AUM   Look at the mind and allow the mind to drop the entire past . It is very interesting to contemplate if I do not have a past. Suppose I do not have a past, there is a tremendous freedom. Interestingly when the past is dropped the future disappears because future is the anticipation of the mind, which is recreation of the past. I do not have a future, this is the freedom, freedom is always now. It would never be in the future. I am free, freedom is love. A mind burdended with the past cannot possibely know love. I love and I pray with love. Meditative prayer is always very simple. It is the prayer coming from the love of freedom and hence the idea of reward doesn't arise. I pray with love. Aum NamaH Shivaya,Shiva  is all auspicious Ishwara, NamaH is self-surrender. Aum NamaH Shivaya ShreeGurubhyoh NamaH sthira sukhamasanam. The first step in shamata meditaion is to be aware of the posture when the mind waivers. Allow the body and the mind to relax even while keeping the body upright around vertical axis. Learn to relax in life, don't be grim or very determined, don't be ambitious, relax. Allow the body and mind to relax, don't compare, don't compete, relax. Relax the hands and the shoulders, don't ever be ready for action, relax. Allow the stomach muscles and the chest to relax. Sport a smile on the lips, the inner smile, and allow the jaw and the tongue to relax. Don't be determined about the things in the world and also about progress in meditation etc. Relax. Brim determination is not helpful. Keep the eyes lightly closed, don't be serious about anything. Be light and relaxed and allow the life to flow smoothly. I am not what flows, I am the witness of the flow. Allow the flow of life. Visualise yourself standing on the bank of the river and watching the river flow, very relaxed but alertfully watching the river flow. A very beautiful occassion to stand alone and watch the river flow. Try to do the same with life, stand alone, relaxed and watch the flow of life. Aasanam, aasanam, abiding peacefully. Whenever the mind waivers, be aware of the posture, very simple. Aasanam. Watch the breath, the next stage of witnessing. Now begin the deep breathing means breathing fully and slowly, same way with breathing out. Be very deliberate, don't allow yourself to be distracted. Keep the back stretched. This is called anulom-vilom pranayama, you get jerks while inhaling and exhaling, very normal, very easily avoided by slowing down. About to jerk, slow down, the jerk moves them out. Be fully alert and smoothen out all jerking by just being slow. Very good exercise for the muscles of the chest, shoulders, the diaphram and the stomach muscles. Now while inhaling aavatavahi bheshajam, O Ishwara in the form of Vayu or simply O Vayu bring in wellness, while exhaling vivatavahi yadrapaha, O Vayu take away or eliminate whatever imputiry or toxin could be physical or even could be mental, desire, anger, jealousy, hatred or the mental toxins, allow them to be expelled. Vivatavahi yadrapaha. This is a viable means of expelling the mental toxins,  vivatavahi yadrapaha , understand that anegative thought can be as toxic as a physical toxin, expel. Vivatavahi yadrapaha. Now both aavatavahi bheshajam vivatavahi yadrapaha. Again... a third time, slowly stop the deep breathing and resume normal breathing. Stop watching the breath and abide peacefully. Just Be. Abide peacefully. AUM  ShantiH ShantiH ShantiH  Relax, sit at ease and relax. Do not rush into the day, be silent for a while and be relaxed in life. Its all a dream, no point in getting worked up. Slowly open the eyes.