Aum. Take a deep breath thrice. Prayer or Aum thrice. Aum...Aum...Aum Sthirasukhamasanam. Be aware of the posture, stretch the back well, relax the shoulders and the hands. Relax the tummy and the chest, face by sporting a smile. Squeeze the eyes one time and keep them lightly closed. Give an auto suggestion to the brain to relax. I abide peacefully in myself. I try to be, just myself, without any self identification, just myself, without any identification, that is peace and freedom, abiding as myself, without any identification is freedom. I AM in the heart. Ahead of me is the world of multiple shapes an names, divided into opposites, favorable and unfavorable. Ahead of me is the world of events, small and big, pleasurable and painful, that is the world ahead of me. Within me, behind me, if you will, is the pure Being, awareful Being, which is love. Here I am merged between the inner awareful Being and the outer world of events. What should guide me? Should the outer guide or the inner? A very profound question. Should I allow the outer to guide the life, that is samsara, the bondage. If I allow the inner to guide the life, that is freedom called jeevanmukti. I try to see that my life is guided by the inner. The awareful Being which is love, that is spirituality. I allow the inner to guide the life. I wish myself, my life, peace and happiness. I wish the near and the dear, the immediate family members, one, two, three, four etc. peace and happiness. I send the thoughts of peace, love and happiness to them. I keep aside any grudges, I am guided entirely from the inner. I send the message of peace and happiness to them. I wish peace and happiness to the extended family of relatives. I send the messages of peace and happiness to the relatives. I wish the friends, the people known to me well, peace and happiness. I wish the indifferent people, all kinds of people not known to me, peace and happiness. I am not guided by their caste, creed, race, color, religion, nation etc. I am entirely guided by the inner awareful Being which is love, hence I wish them all the indifferent people, peace and happiness. I visualize the birds in their nests and also flying in the open sky. I wish them all peace and happiness, not in a routine way, whole-heartedly I wish them all peace and happiness. I visualize the animals roaming on the earth, I do not divide them into any category. I look at them all the mind's eye (?) and wish them all peace and happiness. Now, I recollect a person who has wronged me deeply, who has hurt me, whom I can call an enemy, I recollect a person very specifically. A second person of the same kind, if there is such a person. A third person whom I considered an adversary in career, family, friends. Even the thought of these guys makes me disturbed, even unhappy. You may add a fourth person, if you wish. Now, should I be guided in my life by the outer or by the inner? I choose the inner as the guide. Therefore, I send a message of peace and happiness to these guys, I wish them well, I wish them peace and happiness. Mind may not agree, does not matter, I wish them peace and happiness. I try to be guided by the inner. Finally, I look at myself, I wish myself peace and happiness. Aum Shanti Shanti ShantiH. Relax, sit at ease and relax.