Aum. Watch the mind, try to read the mind like a book. It has many elements, lots of content. All of it is gathered from the experiences of the world. And also the lots of concepts taken from the family and the society. This is the book of mind. The entire content of the mind is from the past. All of it is from the past. The known, even the unknown is always the counterpart of the known. THis mind is the past. The past flowing and covering the present. Now I allow this content to be dropped. I allow the mind to drop, this content, all of it. What remains? What else, I remain. I am. Who am I? Don’t go to the mind for the answer, the mind is dropped, meaning the past is gone. Who am I? Am I honest and sincere in asking the question? Am I earnest enough? If not, that is the major obstacle. Who am I? Without the past, without the known. Who am I? Amazing question! Also do I have a great longing to know? Jignyasa, do I have that longing, all encompassing longing to know? Who am I? One thing is certain as I ask the question sincerely. Who am I? The world is out of the scene. The thoughts and the emotions are out. Who am I? The question have already been answered. Drushya vinayam, the resolution of the known, who am I? It is not about the hurry to know, but it is certainly about the longing to know. Who am I? In hurry there is time, but in longing the heart felt longing to know there is no time. Who am I? Do you feel the amazement, who I can be, or what I can be without the past? Without the past meaning no name, no birth, no family, no past, no creed, no race, no religion, no region, no social status, no financial status, no relation, just simple and single. The simple and single I, who, what. Whole life is gone in knowing the known, drishya, what about the knower I? Who am I? Without knowing the knower, what kind of knowledge would that be? a knowledge of the known. Knowledge just fit for keeping the body alive, without knowing the knower, who am I? I am, that’s it. When the past is dropped, the known is gone, I cannot add one word about myself, except the saying, I am. Who am I? I am. I be. What will I become? What is going to happen to me? Now I look at the mind. And allow the mind to drop all imagination of the future. What is the present. I am. I be. Is the present. No future except the imagination, and the imagination is dropped. What remains? I remain. Who am I? Without future, without imagination, there is no becoming. Then without becoming, who am I? An amazing question. When the becoming is set aside, it is cast off. When there is no becoming, who am I? Amazing! In the absence of becoming, in the absence of time, I the timeless. Who, what, I timeless, who, what. A very powerful question, who am I? Leave the question alive, in the heart. A humbling question. Aum, shanti, shanti, shantih. Relax, the practice of drishya vinayam reduces attachment. Relax, slowly open the eyes. Aum