Aum Be aware of the environs. Can I accept the environs? Meaning the objects, the people, the events as they are or as they happen. When I resist something, a thing or a person or an event, immediately there is tension and excitement in the mind. Whereas, when I accept, there is silence, immediate silence. In acceptance, there is peace, now there is nothing for the mind to do so mind becomes quiet. A world of difference between resistance versus acceptance. Begin acceptance with small thing and gradually grow into it. I accept the environs, then there is silence, inner silence. See the connection between acceptance and silence. I accept and be silent, then any response will come from that silence. Be aware of the sounds around, nearby sounds, if any, whatever, without labeling, judging. Can you do that? Don’t give any name to the sound. Don’t judge the sound, just be aware. Then, be aware of the sounds which are far, again, without naming. Without judging means without the mental process. Be aware of the sound which are near and far, all sounds.The most interesting thing is when you are aware of the sounds, near and far, there is silence within, the mind becomes silent. The crucial distinction between awareness versus thinking, when you are aware of the sounds, there is no thinking, there is silence. Another distinction is when you aware of the sounds, you are fully present, whereas, while thinking you are not there, only reaction is there. When you are aware of the sounds, you are fully present, that is meditation. Be aware of the sounds, there is silence within and you are fully present, that is meditation. Now, be aware of the silence outside, listen to that silence. Even when there is a sound, there is silence in the background, be aware of that silence. Listen to that silence of the environs. Visualise the globe, how silent it is. Visualise the silence of the sky, the boundless sky, very silent. Visualise the space of planets, sun and star, the infinite depths of space, deeply, eternally silent. Now, look within, look in your own heart, there is silence, the inner silence. The inner silence is empty yet fullness. Inner silence is emptiness yet it is fullness. The inner silence is like the eye of the cyclone, the mind, the body and the world are the arms of the cyclone, inner silence is the eye. It’s not my silence, it is silence in which there is no me and mine, silence in which I am totally lost, totally resolved. Even the idea of me is a disturbance in that silence. That silence is not void, it is the presence, the being. The inner silence is not darkness, it is the light of wisdom, it is the inner eye, the light of wisdom. The inner silence is the truth, is the reality. The inner silence is love. Aum shanti shanti shantiH. Relax, sit at ease and relax. Try to cultivate that silence, you cultivate it by paying attention to it. Relax. Slowly open the eyes. Aum