AUM. Look at the mind. Even while looking at the mind one can be distracted by the mind unless one is alert. Mind is like a kid(?) of string ever ready to pull in whatever direction, in multiple directions, in what is called listless thinking. Look at the mind, you can avoid listless thinking by alertfully looking at the mind, whenever or wherever. Allow the mind to drop its entire baggage and become empty. It is something like I am but without any thoughts, notiones, ideas, concerns, worries, desires, fears etc. Just visualise I am without this baggage of the mind, empty, space like. Like space without even a whiff of a cloud. I am empty, space like. I am and I love and I pray. Aum NamaH Shivaya, Shree GurubhyoH NamaH. Sthira sukhamasanam. Be aware of the posture. Please note when you are aware of the posture, the mind is silent. That is the power of witnessing. Witnessing begins with the body, first stage of witnessing. Whenever you are distracted by the thought, be aware of the posture.You can relax the body even while keeping it upright. Be aware of the vertical axis of the upper body, avoid distractions. See, witness as the body relaxes around this vertical axis. Sport a smile on the lips and allow the body to relax around the vertical axis. Hands and shoulders, relax, back remain upright. Stomach, in particular, relaxes. Chest, the jaw, relaxes. The tongue and the entire face relaxes, eyes remain lightly closed. As you are aware of the body, same as witnessing the body, remain alert, upright and yet relaxed. You are silent within, it is alertness, witnessing, silence of the mind, of course body is also not moving, yet relaxed, aasanam, sthira sukhamasanam. Accept the surroundings, all sounds, and remain alert and relaxed. Aasanam. Visualise a tree, a tall tree, standing majestically, soaring into the sky, declaring a grand presence, the tree. It has its roots fixed in the ground, firmly but it reaches the heavens with its branches. The link between earth and heaven, the tree. This is dharana, the tree. Now I am the tree with the body, the skeleton within fixed to the ground, but the head meaning the awareness reaching the heavens. As I meditate, I am the link between earth and heaven. I am, the link between earth and heaven. Aum BhuH BhuvaH SuvaH, I am. Watch the breath, the second stage of witnessing it requires a little more awareness because mind can digrace more easily. Take a deep breath and then throw out slowly and deeply. Don't hold the breath whether inside or outside. Breath in deeply and breath out deeply. Slowly like breath continue. Keep the back stretched, while breathing in slowly chant mentally aavata vahi bheshjam and then slowly breath out. Again in aavata vahi bheshajam, breath out, slowly mentally. Again, the meaning is O vayu, O Ishwara bring in wellness. Again breath out, continue. Breath in aavata vahi bheshajam then breath out slowly, continue. Aavata vahi bheshajam, aavata. Now breath in and while breathing out mentally say vivata vahi yadrapaha, vivata vahi yadrapaha, vivata vahi yadrapaha, breath in vivata vahi yadrapaha. O vayu throw out all the impurity of the body and of the mind. Breath in vivata vahi yadrapaha, breath in vivata vahi yadrapaha. Breath in vivata vahi yadrapaha, breath in vivata vahi yadrapaha. Now resume normal breathing slowly resume normal breathing. No mantra anymore but continue to witness the breathing. AUM ShantiH, ShantiH, shantiH. Relax. Sit at ease while keeping the eyes closed. Move a little and then relax. Slowly open the eyes. AUM