Aum Step back from the mind and watch. Be aware of the content in the head. Bring out the known, the known acts like a screen covering the reality, the light of awareness, just like the screen in a movie cover the light. The known, bring it up and reject it. Again, look into the head and bring out the unknown, the unknown leads a sense of unhappiness, unfulfillment. Thus, the unknown also covers the light of awareness because the light of awareness is full even without knowing. Therefore, bring out the unknown, the opposite of the known and reject it. Now, leave the head alone and come down into the heart and just be. Being is freedom, freedom from the opposites and freedom is love. The simple, natural sound, a sound of life, not the language of the mind. Aum is the greatest prayer, thrice now. Aum one.. Aum two.. Aum merge. Now, be aware of the surroundings, mainly the space around and also any sounds, just be aware. Take it as a challenge, being aware without any projection, without seeing anything, explicitly or implicitly, without approving or complaining, just being aware, that is meditation because in that awareness, there is no thought, there is no exclusion, there is no division. Be aware of the environs. Be aware of the space around. Now, be aware of the body.Sthira sukham asanam. Press the legs down and pull up the back, allow the shoulders to relax and hands also. Do it in the freshness of the present moment, not from the memory of previous experiences. See the beauty of the posture, it improves the alertness, makes the mind quiet. Close the eyes softly, sport a smile, this is asanam. You can repeat it thousand times yet it remains fresh every time, asanam. Why, why it is fresh? Because as you aware of the posture, the mind as memory is absent. Be aware of the sense of touch, the varying sense of touch all over the body. The sensation of touch, see that it is a flow. You flow with it if you identify with the body, step back, be aware of the flow of sense of touch. Try. Be aware of the absence of movement in the legs and hands. Be aware of the tasteless taste of the mouth, the smell-less smell of the nose and the eyesight which is suspended temporarily, the absence of forms in the eyesight. Be aware of the inner silence of the mind. Be aware of your own being. I am aware of my own being, not being this or that, not being something or someone in particular, simply being. Be aware of your own undifferentiated or unparticularised being. The being shining as the knowing, in which there is no knowing of anything in particular, something like knowing without knowing. Being without being this or that, shining as knowing, without knowing this or that, in which there is no doing. Being shining as knowing in which there is no doing. Aum shanti shanti shantiH. Relax, sit at ease, continue to be quiet and relax. Relax. Slowly open the eyes. Aum