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Saturday class recordings – 2009

This page contains recordings of Saturday classes taught by Br. Shankara in 2009

The documents required for this class are available here.

For Panini Vyakaranam classes by Satishji please go to the following link – here

Sl No. Date Topics covered Recordings
001 2009-04-04 001 is continued further in the following recording, this is not available. N/A N/A
002 2009-04-04 Introduction to the class – anubandha chatustyam (visaya, adhikari, prayojana and sambandha) for the class. PC N/A
003 2009-04-04 A brief introduction to some aspects of language – mainly need for conjugation of nouns and verbs in sanskrit. Recording begun 2 minutes into class – so it seems abrupt. PC N/A
003 2009-04-04 Conjugation of nouns and verbs – illustrated using ‘sarasvati namastubhyam’. Plus a glimpse into the book sabda-manjari. Recording begun 2 minutes into class – so seems abrupt. PC N/A
004 2009-04-18 Review of previous day’s classes. Definition of the two types of words in Sanskrit:सुप्-तिङ् अन्तम् पदम्. Introduction to Sutras in general and Panini’s sutra through this. Introduction of the word विभक्ति प्रत्यय. PC N/A
005 2009-04-18 Main topic: In a sentence a तिङन्त पदम् always denotes or tracks one noun – which is either the agent of the action indicated by the verb in which case the usage is called कर्तरि प्रयोग. Or it tracks or denotes the noun which is the object of the action indicated by the verb (for सकर्मक), in which case the usage is called कर्मणि प्रयोग. Also gave a glimpse of samasa, taddhita, namadhatu etc. PC N/A
006 2009-04-18 Appication of the subject matter done in the preceding classes to the lesson 1 in Infant reader. Introduction to pronouns, and matching of gender, case and number of adjective to noun, matching the number(वचन) of the verb and the noun it denotes PC N/A
007 2009-05-02 Review of the classes of 18th April with emphasis on definition of padam, the need for the noun denoted by a verb to be in nominative & track the verb in number and the need for adjectives qualifying a noun to match the noun in number and person. Introduction to pronouns – sarvanama. PC N/A
008 2009-05-02 Pronouns in all genders, Introduction to ganapatha, dhatupatha, and mention of linganusanam. Avyayas (indeclinables) with some examples. PC N/A
009 2009-05-02 A bird’s eye view of the language and its various components PC N/A
010 2009-05-16 Sakarmaka and Akarmaka vyavastha, atmanepada, parasmaipada endings and dhatus that take these endings PC N/A
011 2009-05-16 Review of all the important aspects covered since the beginning of this class series – i.e. a review of all aspects comprising an introduction to the language for this class series. Stress on understanding kartari & karmani prayoga, bhave proyaga also introduced. PC N/A
012 2009-05-16 Review of all the important aspects covered since the beginning of this class series – i.e. a review of all aspects comprising an introduction to the language for this class series. Stress on understanding kartari & karmani prayoga, bhave proyaga also introduced. PC N/A
013 2009-05-30 Exercises – Infant reader lessons 1 and 2, Referring to Dhatu manjari and Dhatu kosa. This is an audio MP3 recording only. PC Mac
014 2009-05-30 Exercises – Infant reader lessons 3 and 4, Referring to Dhatu manjari and Dhatu kosa PC Mac
015-A 2009-05-30 Exercises – Infant reader lessons 4, Review method of analyzing sentences with examples of verse with all karakas and verse from Visnu-sahasranama phalasruti – part before network outage PC Mac
015-B 2009-05-30 Exercises – Infant reader lessons 4, Review method of analyzing sentences with examples of verse with all karakas and verse from Visnu-sahasranama phalasruti – part after network outage PC Mac
016 2009-06-20 Exercises – Infant reader lessons 5 and 6. The screen will be blank for a few minutes in the beginning. PC Mac
017 2009-06-20 A first level cursory introduction to the alphabet. Focus on explaining Mahesvara sutras as an entry into Panini. The mechanics of understanding what characters a pratyahara includes covered. Homework to identify and write down the characters included in each of 44 pratyaharas used in the Paniniya vyakaranam. PC Mac
018 2009-06-20 Analysis and meaning of the verse containing all karakas for the rama sabda in singular (रामो राजमणिः सदा विजयते). A couple of examples of how to do basic analysis of Gita verses PC Mac
019 2009-06-27 Review of the pratyahara homework. Pronunciation of the alphabet, paniniya shiksha sutras presented in part to supplement what other books normally talk of. Some common pronunciation errors and their corrections pointed out. PC Mac
020 2009-06-27 Exercises – Infant reader lessons 7 and 8. These covered the 4th and 5th vibhaktis. Also mentioned तुमुन्, तृच् etc. PC Mac
021 2009-06-27 Analysis and meaning of some phalasruti verses श्री राम राम रामेति .. in विष्णु सहस्रनाम interpreted in two ways. Good example of kartari and karmani prayogas. PC Mac
022 2009-07-11 Review of pratyaharas, pronounciation basis ( शिक्षा सूत्राणि), covered आस्य, प्रयत्न, connected आस्य/स्थान to करण.Also covered अयोगवाहाः and introduced गुण, वृद्धि PC Mac
023 2009-07-11 Exercises – Infant reader lessons 9 and 10. These covered the 6th and 7th vibhaktis. PC Mac
024 2009-07-11 Covered verses Bhagavad Gita 1.29 – 1.31. Highlight of the class was Swami Viditatmananda Sarasvatiji spent a few minutes in the class and blessed every one in the class. PC Mac
025 2009-07-26 Review of last class. Guna, Vrddhi letters, Finding the matching letters between two sets using the aasya and prayatna . Basics of Panini sutras illustrated using one sandhi sutra and connect with language basic discussed earlier. PC Mac
026 2009-07-26 Satwalekar Vol 1, Lessons 1 to 4 PC Mac
027 2009-07-26 Covered verses Bhagavad Gita 1.32 – 1.35. PC Mac
028 2009-08-08 A detailed introduction to understanding a sutra by explaining the specialized use of vibhaktis in the sutras, how to write a vrtti for a simple sutras, explaining adhikaras, anuvrttis etc. Also a simple explanation of the organization of sutras. Illustrated this with simple sutras इकोयणचि, एचोयवायावः. Plus show the application of Guna, Vrddhi deriving the verbals forms of 1st gana dhatus. PC Mac
029 2009-08-08 Satwalekar Vol 1, Lessons 5 to 6, Rules related to anusvaras, some explanation of how passive past participles call for a karmani prayoga. PC Mac
030 2009-08-08 Covered verses Bhagavad Gita 1.36 – 1.37. Corrections clarifications on last week’s verses. Discuss nouns from Gita with first vowel being a vrddhi letter and showing how many of these are taddhita words which can be understood easily. PC Mac
031 2009-08-29 Review of Guna, Vrddhi, and sutras इकोयणचि, एचोयवायावः. Application of these rules thru detailed and many examples of derivation of III/1 forms in kartari pryoga and present tense for dhatus in the 1st, 4th, 6th and 10th ganas. Also extend the tenth gana process to derivation of verbal forms in the causative sense. A quick look into the dhatu patha in the context of कथादि गण within the 10th gana where the penultmate short अ does not get vrddhi – used Ganakaastadhyayi to introduce this. Introduced the various rules to define इत् letters in the grammar – sutras 1.3.2 to 1.3.10. PC Mac
032 2009-08-29 Infant Reader lesson 11. Satwalekar Vol 1, Lessons 7 to 9. Clarifications on treating past participal forms like verbs in karmani prayoga. PC Mac
033 2009-08-29 Covered verses Bhagavad Gita 1.38 – 1.42. Also went over the list of books for Paniniya vyakaranam. PC Mac
034 2009-09-19 Detailed explanation of इत् letters with sutras and examples. PC Mac
035 2009-09-19 Lesson 10, exercise after lesson 10, and lesson 11 from Satwalekar Vol -1 PC Mac
036 2009-09-19 Covered verses Bhagavad Gita 1.43 – 1.47 PC Mac
037 2009-10-03 Review of इत् letters and the homework for finding the इत् letters in pratyayas – also gave a peek into vikarna and gana vikarana pratyayas. Completed discussion on इत् letters including mention of प्रत्यय लोप . Paninian definition of pratyayas and various important adhikaras within the pratyaya adhikara including परश्च, धातोः, स्त्रियाम् , तद्धित. PC Mac
038 2009-10-03 Lesson 12 and Exercise-4 from Satwalekar Vol -1 PC Mac
039 2009-10-03 Review of partyayas covered in the last class. Discussed Vibhakti pratyayas – including the basic ting and sup partyayas , Krt pratyayas and Sanadi pratyayas. Introduced the classification of pratyayas following dhatus into sarva dhatuka andardhadhatuka categories. NOTE: Some errors in definitions of Sarva dhatuka and Adhadhatuka pratyayas were found after the class – so please check the file 091010-1 for correct information and same also clarified on 31-Oct-09 PC Mac
040 2009-10-17 Review of last class, सुबन्त प्रत्यय added to मरुत्, लस्य, Application of सार्वधातुक and आर्धधातुक to गुण and वृद्धि PC Mac
041 2009-10-17 Application of सार्वधातुक and आर्धधातुक to गुण and वृद्धि illustrated thru some common pratyayas – क्त्वा, तुमुन्, ल्यप्,क्त, क्त्वतु, शतृ, शानच् PC Mac
042 2009-10-31 Infant reader exercise for lesson 12, lesson 13. Sati saptami, nirdharana sasti introduced. PC Mac
043 2009-10-31 Review of सार्वधातुक and आर्धधतुक and their application. आर्धधतुकस्य इड् वलादेः, आगम, Linking गण विकरण प्रत्यय to सार्वधातुक and आर्धधतुक pratyayas PC Mac
044 2009-11-14 Review of last class. Deriving the present tense parasmaipada forms for 5th and 8th ganas. अचि श्नु-धातु-भ्रुवां र्वोरियङुवङौ ॥ ६.४.७७, हु-श्नुवोः सार्वधातुके ॥ ६.४.८७, लोपश्चास्यान्यतरस्याम् म्वोः ॥ ६.४.१०७, हलोऽनन्तराः संयोगः ॥ १.१.७ PC Mac
045 2009-11-21 Homework and associated subject matter (more on तुमुन् usage, लङ् लकार, aspects of अनुस्वार सन्धि) : Infant Reader exercise 13 and Lesson 14. And Exercises 13 and 14 in Vol-1 of Satwalekar series. PC Mac
046 2009-10-03 N/A N/A
047 2009-12-05 Review of last class. Deriving the present tense parasmaipada forms for 9th gana in kartari prayoga – श्ना-अभ्यस्तयोः आतः ॥ ६.४.११२ , ई हल्यघोः ॥ ६.४.११३ . Derivation of present tense III/1 forms karmani prayoga for roots of all ganas and some of the significant special processing needed for them – हलि च ॥ ८.२.७७, अकृत्-सार्वधातुकयोर्दीर्घः ॥ ७.४.२५ , णेरनिटि ॥ ६.४.५१, अचोन्त्यादि टि ॥ १.१.६४ PC Mac
048 2009-12-05 A overview of visarga sandhi related rules from Paninian perspective – sutras mentioned but not covered in detail. Infant Reader exercise after Lesson-14. PC Mac
049 2009-12-05 4 subhasita Verses from Infant reader – Page 80. PC Mac
050 2009-12-05 Swami Tattavavidandaji’s Anugraha Bhasanam PC Mac
051 2009-12-12 Review of last class. Continued with Derivation of present tense III/1 forms karmani prayoga for roots with some special processing needed for them – looked at roots ending or having penultimate ॠ etc., roots with adeshas in the context of ardhahdhatuka pratyayas, शित् pratyayas etc. These special processing rules have a much wider application than just karmani prayoga. PC Mac
052 2009-12-12 Covered one more rule for visarga sandhi where visage is dropped for masc 1/1 form of तद्/एतद्. A overview of svara sandhi related rules from Paninian perspective – sutras mentioned but not covered in detail. Satwalekar Part -1, lesson 15. PC Mac
053 2009-12-12 The first verse from Adi Sankara’s Sadhana pancakam – to illustrate karamani prayoga in other tenses – here it is in लोट् लकार. वेदो नित्यमधीयतां तदुदितं कर्म स्वनुष्ठीयतां तेनेशस्य विधीयतां अपचितिः काम्ये मतिस्त्यज्यताम्…… PC Mac
054 2009-12-19 The addition of अट्/आट् आगम for अजादि roots in लङ्, लुङ्, लृङ् लकार. A recap of all that has been covered from the first class in April to now. PC Mac
056 2009-12-19 3 subhasita Verses from Infant reader – Page 81 PC Mac

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