AUM   Look at the mind and allow the mind to empty itself. That means I remain entirely free from thoughts, ideas, notions, attachments, aversions, emotions, free from a content of the intellect, free from fixations, free from all definative ideas. Not easy but try and finally free from fears and egoity. Is it possible ? Yes, simply the mind becomes spacelike, totally transperant, entirely transperant meaning total acceptance. There is nothing to bounce back, simply I Am. This complete silence is love. Love is infinite potentiality, can express infinite ways. Expression of love is spontaneous but mind wants to organise the love. Keep the mind away, allow the love to express as a simple, spontaneous prayer. Aum NamaH Shivaya...Aum NamaH Shivaya... The chant is prayer and the silence is also prayer, in fact a higher prayer.  Aum NamaH Shivaya. The silence, rock like, kutastha, diamond like. Shree Gurubhyo NamaH. This silence is the background of all life, all living, all samsara. One can lose sight of this silence, swept away by the samsara or one can remain conscious of this silence even while in the samsara, silence. Silence with a smile on the lips, not the grim silence, the peaceful silence, not the sleepy silence, stretch the back and make it alertful, silence. Silence is proportional to alertness meaning as long as I remain alert, watchful, I remain silent. Be watchful, watchful of what ? of thoughts. Consider an illustration of a cat, waiting at the rat-hole, watching, ready to pounce if rat comes out. Be like that cat, ready to pounce if thought emerges, ready to catch the thought if it comes, be ready, ready. Be smiling but be ready. There is no thought, be watchful of thought. If thought comes, you know it immediately because you are watchful, otherwise the thought builds up itself when you are not watchful. When you are watchful even if thought comes it resolves. When you are not watchful thought builds up into a train of thoughts, be watchful. First be watchful like a cat, ready and then be just watchful with a smile. Still if thought comes, it is manomaya, it is the other, not me. Don't identify with the thought, allow it to go. If you do not identify, it will go and you remain watchful. Take the illustration of a watchman, always watching. A person comes into the sight and a person walks aways, watchman remains the same. Another person comes and goes, watchman remains the same. Be the watchman as the thought comes and goes. A watchman who holds on to any person that comes by, is not a good watchman. Be a good watchman, don't grasp any thought that comes by, allow it to go, be watchful and be silent. Be watchful. Be watchful like a cat, be watchful like a watchman and thirdly as the thought arise I surrender the thought to Ishwara. Having surrendered no more grasping of the same thought, again remaining watchful. The first mode, cat mode is viveka, the watchman mode is asanga and the surrender mode is bhakti. Be watchful, be silent. Just Be.  Aum ShantiH ShantiH ShantiH. Relax and continue to be silent. Silence is easy and natural. Slowly open the eyes.