AUM Watch the mind. Allow the mind to empty itself like mind has an idea about pretty much everything and the mind has the habit of taking ideas as truths. I should be humble enough to see that my idea need not be the truth. In fact, the ideas I have originate in the vasanas that I have. I allow the mind to empty itself, that humility which allows me to drop the ideas, is love. And I pray with humility, Aum NamaH Shivaya, Aum NamaH Shivaya, Aum NamaH Shivaya. Shree Gurubhyo NamaH, sthira sukhamasanam. Posture is a marvellous portal to peaceful abidance. Just be aware of the posture, keep it upright, that keeps you alertful and allow the centres of stress to relax, beginning with hands and shoulders, tummy and chest. Relax jaw, tongue, eyes and the brain to relax and abide peacefully, like a tree, accept all and abide peacefully. Abiding peacefully requires more effort, it is not a doing, it is pure Being. If the mind is distracted again don't make an effort, bring it back, just smile and allow the mind to gracefully to resolve. Just be aware of the posture and mind resolves and abide peacefully. Distraction is movement, is doing but putting an end to distraction by being aware of the posture is not an effort. Be effortless even in distraction, abide peacefully. I Am in the heart not in the head. The head is free from its usual noise, head is silent and I am in the heart. I AM, not I am this or I am that, just pure I Am, not the sentence I am, the feeling, the non-verbal. Become free from language, free from words, non-verbal I Am is a beautiful portal to a pure Being. Non-verbal I am in the heart, the non-verbal I Am. What is it ? The Being, the Being senses itself, the Being shinning as knowing, the Being which is knowing, in which there is no doing. The non-verbal I Am in the heart. The non-verbal I Am, is it male or female ? neither. Is it pleasant or unpleasant ? neither, non-verbal I Am or I Be in the heart. The non-verbal I Be. What is its caste or creed ? None, race or religion or region ? none. Is there any sense of time in the non-verbal I Am , I Be ? None. I Am non-verbal in the heart. Does it have sense of location ? None. Non-verbal I Am in the heart, entirely free from the noise of the brain. Brain is logic, calculations and noise whereas heart is love. Non-verbal I Am is love. Love of whom ? Love of all. I Am. I Be. I Be. Just Be.That is the truth, Just Be. That is the knowledge, simple. There are no bounds in pure Being, Just Be. Don't allow the mind to make it complex. Drop all mental effort, drop the effort to define, drop the effort even to know and Just Be. That is the truth, simple. Aum ShantiH ShantiH ShantiH . Relax, sit at ease, massage the calf muscles if necessary, that signifies self reliance. Relax and slowly open the eyes.