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Saturday Ramayanam classes – 2010 and beyond

This page contains recordings of Saturday Ramayanam classes. These classes concluded on 2012-04-28.

Sl No. Date Topics covered Recordings
58 2010-01-09 Began reading from the मूल-रामायणम् (or बाल-रामायणम्) using Geeta Press
English translation. This is the first chapter of the रामायणम् which gives a summary of the whole epic.
Class had less emphasis on grammar, more on sentence analysis. Brief description of compounds was given.
60 2010-01-23 Analyzed verses 3-5 from the बाल-रामायणम्। Video
62a 2010-02-21 (MP3 version which we are reading in the 4:30 to 6 PM class.) mp3
64 2010-02-27 Translated verses 10 and 11 and went thru related exercises from book published by Rashtriya-Sanskrita-Samsthanam Video
66 2010-03-13 Translated verses 12 to 15 with the help of commentaries. Video
68 2010-03-27 Translated verses 16 to 19 (first half.) Talked about special uses of the मतुप् class of affixes and also the use of वतिँ as an adverb.. Video
70 2010-04-10 Discussed verses 19 (second half) to 22. Referred to Panini sutras for the two meanings of ज्येष्ठ, and also for creating the feminine noun प्रियकाम्या. Talked about ways to distinguish between लङ् and लुङ् forms. Briefly discussed verbs that can take two objects – द्विकर्मक-धातव: Video
72 2010-04-24 Discussed verses 23 to the first half of 26. Main grammar topics were: 1. अनुप्रयोग-लिँट् example विवासयामास 2. अनुनासिकलोप: by 6-4-37 – example संयत: 3. शतृँ-प्रत्यय: (present participles) examples अनुपालयन्, व्रजन्तम् 4. Declension of nominal bases ending in ऋ – examples पितृ/भ्रातृ Video
74 2010-05-8 Translated verses from 26 (second half) to 30 (first half.) Main grammar topics – 1. Use of neuter accusative singular as adverb 2. Use of निष्ठा affix क्त in the active sense 3. Matching cases in an उपमा 4. Sutra 2.3.5 – use of accusative case in दूरम् 5. Recognizing causative forms. 6. Sentence structure with क्त्वा/ल्यप् affixes. Video
76 2010-05-22 Translated verses 30 (second half) up to 33 (first half.) Grammar topics – पदच्छेद: of ते वनेन versus तेवनेन; behavior of verbs ending in ॠ – example तॄ in the form तीर्त्वा; present participle – example रममाणा: (आत्मनेपदम्) and विलपन् (परस्मैपदम्); use of सति सप्तमी – example गते रामे. Video
78 2010-06-12 Translated verses 34 (second half) to 38 (first half.) Grammar topics – use of ण्वुल् (अक) in the same sense as तुमुँन्, roots which can take two objects, use of चतुर्थी in राज्याय and brief discussion of अनुप्रयोग-लिँट्. Video
80 2010-06-26 Translated verses 38 (second half) to 43 (first half.) Grammar topics – usage of the gerund affix क्त्वा/ल्यप्, meaning of सति-सप्तमी, compound varieties नञ्-तत्पुरुष:, बहुव्रीहि: and केवलसमास: (or सह सुँपा), लिँट् formations in the 3rd person singular. Video
82 2010-07-10 Translated verses from 43 (second half) to 46. Grammar topics – use of सत: षष्ठी, distinguish लुँङ् verbal forms from लँङ् forms, making connections for terms which have the षष्ठी विभक्ति:, use of 8-4-3 to change न् to ण् in words like शूर्पणखा and नारायण:, applying the correct feminine affix to बहुव्रीहि: compounds that end in a word which is the name of a body part. Video
86 2010-08-14 Translated verses from 50 (second half) to 53 (first half). Grammar topics – अभ्यासः rules, correct rule to use to change हकारः to घकारः in the form जघान (7-3-54 and not 7-3-55), धातुः of the form वरयामास, सन्धिः rule for सः and एषः when preceding a हल्, the शानच् प्रत्ययः, तुँगागमः, formation of word मायाविन् Video
88 2010-08-28 Translated verses from 53 (second half) to 57 (first half). Grammar topics – Dropping of the नकारः of the हन् धातु when followed by the क्त affix, change of शकारः to षकारः in दृश् when क्त्वा follows, formation of दग्ध्वा from दह्, अभ्यासः rules, replacements for the affixes तिप्, तस् and झि in लिँट् लकारः, identification of बहुव्रीहि compounds and their properties (change of gender, समानाधिकरणम्). Video
90 2010-09-11 Translated verses from 57 (second half) to 61 (first half). Grammar topics – Dicussing the possible choices for the word अभ्यगच्छन् and deciding on the right choice through context (in this case लँङ्-लकारः प्रथम-पुरुषः एकवचनम्), derivation of आत्मजः as an उपपद compound, derivation of the word सख्यम् and the कप् affix. Video
92 2010-09-25 Translated verses from second part of 61 to 64. Derivation/Discussion on वानरराज ( 5-4-91, 1-4-18, 6-4-144), वैरानुकथनम् ( 2-3-8), प्रति (1-4-90), वेदित (3-1-26, 3-1-32, 7-2-35, 6-4-52), दुःखित (5-2-36, 1-4-18, 6-4-148),वध (3-3-76, 6-4-48), शङ्कित (5-2-36,1-4-18, 6-4-148), कथयामास (6-4-48, 1-1-57, 7-3-116, 3-1-35, 6-4-55, 2-4-81, 3-1-40,3-4-82,6-1-8,7-4-60) अासीत् (7-4-70, 6-4-72, 2-4-72, 3-4-100, 7-3-96, 6-1-90) Video
94 2010-10-09 Translated verses 65 – 68. Derivation/Discussion of चिक्षेप (7-4-60, 7-4-62), अस्थि (7-1-75), उत्स्मयित्वा (3-4-21, आर्षप्रयोगः, 7-2-10 & 7-1-37 not honored, 1-2-18 allowed us to use 7-3-84) , दशयोजनम् (2-4-27), जनयन् (3-1-26, 7-2-116, 6-4-92, 3-2-124, 3-1-68, 7-3-84, 6-1-78, 6-1-97, 7-1-70) , प्रीतमनाः (6-4-14), सुग्रीवः (1-2-48), हेमपिङ्गलः (2-1-55) Video
96 2010-10-23 Translated verses 69 – 71. Derivation/Discussion of अनुमान्य (3-1-26, 7-2-116, 3-4-21, 7-1-37, 6-4-51), rules for अभ्यास-भागः (7-4-59, 7-4-60, 7-4-62, 7-4-66), निजघान (3-2-115, 3-4-78, 3-4-82, 7-3-54,6-1-8, 7-4-60, 7-4-62, 7-2-116, 8-4-54), एनम् (2-4-34), प्रतिपादयत् (7-2-116, 6-4-71, 3-4-78,3-4-100,3-1-68, 7-3-84, 6-1-78), स्थापयामास (3-1-26, 7-3-36, 3-1-35, 2-4-81, 6-4-55, 7-4-60, 7-4-70, 7-2-116), वानरर्षभः (2-1-56), दिदृक्षुः (3-1-7, 7-2-10, 1-2-10, 6-1-9, 7-4-60, 7-4-66, 1-1-51, 7-4-79, 3-2-168, 6-4-48, 8-2-36, 8-2-41, 8-3-59), वानरान् (1-4-52, 2-3-2). Video
98 2010-11-13 Translated verses 72-74. Some of the special derivations/discussions were on बली (5-2-115, 1-3-2, 1-4-18, 6-4-148, 6-1-68, 6-4-13, 8-2-7), “स्तीर्ण” ( 7-2-11, 7-1-100, 1-1-51, 8-2-42, 8-2-77, 8-4-1), पुप्लुवे (3-4-81, 6-4-77). Video
100 2010-11-27 Translated verses (75-78). A sample of the topics covered – “अग्रग” (3-2-48, 6-4-143), हत्वा (6-4-37), दग्ध्वा (3-4-21, 8-2-32, 8-2-40, 8-4-53), आयात् (6-4-71, 3-1-68, 2-4-72, 3-4-100), रामाय (2-3-12) Video
102 2010-12-11 Translated verses (78-81). A sample of the topics covered -महात्मानम् (बहुव्रीहि, 6-3-46), प्रदक्षिणम् (अव्ययी-भाव, 2-1-17, 1-1-37, 1-1-41), अवेदयत् (3-1-26, 7-3-86, 3-1-32, 6-4-71, 3-4-100,7-3-84, 6-1-78), मेय ( 3-1-97, 6-4-65, 7-3-84), तत्त्वत: ( 5-4-44), उदधि (3-3-93, 6-3-58), क्षोभयामास (3-1-26, 3-1-32, 3-1-35, 2-4-81, 3-1-40, 6-4-55), नलम् (1-4-53, 2-3-2) Video
104 2010-12-25 Translated verses (81-84). A sample of the topics covered; मृष्यमाण (मृष् य आन 3-2-123, 3-2-124, 3-1-69, 7-2-82 then 8-4-2), त्रैलोक्यम् (त्रिलोकी 2-1-52, 2-4-17 वा०, 4-1-21, 1-4-18, 6-4-148 + ष्यन् 5-1-124 वा० = त्रैलोक्य 7-2-117,1-4-18, 6-4-148), सचराचरम् (बहुव्रीहिः – सह gets स as an आदेश: as per 6-3-82) Video
106 2011-01-08 Translated verses (84-87)
A sample of the words derived with applicable sutras– अभिषिच्य ( 8-3-59, 8-3-111, 8-3-65 ),
कृत्यम् (3-1-20), विज्वरः ( 2-2-24 वाo ), समुत्थाप्य ( सम् + उद् + स्थापि + ल्यप् –3-4-21/7-1-37
= सम् + उत् + थ्थाप्य –6-4-51, 8-4-55, 8-4-61 = समुत्थाप्य –8-4-65). Also it was explained that
the word प्रस्थितः is used in the verse in active voice( कर्तरि अर्थे)।
108 2011-01-22 Translated verses (88-91). A sample of the words derived with applicable sutras– जल्पन् { जल्पत् + सुँ 3-2-124, 3-1-68, 6-1-97, 4-1-2 > जल्पन् त् सुँ 7-1-70 > जल्पन् 1-3-2, 6-1-68, 8-2-23 after which 8-2-7 cannot be applied! }, अवाप्तवान् { अवाप्तवात् + सुँ 6-4-14, 1-3-2, 6-1-68 > अवाप्तवान्त् 7-1-70 > अवाप्तवान्, 8-2-23 after which 8-2-7 cannot be applied! },
ययौ { या + लिट्ँ > या + तिप् 3-4-78 > या + णल् 3-4-82 > य या + औ 6-1-8, 7-4-59, 7-1-34 then 6-1-88 },
धार्मिक { धर्म + अम् + ठ्क् 4-4-1 > धर्म + इक 7-3-50, 1-2-46, 2-4-71, 1-3-3 > धार्म + इक 7-2-118 > धार्मिक 1-4-18, 6-4-148 }
The other words derived with appropriate Sutras included, दुर्भिक्ष, द्रक्ष्यन्ति and अनघ ।
110 2011-02-12 Translated verses 92,93 and 94 . A sample of the words derived with applicable sutras–
किञ्चित् + न = किञ्चिद् + न 8-2-39 = किञ्चिन् + न 8-4-45 |अग्नेः जायते इति अग्निजम् । अग्नि + ङसिँ + जन् + ड 2-2-19, 3-2-98 = अग्नि + ज् अ 1-2-46, 2-4-71, 1-3-7, 6-4-143 व्याख्यानम् – टिलोपः। “अप्” is a स्त्रीलिङ्ग-प्रातिपदिकम्, नित्यं बहुवचनान्त-शब्दः। 2 special rules 7-4-48, 6-4-11 | मस्ज् + श + झि = मस्ज् + अ + अन्ति 7-1-3, 1-3-8 = मश् ज् अन्ति 6-1-97, 8-4-40 = मज्जन्ति 8-4-53 | नगर 5-2-107 |
112 2011-02-26 Translated verses 94 second half, 95 and 96. Video
114 2011-03-12 Translated verses 97, 98, 99 Video
116 2011-03-26 Translated verse 100 of BalaRamayanam. Started on Sundarakandam – Summary of Chapter 1. Video
118 2011-04-09 Chapter 1 summary contd., Sundarakandam selective verses from chapter 1 Video
120 2011-04-23 Sundarakandam selective verses from chapter 1 Video
122 2011-05-14 Selective verse from Chapter 1, summary of Chapter 2, Video
124 2011-05-28 Sundarakandam selective verses from chapter 2 Video
126 2011-06-11 Summary of chapter 3 Video
128 2011-06-25 Sundarakandam selective verses from chapter 3 Video
130 2011-07-09 Summary of 4th Chapter, select verse from Chapter 4, Summary of Chapter 5 Video
132 2011-07-23 Selective verses from 5th Chapter, Chapter 6 summary. Video
134 2011-08-13 Selective verses from 6th Chapter, Chapter 7 summary. Video
136 2011-08-27 Selective verses. Video
138 2011-09-11 TO BE FILLED Video
140 2011-09-24 TO BE FILLED Video
142 2011-10-08 TO BE FILLED Video
144 2011-10-22 TO BE FILLED Video
146 2011-11-12 – for verbal roots belonging to चुरादि-गणः। Started णिजन्तप्रकरणम् – for causative forms (हेतुमति।) Video
148 2011-11-26 TO BE FILLED Video
150 2011-12-10 TO BE FILLED Video
152 2011-12-24 TO BE FILLED Video
154 2012-01-14 TO BE FILLED Video
156 2012-01-28 TO BE FILLED Video
158 2012-02-11 TO BE FILLED Video
160 2012-02-25 TO BE FILLED Video
162 2012-03-10 TO BE FILLED Video
164 2012-03-24 TO BE FILLED Video
168 2012-04-28 Chapter 33 and Chapter 34. In order to properly appreciate and understand the discussions of verses and commentary being done in the Sundarakandam class, the Sundarakandam classes will be suspended until Laghu Kaumudi is covered. Video

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