Aum. When you take a deep breath at least twice the consciousness is transported from body-mind to Pure Being. Be aware of that and take three deep breaths now. Then I abide as the Pure Being, avoiding the mental states of waiting and expecting. The Pure Being which is the present moment awareness is the core of the individual. The meditative prayer emerges from the core and merges in the core. Aum thrice. Aum...again Just Be. Sthirasukhamasanam, be aware of the posture, keep it upright, relax the shoulders and hands. Keep a smile, the jaw and the face relaxes. The eyes are kept lightly closed, watch the brain and allow all thoughts of the world to evaporate of words, all calculations, plans evaporate, along with them all concerns and worries evaporate, all desires and fears evaporate, simply I Am. I love to Be. Be aware of the posture as this body, not me not mine, try it. Not me not mine this body. I am not pretending that it is not mine not me, I am trying to see this body. Be aware of the right leg, left leg, both legs that is what the body is, the trunk with two legs and a head above, thats it. Be aware of two legs together with the seat and the loins. This part of the body is Prithivi, Earth, borne of Earth, sustained by Earth and finally will go back and merge in the Earth, always in contact with Earth, even when we sit in sofa, it is in contact with Earth always and it is Earth. Be aware of the abdomen which is AapH, waters. It's a part of universal waters as long as it lasts. Tummy, be aware of the hunger, not my hunger, don't make it personal, just hunger, which is fire, AgniH. Vaishwanar AgniH because it is common to all life. Whatever is put into it is an offering to that fire Vaishwanar AgniH. Be aware of the chest, hands are ignored, don't look at the chest as heart, lungs etc. Look at it as Vayu which it is. Everything is a product of Earth. Looking at the chest and heart, lungs makes it personal, when you look at it as Vayu,  not personal any more. Again I am not pretending that it is not personal, I am trying to see the fact. Vayu which is universal, keeps this body alive as long as it wills. A prayer is considered very valuable, namaste Vayu tvameva pratyaksham Brahmasi...  namaste Vayu tvameva pratyaksham Brahmasi...namaste Vayu. Neck and above is primarily Aakasha, throat is Aakasha, mouth is space, nostrils and sinus, the eye sockets, ear-lobes and inside the ears - Space. This body resembling five elements - Aakash, Vayu, AgniH, AapaH, Prithivi. I inhale the body, in the heart as I Am, non-verbal sense of ones own Being. Just Be. I love To Be. Aum Shanti Shanti ShantiH. Relax, relax, slowly open the eyes. Aum.