AUM Shree Ganeshay NamaH I pary to lord Ganesha with a sense of devotion and self surrender. Hey Ishwara, I drop kartuttva, the effort to become something in this world. I drop bhoktruttva, the sense of enjoyership, I do not need any enjoyment of this world. I drop the historicity about myself. I am now, I am what I am now. I drop all fear or even contemplation of the future. Now I am ready for meditation. Even abiding as pure I Am is meditation. It is the preparation and it is the meditation, I Am. Shree Gurubhyo NamaH, sthira sukhamasanam. I recognize the felicity conferred by posture, it focuses the mind straight away. Keep the eyes lightly closed, sport a smile and look at the body as idam shariram, this body. Seeing the non-self as non-self consistently is meditation, idam shariram, this body. Rejecting identification verbally I am not the body, I am aware of the body, intellectually I apply a logic of viveka, the discrimination. If I were the body, I do not or cannot know the body but I know the body. Emotionally, rejecting emotionally means dropping emotions coming out of body identification, like frustrations, resentments etc., is meditation. Watch the breath. I am not breathing, I am watching the breath, breath happens even without the sense of I am, I am watching the breath. Using sense of touch at the tip of the nostrils. Now I use the breath as a handle and the mind by elongating the breath, make it slow. I deeply inhale and exhale deeply and of course slowly. Breathing in and out is not pranayama, the deliberateness and the resultant slowness are the pranayama. Don't make it an imposition, befriend the breathing, the pranayama, just love it. As I breath in slowly, I see a vitality, the vital force spreading from the lungs to the stomach and to every part of the body and finally to every cell of the body. Ignore any feeling of illness small or big altogether and just see a vital force spreading from the lungs to stomach to every part of the body, finally there is vitality in every cell. It is this vital force that fills the body and keeps the body healthy, medicine just   removes the obstacles. Continue to breath slowly. This vital force is not personal, that is the height of ajnana, the personal. It is impersonal because I see it is formless, no shape, no form. This vital force is not individual, it is universal and its name is  Vayu. Even as you breath in and breath out slowly, keeping the back erect, with a smile on the lips, you pray to Vayu, namaste Vayo tvameva pratyaksham brahmasi. Last round of slow breathing. Stop watching the breath, watch the eyes. Keep the irises in the center of the eyes. Focus both eyes, without any movement of anything, between the two eyebrows. Eyes remain closed, irises remain in the center but you are watching still in the center of the eyebrows, with a smile on the lips. Aum ShantiH ShantiH ShantiH. Relax, sit at ease and relax. Slowly open the eyes.