश्च etc) as well as the terms ‘प्र’ etc. (ref. 1-4-58 प्रादयः) invariably compound with a syntactically related term and the resulting compound gets the designation तत्पुरुष:।
Note: The अनुवृत्ति: of नित्यम् (invariably) comes down from the prior सूत्रम् 2-2-17 नित्यं क्रीडाजीविकयोः।

(3) By 1-2-43 प्रथमानिर्दिष्टं समास उपसर्जनम् – the term ‘कु’ gets the designation उपसर्जनम् because in the सूत्रम् 2-2-18 (which prescribes the compounding) the term कुगतिप्रादयः ends in the nominative case. Hence the term ‘कु’ is placed in the prior position in the compound as per the सूत्रम् 2-2-30 उपसर्जनं पूर्वम्‌ – In a compound a term which has the designation ‘उपसर्जन’ should be placed in the prior position.

Note: ‘कु + उष्ण सुँ’ gets the designation प्रातिपदिकम्‌ by 1-2-46 कृत्तद्धितसमासाश्च। This allows 2-4-71 to apply in the next step.

(4) कु + उष्ण । By 2-4-71 सुपो धातुप्रातिपदिकयोः – A सुँप् affix takes a लुक् elision when it is a part of a धातुः or a प्रातिपदिकम्।

(5) कव + उष्ण । By 6-3-107 कवं चोष्णे – The indeclinable ‘कु’ optionally takes the substitution ‘कव’ or ‘का’ when it is followed by ‘उष्ण’ as the final member in a compound. Note: As per the परिभाषा-सूत्रम् 1-1-55 अनेकाल्शित्सर्वस्य the entire term ‘कु’ is replaced by ‘कव’ here.

See question 1.

(6) कवोष्ण । By 6-1-87 आद्‍गुणः

As per the सूत्रम् 2-4-26 परवल्लिङ्गं द्वन्द्वतत्पुरुषयोः, the compound प्रातिपदिकम् ‘कवोष्ण’ is an adjective since the latter member ‘उष्ण’ of the compound is an adjective. In the present example the compound is qualifying the neuter noun पय: and hence the compound is neuter. It declines like वन-शब्द:।

The विवक्षा is प्रथमा-एकवचनम्।

(7) कवोष्ण + सुँ । By 4-1-2 स्वौजसमौट्छष्टाभ्याम्भिस्ङेभ्याम्भ्यस्ङसिभ्याम्भ्यस्ङसोसाम्ङ्योस्सुप्‌।

(8) कवोष्ण + अम् । By 7-1-24 अतोऽम् – The affixes ‘सुँ’ and ‘अम्’ that follow a neuter अङ्गम् ending in the short vowel ‘अ’ take ‘अम्’ as their replacement. 1-3-4 न विभक्तौ तुस्माः prevents the ending letter ‘म्’ of the affix ‘अम्’ from getting इत्-सञ्ज्ञा।

(9) कवोष्णम् । By 6-1-107 अमि पूर्वः – In place of a preceding अक् letter and the following vowel (अच्) belonging to the affix ‘अम्’ there is a single substitute of that preceding अक् letter.


1. Which are the two alternate forms for कवोष्णम्?

2. Where has the सूत्रम् 2-3-29 अन्यारादितरर्तेदिक्‌छब्दाञ्चूत्तरपदाजाहियुक्ते been used in the verses?

3. Which सूत्रम् prescribes the कृत् affix क्यप् used to construct the feminine प्रातिपदिकम् ‘इज्या’ (seen in the compound इज्याविशुद्धात्मा in the verses)?

4. Which कृत् affix is used to construct the प्रातिपदिकम् ‘प्रकाश’ (as used in the form प्रकाश: (पुंलिङ्गे प्रथमा-एकवचनम्) in the verses)?

5. What is the विग्रह: of the compound अचल: used in the verses?

6. How would you say this in Sanskrit?
The doctor told me – ‘Drink lukewarm water with this medicine.’ Use the neuter प्रातिपदिकम् ‘औषध’ for ‘medicine.’

Easy questions:

1. Which सूत्रम् prescribes the affix यक् used in the form उपभुज्यते?

2. Where has the सूत्रम् 6-4-111 श्नसोरल्लोपः been used in the commentary?

त्रिलोकनाथेन mIs

Today we will look at the form त्रिलोकनाथेन mIs from रघुवंशम् 3.45.

त्रिलोकनाथेन सदा मखद्विषस्त्वया नियम्या ननु दिव्यचक्षुषा । स चेत्स्वयं कर्मसु धर्मचारिणां त्वमन्तरायो भवसि च्युतो विधिः ॥ 3-45॥
तदङ्गमग्र्यं मघवन्महाक्रतोरमुं तुरंगं प्रतिमोक्तुमर्हसि । पथः श्रुतेर्दर्शयितार ईश्वरा मलीमसामाददते न पद्धतिम् ॥ 3-46॥

टीका –
त्रयाणां लोकानां नाथस्त्रिलोकनाथः । ‘तद्धितार्थ-‘ इत्यादिनोत्तरपदसमासः । तेन [त्रिलोकनाथेन] त्रैलोक्यनियामकेन दिव्यचक्षुषा अतीन्द्रियार्थदर्शिना त्वया मखद्विषः क्रतुविघातकाः सदा नियम्या ननु शिक्ष्याः खलु । स त्वं धर्मचारिणां कर्मसु क्रतुषु स्वयमन्तरायो विघ्नो भवसि चेत्विधिः अनुष्ठानं च्युतः क्षतः । लोके सत्कर्मकथैवास्तमियादित्यर्थः ।। ४५ ।। हे मघवन् तत् तस्मात्कारणात् महाक्रतोः अश्वमेधस्य अग्र्यं श्रेष्ठम् अङ्गं साधनम् अमुं तुरङ्गं प्रतिमोक्तुं प्रतिदातुम् अर्हसि । तथाहि । श्रुतेः पथः दर्शयितारः सन्मार्गप्रदर्शका ईश्वरा महान्तो मलीमसां मलिनां पद्धतिं मार्गं नाददते न स्वीकुर्वते । असन्मार्गं नावलम्बन्त इत्यर्थः । ‘मलीमसं तु मलिनं कच्चरं मलदूषितम् ।’ इत्यमरः।

Note: In the opening lines the commentary above states that त्रिलोकनाथः is justified as a उत्तरपदसमासः as per the सूत्रम् 2-1-51 तद्धितार्थोत्तरपदसमाहारे च। But the तत्त्वबोधिनी commentary (on the सिद्धान्तकौमुदी) refutes this justification. See question 1 for details.

Translation – The enemies of sacrifices ought, indeed, to be always checked (suppressed) by you who are the lord of the threefold world and are possessed of divine vision. But if you yourself stand in the way of the rites undertaken by the righteous, all pious work must be at an end! (45) Therefore, O Indra, it behooves you to set free that horse, the most essential part of the great sacrifice; (for) the masters who demonstrate the path of the Veda do not adopt a sinful course (46).

(1) त्र्यवयवो लोक: = त्रिलोक: – threefold world.
Note: त्र्यवयव: itself is a बहुव्रीहि-समास: explained as follows – त्रयोऽवयवा यस्य स: = त्र्यवयव: – threefold. The compound ‘त्र्यवयव’ is then used in the following derivation –

अलौकिक-विग्रह: –
(2) त्र्यवयव सुँ + लोक सुँ । By 2-1-57 विशेषणं विशेष्येण बहुलम्‌ – A सुबन्तं (ending in a सुँप् affix) पदम् denoting a qualifier (adjective) variously compounds with another सुबन्तं (ending in a सुँप् affix) पदम् which denotes that which is qualified – provided both the सुबन्त-पदे refer to the same item – and the resulting compound is a तत्पुरुष:।

(3) By 1-2-43 प्रथमानिर्दिष्टं समास उपसर्जनम् – the term ‘त्र्यवयव सुँ’ gets the designation उपसर्जनम् because in the सूत्रम् 2-1-57 (which prescribes the compounding) the term विशेषणम्‌ ends in the nominative case. Hence the adjective ‘त्र्यवयव सुँ’ is placed in the prior position in the compound as per the सूत्रम् 2-2-30 उपसर्जनं पूर्वम्‌ – In a compound a term which has the designation ‘उपसर्जन’ should be placed in the prior position.

Note: ‘त्र्यवयव सुँ + लोक सुँ’ gets the designation प्रातिपदिकम्‌ by 1-2-46 कृत्तद्धितसमासाश्च। This allows 2-4-71 to apply in the next step.

(4) त्र्यवयव + लोक । By 2-4-71 सुपो धातुप्रातिपदिकयोः – A सुँप् affix takes a लुक् elision when it is a part of a धातुः or a प्रातिपदिकम्।

(5) त्रिलोक । By the वार्तिकम् – शाकपार्थिवादीनां सिद्धये उत्तरपदलोपस्‍योपसंख्‍यानम् – In order to explain compounds like शाकपार्थिव:, an additional provision is made to allow for the elision of the latter member of a compound (which itself is the prior member of the final compound.) In the present example the latter member ‘अवयव’ of the compound ‘त्र्यवयव’ is elided in order to explain the compound ‘त्रिलोक’।
Note: A compound composed using this वार्तिकम् is referred to as a शाकपार्थिवादिसमास: or a मध्यमपदलोपिसमास:।

Now we form the षष्ठी-तत्पुरुषः compound त्रिलोकस्य नाथ: = त्रिलोकनाथः – lord of the threefold world.

अलौकिक-विग्रह: –
(6) त्रिलोक ङस् + नाथ सुँ । By 2-2-8 षष्ठी – A पदम् ending in a sixth case affix optionally compounds with a (syntactically related) पदम् ending in a सुँप् affix and the resulting compound gets the designation तत्पुरुष:।

(7) By 1-2-43 प्रथमानिर्दिष्टं समास उपसर्जनम् – the term ‘त्रिलोक ङस्’ gets the designation उपसर्जनम् because in the सूत्रम् 2-2-8 (which prescribes the compounding) the term षष्ठी ends in the nominative case. Hence ‘त्रिलोक ङस्’ is placed in the prior position in the compound as per the सूत्रम् 2-2-30 उपसर्जनं पूर्वम्‌ – In a compound a term which has the designation ‘उपसर्जन’ should be placed in the prior position.

Note: ‘त्रिलोक ङस् + नाथ सुँ’ gets the designation प्रातिपदिकम्‌ by 1-2-46 कृत्तद्धितसमासाश्च। This allows 2-4-71 to apply in the next step.

(8) त्रिलोक + नाथ । By 2-4-71 सुपो धातुप्रातिपदिकयोः – A सुँप् affix takes a लुक् elision when it is a part of a धातुः or a प्रातिपदिकम्।

= त्रिलोकनाथ ।

As per the सूत्रम् 2-4-26 परवल्लिङ्गं द्वन्द्वतत्पुरुषयोः, the compound प्रातिपदिकम् ‘त्रिलोकनाथ’ is masculine since the latter member ‘नाथ’ of the compound is masculine. The compound declines like राम-शब्द:।

The विवक्षा is तृतीया-एकवचनम् ।

(9) त्रिलोकनाथ + टा । By 4-1-2 स्वौजसमौट्छष्टाभ्याम्भिस्ङेभ्याम्भ्यस्ङसिँभ्याम्भ्यस्ङसोसाम्ङ्योस्सुप्

(10) त्रिलोकनाथ + इन । अनुबन्ध-लोपः by 7-1-12 टाङसिँङसामिनात्स्या: – Following a अङ्गम् ending in the letter ‘अ’, the affixes ‘टा’, ‘ङसिँ’ and ‘ङस्’ are replaced respectively by ‘इन’, ‘आत्’ and ‘स्य’।

(11) त्रिलोकनाथेन । By 6-1-87 आद्‍गुणः


1. Commenting on the सूत्रम् 2-1-51 तद्धितार्थोत्तरपदसमाहारे च the तत्त्वबोधिनी discusses the compound त्रिलोकनाथः as follows – कथं तर्हि ‘त्रिलोकनाथः पितृसद्मगोचरः’ (कुमारसम्भवम् ५-७७) इति कालिदासः। त्रिलोकशब्दस्यासंज्ञात्वात्। न च समाहारे द्विगु:, ‘द्विगोः’ इति ङीप्प्रसङ्गात्। न च पात्रादित्वं कल्प्यम्, ‘यदि त्रिलोकीगणना परा स्यात्’ इत्यादिप्रयोगाणामसङ्गत्यापत्तेः। न च ‘उत्तरपदे’ इति समासः, त्रिपदतत्परुषस्येह दुर्लभत्वात्। अत्राहुः – लोकशब्दोऽत्र लोकसमुदायपरः। त्र्यवयवो लोकस्त्रिलोकः। ‘शाकपार्थिवादित्वादुत्तरपदलोप’ इति। Please explain.

2. Which सूत्रम् justifies the use of the affix ‘तुमुँन्’ in the form प्रतिमोक्तुम् in the verses?

3. Can you spot the कृत् affix ‘क्विँप्’ in the verses?

4. Which कृत् affix is used to derive the masculine प्रातिपदिकम् ‘विधि’ (seen in the form विधिः (प्रथमा-एकवचनम्) in the verses)?

5. What is the विग्रह-वाक्यम् (explanatory sentence) of the compound सत्कर्मकथा used in the commentary? Hint: First construct the कर्मधारय: compound ‘सत्कर्मन्’ and use that to construct the षष्ठी-तत्पुरुष: compound ‘सत्कर्मकथा’।

6. How would you say this in Sanskrit?
“Lord Vāmana descended on earth to subdue Bali, the master of the threefold world.” Use the verbal root √भू (भू सत्तायाम् १. १) preceded by the उपसर्गः ‘अभि’ for ‘to subdue.’

Easy questions:

1. Which सूत्रम् prescribes the टि-लोप: in the form पथः (पुंलिङ्ग-प्रातिपदिकम् ‘पथिन्’, षष्ठी-एकवचनम्) used in the verses?

2. In which word in the verses has the प्रातिपदिकम् ‘अदस्’ been used?

त्रिभुवनगुरोः mGs

Today we will look at the form त्रिभुवनगुरोः mGs from रघुवंशम् 16.88.

इत्थं नागस्त्रिभुवनगुरोरौरसं मैथिलेयं लब्ध्वा बन्धुं तमपि च कुशः पञ्चमं तक्षकस्य ।
एकः शङ्कां पितृवधरिपोरत्यजद्वैनतेयाच्छान्तव्यालामवनिमपरः पौरकान्तः शशास ॥ 16-88॥

टीका –
इत्थं नागः कुमुदः । त्रिभुवनगुरोः त्रयाणां भुवनानां समाहारस्त्रिभुवनम् । ‘2-1-51 तद्धितार्थ-‘ इत्यादिना तत्पुरुषः । अदन्तद्विगुत्वेऽपि पात्राद्यदन्ततत्वान्नपुंसकत्वम्। ‘पात्राद्यदन्तैरेकार्थो द्विगुर्लक्ष्यानुसारतः’ इत्यमरः । तस्य गुरू रामः । तस्य औरसं धर्मपत्नीजं पुत्रम् । ‘औरसो धर्मपत्नीजः’ इति याज्ञवल्क्यः । मैथिलेयं कुशं बन्धुं लब्ध्वाकुशोऽपि च तक्षकस्य पञ्चमं पुत्रं तं कुमुदं बन्धुं लब्ध्वा एकः तयोरन्यतरः कुमुदः [पितृवधरिपोः] पितृवधेन रिपोः वैनतेयात् गरुडात् । गुरुणा वैष्णवांशेन कुशेन त्याजितक्रौर्यादिति भावः । शङ्कां भयम् अत्यजत्अपरः कुशः शान्तव्यालां कुमुदाज्ञया वीतसर्पभयाम् अवनिम् अत एव पौरकान्तः पौरप्रियः सन् शशास ।। ८८ ।।

Translation – Thus the serpent (Kumuda), having obtained Kuśa – a legitimate son of Rāma (the master of (the collection of) the three worlds) and Sītā (the princess of Mithilā) – as a relative, abandoned fear from the enemy Garuḍa (son of Vinatā) who had slain his father. And in turn Kuśa, loved by his subjects, having obtained Kumuda – the fifth son of Takṣaka – as a relative , ruled the earth freed from the fear of serpents (88).

(1) त्रयाणां भुवनानां समाहारः = त्रिभुवनम् – collection of the three worlds.

अलौकिक-विग्रह: –
(2) त्रि आम् + भुवन आम् । By 2-1-51 तद्धितार्थोत्तरपदसमाहारे च – In the following three situations a सुबन्तं (ending in a सुँप् affix) पदम् denoting either a direction of the compass or a numeral combines with another सुबन्तं (ending in a सुँप् affix) पदम् referring to the same item and the resulting compound is a तत्पुरुष: –
i) in the context where the sense of a तद्धित: affix is to be expressed
ii) when a उत्तरपदम् (a final member) of a compound follows
iii) when the compound denotes a समाहार: (aggregate.)

(3) As per 1-2-43 प्रथमानिर्दिष्टं समास उपसर्जनम् the term ‘त्रि आम्’ – which denotes a numeral – gets the designation उपसर्जनम् because in the सूत्रम् 2-1-51 (which prescribes the compounding) the term दिक्संख्ये (which comes as अनुवृत्ति: from the सूत्रम् 2-1-50 दिक्संख्ये संज्ञायाम्‌) ends in the nominative case. And hence the term ‘त्रि आम्’ is placed in the prior position in the compound as per the सूत्रम् 2-2-30 उपसर्जनं पूर्वम्‌ – In a compound a term which has the designation ‘उपसर्जन’ should be placed in the prior position.
Note: ‘त्रि आम् + भुवन आम्’ gets the designation प्रातिपदिकम्‌ by 1-2-46 कृत्तद्धितसमासाश्च। This allows 2-4-71 to apply in the next step.

(4) त्रि + भुवन । By 2-4-71 सुपो धातुप्रातिपदिकयोः – A सुँप् affix takes a लुक् elision when it is a part of a धातुः or a प्रातिपदिकम्।

= त्रिभुवन ।

(5) This compound is used only in the neuter gender as per the सूत्रम् 2-4-17 स नपुंसकम्‌ – A द्विगुः/द्वन्द्व: compound which expresses a समाहार: (aggregation) is used (only) in the neuter gender.
Note: This compound would have been used only in the feminine gender as per the वार्तिकम् (under 2-4-17 स नपुंसकम्‌) अकारान्तोत्तरपदो द्विगु: स्त्रियामिष्ट: – A द्विगुः compound which expresses a समाहार: (aggregation) and whose final member ends in the letter ‘अ’ is used (only) in the feminine gender.
But this is overruled by the वार्तिकम् (under 2-4-17 स नपुंसकम्‌) पात्राद्यन्तस्य न – A द्विगुः compound which expresses a समाहार: (aggregation) and whose final member belongs to the पात्रादि-गण: (list of words ‘पात्र’ etc) is not used in the feminine gender. (It is used exclusively in the neuter gender as per 2-4-17 स नपुंसकम्‌।)
Note: The पात्रादि-गण: is a आकृतिगण: – which is a class or group of words in which some words are actually mentioned and room is left to include others which are found undergoing the same operations. The word ‘भुवन’ is considered to be in the पात्रादि-गण:।

This compound is used only in the singular as per the सूत्रम् 2-4-1 द्विगुरेकवचनम्‌ – A द्विगुः compound which expresses a समाहार: (aggregation) is used (only) in the singular.

(6) Now we form the षष्ठी-तत्पुरुषः compound त्रिभुवनगुरुः = त्रिभुवनस्य गुरुः – master of the three worlds. Here it qualifies रामः।
Note: The sixth case affix in त्रिभुवनस्य is as per the सूत्रम् 2-3-50 षष्ठी शेषे।

अलौकिक-विग्रह: –
(7) त्रिभुवन ङस् + गुरु सुँ । By 2-2-8 षष्ठी – A पदम् ending in a sixth case affix optionally compounds with a (syntactically related) पदम् ending in a सुँप् affix and the resulting compound gets the designation तत्पुरुष:।

(8) By 1-2-43 प्रथमानिर्दिष्टं समास उपसर्जनम् – the term ‘त्रिभुवन ङस्’ gets the designation उपसर्जनम् because in the सूत्रम् 2-2-8 (which prescribes the compounding) the term षष्ठी ends in the nominative case. Hence ‘त्रिभुवन ङस्’ is placed in the prior position in the compound as per the सूत्रम् 2-2-30 उपसर्जनं पूर्वम्‌ – In a compound a term which has the designation ‘उपसर्जन’ should be placed in the prior position.

Note: ‘त्रिभुवन ङस् + गुरु सुँ’ gets the designation प्रातिपदिकम्‌ by 1-2-46 कृत्तद्धितसमासाश्च। This allows 2-4-71 to apply in the next step.

(9) त्रिभुवन + गुरु । By 2-4-71 सुपो धातुप्रातिपदिकयोः – A सुँप् affix takes a लुक् elision when it is a part of a धातुः or a प्रातिपदिकम्।

= त्रिभुवनगुरु ।

Note: As per the सूत्रम् 2-4-26 परवल्लिङ्गं द्वन्द्वतत्पुरुषयोः, the compound प्रातिपदिकम् ‘त्रिभुवनगुरु’ is masculine since the latter member ‘गुरु’ of the compound is masculine.

The विवक्षा is षष्ठी-एकवचनम्।

(10) त्रिभुवनगुरु + ङस् । By 4-1-2 स्वौजसमौट्छष्टाभ्याम्भिस्ङेभ्याम्भ्यस्ङसिँभ्याम्भ्यस्ङसोसाम्ङ्योस्सुप्

Note: ‘त्रिभुवनगुरु’ gets the घि-सञ्ज्ञा by 1-4-7 शेषो घ्यसखि – When a short ‘इ’ ending or short ‘उ’ ending term – except for ‘सखि’ – does not have the नदी-सञ्ज्ञा then it gets the घि-सञ्ज्ञा।

(11) त्रिभुवनगुरु + अस् । अनुबन्ध-लोपः by 1-3-8 लशक्वतद्धिते and 1-3-9 तस्य लोपः1-3-4 न विभक्तौ तुस्माः prevents the ending letter ‘स्’ of the affix ‘ङस्’ from getting इत्-सञ्ज्ञा।

(12) त्रिभुवनगुरो + अस् । By 7-3-111 घेर्ङिति – When a ङित् (having the letter ‘ङ्’ as a इत्) सुँप् affix follows, then a अङ्गम् having the घि-सञ्ज्ञा takes the गुण: substitution. Note: As per 1-1-52 अलोऽन्त्यस्य, the गुण: substitution takes place only for the ending letter (in this case the letter ‘उ’) of the अङ्गम्।

(13) त्रिभुवनगुरोस् । By 6-1-110 ङसिँङसोश्च – In place of a preceding एङ् (‘ए’, ‘ओ’) letter and the following short ‘अ’ of the affix ‘ङसिँ’ or ‘ङस्’, there is a single substitute of the former (एङ् letter.)

(14) त्रिभुवनगुरोः । रुँत्व-विसर्गौ by 8-2-66 ससजुषो रुः and 8-3-15 खरवसानयोर्विसर्जनीयः


1. Commenting on the सूत्रम् 2-4-17 स नपुंसकम्‌ (used in step 5) the सिद्धान्तकौमुदी says – परवल्लिङ्‌गापवाद:। Please explain.

2. What is the विग्रह-वाक्यम् of the compound ‘पितृवधरिपु’ used (in the form पितृवधरिपोः (षष्ठी-एकवचनम्)) in the verses? Hint: First form the षष्ठी-समास: ‘पितृवध’ and then use that to form the तृतीया-समास: ‘पितृवधरिपु’।

3. Where has the सूत्रम् 3-4-21 समानकर्तृकयोः पूर्वकाले been used in the verses?

4. Which कृत् affix is used to form the feminine प्रातिपदिकम् ‘शङ्का’ (used in the form शङ्काम् (द्वितीया-एकवचनम्) in the verses)?

5. Can you spot the affix ‘ड’ in the commentary?

6. How would you say this in Sanskrit?
Rāvaṇa said to Sītā – “In (the collection of) three worlds there is none equal to me.”

Easy questions:

1. Where has the सूत्रम् 8-3-14 रो रि been used in the commentary?

2. Which सूत्रम् prescribes the substitution ‘त्रय’ in the form त्रयाणाम् (used in the commentary)?

पञ्चवट्याम् fLs

Today we will look at the form पञ्चवट्याम् fLs from रघुवंशम् 12.31.

पञ्चवट्यां ततो रामः शासनात्कुम्भजन्मनः । अनपोढस्थितिस्तस्थौ विन्ध्याद्रिः प्रकृताविव॥ 12-31॥
रावणावरजा तत्र राघवं मदनातुरा । अभिपेदे निदाघार्ता व्यालीव मलयद्रुमम्॥ 12-32॥

ततः रामः कुम्भजन्मनः अगस्त्यस्य शासनात् । पञ्चानां वटानां समाहारः पञ्चवटी । ‘2-1-51 तद्धितार्थ-‘ इति तत्पुरुषः । ‘2-1-52 संख्यापूर्वो द्विगुः’ इति द्विगुसंज्ञायाम् ‘4-1-21 द्विगोः’ इति ङीप् । ‘2-4-1 द्विगुरेकवचनम्‌’ इत्येकवचनम् । तस्यां पञ्चवट्याम्विन्ध्याद्रिः प्रकृतौ वृद्धेः पूर्वावस्थायाम् इवअनपोढस्थितिः अनतिक्रान्तमर्यादः तस्थौ ।। ३१ ।। तत्र पञ्चवट्यां मदनातुरा रावणावरजा शूर्पणखा । ‘8-4-3 पूर्वपदात्‌ संज्ञायामगः’ इति णत्वम् । राघवम्निदाघार्ता घर्मतप्ता व्याकुला व्याली भुजंगा मलयद्रुमं चन्दनद्रुमम् इवअभिपेदे प्राप ।। ३२ ।।

Translation – Then at Agastya’s bidding, Rāma lived in Pañcavaṭī, observing the bounds of right, like Vindhyā remaining in his normal state (31). Rāvaṇa’s sister, faint with love, came to Rāma there, as a female-snake, oppressed with heat, seeks the Sandal-tree (32).

(1) पञ्चानां वटानां समाहारः = पञ्चवटी – a collection of five fig trees.

अलौकिक-विग्रह: –
(2) पञ्चन् आम् + वट आम् । By 2-1-51 तद्धितार्थोत्तरपदसमाहारे च – In the following three situations a सुबन्तं (ending in a सुँप् affix) पदम् denoting either a direction of the compass or a numeral combines with another सुबन्तं (ending in a सुँप् affix) पदम् referring to the same item and the resulting compound is a तत्पुरुष: –
i) in the context where the sense of a तद्धित: affix is to be expressed
ii) when a उत्तरपदम् (a final member) of a compound follows
iii) when the compound denotes a समाहार: (aggregate.)

See questions 1 and 2.

Note: This compound gets the designation द्विगुः as per the सूत्रम् 2-1-52 संख्यापूर्वो द्विगुः – When the prior member of a compound constructed using the सूत्रम् 2-1-51 तद्धितार्थोत्तरपदसमाहारे च denotes a numeral, the compound gets the designation द्विगुः। And as per the सूत्रम् 2-1-23 द्विगुश्च a द्विगु: compound also has the designation तत्पुरुष:।

(3) As per 1-2-43 प्रथमानिर्दिष्टं समास उपसर्जनम् the term ‘पञ्चन् आम्’ – which denotes a numeral – gets the designation उपसर्जनम् because in the सूत्रम् 2-1-51 (which prescribes the compounding) the term दिक्संख्ये (which comes as अनुवृत्ति: from the सूत्रम् 2-1-50 दिक्संख्ये संज्ञायाम्‌) ends in the nominative case. And hence the term ‘पञ्चन् आम्’ is placed in the prior position in the compound as per the सूत्रम् 2-2-30 उपसर्जनं पूर्वम्‌ – In a compound a term which has the designation ‘उपसर्जन’ should be placed in the prior position.
Note: ‘पञ्चन् आम् + वट आम्’ gets the designation प्रातिपदिकम्‌ by 1-2-46 कृत्तद्धितसमासाश्च। This allows 2-4-71 to apply in the next step.

(4) पञ्चन् + वट । By 2-4-71 सुपो धातुप्रातिपदिकयोः – A सुँप् affix takes a लुक् elision when it is a part of a धातुः or a प्रातिपदिकम्। Note: ‘ पञ्चन्’ has the designation पदम् here by the सूत्रम् 1-4-14 सुप्तिङन्तं पदम् with the help of the परिभाषा-सूत्रम् 1-1-62 प्रत्ययलोपे प्रत्ययलक्षणम्। This allows the सूत्रम् 8-2-7 to apply in the next step.

(5) पञ्चवट । By 8-2-7 नलोपः प्रातिपदिकान्तस्य – The ending letter ‘न्’ of a पदम् is dropped when the पदम् also has the designation प्रातिपदिकम्।

(6) This compound would have been used only in the neuter gender as per the सूत्रम् 2-4-17 स नपुंसकम्‌ – A द्विगुः/द्वन्द्व: compound which expresses a समाहार: (aggregation) is used (only) in the neuter gender.
But instead this compound is used only in the feminine gender as per the वार्तिकम् (under 2-4-17 स नपुंसकम्‌) अकारान्तोत्तरपदो द्विगु: स्त्रियामिष्ट: – A द्विगुः compound which expresses a समाहार: (aggregation) and whose final member ends in the letter ‘अ’ is used (only) in the feminine gender.

(7) पञ्चवट + ङीप् । By 4-1-21 द्विगोः – Following a द्विगुः compound that ends in the letter ‘अ’ the affix ‘ङीप्’ is added in the feminine gender.
Note: The अनुवृत्ति: of अत: (which comes down from the सूत्रम् 4-1-4 अजाद्यतष्टाप्‌ in to this सूत्रम्) qualifies द्विगोः and hence as per the परिभाषा-सूत्रम् 1-1-72 येन विधिस्तदन्तस्य we get the meaning अदन्ताद् द्विगो: – following a द्विगुः compound that ends in the letter ‘अ’।

See question 3.

(8) पञ्चवट + ई । अनुबन्ध-लोपः by 1-3-8 लशक्वतद्धिते, 1-3-3 हलन्त्यम् and 1-3-9 तस्य लोपः। Note: The अङ्गम् ‘पञ्चवट’ has the भ-सञ्ज्ञा here as per the सूत्रम् 1-4-18 यचि भम्। This allows the सूत्रम् 6-4-148 to apply in the next step.

(9) पञ्चवट् + ई । By 6-4-148 यस्येति च – When the letter ‘ई’ or a ‘तद्धित’ affix follows, the (ending) इ-वर्ण: (letter ‘इ’ or ‘ई’) or the (ending) अवर्ण: (letter ‘अ’ or ‘आ’) of a अङ्गम् with the भ-सञ्ज्ञा takes elision (लोपः)।

= पञ्चवटी ।

This compound is used only in the singular as per the सूत्रम् 2-4-1 द्विगुरेकवचनम्‌ – A द्विगुः compound which expresses a समाहार: (aggregation) is used (only) in the singular.

The विवक्षा is सप्तमी।

(10) पञ्चवटी + ङि । By 4-1-2 स्वौजसमौट्छष्टाभ्याम्भिस्ङेभ्याम्भ्यस्ङसिभ्याम्भ्यस्ङसोसाम्ङ्योस्सुप्‌

(11) पञ्चवटी + आम् । By 7-3-116 ङेराम्नद्याम्नीभ्यः – The affix ‘ङि’, following a base ending in ‘नदी’ (ref. 1-4-3 यू स्त्र्याख्यौ नदी) or ‘आप्’ or following the term ‘नी’, gets ‘आम्’ as the substitute. 1-3-4 न विभक्तौ तुस्माः prevents the ending letter ‘म्’ of ‘आम्’ from getting the इत्-सञ्ज्ञा।

(12) पञ्चवट्याम् । By 6-1-77 इको यणचि


1. Commenting on the सूत्रम् 2-1-51 तद्धितार्थोत्तरपदसमाहारे च (used in step 2) the सिद्धान्तकौमुदी says – दिक्षु समाहारो नास्त्यनभिधानात्‌। Please explain.

2. Commenting on the same सूत्रम् the तत्त्वबोधिनी says – असञ्ज्ञार्थं वचनम्। Please explain.

3. The affix ङीप् prescribed by the सूत्रम् 4-1-21 द्विगोः (used in step 7) is an exception (अपवाद:) to which affix?

4. Which सूत्रम् justifies the use of a fifth case affix in the form शासनात् used in the verses?

5. Why doesn’t the नियम-सूत्रम् (restriction rule) 2-1-50 दिक्संख्ये संज्ञायाम्‌ prevent the formation of the compound ‘पूर्वावस्था’ (used in the form पूर्वावस्थायाम् (सप्तमी-एकवचनम्) in the commentary) which is not a proper name?

6. How would you say this in Sanskrit?
“Yesterday we studied a set of five aphorisms.” Construct a तत्पुरुष: compound for ‘set of five aphorisms’ = पञ्चानां सूत्राणां समाहार:।

Easy questions:

1. Where has the सूत्रम् 7-4-61 शर्पूर्वाः खयः been used in the verses?

2. Which सूत्रम् prescribes the लोप: (elision) of the अभ्यास: (first portion of the reduplication) in the form अभिपेदे used in the verses?

समक्षम् nAs

Today we will look at the form समक्षम् nAs from रघुवंशम् verse 15-72.

तात शुद्धा समक्षं नः स्नुषा ते जातवेदसि ।
दौरात्म्याद्रक्षसस्तां तु नात्रत्याः श्रद्दधुः प्रजाः॥ १५-७२ ॥

हे तात, ते स्नुषा सीता नः अस्माकमक्ष्णोः समीपं समक्षम् । ‘5-4-107 अव्ययीभावे शरत्प्रभृतिभ्यः’ इति समासान्तष्टच् । जातवेदसि वह्नौ शुद्धा । नास्माकमविश्वास इत्यर्थः । किं तु रक्षसः रावणस्य दौरात्म्यादत्रत्याः प्रजास्तां न श्रद्दधुः न विशश्वसुः ।।

Translation – “Sire, your daughter-in-law (Sītā) has been purified in fire in our very presence, but due to the wickedness of the Rākṣasa (Rāvaṇa), the subjects, here, did not put faith in that (purity) (72).”

लौकिक-विग्रह: –
(1) अक्ष्णो: समीपम् or अक्ष्णोर्योग्यम् = समक्षम् = Visibly (literally – ‘close to the eyes’ or ‘fit/appropriate for the eyes’) which means ‘in the presence of.’

अलौकिक-विग्रह: –
(2) अक्षि ओस् + सम् । By 2-1-6 अव्ययं विभक्तिसमीपसमृद्धिव्यृद्ध्यर्थाभावात्ययासम्प्रतिशब्दप्रादुर्भावपश्चाद्यथानुपूर्व्ययौगपद्यसादृश्यसम्पत्तिसाकल्यान्तवचनेषु – A अव्ययम्‌ (indeclinable) used in any one of the following meanings invariably compounds with a (syntactically related) term ending in a सुँप् affix to yield a अव्ययीभाव: compound –
(i) विभक्ति: – a case affix
(ii) समीपम्‌ – close by
(iii) समृद्धि: (ऋद्धेराधिक्यम्‌) – prosperity
(iv) व्यृद्धि: (विगता ऋद्धि:) – adversity
(v) अर्थाभाव: – absence of something
(vi) अत्यय: (ध्वंस:) – disappearance (passing away)
(vii) असम्प्रति – presently inappropriate
(viii) शब्दप्रादुर्भाव: – manifestation of a sound
(ix) पश्चाद् – following
(x) यथा (योग्यतावीप्सापदार्थानतिवृत्तिसादृश्यानि यथार्था:) – appropriateness, repetition, non-transgression of something, similarity
(xi) आनुपूर्व्यम्‌ – in orderly succession
(xii) यौगपद्यम्‌ – simultaneity
(xiii) सादृश्यम्‌ – similarity/resemblance. Note: यथार्थत्वेनैव सिद्धे पुन: सादृश्यग्रहणं गुणभूतेऽपि सादृश्ये यथा स्यादित्येवमर्थम्‌ – सादृश्यम्‌ is mentioned here again (even though it is already given as one of the meanings of यथा in (x) above) in order to allow compounding even when सादृश्यम्‌ is used in a secondary (adjectival) sense
(xiv) सम्पत्ति: (अनुरूप आत्मभाव:) – befitting state
(xv) साकल्यम्‌ – totality/completeness
(xvi) अन्त: – termination/end
Note: The term ‘वचन’ used at the end of the compound विभक्ति……वचनेषु connects with each one of the prior terms ‘विभक्ति’ etc in the compound.

(3) सम् + अक्षि ओस् । By 1-2-43 प्रथमानिर्दिष्टं समास उपसर्जनम् – A term denoted by a word ending in a nominative case in a सूत्रम् which prescribes a compound gets the designation ‘उपसर्जन’। Here the term ‘अव्ययम्’ in the सूत्रम् 2-1-6 ends in the nominative case. Therefore the अव्ययम् ‘सम्’ gets the designation ‘उपसर्जन’ by 1-2-43. Hence ‘सम्’ is placed in the prior position in the compound as per the सूत्रम् 2-2-30 उपसर्जनं पूर्वम्‌ – In a compound a term which has the designation ‘उपसर्जन’ should be placed in the prior position.
Note: ‘ सम् + अक्षि ओस्’ gets the designation प्रातिपदिकम्‌ by 1-2-46 कृत्तद्धितसमासाश्च। This allows 2-4-71 to apply in the next step.

(4) सम् + अक्षि  । By 2-4-71 सुपो धातुप्रातिपदिकयोः – A सुँप् affix takes a लुक् elision when it is a part of a धातुः or a प्रातिपदिकम्।

(5) समक्षि + टच् । By the गण-सूत्रम् (in the शरत्प्रभृतिगण: of the गणपाठ:) ‘प्रतिपरसमनुभ्योऽक्ष्ण:’ – In a अव्ययीभाव: compound the तद्धित: affix टच् is prescribed following the प्रातिपदिकम् ‘अक्षि’ – provided ‘अक्षि’ is preceded by either ‘प्रति’, ‘पर’, ‘सम्’ or ‘अनु’ – and this affix टच् becomes the ending member of the compound. Note: The शरत्प्रभृतिगण: is referred to in the सूत्रम् 5-4-107 अव्ययीभावे शरत्प्रभृतिभ्यः

(6) समक्षि + अ । अनुबन्ध-लोपः by 1-3-7 चुटू, 1-3-3 हलन्त्यम्1-3-9 तस्य लोपः। The fact that the अङ्गम् ‘समक्षि’ has the भ-सञ्ज्ञा here allows the सूत्रम् 6-4-148 to apply in the next step. The अङ्गम् ‘समक्षि’ gets the भ-सञ्ज्ञा by the सूत्रम् 1-4-18 यचि भम् – Excluding the affixes that are सर्वनामस्थानम्, when any of the other affixes from ‘सुँ’ down to ‘कप्’ that begin with the letter ‘य्’ or अच् (vowel) follow, the base gets the भ-सञ्ज्ञा। Note: From ‘सुँ’ down to ‘कप्’ means any affix prescribed from 4-1-2 down to the end of the 5th Chapter of the अष्टाध्यायी।

(7) समक्ष् + अ । By 6-4-148 यस्येति च – When the letter ‘ई’ or a ‘तद्धित’ affix follows, the (ending) इ-वर्ण: (letter ‘इ’ or ‘ई’) or the (ending) अवर्ण: (letter ‘अ’ or ‘आ’) of the अङ्गम् with the भ-सञ्ज्ञा takes elision (लोपः)।

= समक्ष ।

(8) समक्ष + अम् । By 4-1-2 स्वौजसमौट्छष्टाभ्याम्भिस्ङेभ्याम्भ्यस्ङसिभ्याम्भ्यस्ङसोसाम्ङ्योस्सुप्‌।

(9) समक्ष + अम् । By 2-4-83 नाव्ययीभावादतोऽम्त्वपञ्चम्याः – This सूत्रम् has two parts – (a) नाव्ययीभावादत: – following a अव्ययीभावः compound ending (ref. 1-1-72) in the letter ‘अ’ a सुँप् affix does not take the लुक् elision (which would have been done by 2-4-82 अव्ययादाप्सुपः) and (b) अम्त्वपञ्चम्याः – following a अव्ययीभावः compound ending (ref. 1-1-72) in the letter ‘अ’ a सुँप् affix – other than a fifth case affix – is substituted by अम्।
1-3-4 न विभक्तौ तुस्माः prevents the ending letter ‘म्’ of the affix ‘अम्’ from getting इत्-सञ्ज्ञा।

(10) समक्षम् । By 6-1-107 अमि पूर्वः – In place of a preceding अक् letter and the following vowel (अच्) belonging to the affix ‘अम्’ there is a single substitute of that preceding अक् letter.


1. Where has the compound ‘समक्ष’ been used (as part of a larger compound) in the गीता?

2. In which word in the verse has the affix ‘ड’ been used?

3. Which सूत्रम् justifies the use of a fifth case affix in the form दौरात्म्यात्?

4. Which कृत् affix is used to form the masculine प्रातिपदिकम् ‘विश्वास’ (used as part of the compound अविश्वास: in the commentary)?

5. How would you say this in Sanskrit?
“In the presence of (close to the eyes of) Śrī Rāma, Lakṣmaṇa cut off Śūrpaṇakhā’s nose and ears.” Use the verbal root √छिद् (छिदिँर् द्वैधीकरणे ७. ३) for ‘to cut off.’

6. How would you say this in Sanskrit?
“You insulted me in the presence of (close to the eyes of) everyone.” Use the verbal root √क्षिप् (क्षिपँ प्रेरणे ६. ५) preceded by the उपसर्ग: ‘अधि’ for ‘to insult.’

Easy questions:

1. In which word in the verse has the सूत्रम् 6-4-64 आतो लोप इटि च been used?

2. Can you spot the substitution ‘अनँङ्’ in the commentary?

अविघ्नम् nNs

Today we will look at the form अविघ्नम् nNs from रघुवंशम् verse 1-91.

इत्याप्रसादादस्यास्त्वं परिचर्यापरो भव । अविघ्नमस्तु ते स्थेयाः पितेव धुरि पुत्रिणाम् ॥ 1-91॥
तथेति प्रतिजग्राह प्रीतिमान्सपरिग्रहः । आदेशं देशकालज्ञः शिष्यः शासितुरानतः ॥ 1-92॥

इति अनेन प्रकारेण त्वम् आ प्रसादात् प्रसादपर्यन्तम् । ‘2-1-13 आङ् मर्यादाभिविध्योः’ इत्यस्य वैभाषिकत्वादसमासत्वम् । अस्याः धेनोः परिचर्यापरः शुश्रूषापरः भवते तव अविघ्नं विघ्नस्याभावो अस्तु । ‘2-1-6 अव्ययं विभक्ति -‘ इत्यादिनार्थाभावेऽव्ययीभावः । पितेव पुत्रिणां सत्पुत्रवताम् । प्रशंसायामिनिप्रत्ययः । धुरि अग्रे स्थेयाः तिष्ठेः । आशीरर्थे लिङ् । ‘6-4-67 एर्लिङि’ इत्याकारस्यैकारादेशः । त्वत्सदृशो भवत्पुत्रोऽस्त्विति भावः।। ९१ ।। देशकालज्ञः । देशोऽग्निसंनिधिः कालोऽग्निहोत्रावसानसमयः । विशिष्टदेशकालोत्पन्नमार्षज्ञानमव्याहतमिति जानन् । अत एव प्रीतिमान् शिष्यः अन्तेवासी राजा सपरिग्रहः सपत्नीकः । ‘पत्नीपरिजनादानमूलशापाः परिग्रहाः।’ इत्यमरः । आनतः विनयनम्रः सन् । शासितुः गुरोः आदेशम् आज्ञां तथेति प्रतिजग्राह स्वीचकार ।। ९२ ।।

Translation – “Thus be devoted to her service, until she is propitiated; may no obstacle overtake you; may you stand, like your father, at the head of those who are blessed with worthy sons!” (91) The disciple (of the sage), who knew the proper place and time, bowing accepted, in a pleased mood, with his queen, the command of the spiritual instructor, saying, “I will do so.” (92)

लौकिक-विग्रह: –
(1) विघ्नानामभावः = अविघ्नम् = Absence of obstacles.

अलौकिक-विग्रह: –
(2) विघ्न आम् + नञ् । By 2-1-6 अव्ययं विभक्तिसमीपसमृद्धिव्यृद्ध्यर्थाभावात्ययासम्प्रतिशब्दप्रादुर्भावपश्चाद्यथानुपूर्व्ययौगपद्यसादृश्यसम्पत्तिसाकल्यान्तवचनेषु – A अव्ययम्‌ (indeclinable) used in any one of the following meanings invariably compounds with a (syntactically related) term ending in a सुँप् affix to yield a अव्ययीभाव: compound –
(i) विभक्ति: – a case affix
(ii) समीपम्‌ – close by
(iii) समृद्धि: (ऋद्धेराधिक्यम्‌) – prosperity
(iv) व्यृद्धि: (विगता ऋद्धि:) – adversity
(v) अर्थाभाव: – absence of something
(vi) अत्यय: (ध्वंस:) – disappearance (passing away)
(vii) असम्प्रति – presently inappropriate
(viii) शब्दप्रादुर्भाव: – manifestation of a sound
(ix) पश्चाद् – following
(x) यथा (योग्यतावीप्सापदार्थानतिवृत्तिसादृश्यानि यथार्था:) – appropriateness, repetition, non-transgression of something, similarity
(xi) आनुपूर्व्यम्‌ – in orderly succession
(xii) यौगपद्यम्‌ – simultaneity
(xiii) सादृश्यम्‌ – similarity/resemblance. Note: यथार्थत्वेनैव सिद्धे पुन: सादृश्यग्रहणं गुणभूतेऽपि सादृश्ये यथा स्यादित्येवमर्थम्‌ – सादृश्यम्‌ is mentioned here again (even though it is already given as one of the meanings of यथा in (x) above) in order to allow compounding even when सादृश्यम्‌ is used in a secondary (adjectival) sense
(xiv) सम्पत्ति: (अनुरूप आत्मभाव:) – befitting state
(xv) साकल्यम्‌ – totality/completeness
(xvi) अन्त: – termination/end

(3) नञ् + विघ्न आम् । By 1-2-43 प्रथमानिर्दिष्टं समास उपसर्जनम् – A term denoted by a word ending in a nominative case in a सूत्रम् which prescribes a compound gets the designation ‘उपसर्जन’। Here the term ‘अव्ययम्’ in the सूत्रम् 2-1-6 ends in the nominative case. Therefore the अव्ययम् ‘नञ्’ gets the designation ‘उपसर्जन’ by 1-2-43. Hence ‘नञ्’ is placed in the prior position in the compound as per the सूत्रम् 2-2-30 उपसर्जनं पूर्वम्‌ – In a compound a term which has the designation ‘उपसर्जन’ should be placed in the prior position.
Note: ‘ नञ् + विघ्न आम्’ gets the designation प्रातिपदिकम्‌ by 1-2-46 कृत्तद्धितसमासाश्च। This allows 2-4-71 to apply in the next step.

(4) नञ् + विघ्न । By 2-4-71 सुपो धातुप्रातिपदिकयोः – A सुँप् affix takes a लुक् elision when it is a part of a धातुः or a प्रातिपदिकम्।

(5) अ विघ्न । By 6-3-73 नलोपो नञः । अनुबन्ध-लोपः by 1-3-3 हलन्त्यम् 1-3-9 तस्य लोपः।

(6) अविघ्न + सुँ । By 4-1-2 स्वौजसमौट्छष्टाभ्याम्भिस्ङेभ्याम्भ्यस्ङसिभ्याम्भ्यस्ङसोसाम्ङ्योस्सुप्‌।

(7) अविघ्न + अम् । By 2-4-83 नाव्ययीभावादतोऽम्त्वपञ्चम्याः – This सूत्रम् has two parts – (a) नाव्ययीभावादत: – following a अव्ययीभावः compound ending (ref. 1-1-72) in the letter ‘अ’ a सुँप् affix does not take the लुक् elision (which would have been done by 2-4-82 अव्ययादाप्सुपः) and (b) अम्त्वपञ्चम्याः – following a अव्ययीभावः compound ending (ref. 1-1-72) in the letter ‘अ’ a सुँप् affix – other than a fifth case affix – is substituted by अम्।
1-3-4 न विभक्तौ तुस्माः prevents the ending letter ‘म्’ of the affix ‘अम्’ from getting इत्-सञ्ज्ञा।

(8) अविघ्नम् । By 6-1-107 अमि पूर्वः – In place of a preceding अक् letter and the following vowel (अच्) belonging to the affix ‘अम्’ there is a single substitute of that preceding अक् letter.


1. From which verbal root is the प्रातिपदिकम् ‘विघ्न’ (used in the compound अविघ्नम्) derived?

2. Which वार्तिकम् gives ‘परिचर्या’ (used in the compound परिचर्यापर:) as a ready-made feminine प्रातिपदिकम्?

3. Which सूत्रम् justifies the use of a fifth case affix in प्रसादात्?

4. Where has the सूत्रम् 6-4-34 शास इदङ्हलोः been used in the verses?

5. Which कृत् affix is used to form the feminine प्रातिपदिकम् ‘शुश्रूषा’ (used as part of the compound शुश्रूषापरः in the commentary)?

6. How would you say this in Sanskrit?
“O Lord, let no obstacle overtake me.” Paraphrase to “O Lord, let there be an absence of obstacles for me.”

Easy questions:

1. Which सूत्रम् prescribes the substitution ‘ए’ in the form स्थेया:?

2. Where has the सूत्रम् 7-4-62 कुहोश्चुः been used in the verses?

कृतपूर्वम् nNs

Note: Starting with today’s post we will be discussing the समास-प्रकरणम् – the topic of compounds.

Today we will look at the form कृतपूर्वम् nNs from रघुवंशम् verse 8-52.

मनसापि न विप्रियं मया कृतपूर्वं तव किं जहासि माम् ।
ननु शब्दपतिः क्षितेरहं त्वयि मे भावनिबन्धना रतिः ॥ 8-52॥

मया [कर्त्रा] मनसा [करणेन] अपि तव विप्रियं न कृतपूर्वम् । पूर्वं न कृतमित्यर्थः । सुप्सुपेति समासः । किं केन निमित्तेन मां जहासि त्यजसि ननु [प्रिये] अहं क्षितेः शब्दपतिः शब्दत एव पतिः न त्वर्थत इत्यर्थः । भावनिबन्धना अभिप्रायनिबन्धना स्वभावहेतुका मे रतिः प्रेम तु त्वयि एव अस्तीति शेषः ।।

Translation – Nothing disagreeable to you has been done before by me even mentally; why do you abandon me? Really I am the husband of the earth only in name, and my love tied down by sincerity is for you [alone].

The compound प्रातिपदिकम् ‘कृतपूर्व’ is a केवल-समास: – also known as सामान्य-समास: or सुप्सुपा or सह सुपा।

(1) As per 2-1-4 सह सुपा – A term ending in a सुँप् affix optionally compounds with another term ending in a सुँप् affix. (This implies that – in the classical language – a तिङन्तं पदम् cannot enter in to a compound.)
Note: सुँप् is the प्रत्याहार: containing the 21 nominal case endings – from ‘सुँ’ to ‘सुप्’ – listed in the सूत्रम् 4-1-2 स्वौजसमौट्छष्टाभ्याम्भिस्ङेभ्याम्भ्यस्ङसिभ्याम्भ्यस्ङसोसाम्ङ्योस्सुप्‌।
Note: The अनुवृत्ति: of सुँप् runs from the सूत्रम् 2-1-2 सुबामन्त्रिते पराङ्गवत्‌ स्वरे to all the rules down to 2-2-29 चार्थे द्वन्द्वः।
Note: This सूत्रम् 2-1-4 is interpreted as a अधिकार-सूत्रम् as well as a विधि-सूत्रम्। As a अधिकार-सूत्रम् (a governing rule) it exerts its influence on all the rules which prescribe compounding of one term with another term. This section goes from this सूत्रम् down to 2-2-22 क्त्वा च। As a विधि-सूत्रम् it prescribes (optional) compounding between one term ending in a सुँप् affix with another term ending in a सुँप् affix. When we encounter an accepted usage (शिष्ट-प्रयोग:) of a compound which does not fall in any one of the designated categories like अव्ययीभाव: (ref. 2-1-5 अव्ययीभावः) etc, then we have to use this सूत्रम् 2-1-4 to justify the compounding. A compound thus formed is called a केवल-समास: or सामान्य-समास: or सुप्सुपा or सह सुपा।
Note: वृत्त्यर्थावबोधकं वाक्यं विग्रहः – The sentence which explains the meaning of the वृत्ति: (integrated/aggregated word-form) is called विग्रह: (dissolution/analysis.) स च लौकिकोऽलौकिकश्चेति द्विधा । विग्रह: is of two kinds – (i) लौकिक: common/popular and (ii) अलौकिक: (शास्त्रीय:) technical.
Note: There is a अलौकिक-विग्रह: for every compound. But on the other hand a लौकिक-विग्रह: only exists for those compounds where the compounding is optional. In the case of a नित्य-समास: either there is no लौकिक-विग्रह: possible at all or if there is one it has to be अस्वपद-लौकिक-विग्रह: (constructed using words which are not actually present in the compound.)

For the present example, the लौकिक-विग्रह: is as follows –

(2) पूर्वं कृतम् = कृतपूर्वम् meaning ‘(that which has) been done before.’

The अलौकिक-विग्रह: is as follows:

(3) पूर्व अम् कृत सुँ । The compound gets the designation प्रातिपदिकम् by 1-2-46 कृत्तद्धितसमासाश्च।

(4) कृतपूर्व । By 2-4-71 सुपो धातुप्रातिपदिकयोः – A सुँप् affix takes a लुक् elision when it is a part of a धातुः or a प्रातिपदिकम्।

Note: In order to determine which term (‘पूर्व’ or ‘कृत’) should be placed in the prior position in the compound we take the hint from the compound ‘भूतपूर्व’ which पाणिनि: himself has used in the सूत्रम् 5-3-53 भूतपूर्वे चरट्। In the compound ‘भूतपूर्व’, पाणिनि: has placed the participle ‘भूत’ in the prior position and ‘पूर्व’ in the latter position. Following this guideline, in our present example we place the participle ‘कृत’ in the prior position and ‘पूर्व’ in the latter position.

‘कृतपूर्व’ is an adjective which can go in all three genders. It has been used in the neuter gender in the verse.


1. Where has the सूत्रम् 2-1-4 सह सुपा (used in step 1) been used to form a compound in the last fifteen verses of Chapter Eleven of the गीता?

2. Commenting on the सूत्रम् 2-1-4 सह सुपा the सिद्धान्तकौमुदी says – ‘सह’ इति योगो विभज्यते। सुबन्तं समर्थेन सह समस्यते। योगविभागस्येष्टसिद्ध्यर्थत्वात् कतिपयतिङन्तोत्तरपदोऽयं समास:। स च छन्दस्येव। Please explain.

3. In which sense has a third case affix been used in the form मनसा in the verse? In which sense has it been used in मया?
i) कर्तरि
ii) करणे
iii) हेतौ
iv) None of the above.

4. Where has the सूत्रम् 3-3-94 स्त्रियां क्तिन् been used in the verse?

5. In the commentary which other case affix (besides a third case affix) could have been used in the form निमित्तेन (and केन) to convey the same meaning?

6. How would you say this in Sanskrit?
“I haven’t read this book before.” Paraphrase to passive – “This book has not been read by me before.”

Easy questions:

1. Where has the सूत्रम् 6-1-10 श्लौ been used in the verse?

2. In which word in the commentary has the affix शप् taken the लुक् elision?

सुरभेः f-Ab-s

Today we will look at the form सुरभेः f-Ab-s from रघुवंशम् verse 2-54.

कथं नु शक्योऽनुनयो महर्षेर्विश्राणनाच्चान्यपयस्विनाम् ।
इमामनूनां सुरभेरवेहि रुद्रौजसा तु प्रहृतं त्वयास्याम् ॥ 2-54॥

अनुनयः क्रोधापनयः। चकारो वाकारार्थः। महर्षेः अनुनयः च वान्यासां पयस्विनीनां दोग्ध्रीणां गवां [अन्यपयस्विनाम्] विश्राणनाद् दानात्। ‘त्यागो वितरणं दानमुत्सर्जनविसर्जने। विश्राणनं वितरणम्’ इत्यमरः। कथं नु शक्य:। न शक्य इत्यर्थः। अत्र हेतुमाह – इमां गां सुरभेः कामधेनोः। ‘पञ्चमी विभक्ते’ इति पञ्चमी। अनूनाम् अन्यूनाम् अवेहि जानीहि। तर्हि कथमस्याः परिभवो भूयादित्याह – रुद्रौजसेति। अस्यां गवि त्वया कर्त्रा प्रहृतं तु प्रहारस्तु। ‘नपुंसके भावे क्तः’। रुद्रौजसा ईश्वरसामर्थ्येन। न तु स्वयमित्यर्थः। ‘सप्तम्यधिकरणे च’ इति सप्तमी ।।

Translation – And how is this pacification of (the anger of) the great sage possible by the gift of ordinary milch-cows? Know that this cow is in no way inferior to Surabhi (the divine cow); that you have attacked her is only through the power of Rudra.

सुरभेः is पञ्चमी-एकवचनम् of the स्त्रीलिङ्ग-प्रातिपदिकम् ‘सुरभि’।

(1) सुरभि + ङसिँ । By 4-1-2 स्वौजसमौट्छष्टाभ्याम्भिस्ङेभ्याम्भ्यस्ङसिँभ्याम्भ्यस्ङसोसाम्ङ्योस्सुप्। As per 2-3-42 पञ्चमी विभक्ते – A fifth case affix (‘ङसिँ’, ‘भ्याम्’, ‘भ्यस्’) is used following a प्रातिपदिकम् (nominal stem) which denotes a class or individual (thing or person) from which a separate class or individual is being distinguished (based on a genus or quality or action or name.)

In the present example ‘गो’ (‘cow’ – represented by the pronoun ‘इदम्’ (‘this’)) is being distinguished from ‘सुरभि’ (‘the divine cow’) based on the quality of being ‘अनूना’ (‘not inferior.’) Hence as per 2-3-42, the प्रातिपदिकम् ‘सुरभि’ takes a fifth case affix.

‘सुरभि’ gets the घि-सञ्ज्ञा by 1-4-7 शेषो घ्यसखि – When a short ‘इ’ ending or short ‘उ’ ending term – except for ‘सखि’ – does not have the नदी-सञ्ज्ञा then it gets the घि-सञ्ज्ञा।

(2) सुरभि + अस् । अनुबन्ध-लोपः by 1-3-2 उपदेशेऽजनुनासिक इत्, 1-3-8 लशक्वतद्धिते and 1-3-9 तस्य लोपः।

(3) सुरभे + अस् । By 7-3-111 घेर्ङिति – When a ङित् (having the letter ‘ङ्’ as a इत्) सुँप् affix follows, then a अङ्गम् having the घि-सञ्ज्ञा takes the गुण: substitution. Note: As per 1-1-52 अलोऽन्त्यस्य the गुण: substitution takes the place of only the ending letter (in this case ‘इ’) of the अङ्गम् ‘सुरभि’।

(4) सुरभेस् । By 6-1-110 ङसिँङसोश्च – In place of a preceding एङ् (‘ए’, ‘ओ’) letter and the following short ‘अ’ of the affix ‘ङसिँ’ or ‘ङस्’, there is a single substitute of the former (एङ् letter.)

(5) सुरभेः । रुँत्व-विसर्गौ by 8-2-66 ससजुषो रुः and 8-3-15 खरवसानयोर्विसर्जनीयः


1. In the first verse of which Chapter of the गीता has the सूत्रम् 2-3-42 पञ्चमी विभक्ते (used in step 1) been used?

2. Commenting on the सूत्रम् 2-3-42 पञ्चमी विभक्ते the तत्त्वबोधिनी says – इदं च सूत्रं बुद्धिप्रकल्पितापायमाश्रित्यापादानप्रकरणे भाष्ये प्रत्याख्यातम्। Please explain.

3. Which कृत् affix is used to derive the नपुंसकलिङ्ग-प्रातिपदिकम् ‘विश्राणन’ (used in the form विश्राणनात् (पञ्चमी-एकवचनम्) in the verse)?

4. Where has the सूत्रम् 3-3-114 नपुंसके भावे क्तः been used in the verse?

5. Which सूत्रम् justifies the use of a seventh case affix in the form अस्याम् used in the verse?

6. How to say this in Sanskrit?
“The truth is better than silence.” Use the adjective प्रातिपदिकम् ‘वर’ for ‘better.’

Easy questions:

1. From which verbal root is the form अवेहि derived?

2. Where has the सूत्रम् 6-4-113 ई हल्यघोः been used in the commentary?

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