AUM Look at the mind. Allow the mind to empty iteself. I am free from all notions and ideas, free from all concepts and super-impositions particularly free from all fixations. I Am and I love. Like the fragrance of the flower, love is the fragrance of the pure awareful Being. I pray Aum NamaH Shivaya, I surrender to all auspicious Ishwara, Aum NamaH Shivaya I surrender the welfare of near and dear, all the relations that I am attached to, to Ishwara. I surrender welfare of this body-mind to Ishwara, Aum NamaH Shivaya Shree Gurubhyo NamaH sthira sukhamasanam. Be aware of the posture, be aware of the vertical axis, around which the body restly relaxes. Alertness and relaxation are not contradictory, they are indeed very compatible. Allow the hands and shoulders to relax even while keeping the back upright, allow the tummy and the chest to relax. The concern, worry and fear make the tummy and the chest tight. As we surrender to Ishwara, relaxation becomes natural. Allow the jaw, the tongue, eyes and the brain to relax. Visualise a tree, meditate upon a tree, standing majestically, accepting the surroundings, always meditating as though. With the root structure holding to the ground but the branches touching the heaven, the tree. I am the tree. As I accept the surroundings, cheerfully accept, meditating, the body, the skeleton fixed to the ground by its mass whereas the head reaches the heaven. As I inhibit this body I am the link between earth and heaven, I am the tree. vruksho eva stabdho divitishtyat ekaH. I am the tree. I am in the body, in the heart. Be aware of the space around, the space in the heart. Just contemplate on the space aound, space on all four sides, above and below, like the fish contemplating on the water around. Be aware of the space of the open sky. Just meditate on the open sky, this medition can be done with open eyes also while sitting on the balcony, open sky. Now try to visualise, try to visualise the infinite space, containing the planets, the Sun, the stars, the galaxies, the space containing the entire universe, try to visualise. Don't ask how, just try. Again like the fish trying to meditate on the width and depth of ocean, I meditate on the depth and width of infinite space, aakash shariram Brahma. Mind becomes silent as it is filled with amazement, aakash shariram Brahma. Now look within in the heart, I Am. I Am the space in the heart. The space of awareness in the heart, I Am spacelike awareness. The moment I say I am this or I am that, a personality crystalises creating a division whereas, as I abide as pure awareness, spacelike awareness, there is no sense of division, the sense of division is absent. I Am. I am addicted to thinking of myself as a person, I am this, I am that, but I Am, the spacelike awareness. Aum ShantiH ShantiH ShantiH. Relax, sit at ease and relax. Massage the legs if necessary, slowly open the eyes.