AUM Shree Ganeshay NamaH. I prostrate unto lord Ganesha  with motiveless devotion. Shree Gurubhyo NamaH Sthira sukhamasanam.  Keep the back straight. I see the body, I feel the body from within, the body has no motion. Any small discomfort etc. is cheerfully ignored. I notice that the mind is also quite, silent. Thus, I am now established in the awareness of the Being. You may say in the awareness of my own Being. To appreciate the contrast clearly, you just become aware of your world, think of your world, your family, the life, samsara. Now I can see I am aware of the samsara. Then become aware of the surroundings in a general way. There are people around, this is the meditation hall and I am sitting here. In doing so, the awareness of the samsara has dropped. It is that simple because you were never really attached.Then become aware of the seat on which you are sitting, the surroundings are gone. You can bring back if you wish but presently gone. Drop the seat and become aware of the body. Drop the body, become aware of the eyesight, even while keeping the eyes closed, the hearing, the taste, the tasteless taste of the mouth, the sense of touch with the clothes. Become aware of your thoughts, become aware of an emotions, become aware of the intellect, the knowledge, the special skills that   you have, the intellectual skills, just become aware of that. Be aware of the ego, the person, the professional, the citizen, the husband, the wife etc. Now become aware of your own Being, I am aware of my own Being. Everything else is dropped, you don't drop, it drops off. Now allow the my own sense to drop off and just be aware of the   Being. All content and variety is gone, now I am aware of the pure Being. In fact, no need to say, ' I am aware of the pure Being', just the awareness of the pure Being. This is the ground of what we call life, awareness of the pure Being. Vitthala. Whenever you watch the body or the mind, you arrive at this awareness which is the pure Being, Vitthala, Vitthala. Abidance in the awareness of the pure Being is called Atmanishtha. Don't be disappointed by the blandness of it, you will eventually discover, the blandness is not afterall blandness, it is fullness, ananda. Nishtha implies patience and love, Vitthala. Do not try to understand or grasp the Being with the mind, just Be, Vitthala. You can use many portals to enter into this pure Being. One is as simple as watching the body, that is how we are in the Being. Do not allow the mind to be bored by the peace of the Being. When you feel enough, you are okay but know that that is the mind. That enough is not you, it is the mind, Vitthala. There are things more interesting than pure Being, that is the mind not you. That is the maya, there are things very interesting, more important than just Being, that is the maya. To overcome the maya, you surrender to the pure Being, just Be. You can make the maya powerful or powerless, just Be. When you understand maya as maya and lose interest in it, not oppose, just lose interest in it, maya becomes powerless, just Be.   Awareness of the Being, awareful Being, awareful Being is the bedstead of ground of what we call life, know that and just Be. When it is the time for doing, doing happens, you just Be. You just allow the doing when it is needed, you need not involve in the doing as the doer, you just Be. When you feel distracted just chant a mental Aum   and merge into the silence of the Being.  Aum ShantiH ShantiH ShantiH. Relax, sit at ease and relax. Slowly open the eyes.