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Thursday class recordings

This page contains recordings of Thursday (Raghuvamsam) classes. Here is the Youtube playlist of all these classes – Playlist

Link to Notes

Sl No. Date Topics covered Recordings
001 2010-01-04 Raghuvamsamvamsha
10th Sarga
Shloka 73
002 2010-01-11 Raghuvamsamvamsha
10th Sarga
Shloka 74-77
003 2010-01-18 Raghuvamsamvamsha
10th Sarga
Shloka 78-80
004 2010-01-18 Raghuvamsamvamsha
10th Sarga
Shloka 80-81
005 2010-01-25 Raghuvamsamvamsha
10th Sarga
Shloka 80-81
006 2010-02-01 Raghuvamsamvamsha
10th Sarga
Shloka 82-85
007 2010-02-11 Raghuvamsamvamsha
10th Sarga
Shloka 85-86
008 2010-02-18 Raghuvamsamvamsha
11th Sarga
Shloka 1-2
009 2010-02-25 Raghuvamsamvamsha
11th Sarga
Shloka 3-4
010 2010-03-11 Raghuvamsamvamsha
11th Sarga
Shloka 7-8
011 2010-03-18 Raghuvamshamvamsha
11th Sarga
Sloka 9-10
012 2010-03-25 Sloka 11 wmv
13 2010-04-01 Raghuvamsamvamsha
11th Sarga
Sloka 12-13
14 2010-04-8 Raghuvamsham. 11-13 wmv
15 2010-04-15 Raghuvamsham 11-16 wmv
16 2010-04-22 Raghuvamsham 11-16 wmv
17 2010-04-29 Raghuvamsham. 11-17 wmv
18 2010-05-06 Raghuvamsham. 11-18/11-19 wmv
19 2010-05-13 Raghuvamsham. 11-20/11-21 wmv
20 2010-05-20 Raghuvamsham. 11-21/11-22 wmv
21 2010-05-27 Raghuvamsham. 11-21/11-22 wmv
22 2010-06-03 Raghuvamsham. 11-22/11-23 wmv
23 2010-06-10 Raghuvamsham wmv
24 2010-06-17 Raghuvamsham wmv
25 2010-06-24 Raghuvamsham wmv
26 2010-07-01 Raghuvamsham wmv
27 2010-07-08 Raghuvamsham wmv
28 2010-07-15 Raghuvamsham wmv
29 2010-07-22 Raghuvamsham wmv
30 2010-07-29 Raghuvamsham wmv
31 2010-08-05 Raghuvamsham 11-35, 11-36 wmv
32 2010-08-12 Raghuvamsham 11-37, 11-38 wmv
33 2010-08-19 Raghuvamsham 11-38, 11-39 wmv
34 2010-08-26 Raghuvamsham wmv
35 2010-09-02 Raghuvamsham wmv
36 2010-09-09 Raghuvamsham wmv
37 2010-09-16 Raghuvamsham wmv
38 2010-09-23 Raghuvamsham wmv
39 2010-09-30 Raghuvamsham wmv
40 2010-10-07 Raghuvamsham wmv
41 2010-10-14 Raghuvamsham 11-46, 11-47 wmv
42 2010-10-21 Raghuvamsham 11-47, 11-48, 11-49 wmv
43 2010-10-28 Raghuvamsham 11-49, 11-50 wmv
44 2010-11-04 Raghuvamsham 11-50, 11-51 wmv
45 2010-11-11 Raghuvamsham 11-51, 11-52 wmv
46 2010-11-18 Raghuvamsham 11-52, 11-53 wmv
47 2010-11-25 Raghuvamsham 11-53, 11-54 wmv
48 2010-12-02 Raghuvamsham 11-54, 11-55, 11-56 wmv
49 2010-12-09 Raghuvamsham 11-56, 11-57, 11-58 wmv
50 2010-12-16 Raghuvamsham 11-58, 11-59, 11-60 wmv
51 2010-12-23 Raghuvamsham 11-58 Revisted discussion on उत्तटाः to explain the formation as बहुव्रीहिः समासः, 11-59 words लक्ष्यते, वैनतेयः and शमित were derived using relevant Sutras. The पदम् “नो” gets the प्रगृह्य-सञ्ज्ञा by 1-1- 15 ओत् . 11-60 introductory discussion was completed wmv
52 2010-12-30 Raghuvamsham 11-60 and 11-61 are discussed. Words analysed with relevant Sutras include:
अङ्गना {5-2-100, 4-1-4, 6-1-101}, रजस्वला {रजस् + सुँ + वलच् 5-2-112 > रजस् + वल 1-2-46, 2-4-71, 1-3-3, 1-4-19> रजस्वल (adjective) hence no 8-2-66}
मतुबर्थ-प्रत्यय: वलच् and the details of 1-4-9 तसौ मत्वर्थे are explained.
Other words derived with pertinent Sutras were: श्येन, सन्ध्या, बभूवुः, भार्गव and उषित।
53 2011-01-06 Raghuvamsham 11-62, 11-63 and 11-64 are discussed after giving more details on गणसूत्रम् under 5-2-100 अङ्गात् कल्याणे। in reference to अङ्गना in verse 11-60
The word, ”तिरश्चाम्” in Mallinatha’s commentary of the verse 11-61 is derived:
तिरस् + अन्चुँ + क्विँन् (सर्वापहार-लोप: 1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-8, 6-1-67) आम्
= तिरस् + अच् 6-4-24, 1-3-2 आम् = तिरस् + च् 6-4-138 आम् = तिरश्चाम् 8-4-40.Words analysed with relevant Sutras include: भयंकर/भयङ्कर, प्रेक्ष्य, अधिकृत्य, अन्वयुङ्क्त, लघूकृतवान् |
54 2011-01-13 Raghuvamsham 11-63 and 11-64 are discussed. Correction from last class –
तिरस् + अन्चुँ + क्विँन्3-2-59| The क्विँन्-प्रत्ययः is the right one which will force a कवर्गादेशः by 8-2-62 for deriving तिरश्चाम्।
प्रादुरस् in verse 11-63 is explained. प्रादुस् is in the ऊर्यादि-गण: 1-4-61 – gets गति-सञ्ज्ञा| आस cannot be लिँट्-प्रयोग: because of 3-4-115, 2-4-52। आस is an अव्ययम् which mimics लिँट्-प्रयोग: (प्रथम-पुरुष-एकवचनम्) “आस”
अस् + लिँट् 3-2-115 = अस् + तिप् 1-3-2, 1-3-3, 3-4-78 = अस् + णल् (अ 1-3-7, 1-3-3) 3-4-82 = अस् अस् अ 1-1-59, 6-1-8 = अ अस् अ 7-4-60 = आ अस 7-4-70 then 6-1-101 (Note that without 7-4-70, 6-1-97 would have applied to give an undesired form.)
The other words derived with relevant Sutras include वाहिनी, लक्षणीय, उत्थ्थित/उत्थित, दधत्, पित्र्य, मातृक, दीधिति |
55 2011-01-20 Raghuvamsham 11-64 continued with the derivation of दीधिति
दीधी + क्तिन् 3-3-94 – normally due to 7-2-9 the क्तिन्-प्रत्यय: does not take an इडागम:। दीधी + इति (1-3-8, 1-3-3) 7-2-9 वा. = दीध् इति 7-4-53
Verse 11-65 was discussed in detail with the derivation of तस्थुषा
स्था + लिँट् 3-2-105 (not 3-2-115) = स्था + क्वसुँ (वस् 1-3-8, 1-3-2) = स्था स्था वस् 6-1-8 = स्थ स्था वस् 7-4-59 = थ स्था वस् 7-4-61 (अपवाद: for 7-4-60) by 7-2-67 इडागम: प्राप्यते – परन्तु न क्रियते – “अकृतव्यूहा: पाणिनीया:”
थ स्था वस् + टा 4-1-2 = थ स्था उस् + आ 1-3-7, 1-4-18, 6-4-131, 6-1-108 = थ स्थ् + उसा 6-4-64 = तस्थुषा 8-3-59, 8-4-54
The words derived were, पितु:, स्थितिभिद्, व्यवसित, वेपमान, प्रागजीयत ।
Initial reading on 11-66 was done at the end of the session.
56 2011-01-27 Raghuvamsham Verses 11-66 and 11-67 were covered. Some words derived with relevant Sutras are given below:
बभौ ( भा + लिँट् = भा + तिप् 3-4-78 = भा + णल् 3-4-82 = भा + भा + णल् 6-1-8 = भ + भा + णल् 7-4-59 = भ + भा + औ 7-1-34 = बभौ 6-1-88, 8-4-54 )
श्रवण (श्रु + ल्युट् 3-3-117 = श्रु + अन 1-3-8, 1-3-3, 7-1-1 = श्रो + अन 7-3-84 = श्रवण 6-1-78, 8-4-2 )
उद्वहन् ( उद् + वह् + शप् (अ 1-3-8, 1-3-3) शतृँ (अत् 1-3-8, 1-3-2) 3-2-123, 3-2-124, 1-4-99 = उद् + वहत् 6-1-97 + सुँ 4-1-2 = उद्वहत् 1-3-2, 6-1-68 = उद् वहन्त् 1-1-62, 1-1-43, 7-1-70, 1-1-47 = उद् वहन् 8-2-23 after that 8-2-7 cannot be applied )
गणना ( गण णिच् (इ 1-3-7, 1-3-3) 3-1-25 = गण् + इ 6-4-48 (because 1-1-57 we cannot apply 7-2-116) = गणि 3-1-32
गणि + अन 3-3-107, 1-3-3, 7-1-1 = गण् अन 6-4-51 = गणना 4-1-4, 6-1-101 )
विषसाद ( वि सद् (6-1-64) + लिँट् = वि + स (7-4-60) + सद् + णल् (अ 1-3-7, 1-3-3) 3-4-78, 3-4-82, 6-1-8 = वि + स साद 7-2-116 = विषसाद 8-3-111 stops 8-3-59, then 8-3-66)
कान्दिशीक ( कान्दिशीक = काम् दिशम् + ठक् 4-4-1 वा. (इक 7-3-50) = कान्दिशीक 6-3-109 )
57 2011-02-03 Raghuvamsham Verse 11-68 was covered. Some words derived with relevant Sutras are given below:
दीक्षित (दीक्ष् + क्त 1-1-26, 3-2-102 = दीक्ष् इत 1-3-8, 7-2-35, 3-4-72
दीक्षा + सुँ + इतच् 5-2-36 = दीक्षित 1-2-46, 2-4-71, 1-4-18, 6-4-148, 1-1-52)
संजातम्/सञ्जातम् (सम् 2-4-82, 1-1-62, 1-4-14 + जातम् = संजातम् 8-3-23 = संजातम्/सञ्जातम् 8-4-59) “राम:” नाम (नामन् + सुँ = नाम 7-1-23, 8-2-7) Other examples : कर्म, जन्म, वर्त्म, चर्म, धाम, भस्म । तुल्यम् – क्रियाविशॆषणम् – 2-4-18 वा. so is अविशेषेण 2-3-18 वा. आत्मज [ आत्मन् + ङसिँ + जन् + ड (अ 1-3-7) 2-2-19, 3-2-98 = आत्मन् + ज् अ 1-2-46, 2-4-71, 6-4-143 व्याख्यानम् = आत्म + ज 1-1-62, 1-4-14, 8-2-7 ] हित 7-4-42 । वर्तमान [ वृत् शप् (अ 1-3-8, 1-3-3) शानच् (आन 1-3-8, 1-3-3) 3-2-123, 3-2-124 (व्याख्यानम्), 1-4-99, 1-4-100, 3-1-68 = वर्त् (7-3-86, 1-1-51, no 1-2-4, 1-1-5) अ आन = वर्तम् आन 7-2-82 ] जात , जाति [ जन् + क्त (त 1-3-8) 3-3-114 = ज आ त 6-4-42, 1-1-52 = जात 6-1-101
जन् + क्तिन् = जाति 3-3-94 – same steps as above. अभवत् [ अ 6-4-71 भू शप् (अ 1-3-3, 1-3-8) तिप् (त् 1-3-3, 3-4-100) = अ भो 7-3-84 (no 1-2-4) अत् = अभव् अत् 6-1-78] हृदयंगमम्/हृदयङ्गमम् [ हृदय + अम् + गम् + खच् (अ 1-3-8, 1-3-3)
2-2-19, 3-1-92, 3-2-38 वा. = हृदय मुँम् (म् 1-3-2, 1-3-3) गम 1-2-46, 2-4-71,
6-3-67, 1-1-47 = हृदयंगमम्/हृदयङ्गमम् 8-3-23, 8-4-59 ] भयंकरम् [ भय + अम् + दा णिनिँ 2-2-19, 3-1-92, 3-2-78 = भयदायिन् 7-3-33 declined neuter nominative singular – गीता 2-17 भयंकरम् 3-2-43 |
58 2011-02-10 Raghuvamsham Verse 11-68 was continued .
6-3-50 prescribes a दकारान्तादेश: “हृद्” because if it were तकारान्त: then it would not change to दकारान्त: because when यत्-प्रत्यय: follows the अङ्गम् gets भ-सञ्ज्ञा and not पद-सञ्ज्ञा। So 8-2-39 cannot be used.
अर्ग्य [अर्घ + ङे + यत् 5-4-25 = अर्घ + यत् 1-2-46, 2-4-71 = अर्घ् + य 1-4-18, 6-4-148, 1-3-3 ]
Verse 11-69 was discussed. Some words derived with relevant Sutras are given below:
अनवेक्ष्य [ अन् (6-3-73, 6-3-74) अव ईक्ष् + ल्यप् (3-4-21, 7-1-37) ]. अग्रज [ 3-2-97 to 3-2-101 prescribes the डप्रत्यय: after the धातु: “जन्” to form a उपपद-समास: ।
अग्र + ङि + जन् + ड 2-2-19, 3-2-97 = अग्र + ज् +अ 1-2-46, 2-4-71, 1-3-7, 6-4-143 व्याख्यानम् । Normally the expression of सार्वविभक्तिकस्तसि: is used to refer to 5-4-44 वा। ] संदधे – 3-4-81, 6-4-64.
59 2011-02-17 दधे [ धा + त 3-2-115, 3-4-78 = धा + ए 3-4-81, 1-1-55 = धा धा + ए 6-1-8 = ध + धा + ए 7-4-59 = ध ध् ए 6-4-64, 1-2-5, 3-4-115 = दधे 8-4-54 । ]
क्षत्त्र [ क्षण् + क्विँप् 3-3-94 वा. = क्षण् 6-1-67 = क्ष 6-4-40 वा. = क्षत् 6-1-71, क्षत् + ङसिँ + त्रै + क (अ)
3-2-4 (योग-विभाग:), 2-2-19 = क्षत् + त्रा + अ 1-2-46, 2-4-71, 6-1-45 =क्षत् + त्र् अ 6-4-64 = क्षत्त्र ।] पुत्र:/पुत्त्र: ।, त्, त्, र् cannot use 8-4-65. यक्-प्रत्यय: भाव-कर्म्मणॊ: सार्वधातुके । But 1-3-12 will always hold in the passive. गीता 9-1 ।
निजगदे [ 3-4-81, 1-1-55, 6-1-8, 7-4-60, 7-4-62। ]
विवरचारिन् [ विवर + सुप् + चर् + णिनिँ (इन् 1-3-3, 1-3-7) then use 7-2-116 ]
युयुत्सु [ युध् + सन् 3-1-7, 7-2-10 इण्-निषेध:, 1-2-10 then 6-1-1, 6-1-9 = युध्स् युध्स = युयुध्स 7-4-60, 3-1-32 । युयुध्स + उ 3-2-168 = युयुत्सु 6-4-48, 8-4-55 ।]
60 2011-02-24 Raghuvamsham Verses 11-70 and 11-71 werecovered. Some words derived with relevant Sutras are given below:
Correction in निजगदे – 7-4-62 is used and not 8-4-54. 1-4-60 to 1-4-79 गति-सञ्ज्ञा ।
रोषित [रुष् + णिच् (इ 1-3-3, 1-3-7) 3-1-26, 1-4-55 = रोषि 7-3-86, 3-1-32, रोषि + क्त (त 1-3-8) 3-2-102, 1-1-26 = रोषि + इत 7-2-35 = रोषित 6-4-52।]
अपकारवैरि [अपकारवैरिन् + सुँ = अपकारवैरिन् 7-1-23 = अपकारवैरि 1-1-62, 1-4-14, 8-2-7 – example in गीता 2-17 । जात [जन् + क्त 3-3-114 = ज आ + त 7-2-14, 6-4-42 then 6-1-101 ।] अपकारवैरिन् 2-1-32
गत: 3-4-72 कर्तरि – शमम् is कर्म । बहुश: 5-4-42, 5-4-43, 1-1-23 । निहत्य [ नि + हन् + क्त्वा 3-4-21 = नि + हन् + ल्यप् (य 1-3-8, 1-3-3) 7-1-37, 1-1-566-4-38 व्यवस्थितविभाषा – गीता 1-36.
निहत्य 6-1-71 ।] सुप्त [स्वप् + क्त 3-2-102, 3-4-72, 7-2-10 = स् उ अ प् त6-1-15, 1-1-45 = सु प् त 6-1-108 ।]
61 2011-03-03 Raghuvamsham Verses 11-72 and 11-73 werecovered. The session started with the discussions on अट्-आगम: – 6-4-71 लुँङ्/लँङ्/लृँङ् । लृँङ् – स्य-प्रत्यय: 3-1-33 । In लुँङ् – no गण-विकरणम् । In लँङ् – गण-विकरणम् ।
Some words derived with relevant Sutras are given below:
अक्षणॊः {अ क्षण् उ सिप् 3-2-111, 3-4-78, 3-1-79 (अपवाद: for 3-1-68) = अ क्षण् ओ स् 3-4-100, 7-3-84 then 8-2-66, 8-3-15 } क्षतवान् { 3-2-102, 1-1-26, 6-4-37 – declined like भगवत्-शब्द: } समर्थये { सम् + अर्थ् = मन् meaning , अर्थ् + णिच् 3-1-25 = अर्थि 3-1-32 । , अर्थि + इ 3-2-123, 3-4-78 = अर्थि + ए 3-4-79 = अर्थि + शप् + ए 3-1-68 = अर्थे + शप् + ए 7-3-84 = अर्थय् + अ + ए 6-1-77 then 6-1-97} , धनुस् + अम् then 7-1-2 , 2-1-2, 2-1-4 – सुप् सुपा, सह सुपा, केवल-समास:। अनमित {नम् + णिच् 3-1-26 then 7-2-116, 6-4-92 = नमि 3-1-32 । गण-सूत्रम् “…अमन्ताश्च” – मित: । नमि + क्त 3-2-102, 1-1-26 = नमि + इत 1-3-8, 7-2-35 then 6-4-52 = नम् इत , अनमित 2-2-6, 6-3-73 } , भग्न { भन्ज् + क्त 3-2-102 (7-2-10 इण्निषेध:) = भज् + त 6-4-24 = भग् + त 8-2-30 = भग् + न 8-2-45 । } , निशम्य {नि + शम् = आ + कर्ण् same meaning “to hear”. निशम्य 3-4-21, 7-1-37। } , इति यावत् used in commentary to mean “in other words, simply meaning this” . अन्यगामिन् 3-2-78, 7-2-116 then declined पुंलिङ्गे प्रथमा-एकवचनम् use 6-4-13, 8-2-72-3-37 सति-सप्तमी । 5-3-15 अन्यदा इ त् 3-2-110, 3-4-78, 3-4-100 = गा त् 2-4-45 then 3-1-43, 3-1-44, 2-4-77, 6-4-71.
62 2011-03-10 Raghuvamsham Verse wmv
63 2011-03-17 Raghuvamsham Verse wmv
64 2011-03-24 Raghuvamsham Verse wmv
65 2011-04-07 Raghuvamsham Verse wmv
66 2011-04-14 Raghuvamsham Verse wmv
67 2011-04-21 Raghuvamsham Verse wmv
68 2011-04-28 Raghuvamsham Verse wmv
69 2011-05-05 Raghuvamsham Verse wmv
70 2011-05-12 Raghuvamsham Verse wmv
71 2011-05-19 Raghuvamsham Verse wmv
72 2011-05-26 Raghuvamsham Verse wmv
73 2011-06-02 Raghuvamsham Verse wmv
74 2011-06-09 Raghuvamsham Verse wmv
75 2011-06-16 Raghuvamsham Verses 11-88 and 89 were discussed with relevant
Sutras for the derivation of the words.
76 2011-06-23 Raghuvamsham Verses 11-90 and 91 were discussed with relevant Sutras for the derivation of the words. wmv
77 2011-06-30 Raghuvamsham: Verse 11-91 was continued from the previous session and 11- 92 was discussed with relevant Sutras for the derivation of the words. wmv
78 2011-07-07 Discussed verse 93 (last verse) of Chapter 11 and introduced Chapter 12. wmv
79 2011-07-14 Discussed Raghuvamsham Chapter 12 Dhyana Sloka (Mallinatha’s) with detailed derivation of difficult words with Sutras. Continued with Verse-12.1. Inroduced 12.2 wmv
80 2011-07-21 Discussed Raghuvamsham Chapter 12 Verse 2 and 3 with derivation of difficult words with relevant Sutras. Introduced Verse 12-4. wmv
81 2011-07-28 Discussed Raghuvamsham Chapter 12 Verse 4 and 5 with derivation of difficult words with relevant Sutras. Introduced Verse 12-6. wmv
82 2011-08-04 Discussed Raghuvamsham Chapter 12 Verse 7 and 8 with derivation of difficult words with relevant Sutras. Introduced Verse 12-9. wmv
83 2011-08-11 Discussed Raghuvamsham Chapter 12 Verse 9 and10 with derivation of difficult words with relevant Sutras. Introduced Verse 12-11. wmv
84 2011-08-18 Discussed Raghuvamsham Chapter 12 Verse 12, 13 and 14 with derivation of difficult words with relevant Sutras. Introduced verse 12-15 wmv
85 2011-08-25 Discussed Raghuvamsham Chapter 12 Verse 15,16 and17 with derivation of difficult words with relevant Sutras. wmv
86 2011-09-01 Discussed Raghuvamsham Chapter 12 Verse 17,18 and19 with derivation of difficult words with relevant Sutras. Introduced Verse 12-20. wmv
87 2011-09-08 Discussed Raghuvamsham Chapter 12 Verse 20 and 21 with derivation of difficult words with relevant Sutras. wmv
88 2011-09-15 Discussed Raghuvamsham Chapter 12 – Verses 21,22 and 23 with derivation of difficult words using relevant Sutras. wmv
89 2011-09-22 Discussed Raghuvamsham Chapter 12 -Verses 24,25 and 26 with derivation of difficult words using relevant Sutras. wmv
90 2011-09-29 Discussed Raghuvamsham Chapter 12 -Verses 27,28,29 and 30 with derivation of difficult words using relevant Sutras. wmv
91 2011-10-06 Discussed Raghuvamsham Chapter 12 -Verses 30 was revisited and Verses 31,32 and 33 were discussed with derivation of difficult words using relevant Sutras. wmv
92 2011-10-13 Discussed Raghuvamsham Chapter 12 -Verses 33,34and 35 with derivation of difficult words using relevant Sutras. wmv
93 2011-10-20 Discussed Raghuvamsham Chapter 12 – Verses 36, 37and 38 with derivation of difficult words using relevant Sutras. wmv
94 2011-10-27 Discussed Raghuvamsham Chapter 12 -Verses 39,40 and 41 with derivation of difficult words using relevant Sutras. wmv
95 2011-11-03 Discussed Raghuvamsham: Continued Chapter12 -Verses 41 andcompleted 12-42 &12-43 with derivation of difficult words using relevant Sutras. wmv
96 2011-11-10 TBD wmv
97 2011-11-17 TBD. wmv
98 2011-11-24 No Class No Link
99 2011-12-01 TBD wmv
100 2011-12-08 TBD wmv
101 2011-12-15 TBD wmv
102 2011-12-22 TBD wmv
103 2011-12-29 TBD wmv
104 2012-01-05 TBD wmv
105 2012-01-12 TBD wmv
106 2012-01-19 TBD wmv
107 2012-01-26 TBD wmv
108 2012-02-02 TBD wmv
109 2012-02-09 Verse 12-78 was completed. Continued discussions on 12-79,12-80 and 12-81
with derivation of new words with appropriate Sutras. Introduced 12-82
110 2012-02-16 wmv
111 2012-02-23 wmv
112 2012-03-01 wmv
113 2012-03-08 Verse 12-91 was completed. Continued discussions on 12-92,12-93 and 12-94 with derivation of new words with appropriate Sutras. wmv
114 2012-03-15 Verse 12-94 was completed. Continued discussions on 12-95,12-96 and 12-97 with derivation of new words with appropriate Sutras. wmv
115 2012-03-22 Continued discussions on Verses 12-98,12-99,12-100 and 12-101 with derivation of new words with appropriate Sutras. wmv

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