AUM Shree Ganeshay NamaH Shree Gurubhyo NamaH Sthira sukhamasanam. Be aware of the posture. You may notice that awareness of the posture is the same as the awareness of the Being and in that awareness there is no sense of mine and me. Be aware of the posture without the intervention of the habitual sense of me and mine. There is the posture and I am aware which means there is no me and there is no mine. It is very interesting to note that there is the posture and I am aware and there is no mind between the posture and the awareness, no mind, no thoughts. Now you know where is the me and mine, they are in the mind, the habitual thinking. Be aware of the posture, don't make the posture the usual one, make it always fresh in the present moment. Posture is always fresh if you do not allow the memory to intervene. Understand the role of memory, it converts the present into the past. Without memory everything is fresh, everything is new, everything is now. Without memory a dry leaf is fresh, a bud is fresh, a flower... fresh. Be aware of the posture. The hands are in the mahamudra, signifying acceptance. Ask a question, without answering, that I accept what Is, all that Is. Leave it there, be aware of the straight back, it makes the body healthy and mind alert. We ignore simple things and run after complex things. The straight back, sitting cross-leged, just Be, no doing, is already happiness beyond pleasure and pain. Sport a smile on the lips and keep the eyes lightly closed. I am like that tree, tree is the pure Being. If you minus the name and form, what is a tree ? pure Being. I am the tree. It is the mind which makes me a particular person, minus the mind which means minus the thoughts, I am the pure Being, gently breathing like a tree. Be aware of the gentle breath, like a tree, gently breathing, gently breathing, in-out. Do not regulate the breathing, in-out. Do not apply the will to the breathing, let the natural thing remain natural, begin with breathing. I leave the breathing as it is, just I watch it. Practice watchfulness without intervening mentally, watch the breath, in-out, in-out. Feel the air all around and then feel the air within even while breathing is going on. Feel the air in the chest and then feel the air all around, there is air all around, front, back, right, left, above and below. I am like fish in the ocean, in the ocean of air. Air is life and air is death. Inhale is life, exhale is death. The body is living and dying every moment, inhale is life and exhale is death. Life-death, life-death. The body made alive every moment, interestingly the body is dying every moment and I watch with a smile. Like the two sides of coin, breath is life and death at the same time. Life-death and I watch, I watch, I witness this constant dance of life and death. Aum Stop watching and just Be. Aum  ShantiH ShantiH ShantiH. Relax, keep the eyes closed and relax, slowly open the eyes.