Aum Watch the mind. Watching the mind at any given time is a state of meditation. In contrast, looking at the world, or contemplating about things of the world leads to bondage. Watch the mind. As you watch the mind, the world ends, you need not end the world, it ends by itself. Don’t fight with the mind, that will bring resistance and friction, just watch the mind. Allow the mind to drop all its effort and just be. Just Be. Now, be aware of the body as this body, not as my body, simply this body, something like this chair, this table. Now, allow the body to check the posture. Sthira sukham asanam. So first the sthira aspect, by pressing down the legs downwards and pulling the back upwards, adjust the feet as you like, check the adjustment, that is the final movement. Keep the hands and shoulders loosely. Now no further movement of the body, allow it remain like a breathing statue. That is sthira, coming to sukham, keep the eyes lightly closed, sport a smile, that relaxes the brain, sukham. Just Be, asanam. Being cheerful without any movement, motionless, that is meditation. Again, look at the body as this body. Body is an object of awareness hence always this body. Body is not single, it’s not elemental, it is composite. Be aware of the lower part of the body. Beginning with the right leg, from toes to the seat, the left leg, the seat and the loins, this is prithivi, earth. Clearly it is the extension of the earth hence it is earth, came from earth, will go back to earth, sustained by earth, prithivi. Look at the abdomen, aapH, waters. Move one inch above, the tummy begins and you can see the tremendous change in character. AapH ended, agniH begins. You can experience the fire like nothing else, very dominant the fire, amazing. The pangs of hunger are the tongues of flame. No creature misses the fire, the most obvious thing in life. Move up, cross the diaphragm and there is the chest. The character has entirely changed. It is Vayu. Watch the process of life, vayu. The lung, the chest, gas chamber, the gases constantly exchanging. This is the miracle of life, the most wondrous miracle. A seer exclaimed namaste vayo. Amazing! Finally, come to the subtlest of the elements akasha. It is so subtle you cannot perceive it. It can only be visualised against the perceived object like throat, there is space akasha, very subtle, mouth again space, nostrils, eye sockets; again space, the ear lobes, in and through the ears. Space, the origin of all sounds, names; meaning space contains all names, all forms, that space. Finally, watch between the eyebrows, the inner space of the sinus. The space between the eyebrows, it is not the small space, it is the most spacious space. Amazing space! This is the body, the conglomerate of five elements, just like the world. I am aware of this body. Aum shanti shanti shantiH. Relax, sit at ease and relax. Slowly open the eyes. Aum