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Wednesday class recordings

This page contains recordings of Wednesday (Antoine) classes.

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Youtube playlist of all Wednesday class recordings – Playlist

Sl No. Date Topics covered Recordings
1 2009-12-30 Antoine Book II
Lesson 13
The Periphrastic Perfect
Perfect Participles
2 2010-01-06 Antoine Book II
Lesson 13
The Periphrastic Perfect
Perfect Participles (cont’d)
3 2010-01-20 Antoine Book II
Lesson 14
The Dative Case-Primary Suffixes
4 2010-01-27 Antoine Book II
Lesson 14
The Dative Case-Primary Suffixes (cont’d)
5 2010-02-03 Antoine Book II
Lesson 14
The Dative Case-Primary Suffixes (cont’d)
6 2010-02-10 Antoine Book II
Lesson 14
The Dative Case-Primary Suffixes (cont’d)
7 2010-02-17 Antoine Book II
Lesson 14
The Dative Case-Primary Suffixes (cont’d)
8 2010-02-24 Antoine Book II
Lesson 14
The Dative Case-Primary Suffixes (cont’d)
9 2010-03-03 Antoine Book II
Lesson 14
The Dative Case-Primary Suffixes (cont’d)
10 2010-03-10 Antoine Book II
Lesson 14
The Dative Case-Primary Suffixes (cont’d)
11 2010-03-17 Antoine Book II
Lesson 14. Excercises.
12 2010-03-24 Antoine Book II
Lesson 14. Last class for the Exercises.
13 2010-03-31 Antoine Book II
Lesson 15
14 2010-04-07 Antoine Book II
Lesson 15
15 2010-04-14 Antoine Book II
Lesson 15
16 2010-04-21 Antoine Book II
Lesson 15 AnII-136(2)
17 2010-04-28 Antoine Book II
Lesson 15 AnII-137
18 2010-05-05 Antoine Book II
Lesson 15 AnII-Excercise
19 2010-05-19 Antoine Book II
Lesson 15 AnII-Excercise
20 2010-05-26 Antoine Book II
Lesson 15 AnII-Excercise
21 2010-06-02 Antoine Book II
Lesson 15 AnII-Excercise
22 2010-06-09 Antoine Book II
Lesson 15 AnII-Excercise, IV 7 to 13
23 2010-06-16 Antoine Book II
Lesson 16 AnII
24 2010-06-23 Antoine Book II
Lesson 16 AnII
25 2010-06-30 Antoine Book II
Lesson 16 AnII
26 2010-07-07 Antoine Book II
Lesson 16 AnII
27 2010-07-14 Antoine Book II
Lesson 16 AnII
28 2010-07-21 Antoine Book II
Lesson 16 AnII
29 2010-07-28 Antoine Book II
Lesson 16 AnII
30 2010-08-04 Antoine Book II
Lesson 16 AnII
31 2010-08-11 Antoine Book II
Lesson 16 AnII
32 2010-08-18 Antoine Book II
Lesson 16 AnII
33 2010-08-25 Antoine Book II
Lesson 16 AnII
34 2010-09-01 Antoine Book II
Lesson 16 AnII
35 2010-09-08 Antoine Book II
Lesson 16 AnII
36 2010-09-15 description to be updated Video
37 2010-09-22 Antoine Book II
Lesson 16 AnII
38 2010-09-29 description to be updated Video
39 2010-10-06 description to be updated Video
40 2010-10-13 description to be updated Video
41 2010-10-20 description to be updated Video
42 2010-10-27 Antoine Book II
Lesson 18
The Desiderative (सन्), #152 -Important rules
43 2010-11-03 Antoine Book II
Lesson 18
The Desiderative (सन्), #152 – Important Rules
44 2010-11-10 Antoine Book II
Lesson 18
The Desiderative (सन्), #152 – Important Rules
45 2010-11-17 Antoine Book II
Lesson 18
The Desiderative (सन्), #152 – Important Rules, #153 – Example वृत्, ्#154 – Difficult and Irregular forms
46 2010-11-24 Antoine Book II
Lesson 18
The Desiderative (सन्), #154 – Difficult and Irregular forms
47 2010-12-01 Antoine Book II
Lesson 18
The Desiderative (सन्), #155 – Forms with special meanings, #156 – Adjectives and Feminine Nouns
The Genitive Case – Overview of important rules
48 2010-12-08 48. 2010-12-08 Antoine Book II Lesson 18 # 157 Genetive Case -Overview of important rules up to #158 (3). Video
49 2010-12-15 49  2010-12-15 Antoine Book II Lesson 18 # 158 (4) Genetive Case -Overview of important rules up to #159 . Genetive of time completed. Video
50 2010-12-22 50 2010-12-22 Correction of discussion on Sutra 2-3-30 षठ्यतसर्थप्रत्ययेन. In the previous session the अतसर्थ-प्रत्ययाः were referred to with Sutras 5-3-28 to 5-3-41 and the correct statement would be 5-3-27 to 5-3-41. Antoine Book II EXERCISE 18 (II) Translate into English -1,2,3,4and 5 was discussed with relevant Sutras. Video
51 2010-12-29 Antoine Book II EXERCISE 18 (II) Translate into English – Continued from 5 through 12 completed. EXERCISE 18 (III) Translate into Sanskrit 1 and 2 was completed. Sutras applicable for deriving the following words are explained:
पञ्चकृत्वः (कृत्वसुँच्-प्रत्ययः is applied according to the आदेशः in 5-4-17. Example in गीता 11-39.)
दिदृक्षसे { दृश् + सन् (स 1-3-3) 3-1-7 = दृश् + स 7-2-10, 1-2-10, 1-1-5 stops 7-3-86
= दिदृश् + स 6-1-9, 7-4-60, 7-4-66, 1-1-51, 7-4-60, 7-4-79
= दिदृश् + स + थास् (से 3-4-80) 1-3-57= दिदृश् + स + शप् (अ 1-3-8, 1-3-3)+ से
= दिदृश् ससे 6-1-97 = दिदृष् ससे 8-2-36 = दिदृक् षसे 8-3-59 }
सिष्णासन्ति { ष्णा becomes स्ना 6-1-64 सिस्नास् 7-2-10,7-4-60, 7-4-79
सिस्नास् + शप् (अ) + अन्ति = सिष्णासन्ति 6-1-97 twice, 8-3-59, 8-4-1 }
भूयात् { भू यास् स्त् 3-4-116 stops 3-1-68, 3-4-100, 3-4-104, 3-4-107, 8-2-29 twice}Other words explained with applicable Sutras include: शान्त:, आप्नुयात्, मुच्येत, मोच्येत्, दित्ससि, सिसीर्षति and विवक्षितम् ।
52 2011-01-05 Antoine Book II EXERCISE 18 (III) Translate into Sanskrit 3 to 15 was completed. Sutras applicable for deriving the words are explained. These include प्रेप्सन्ति, दित्सन्ति, दिधाविषति, चिखादिषन्ति, तित्यक्षते | With this session Chapter 18 on “The Desiderative(सन्) – The Genetive Case” is complete. Video
53 2011-01-12 Antoine Book II -Lesson 19 was started. Sutras applicable for the Frequentative(यङ्) in section 161 of page 110 were discussed. The topic is started with the explanation of Sutra 3-1-22. The key word क्रियासमभिहरे is explained with the derivation of पौन:पुन्यम्— पुन:पुनर् + ष्यञ् (य 1-3-3, 1-3-6, 1-3-9) 5-1-124 = पौन:पुन् अर् य 7-2-117 = पौन:पुन् य 1-4-18, 6-4-144 वा. In the case of यङ्-प्रत्यय:1. No इडागम: because प्रत्यय: is not वलादि: 2. No गुण: because 1-1-53. Only आत्मनेपदम् 1-3-12 । But we have special rules for the अभ्यास: 7-4-82 to 7-4-90 । The words derived with relevant Sutras include,चेचीयते, पापच्य, यंयम्यते/यँय्यम्यते, दन्दह्यते, दंदह्यते, चंचूर्यते/चञ्चूर्यते | Video
54 2011-01-19 Antoine Book II -Lesson 19 Continued. Sections 162 , 163 and 164 of page 111 were discussed in detail.
Sutras applicable for the Frequentative of नृत् were explained:
नृत्य् नृत्य 3-1-22, 1-1-5, 6-1-9 = नृ नृन्त्य 7-4-60 =नर् नृत्य 7-4-66, 1-1-51
= न नृत्य 7-4-60 = नरीनृत्य 7-4-90 |
नरीनृत्य + शप् (अ 1-3-8, 1-3-3) + आताम् (आते 3-4-79) 3-4-78
= नरीनृत्य 6-1-97 + ईय् ते 1-2-4, 7-2-81 = नरीनृत्येते 6-1-66, 6-1-87
नरीनृत्य + शप् (अ 1-3-8, 1-3-3) + इट् (ए 1-3-3, 3-4-79) 3-4-78
= नरीनृत्य + ए 6-1-97 = नरीनृत्ये 6-1-97
नरीनृत्यावहे/नरीनृत्यामहे 7-3-101 ।Also the example of तप् if frequentative was discussed :
लोँट् – तातप्यताम् 7-4-83, 3-1-32, 3-4-78, 3-1-68, 6-1-97, 3-4-79, 3-4-90
विधिलिङ् – तातप्येत 7-4-83, 3-1-32, 3-4-78, 3-1-68, 6-1-97, 3-4-102, 7-4-79, 6-1-87, 6-1-66
लृँट् – तातप्य 3-1-32 + त 3-4-78 = तातप्य + स्य + ते 3-1-33, 3-4-79
= तातप्य + इस्य + ते 7-2-35 = तातप् अ + इस्य + ते 6-4-49, 1-1-54
=तातप् इष्य ते 6-4-48, 8-3-59
55 2011-01-26 Antoine Book II -Lesson 19 Continued. Section 165 of page 111 was discussed in detail.
Sutras applicable for the Locative case were explained. Examples using the यङन्त-धातव:
were given: 6-4-49 requires (हल् + य) + आर्धधातुक-प्रत्यय:।
लिँट् – तातप्य + लिँट् 7-4-83, 3-1-32, 3-2-115
तातप्य + आम् + लिँट् 3-1-35 = तातप्य + आम् 2-4-81= तातप्य + आम् 3-1-93 (लिँट् gets कृत्-सञ्ज्ञा) then by 1-2-46, 1-1-62 this तातप्य + आम् gets प्रातिपदिक-सञ्ज्ञा। Therefore by 4-1-2 we get तातप्य + आम् + सुँ = तातप्य + आम् 2-4-81 (कौमुदी), 1-1-39, 2-4-82 (काशिका) = तातप्अ + आम् 6-4-49, 1-1-54 = तातप् + आम् 6-4-48 = तातप् + आम् + कृ + लिँट् 3-1-40 = तातप् + आम् + कृ + त 3-4-78, 1-3-63, 1-3-12 = तातप् + आम् + चकृ + त 6-1-8, 7-4-66, 1-1-51, 7-4-60, 7-4-62 = तातप् + आम् + चकृ + एश् (ए 1-3-3) 3-4-81, 1-1-55 = तातपांचक्रे/तातपाञ्चक्रे 6-1-77, 1-4-14, 8-3-23, 8-4-59
लिँङ् (आशिषि) – तातप्य + लिँङ् 7-4-83, 3-1-32, 3-3-173 = तातप्य + त 3-4-78 (3-4-116 applies, so no 3-1-68) = तातप्य + सीय् स्त 3-4-102, 3-4-107 = तातप्य + इसीय् स्त 7-2-35 (no 7-2-10) = तातप् इसीय् स्त 6-4-49, 1-1-54, 6-4-48 = तातपिषीष्ट 6-1-66, 8-3-59 twice, 8-4-41
द्विवचनम् – तातपिषीयास्ताम् 3-4-107
बहुवचनम् – तातपिषीरन् 6-1-66, 3-4-105
सप्तमी 2-3-36 to 2-3-45 (excluding 2-3-42)
आधार-भेदा: –
औपश्लेषिक: – कटे आस्ते, गङ्गायाम् घोष:, इको यण् अचि।
वैषयिक: – मोक्षे इच्छा, मयि करुणा।
अभिव्यापक: – तिलेषु तैलम्।
To use सतिसप्तमी 2-3-37, 2-3-38 (in spite of, disregarding) cannot have समानकर्तृत्वम्।
56 2011-02-02 Antoine Book II -Lesson 19 Continued. Section 166 of page 112 was revisited.
Panini Sutra’s that help our understanding of विभक्ति-विधानम् were detailed out:
Any विभक्ति-विधानम् is done in 2-3 of the अष्टाध्यायी। These rules (except in the case of षष्ठी) have behind them the कारक-सञ्ज्ञा: 1-4-23 to 1-4-55. If answer is not found here then check the section of तत्पुरुष-समास: mainly 2-1-22 up to 2-1-48 (for example 2-1-36 is used to justify चतुर्थी in many cases.) If these don’t work then look for ज्ञापकम् somewhere else – particularly महाभाष्यम् – other शिष्ट-प्रयोगा:। Section 167- Pronouns (सर्वनाम-शब्दा: 1-1-27) was explained with relevant Sutras:
7-2-98 – उत्तरपदे – मपर्यन्तस्य अस्मद्/युष्मद्-शब्दस्य म/त्व-आदेश:।
अस्मद् + ङस् + पुत्त्र = अस्मद् + पुत्त्र 1-2-46, 2-4-71 = अस्म् + अद् + पुत्त्र = म + अद् + पुत्त्र 7-2-98 = मत्पुत्त्र: 6-1-97, 4-1-2 etc, 8-4-55.
Similarly त्वत्पुत्त्र:। अस्मदाचार्य: 1-2-46, 2-4-71 – no 7-2-98.
7-2-90 is used to derive the पञ्चमी forms मद्/अस्मद्/त्वद्/युष्मद्।
To avoid confusion with compouding – these पञ्चमी forms are almost never used. तद् + ङसिँ + तसिँल् (तस् 1-3-2, 1-3-3) 5-3-7 = त अ तस् 1-2-46, 2-4-71, 5-3-1, 7-2-102 = तत: 6-1-97, 8-2-66, 8-3-15.
तसिप्रकरणे आद्यादिभ्यः उपसङ्ख्यानम् । – वा. on 5-4-44 – referred to सार्वविभक्तिक: तसिँ:। In the case of अपादाने पञ्चमी – we can use 5-4-45 to bring in the तसिँ-प्रत्यय:। Any other case we have use the above वार्त्तिकम्।
अस्मद् + ङसिँ + तसिँ (तस्) 5-4-44 वा. = म अद् + तस् 1-2-46, 2-4-71, 7-2-98 = मत्तस् 6-1-97. अव्ययसञ्ज्ञा by 1-1-38 then 2-4-82. Finally मत्त: by 8-2-66, 8-3-15, 8-4-55.
Similarly त्वत्त:, अस्मत्त:, युष्मत्त: – the latter two don’t use 7-2-98.
The सर्वनामशब्द: “भवत्” is derived from the धातु: “भा” using डवतुँ-प्रत्यय:।
भा + डवतुँ (अवत् 1-3-2, 1-3-7, 1-3-9) = भ् + अवत् – 6-4-143 (टिलोप:) – व्याख्यानम्। डिति अभस्य अपि अनुबन्धकरणसामर्थ्यात् टिलोपः भवति ।
In connection with भवत् – use प्रथम-पुरुष: (third person) by 1-4-108.
5-3-14 । स: भवान् becomes तत्र-भवान् । एष: भवान् becomes अत्र-भवान्
तद् + सुँ + त्रल् (त्र 1-3-3) = तत्र 1-2-46, 2-4-71, 7-2-102, 6-1-97
एतद् सुँ + त्रल् (त्र 1-3-3) = अत्र 1-2-46, 2-4-71, 5-3-5, 1-1-55
अत्रभवान्/तत्रभवान् compounds in the miscellaneous category 2-1-2, 2-1-4 केवल/ सह सुपा/ सुप् सुपा – समास:।
57 2011-02-09 Antoine Book II -Lesson 19 Continued. Sections 168, 169, 170 and 171 in page 113 were discussed.Panini Sutra’s that help our understanding of the proper use of Demonstrative, Interrogative, and Possessive Pronouns were detailed out:
सर्वनामानि – pronouns – 1-1-27 to 1-1-36 । इदमस्तु सन्निकृष्टम् – पाठभेद:।
इति – end quote – find out where the quote begins. समीपतरवर्ति प्र.एक.नपुंस्क. 7-1-23, 8-2-7 – गीता 2-17. तदिति परोक्षे विजानीयात् । – from the standpoint of the speaker – example गीता 2-10. A good example of अदस्-प्रातिपदिकम् is असौ आदित्य:। – example in गीता – 11-21, 11-26 । पूर्णम् अद:, पूर्णम् इदम् । यद्/तद् – will have समानम् लिङ्गम्/वचनम् but not necessarily विभक्ति:। If one of the connecting यद्/तद् is missing then supply from the context – सन्दर्भात्। If that is not possible then sometimes, तद् might convey प्रसिद्धम् – well-known – रामायणम् 1-88. End of Chapter 5 ends four अधिकारा: 3-1-1, 3-1-2, 4-1-1, 4-1-76, 5-4-68. When using a प्रत्यय: – three things are necessary: 1. प्रत्यय: , 2. प्रकृति: , 3. अर्थ: । Don’t forget #3. 4-3-1 to 4-3-3 । युष्मदस्मदोः पञ्चम्यर्थे षष्ठी। – त्रय: प्रत्यया: – खञ्, छ (from 4-2-137 because of “च” in 4-3-1), अण् (यथाप्रप्तम् from 4-1-83 प्राग्दीव्यतोऽण् based on the use of “अन्यतरस्याम्” in 4-3-1)
By 7-1-2 the खकार: of खञ् becomes ईन् and the छकार: of छ becomes ईय्।
Meaning is given by the अधिकार: 4-2-92 शेषे – here mostly 4-3-120 तस्येदम् ।
Singular – अस्मद् + ङस् + छ 4-3-1, 4-3-120 = अस्मद् + छ 1-2-46, 2-4-71 = अस्मद् + ईय 7-1-2 = अस्म् अद् + ईय = म अद् + ईय 7-2-98 = मदीय 6-1-97 then 4-1-2 etc. त्वदीय – same as above. Dual/plural – अस्मदीय/युष्मदीय – same as above, but no 7-2-98 । तद् + ङस् + छ 1-1-74, 4-2-114, 4-3-120 = तदीय 1-2-46, 2-4-71, 7-1-2 । Singular – अस्मद् + ङस् + अण् 4-3-1, 4-1-83, 4-3-120 = ममक + अ 4-3-3, 1-2-46, 2-4-71, 1-3-3 = मामक + अ 7-2-117 = मामक 1-4-8, 6-4-148 । Similarly तावक (singular) । Dual/plural – यौष्माक/आस्माक – same as above except in place of 4-3-3, use 4-3-2 । चित्, चन also स्विद् – used in combination with the pronoun किम् or its derivatives, such as कद्, कथम्, क्व, कदा, कुतः to which it imparts an indefinite sense. अपि can also be in used in the above sense, but it can also be used independently in the meaning of “also.” Meaning in English will be कश्चित् = someone, न कश्चित् no one – गीता 3-5 ।
58 2011-02-16 Antoine Book II -Lesson 19 Continued. Section 172 in page 113 was discussed.Panini Sutra’s that help our understanding of the proper use of Indefinite Pronouns were detailed out:
Correct definition of “अदस्” – no अङ्गुलि-निर्देश: in the case of “अदस्” – we cannot “put our finger on it.” कति [ किम् + सुँ + डति (अति 1-3-7) 5-2-41 = किम् + अति 1-2-46, 2-4-71 = क् अति 1-4-18, 6-4-143 ] 1-1-23, 1-1-25] ] कति gets सङ्ख्या-सञ्ज्ञा, षट्-सञ्ज्ञा then 7-1-22 applies to do लुक् of जस्/शस् । Same steps for तति/यति – have to extend 5-2-41 । Derivation of कतर, कतम, यतर, यतम etc will follow similar steps to above – using 6-4-143 । कतर + सुँ/अम् (नपुंसकलिङ्गे) = कतर + अद्ड् 7-1-25 = कतरद् 1-3-3, 1-1-56, 1-4-18, 6-4-143 = कतरद्/कतरत् 8-2-39, 8-4-56 । अन्यतर/अन्यतम are not ending in डतर/डतम-प्रत्यय: because 5-3-92 to 5-3-94 is only for किम्, यद्, तद् and एक। अन्यतर is listed in सर्वादि-गण:, but अन्यतम is not. So the latter will decline like रामशब्द:। एकतरात् हि सर्वत्र छन्दसि भाषायाम् प्रतिषेधः इष्यते। So 7-1-25 does not apply to एकतर। अव्ययम् check in अव्ययकोश:, भैमी-व्याख्या (प्रथम-भागे) । प्रथम , चरम , अल्प , अर्ध , कतिपय are not part of सर्वादि-गण: – only when जस्-प्रत्यय: follows they will decline optionally like सर्व-शब्द:। Section 173.on Reflective pronouns was discussed: स्व-शब्द: has four meanings – आत्मा, आत्मीय (adj), ज्ञाति:, धनम् । By 1-1-27 गण-सूत्रम् it will get the सर्वनाम-सञ्ज्ञा only in the first two meanings. Also by 1-1-35 it will decline optionally like सर्व-शब्द: when जस्-प्रत्यय: follows, only in the first two meanings. Similarly for पूर्व, पर, अवर, दक्षिण, उत्तर , अपर , अधर – these get the सर्वनाम-सञ्ज्ञा only when they imply relative position (space or time) and again in this meaning only they are declined optionally like सर्व-शब्द: when जस्-प्रत्यय: follows. गीता 18-45 – think of 7-1-16 । स्व-शब्द: 1-1-35, 7-1-16 । अन्तर-शब्द: 1-1-36, 7-1-16 remaining 1-1-34, 7-1-16 । निज-शब्द: similar in meaning to स्व-शब्द:, but it is not a pronoun (not in सर्वादि-गण:) । उभ-शब्द: is listed in सर्वादि-गण: in order for it to take the
अकच्-प्रत्यय्: 5-3-71 । द्वितीय (second) 5-2-54
तृतीय (third) 5-2-55, 6-1-108। विभाषाप्रकरणे तीयस्य वा ङित्सु सर्वनामसञ्ज्ञा इति उपसंख्यानम् । द्वितीयस्मै द्वितीयाय तृतीयस्मै तृतीयाय । समसा: – 2-1, 2-2, 2-4-1 to 2-4-17, 5-4-68 to end of 5-4, also 6-3.
59 2011-02-23 Antoine Book II -Lesson 19 Continued. Exercise 19 in page115 was discussed.Panini Sutra’s that help our understanding of the words in the exercise was explained:
1-1-37 to 1-1-41 defines the अव्यय-सञ्ज्ञा। 1-4-56 to 1-4-97 निपाता:। within this 1-4-58 प्रादय:। 1-4-59 उपसर्ग-सञ्ज्ञा, 1-4-60 to 1-4-79 गति-सञ्ज्ञा।
प्रादय: – प्र । परा । अप । सम् । अनु । अव । निस् । निर् । दुस् । दुर् । वि । आङ् । नि । अधि । अपि । अति । सु । उत् । अभि । प्रति । परि । उप । उपसर्ग-चन्द्रिका by चारुदेव-शास्त्री। उपसीदति [उप + सद् + तिप् 3-2-123, 1-3-3, 1-3-2, 3-4-78, 3-4-113 | सद् + शप् (अ 1-3-8, 1-3-3) + ति 3-1-68| सीदति 7-3-78 – गीता 1-29| रोरुद्यमान [रुद् + यङ् 3-1-22 = रुद्य 1-3-3 = रुद्य् रुद्य 6-1-9, 6-1-1 = रोरुद्य 7-4-60, 7-4-82 then 3-1-32|रोरुद्य शप् शानच् 3-2-123, 3-2-124, 1-3-12, 1-4-100, 3-1-68 = रोरुद्य शानच् 6-1-97 = रोरुद्यम् शानच्7-2-82, 1-1-46|] पुन: पुन: अथवा भृशम् रुदती 3-2-123, 3-2-124, 1-4-99, 3-1-68, 2-4-72, 4-1-3, 4-1-6 – no 7-1-80| आर्त [आ + ऋ + क्त = आर्त 6-1-91, 1-1-51|] मातरम् 7-3-110, 1-1-43, 1-1-51| उपेक्षसे 3-4-80 – गीता 6-29| ग्रह् + यङ् = गृह्य 6-1-16, 1-1-45, 6-1-108 | विंशति: धातव:- सम्प्रसारणम् 6-1-15, 6-1-16 | जरीगृह्य [गृ गृह्य 6-1-9, 7-4-60 = गर् गृह्य 7-4-66, 1-1-51 = ज गृह्य 7-4-60, 7-4-62 = जरीगृह्य 7-4-90, 3-1-32| अ जरीगृह्ये 3-2-111, 3-4-78, 3-1-68, 6-1-97, 6-1-87, 6-4-71|] Similarly अ दरीदृश्ये 7-4-90| गा यङ् 3-1-22, 6-1-45 = गी य 6-4-66 = गीय् गीय 6-1-9 = जि गीय 7-4-59, 7-4-60, 7-4-62 = जेगीय 7-4-82| भुज् + यङ् = बोभुज्य 6-1-9, 7-4-60, 7-4-82, 8-4-54| पनीपत्य 7-4-84|
60 2011-03-02 Antoine Book II -Lesson 19 Continued.Session started with the derivation of the word पेपीयमान from गीता-ध्यानश्लोक:। .
“पेपीयमान” – —पा + यङ् 3-1-22 = पी य 6-4-66 = पीय् पीय 6-1-9 = पि पीय 7-4-59, 7-4-60 = पेपीय 7-4-82, 3-1-32, पेपीय + शानच् 3-2-123, 3-2-124 = पेपीय + यक् + शानच् 3-1-67 = पेपीय् + यक् + शानच् 6-4-48 = पेपीय् + य म् + आन 7-2-82 use 2-4-74 |,2-4-74 ( यङोऽचि प्रत्यये लुक् स्यात्, चकारात्तं विनापि क्वचित् )
Exercise 19 in page116 was discussed.Panini Sutra’s that help our understanding of the words in the exercise was explained:
उच्यते [वच् + यक् + ते 3-4-78, 3-4-79, 3-1-67 = उच्यते 6-1-15, 6-1-108],
शान्त [शम् + क्त 3-2-102 = शम् + क्त 7-2-56, 7-2-15इण्निषेध: = शाम् त 6-4-15 = शान्त 8-3-24, 8-4-58],सद्भि: 2-3-1, 2-3-18, स शान्त: 6-1-132
क्षीयमाणेषु [क्षि य आन 3-2-123, 3-2-124, 1-3-13, 1-4-100, 3-1-67 = क्षीय आन 7-4-25 = क्षीयमाणेषु 7-2-82, 1-1-46, 8-4-2।] शम् + घञ् 3-3-18 then 7-3-34 stops 7-2-116 ], पूज्यन्ते [पूज् + णिच् 3-1-25 = पूजि 3-1-32। पूजि + य + झ 3-2-123, 1-3-3, 3-4-78, 3-1-67 = पूजि + य + अन्ते 3-4-79, 7-1-3 = पूज् य अन्ते 6-4-51 then 6-1-97 ], दम्पती 2-2-31 वा. , आगत 6-4-37, अस्ति 3-1-68, 2-4-72, शम् + श्यन् + ति 3-2-123, 3-4-78, 3-1-69 (अपवाद: for 3-1-68) then 7-3-74 ।, कृस्यति [कृ + स्य + ति 3-3-13, 3-1-33 then use 7-2-70, 7-3-84, 1-1-51, 8-3-59], तेजस्वी [तेजस् + जस् + विनिँ 5-2-121 = तेजस् + विन् 1-2-46, 2-4-71, 1-4-19 – भसञ्ज्ञा, तेजस्वी 6-4-13 ], बद्ध्वा 3-4-21 – समानकर्तार: – जनै:, बुधै:, बद्ध्वा 6-4-24 (Note: 6-4-24 cannot be used after 7-1-58), दातारम् 7-3-110, 6-4-11, मोक्तव्य 3-1-96, 7-3-86, 8-2-30
61 2011-03-09 Antoine Book II Video
62 2011-03-16 Antoine Book II Video
63 2011-03-23 Antoine Book II Video
64 2011-03-30 Antoine Book II Video
65 2011-04-06 Antoine Book II Video
66 2011-04-13 Antoine Book II Video
67 2011-04-20 Antoine Book II Video
68 2011-04-27 Antoine Book II Video
69 2011-05-04 Antoine Book II Video
70 2011-05-11 Antoine Book II Video
71 2011-05-18 Antoine Book II Video
72 2011-05-25 Antoine Book II Video
73 2011-06-01 Antoine Book II. Video
74 2011-06-08 Antoine Book II. Lesson 20. Page 122 Section III Translate into
English (7)(8) and (9) and related Sutras were discussed.
This concludes the discussions on द्वन्द्व-समासः । Started Lesson 21 Section 186 उत्तरपदार्थप्रधानः तत्पुरुषः – was discussed with applicable Sutras and examples.
75 2011-06-15 Antoine Book II. Lesson 21. Page 123 Section 187 “Some modifications that take place at the end of Tatpursha Samasaas” (समासान्तप्रकरणम्) and related Sutras were discussed. Video
76 2011-06-22 Antoine Book II. Lesson 21. Page 123 Section 187 (4)
Discussions on अहन् which becomes अह्न if preceded by a numeral, an indeclinable, सर्व or a word denoting a part of the day were continued with elaborations on the relevant Sutras. This session also covered part of Section 188. Case Tatpursha (page124) with applicable Sutras.
77 2011-06-29 Antoine Book II. Lesson 21. Page 124-Section 188(3)
Case Tatpursha (चतुर्थी-तत्पुरुषः) with applicable Sutras. Continued with discussions on page 125 (4) on पञ्चमी-तत्पुरुषः and (5) षष्ठी-तत्पुरुषः (a) and (b) एकदेशि-समासः with appropriate Sutras.
78 2011-07-06 Antoine Book II. Lesson 21. Continued with discussions on page 125 (5) षष्ठी-तत्पुरुषः (b) एकदेशि-समासः and proceeded to (6 ) सप्तमी-तत्पुरुषः , with appropriate Sutras. Video
79 2011-07-13 AAntoine Book II. Lesson 21. Continued with discussions on page 125(6) सप्तमी-तत्पुरुषः , with appropriate Sutras and proceeded to discuss Exercise 21-II in pages 126-127. Video
80 2011-07-20 Antoine Book II. Lesson 21. Continued with discussions on Exercise 21-III in page 127. Also started Lesson 22 with introductory explanation on कर्मधारय-समासः । Video
81 2011-07-27 Antoine Book II. Lesson 22. Continued with discussions on कर्मधारय-समासः । Section 189 was revisited and Sections
190 and 191 was completed with details on applicable Sutras.
82 2011-08-03 Antoine Book II. Lesson 22. Continued with discussions on कर्मधारय-समासः । Sections 192 (द्विगु-समासाः)in page 128 and 193 (प्रादि-समासाः) in page 129 was completed with details on applicable Sutras. Video
83 2011-08-10 Antoine Book II. Lesson 22. Continued with discussions on तत्पुरुष-समासः । Section 194 (Two indeclinables कु and नञ् form तत्पुरुष-समासा: with nouns and adjectives) on page 129 was completed with details on applicable Sutras. Video
84 2011-08-17 Antoine Book II. Lesson 22. Exercise on page 130
Secion II and Section III (page 130/131) upto the translation of (8) was completed.
85 2011-08-24 Antoine Book II. Lesson 22. Exercise on page 131 (9) and (10)was completed. Started LESSON 23 DENOMINATIVES (नामधातवः) Section 195 and
discussed applicable Sutras.
86 2011-09-07 Antoine Book II. LESSON 23 DENOMINATIVES (नामधातवः) Section 195 was continued on page 132 (3) and completed with discussions on applicable Sutras.Introduced Section 196 on page 133. Video
87 2011-09-14 Antoine Book II. LESSON 23 DENOMINATIVES (नामधातवः). Section 196 was continued on page 133 (1, 2 & 3) and completed with discussions on applicable Sutras. Introduced Section 197 on page 134. Video
88 2011-09-21 Antoine Book II. LESSON 23 DENOMINATIVES (नामधातवः). Section 197: Gati-samasa was continued using the words on page 133 -Section 196(2) and completed with discussions on applicable Sutras. Video
89 2011-09-28 Antoine Book II. LESSON 23 DENOMINATIVES (नामधातवः). Page 134- Section 198: Upapada-samasa was discussed and completed with discussions on applicable Sutras. Video
90 2011-10-05 Antoine Book II. LESSON 23 DENOMINATIVES (नामधातवः). Page 134- Section 198: Upapada-samasa was completed and Exercise in Section II of Page 135 was started with discussions on applicable Sutras. Video
91 2011-10-12 Antoine Book II. LESSON 23 DENOMINATIVES (नामधातवः). Page 135- EXERCISE 23- II: Translation in to English was continued from (9)and Section IV in Page 136 was also completed with discussions on applicable Sutras. With this LESSON 23 was completed! Video
92 2011-10-19 Antoine Book II. LESSON 24 BAHUVRIHI-SAMASA (बहुव्रीही-समासः). Page 137,138 and139- completed Section 200,201,202 and 203 with discussions on applicable Sutras Video
93 2011-10-26 Antoine Book II. LESSON 24 BAHUVRIHI-SAMASA (बहुव्रीहि-समासः). Went back to Page 136 to discuss Section 199 and go through in detail the characteristics of बहुव्रीहि-समासः with applicable Sutras. Video
94 2011-11-02 Antoine Book II. LESSON 24 BAHUVRIHI-SAMASA (बहुव्रीहि-समासः). Continued last week’s discussions on Page 137 Section 199 -(7) ,(8)and (9) in detail, the characteristics of बहुव्रीहि-समासः with applicable Sutras. Video
95 2011-11-09 Antoine Book II. LESSON 24 BAHUVRIHI-SAMASA (बहुव्रीहि-समासः). Video
96 2011-11-16 Antoine Book II. LESSON 24 BAHUVRIHI-SAMASA (बहुव्रीहि-समासः). Started with the excercise Video
97 2011-11-23 Antoine Book II. LESSON 24 BAHUVRIHI-SAMASA (बहुव्रीहि-समासः). Completed Sanskrit to English, now English to Sanskrit – 7 remaining. Video
98 2011-11-30 TBD. Video
99 2011-12-07 TBD. Video
100 2011-12-14 TBD. Video
101 2011-12-21 TBD. Video
102 2011-12-28 TBD. Video
103 2012-01-04 TBD. Video
104 2012-01-11 TBD. Video
105 2012-01-18 TBD. Video
106 2012-01-25 TBD. Video
107 2012-02-01 TBD. Video
108 2012-02-08 TBD. Video
109 2012-02-15 TBD. Video
109-A 2012-02-22 TBD. Video
110 2012-02-29 Lesson 26. अव्ययीभाव समासः Video
111 2012-03-07 The exercise in Lesson 26 of Antoine Book II on page 150 was started. The verses from Ayodhya Kaanda of Valmiki Ramayana (Canto XXIX and XXX) were translated with the derivation of difficult words with appropriate Sutras. First six verses were covered. Video
112 2012-03-14 The exercise in Lesson 26 of Antoine Book II on page 150 was continued. The verses from Ayodhya Kaanda of Valmiki Ramayana (Canto XXIX and XXX) were translated with the derivation of difficult words with appropriate Sutras. Verses 7 thru 11were covered. Video
113 2012-03-21 The exercise in Lesson 26 of Antoine Book II on page 151 was continued. The verses from Ayodhya Kaanda of Valmiki Ramayana (Canto XXIX and XXX) were translated with the derivation of difficult words with appropriate Sutras. Verses 12 thru 16 were covered. Video
114 2012-03-28 The exercise in Lesson 26 of Antoine Book II on page 151 was continued.
The verses from Ayodhya Kaanda of Valmiki Ramayana (Canto XXIX and XXX) were translated with the derivation of difficult words with appropriate Sutras. Verses 17,18,19 and 20 were covered. The next
part of the exercise, from Kalidasa’s Raghuvamsha,canto IX, 72 was introduced.
115 2012-04-04 The exercise in Lesson 26 of Antoine Book II on page 152 was continued.
Kalidasa’s Raghuvamsha,canto IX, 72,73 and 74 were explained with the application of appropriate Sutras on the difficult words.
116 2012-04-11 The exercise in Lesson 26 of Antoine Book II on page 152 was continued.
Kalidasa’s Raghuvamsha,canto IX, 75,76 and 77 were explained with the application of appropriate Sutras on the difficult words.
117 2012-04-18 Continued with homework on page 152. Discussed verses 79, 80 and 81 of the Ninth Sarga of Raghuvamsam. Video
118 2012-04-25 The exercise in Lesson 26 of Antoine Book II on page 152 was continued. Kalidasa’s Raghuvamsha,canto IX, Verses 81 and 82were explained with the application of appropriate Sutras on the difficult words as also the Subhashitha verse 1. Video
119 2012-05-02 The exercise in Lesson 26 of Antoine Book II on page 152 was completed
with the last verse ( Subhashitha Verse-2)withthe application of appropriate Sutras on the difficult words. The last lesson, Lesson-27 (page 153)was started. As an introduction Sutras applicable for the past tense- Aorist-लुङ् were explained with notes from Saturday Classes since they are identical.
120 2012-05-09 Continued with discussion of लुँङ् forms. Completed item 220 on page 154 and some of the irregular forms on top of page 155. Video
121 2012-05-16 Continued discussion of #220 (Irregularities) on page 155. Finished #221 and #222. Introduced #223 on pages 156/157. Video
122 2012-05-23 With this class Lesson 27 -The Aorist – upto page 157 was completed
with the explanation of applicable Sutras.
123 2012-05-30 With this class Lesson 27 -The Aorist : Continued with discussion of लुँङ् forms.
– upto page 158 was completed with the explanation of applicable Sutras. Page 159 was started.
124 2012-06-06 Finished lesson 27 (the last lesson.) Began homework on page 160. Video
125 2012-06-13 Continued with Sakuntalam translation exercise on page 160. Completed up to end of verse 2. Video
126 2012-06-20 Continued with Sakuntalam translation exercise on page 160. Completed up to end of verse 4. Video

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